Ima Freeman

The role of wellbeing

1 post in this topic

What I want to discuss here is the role of wellbeing in the pursuit of personal growth. By personal growth I mean all aspects, spirituality included.

Wellbeing is a fundamental somato-emotional quality-spectrum, I would say.

Body and mind (if you want to split it) have a certain function and the degree of this function is correlated with somatic and emotional qualities.
More wellbeing – better function.

Everybody knows this: You feel good – that means your consciousness expands, you feel secure, you are creative, you are benevolent, you are tolerant, you are simply loving.

Somatic unwellness are symptoms like aches, nausea, pain, itching, etc. or illnesses which are syndroms or injuries

Emotional unwellness is anger, agitation, fear, sorrow, apathy, etc.


I heard this from Sadhguru: With wellbeing consciousness expands. With unwellness consciousness contracts.


Things like pain, nausea, anger and fear can lead to higher consciousness, to higher intensity, somehow, but the nature of life is, that it’s fleeing form unwellnes, while it is attracted to wellbeing.
If something gives you wellbeing, like drugs, music, a vacation, there is no need to put in effort. The nature of life ensures that things go in that direction. In fact you have to put in effort not to take drugs, not to eat for emotions, etc.
If I’am happy everything is more effortless. Even things, I’m not inclined to do can become effortless.


Drudgery, effort, austerity, fear and pain are parts of growing. The process of growing can decrease wellbeing temporarily, but it is still very important to ensure a well milieu of being to expand. It is like the fuel for growing. Without wellbeing, it seems to me, one will stagnate.


Regardless of personal growth, it is the nature of being to be attracted by wellbeing.
Is it possible to ommit this?


What to you say about my take on wellbeing? Anything to add? Broader perspectives?


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