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I have an IQ of 140. Back then . During high school. Now idk. But I'm still not working now..

I have taken this test before. Measuring your openmindedness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness & neuroticism 

back in 2015.

And the person who tested me says I'm different from the majority of the other students (in that uni) mostly they scored low in agreeableness and I scored high in it. I also scored relatively high in neuroticism. 

Extraversion vs introversion = 60/100

Agreeableness vs antagonism = 58/100

Conscientiousness vs lack of direction = 64/100

Neuroticism vs emotional stability = 65/100

Openness vs closedness to experience = 84/100


And there are several other tests. 

Edited by Sabth

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Thought leader on psychedelics, Self-Love, and Meta-Physical Music. Practically speaking, An Independent Music Artist.

Waking Call The Inspiration, Music and Perspective for an Authentic Life.

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