
I finally figured out the answer to the question 'What do women want?'

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46 minutes ago, PlayOnWords said:

I never made any claim that it could. We can look at it in terms of transaction if you want. When you are completely authentic, women will want to sleep with you. So your authenticity buys her intrigue, you could say, which in turn gets you sex. However, I would suggest that this is a crude, simplistic, hyper-masculine perspective that you need to let go of.

I said 'long-term relationship', not 'sex'. 

47 minutes ago, PlayOnWords said:

The issue you will have with this is that women use 'wishy washy' terms. You want women to meet you at your hyper-masculine paradigm and spoonfeed you their terms in pragmatic, dull, simple language. Consider the fact that women are coming from a different paradigm. Could it be that when they tell you what their ideal relationship is you just rubbish it and say bullshit because you are projecting your paradigm and your ideas of what they want on to them?

Their paradigm is not pragmatic enough, in that case. They could fix that if they want. 

You realize that these abstract concepts are very subjective, right? They could mean different things to different people. For example, to a psychopath, the 'authentic' thing to do could be to stab you and steal your wallet. Does this 'authenticity' intrigue women and turn them on?! 

49 minutes ago, PlayOnWords said:

It's clear that you're angry, presumably because of a lack of success with women. Therefore, you've gotta open yourself up to the very real possibility that you're wrong on this topic. Stop listening to Rollo Tomassi and his crybaby friends and be open to genuinely learning about women.

I don't care what your ideological crusade is against the so-called redpillers. I'm trying to address a very real knowledge-vacuum about relationships that PUAs frankly don't care about. 

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reading all these useless thoughts is exhausting

women want someone who makes more money than their boss

teal swan thinks demons are real




it‘s just noise

Edited by PurpleTree

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58 minutes ago, Rigel said:

There’s nothing wishy washy about those. It’s VERY obvious if you got those or not. 

Oh really?! How many dollars do these things cost in the marketplace?! If they are not wishy-washy and they are to be used as part of a transaction, you should be able to show me what its market-price is, right?! (Sex has a market-price, by the way, in red-light areas)

We're talking about what women want from men here, not what qualities are healthy for any individual to have to construct a happy life. Those can't be bought, of course. We're talking about the transactional aspect here.

And, a long-term relationship is very much like a business-deal. Traditionally, it was, men provide, women do the home-making. With feminism, this deal is changing. And, I'm trying to project where it's headed. 

Edited by mr_engineer

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This reads like a very detached-from-reality perspective. Do you get most of your information about women and relationships from the internet? 

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@mr_engineer Oh man, these theories.

You just need to discern between first hand experience vs second hand experiences & beliefs.

Go to the field and get real/direct experiences regarding woman.

Drop all pills and woman sexual behavior philosophy.


Edited by CARDOZZO

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Also, you need to question redpill to the roots.

I’m seeing more and more gurus selling products connected to redpill ideology.

It’s easy to pay woman to say some words to tell their “preferences”.

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I would agree that it might be harder to quantify a man's soft skills, values and virtues, than to ask him how much he earns.

Are you saying that because women earn salaries now too, they will search for men who earn significantly more than they do?

Are there enough very successful men for all these average women?

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If you're going to tell me that my theory is bullshit without coming up with an alternative theory and if you're just going to condescend with 'go out more', 'you're too hyper-masculine' (lol as if masculinity on a man is a bad thing), 'all of this is only on the internet and not in reality' (as if money isn't the #1 reason marriages fall apart), you might as well give us all a break. 

About redpill - there is one kernel of truth in it. And, that is the concept of SMV. What I'm doing here is I'm ascertaining how much money you should have in order to have enough of an SMV for the average modern woman to respect you. As much as they claim to want 'equality', the reality is that they don't respect men on the same level. Yall can put up with hyper-masculine women all you want, I say 'no thanks'. 

I do not stand for the misogynistic aspects of redpill, in which they name-call women or in which the only thing that matters is sex. Having said that, SMV is a reality for both men and women. If it's undeniably true for women, why would you not entertain the possibility that it's true for men?! 

One thing that I've noticed in more Stage Green pick-up circles is that 'masculinity' and 'femininity' are these abstract concepts that don't make any sense. (Some even say that it's all conditioning, which is ridiculous) We have to keep in mind that the ultimate point of building your masculinity as a man is to get laid consistently with a compatible woman that you're committed to and the ultimate point of building your femininity as a woman is to get a man to stick around. We have to get tangible and practical at some point with these concepts, or else it'll just devolve into mental-masturbation. Fine, it's energy, but the point of energy as a physical human is to tangibly manifest something, to tangibly create something. 

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@mr_engineer Go out more.

Direct experience, Direct experience, Direct experience.

First Hand Experience, First Hand Experience, First Hand Experience.

That's your mantra to pickup and woman.

Edited by CARDOZZO

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54 minutes ago, Dan502 said:

Are you saying that because women earn salaries now too, they will search for men who earn significantly more than they do?

There are a lot of women who are very competent and deserving of the best salaries. They will rise to the top, for sure. More power to them. I'm not against that. 

However, there are also a lot of women who aren't that competent, who are one-trick hacks at what they do and who just ideologically hold onto 'independence' as a show of a middle-finger to men, that 'you can't control me'. Some of these women are humble enough to realize that they have work to do on their competence, some don't. The majority of modern women fall into the category of being 'independence'-minded, not being super-competent and being humble when it comes to knowing that they have work to do. This is where the idolization of the 'high-value man' comes in. 

Here's my theory - these women, who, understandably so, aren't very competent in today's hyper-masculine hyper-competitive professional world (because they're not built for it), would much rather play a supportive role at home for a high-value man. This is the energetic exchange they try to achieve with their boss at work. So, the next step-up for them would be to date a man who is more competent than their boss, who can mentor them into a role that aligns more with their creative-capacities. It probably will be a low-pressure role. This, let's say, 'sugar-daddy figure' would have to be more powerful and masculine than their boss. This is possible because the role under their boss is clearly higher-pressure. And, the reason for this, let's face it, is that it benefits companies to put women in more masculine roles, cuz it drives down the labor-cost for male-dominated workspaces. The men in that space are just going to be more depolarized, less masculine. 

54 minutes ago, Dan502 said:

Are there enough very successful men for all these average women?

We could see the resurgence of harems, formally speaking. Distant possibility, cuz it's against Christianity. But, if Christianity becomes the past, and if Stage Green PUAs get enough of a God-complex to start sex-cults, it could happen! 

(Especially watch out for the David Deida fans, who get really lost in the 'divine dance between the masculine and the feminine'! :D:D:D )

Edited by mr_engineer

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You must relate to what's actually the case, not your mental BS.

Just try going out & be a left brain transactional robot. See how it goes.

Right now you are thinking of a clever response to this to unload responsibility & turn yourself into a victim. That's the BS that gotta go. IF what you want is pleasant social interactions(not just with women) of course. If what you want is a fantasy of what a social interaction is, then keep going like this!

Sailing on the ceiling 


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6 hours ago, PurpleTree said:

reading all these useless thoughts is exhausting

women want someone who makes more money than their boss

teal swan thinks demons are real




it‘s just noise

Teal Swan just wants a demon who earns more money than Satan.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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10 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

What every woman wants is profound love. 

Doesn't every human being on the planet?

Edited by docs20

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10 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

What every woman wants is profound love.

Serious question, could you please elaborate?

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15 minutes ago, docs20 said:

Doesn't every human being on the planet?

Precisely. So how can there be any doubt?

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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1 minute ago, Leo Gura said:

Precisely. So how can there be any doubt?

Here's how - every ego has a finite, limited and different form. So, the way they receive 'love' will be different. For example, a cat will receive love in a different way from a fish. If you remove a fish from water and cuddle with it, it will not feel loved. It will die. 

This is the whole point of asking women what they want. Another way of putting it is - how do they receive love? From whom do they receive love? Who matters to them, in the context of dating and relationships? Who do they consider high-value vs low-value? 

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