
Online Dating: Chad's Dream, Women's Ego Boost, Normie's Nightmare

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Like it or not, the things said in this video are so true. Please just dont dissmis the video just because Wheat waffles consider himself a black pill.


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He made a more recent video where he got a professional photo shoot and made a tinder and was able to get 9 dates in a week even though he said he’s a 5/10. He disproved his own point.

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1 hour ago, Raze said:

He made a more recent video where he got a professional photo shoot and made a tinder and was able to get 9 dates in a week even though he said he’s a 5/10. He disproved his own point.

I’m curious how he dealt with that

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Online dating is a scam unless you got great looks or no standards.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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It's okay if you can depict a decent lifestyle, although generally speaking most guys & girls can be quiet toxic and have delusional fantasies. I went on 7-8 dates this year through online-dating with pictures I did 3 years ago with a bad frame and got laid once. There are a few gems, yet they usually have standards and/or are very naive and innocent. 

I did real game once this year, and it was more fun I approached 4-7 groups of girls with a mentor although I don't know I had more quality interactions with girls online so far, than when out partying and I did go out a lot... just never really approached. I wanted to open a thread today talking about PUA's and how insecure and toxic they are. Some are gems, simialr to online-dating with a decent profile you eventually kind find a gem. I am currently chatting with one, hopefully I can meet her. It also depends a bit on the app, anything but Tinder has slightly higher standards and is dateable. Online-dating is mainly status and looks. I don't enjoy it at times either, a few girls look beyond this.
Women respond better to me in person. If you are a normal guy online-dating will not get you laid, even if you're handsome and good-looking it's difficult if you don't show status. It can be quiet a nasty enviroment even for feedback. 
You can reverse the game, yet it's mostly all status and looks, the more you have for online the better it is. As a decent guy, you can still get some stuff with good vacation pictures and showing an interesting and well-rounded profile. For some it took 8 years to get really good at online-dating etc. I get approx 3-5 matches per week on Bumble, my Tinder does not work at all. A friend of mine get's a bunch of matches, not even leveraging the potential hidden power of just numbers. 

It's in a sense a waste of time, and could be dedicated to real game and or social circle, it can be fun and to some extend a way to meet girls you'd otherwise can't. I don't know how much of a difference it is and where to meet quality girls, besides going to high stakeholder events and approaching girls who seem just high quality (for e.g fit girl at gym who seems to have it together) etc.
If you're an average guy it's better to build a quality life, no matter the advice as you develop yourself and attract girls through this, yet also at best approach and do some online-dating and see what works. If Leo would have endorsed game earlier I would have had more experience, yet I was focused on building a life that could attract girls automatically, and that even is difficult, as you need skills with girls. 
It's better to go out and approach some girls as a newbie and see how difficult either of it is and how much time it takes to get good at smth like this. To be quiet frank I dunno where to find quality girls, besides high stakeholder events and networking as it's not endorsed and most of them have been social circling etc. I am chatting with an attractive girl who studied aerospace engineering, and has two master degrees and seem open to spirituality due to culuture etc. You never know if you have a decent profile it's fine, yet I would not invest to much in it, if you maximized what is possible and don't get much results. Every non-scammy PUA will explain that charm can get you further. The issue is huge in the manosphere in a sense. As most are stuck in stage orange, girls & guys a like. 
I've talked to a few average guys, and they don't get as many likes as I do, even if we are friends and I am handsome and barely get any matches, girls at times also write me this. Social skills have way way more value than online-dating skills and text-game and what not. The so called "chad" is a guy doing everything to maximize his beauty daily and most likely works in some sales job as he's constantly surrounded by materalism. 
I was asked recently by my career advisor to shot for modeling for example, and another guy once asked me this as they are both into fashion. I am not that handsome, yet he said it does not matter and apply and he showed me another student who went there and did shootings etc.. Beauty is in a sense in the eye of the beholder, with and or without scientific arugment there will be outliers even within constraints. 
Good pictures that play within the constraint of the "online-dating meta" definitely will get you +XXX matches, if you're an average guy with a bit of muscle and you go skiing and surfing and show all of this "action" masculine type principles you'd get better matches, yet many take 0 effort into this and are extremely lazy, even asking a friend to shoot a couple of decent pictures, can be a huge hassle. 

Anyway that beign said lifestyle type pictures and action definitely will help, a headshot picture, picture showing you in action with smth, and other subtle status displays "confidence" displays, can get you more matches. 

Obviously, the chad will have it easier online & offline. Leo's series explains a lot of good stuff, yet online-dating is not as bad, it's heavily biased though to looks and status, also the community of guys are toxic as hell for online-dating! In that sense it's a scam.

Edited by ValiantSalvatore

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

Online dating is a scam unless you got great looks or no standards.

Perhaps putting that as your dating app bio will easily separate the wheat from the chaff ? 

I AM reborn

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The strategy I use is to have 5-6 good pictures, put them on all the major dating apps that use large profile descriptions and answering personality questions, ill filter religion by spirituality so i only see women of interest all the others are not compatible with me she needs to be minimum green, then i start swiping ONLY looking at profile description NOT pictures. The description tells me all I need to know, ill exhaust all swipes on all the dating apps. The women that swipe back I comment something funny about one of there pictures and schedule a date that week at a restaurant. Done. 

Extraction complete. 

Edited by integral

StopWork.ai - Voice Everything Browser Extension

How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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I'm reasonably good looking and as of recently have an actually decent profile, and I still feel like I get a shit deal with online dating compared to real life, unless I pay Tinder money. Figures.

The ratio of male to female on dating apps is insane. Officially statistics are around 80/20 male to female in the US, but most of the rest of the world it's like 90/10. And a good chunk of that 10-20% of women are not on dating apps for anything other than ego boost or instagram followers. So you're looking at maybe a best case of 85/15 and a worst case of 95/5. 

This sounds really bad, but you actually should view this as a positive thing. What it tells you is that most women really don't like dating apps very much either.


Also, you should stop watching that guys content. It's predatory. He is converting your low self-esteem and fear into money and you are falling for it hook, line, and sinker.

His thumbnails are carefully crafted to target your insecurity and make you feel inadequate. Notice this feeling is making you click his videos every time you see them in your feed. You are being manipulated.

Edited by something_else

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Online dating is a total waste of time and just another social media further degenerating our culture into materialism.

It's like putting nitrous oxide into hypergamy as well. For every normal girl, there are 10 delusional/toxic ones make the dating pool not so fun to swim in. They are like little kids who pee in it.

A few years ago I had a 33 year old woman call me a rape culture advocate because I asked her on a 2nd date lmao xD, Good times! Modern blogger feminism has destroyed the dating market and is like a brain rotting virus that turns even full grown adults back into children.

The best thing to do is just not be a pussy. Walk up to people in real life and ask them out. They'll be more likely to say yes because it shows confidence and authenticity in a day and age of narcissism and fakeness.

Edited by Roy


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Im not that good looking but I met great girls over dating apps. 

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I fell there’s less women on dating apps because they often just get in and get out of the app. My girl had made her account, got a few matches and went on a date with me on the second day. She had spent only one day with the app and got a boyfriend.


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10 hours ago, integral said:

The strategy I use is to have 5-6 good pictures, put them on all the major dating apps that use large profile descriptions and answering personality questions, ill filter religion by spirituality so i only see women of interest all the others are not compatible with me she needs to be minimum green, then i start swiping ONLY looking at profile description NOT pictures. The description tells me all I need to know, ill exhaust all swipes on all the dating apps. The women that swipe back I comment something funny about one of there pictures and schedule a date that week at a restaurant. Done. 

Extraction complete. 

That is gangster, although going to a restaurant for me would be to much of beign a provider, I don't enjoy this kind of interaction with old school expectations of me paying for her I don't mind, yet if loved is expressed that way I am done with her absolutely done. I don't enjoy eating either, so going for coffee & fun activity is best, I would also prefer a glass of wine, restaurants are so expensive and I'd feel I would be raising a doll if she would not pay for herself. These "gentelman blue pill" type of stuff is horrendous imo, it's like beign scammed and deluded by fake affection. Most of my dates have been strolls in a park, direct meeting at my place, coffee, dancing in a club etc. Something a bit more cultural, so there are no gender expectations. Coffee dates so far have been the best, as you can just go eating at a mall and it's not a formal date, it's actually a chill way to have fun and eat food. 

9 hours ago, Roy said:

Online dating is a total waste of time and just another social media further degenerating our culture into materialism.

It's like putting nitrous oxide into hypergamy as well. For every normal girl, there are 10 delusional/toxic ones make the dating pool not so fun to swim in. They are like little kids who pee in it.

A few years ago I had a 33 year old woman call me a rape culture advocate because I asked her on a 2nd date lmao xD, Good times! Modern blogger feminism has destroyed the dating market and is like a brain rotting virus that turns even full grown adults back into children.

This! This also accounts for the toxic modern men movement who degrade sexuality and are claiming leftists are grooming modern men and women into wussies etc and beign gay, instead of seeing the integral reality of how these relationships play themselves out energetically. The level of materalist perception is extreme on online-dating apps, of course there are some subtelties, yet I notice in real life the girls who use this extensively and actually use it are very very toxic and have an absurd perception of what accounts to someones income, material wealth and status. It's like when I see girls chilling at yachts who are 23 and then expect this type of wealth and status from a man, and just go for the lousiest player who could subtely evoke this type of conditoning.

I recently chatted with a girl who seemed to be a millionair based on parents and she was actually just human, smart and extremely kind. I applied some of the player stuff after my normal conversations did not work, and she stopped responding, although it's a party girl and definitely fully into decadence, her character was still extremely kind for someone who could've been a total street dog xD, rich and or not. 

2 hours ago, Girzo said:

I fell there’s less women on dating apps because they often just get in and get out of the app. My girl had made her account, got a few matches and went on a date with me on the second day. She had spent only one day with the app and got a boyfriend.


Yeah this definitely can happen most matches I have and my friend for example are new accounts who are into this, the longer she's been on the app the harder most likely the filter depending on how often she uses it, if she's busy with her life and travels and does vacation everything is possible and they are usually not toxic. The most toxic girls are the ones who use it to find a bread-winner and who are not looking for love, yet a subtle expression of getting a sugar daddy etc. Same goes for guys hanging-out on these apps all day. I delete them from time to time. It's still fun I have generally good experiences meeting people from online than offline. I am a nerd in a sense as a teenager I even made friends and meet from people from Xbox Live, back in the day super cringe, yet super worth it I loved to connect to people that way. 

Honest online-dating should be that way, efficient and healthy see someone you like give it a shot and see if you vibe, if not eventually go to the next person and use a different method to find someone. 
What I find personally you describe is very chill and actually cool. Usually these dates are also better, as they did not build a frame around the online-dating phenomena and don't have much expectations... 

I am still afraid of approaching girls in real life, even though my mentor said I was pretty good. I usually would love to just have more massive value providing capabillity, even just by character, yet it's not easy to display that and create that, especially if you never owned anything and materal things do matter like finances matter to some extend. Let alone the mindset I had to get rid of to be on this path is ridiculous. 

I went to one yoga classes in hopes to meet and see some high quality girls, and yes it was full of girls, yet I find it odd that I haveto go to yoga and I hope just day & night game can fix this. Finding someone conscious is not easy, and everyone will describe it differently. I am lucky I feel deeply in love with one girl at a time, so I know how that feels like that for me was beyond MDMA and or any psychdelic even if not reciprocated. So I know where I could get these type of vibes, and somehow I keep attracting girls who are similar to this. Anyway enough self-revelation xD

It feels different a girls appreciates your security/confidence giving capabillities, than beign out for image, success, wealth, ressources, revenger and proofing it type of vibe. A girl that can even just enjoy my confidence and success naturally is freaking awesome, to have at orange. That is a true partner, especially if you function at higher stages. Orange is not as bad, especially very healthy orange materalism makes it so.

Edited by ValiantSalvatore

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41 minutes ago, ValiantSalvatore said:

Most of my dates have been strolls in a park, direct meeting at my place, coffee, dancing in a club etc. Something a bit more cultural, so there are no gender expectations. Coffee dates so far have been the best, as you can just go eating at a mall and it's not a formal date, it's actually a chill way to have fun and eat food. 

Totally, I invited a girl once to a kids trampoline jumble gym, she ghosted me lmfao.

We need jumble gyms for adults! 

Edited by integral

StopWork.ai - Voice Everything Browser Extension

How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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1 minute ago, integral said:

Totally, I invited a girl once to a kids trampoline jumble gym, she ghosted me lmfao.

We need jumble gyms for adults! 


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37 minutes ago, integral said:

We need jumble gyms for adults! 

My friend has such a gym in her home city. It's big, open-air and public. I mean, it's meant for kids, but I don't know who has had an idea to put such an attraction for kids, it's by all means adult-sized, a few stories high and with little to no security measures. A 7 year old kid would easily slip through the rope grid he is supposed to walk on. It's a crazy project from public funds. I think there should be some signs it's only for teenagers+, but there aren't xD 

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