Leo Gura

Psychonauts Unite! -- Share Top Lessons You Learned From Your Tripping

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This is a mega-thread for experienced psychonauts to share their top lessons and dos and don't when psychonauting.

As I'm developing my new course I want to integrate any of your insights, lessons, tips, and wisdom which I may have overlooked or failed to encounter in my own experiences. So if you share ideas here I may integrate them as lessons into my new course.

What are your top lessons when it comes to psychedelics and how to use them most effectively and safely?

What do you wish you'd have known before you started?

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Always trip Alone, if you don't want to judge and carry all others projections.

P.s: be calm when trip comes up even if thoughts of your sexual orientation and gender is at question. Dont struggle, let it be.

Edited by Harikrishnan

I will be waiting here, For your silence to break, For your soul to shake,              For your love to wake! Rumi

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So much intelligence goes on, when you get deeper with a girl. Perfectly calculated, the future is not certain, but always planned and you are creating it. The whole circle ends in an infinite loop and repeats and everything meets each other in the most fucked up time dimensions forward, backwards. Everything collapses and the seperations collapse more and more and more in such a personal way, from the way you were born to the puppets you had as a child. Demons are real and operate on another dimension, but they are here to guide you and they councioussly love you. Souls can unite to the point that everything unites. The universe is absolute intimate that it scares the shit out of you and thats why you are sleeping. You can do literal everything with enough counciousness and it feels 1000 percent real. Denience of it is your acumilated insecurity about the love of god, you dont trust god enough, because you are scared. God can predict the future in such a deliquite way operating on infinte levels.

Watch Mullholland Drive on Psychedelics and contemplate!.

Edited by UnlovingGod

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3 minutes ago, Enlightement said:

Infinite consciousness 

No more psychedelics for you.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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3 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

No more psychedelics for you.

Lol ??

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Always take crap before you start, because you might end up with dirty pants 

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1 hour ago, Harikrishnan said:

Always trip Alone, if you don't want to judge and carry all others projections.

^^^ This is probably my biggest one. In my opinion, the only responsible way to trip is to be alone in your room with no distractions + a journal.

Also this is obvious for people who seriously do this work, but DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE THE POWER OF PSYCHEDELIC SUBSTANCES. I have known a handful of people who see it as a recreational substance and just take it for fun at a party or they mix it with weed or alcohol and have had horribly traumatic experiences where required therapy for many months. 

I usually like to fast for like 4-8 hours before and prepare by writing down some questions to contemplate + meditating for like 30 minutes before ingesting. Also an actualized.org video before is a good primer to get your mind set up for blast off. 

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Wake up, meditate and stretch outside for at least two hours, eat nothing, dose, go outside, once it's getting crazy go lay down in bed in silent darkness. Be prepared for complete insanity and death, if you are afraid of these things you will have a horrible experience resisting. After 50+ high dose trips I've only had a few bad ones and once I let go it got better. Take time to integrate and let psychedelics improve your life and meditation habits, which will in turn improve your trips. I started using them lots at a young age, which I think is fine but you might need to take years to integrate if you trip lots. 

I wish I'd known how important it is to be alone and do it in a setting where you can get the best result. If you do it somewhere with others you may take the same amount and be the same person but have completely different results then if you lay in silent darkness and practice self-inquiry. 

I've had some pretty tough ego backlashes. When you do psychedelics, you are signing up to do a lot of rapid growth, which is hard and you need to be ready for. Otherwise you will have a backlash resisting the actual work and go in circles instead of improving.

Turn off your phone, and all electronics, even when you're done tripping, you should give yourself a day before and after the trip to barely use them. 

Like Leo has said, living a clam, pure, non-hedonistic life the week before the trip is very important. Face all the negative emotions you have been avoiding so you aren't just tortured by them during the trip.  


@Phil King Alone is crucial but I think a tripsitter is smart for new substances or new doses just so you know you can handle it and aren't predisposed to a very negative reaction. I like the perception and actuality videos, or the guided exercises for before trips. Has the same effect as getting into a good self-inquiry groove beforehand. 

Edited by Cocolove

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1. Create some small ritual for yourself. Whether it is cleaning up the flat and letting some fresh air in or something more fancy like some incense. 

2. Write down an intention before tripping. Even if it is as simple as "surrendering to whatever comes".

3. Meditate even for just 10 minutes before tripping.

All first 3 points make the setting much more comfortable. They provide that you feel that you actually took care of the situation. That it is something sacred.

4. You don't have to do it in the evening/afternoon. Especially for long-lasting ones. You can totally  wake up at 6 and start a trip at 7. Then you can fall asleep at normal hour and feel much better the next day.

5. Write down your insights! Describe them during a trip like you would write to a child, because in few hours your consciousness, your ability to connect dots will be much smaller, and the things that were obvious will not be obvious. Explain the beauty of life to your future self.

6. Do not tell about it to people that you are not sure should know.

7. Eat healthy and exercise. Your body has to be a well-oiled machined in order to withstand those higher vibrations.

In the Vast Expanse everything that arises is Lively Awakened Awareness.

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Learn what it means to Accept. Then master Acceptance.

Accept yourself and Yourself.

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4 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

What do you wish you'd have known before you started?

I wish I would’ve known that nothing is out there to hurt me. All Imagination of Mind, no matter how insanely life threatening or frightening it may appear to me, is only yet another hint from GOD to AWAKEN.


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With psychedelics: I remember how I see the world as I was a child. Playing games were more fun back then, watching movies more intense. But with psychedelics i can get almost back to this State of consciousness. 

I wish I knew as a beginner that feeling uncomfortable and stressfull is just a wave, after some minutes you will be ok again. But if you literally run away this fear will stay for very long time, maybe even after the trip is over. 



Edited by OBEler

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3 hours ago, Cocolove said:

Alone is crucial but I think a tripsitter is smart for new substances or new doses just so you know you can handle it and aren't predisposed to a very negative reaction.


Edited by Loving Radiance

Life Purpose journey

Presence. Goodness. Grace. Love.

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Music can influence deeply a trip, so choose wisely what kind of music you will put because it will influence the thoughts, emotions, etc... it might make your trip revolve around something psychological, and not let you fully liberate. 

Ime, the best is tripping in silence, or if one is feeling like listening to something, spiritual or neutral sounds like sounding bowls or similar stuff, it would the best.

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@Leo Gura I mean the greatest lesson is infinite consciousness you know. All of psychedelics is meaningless if you aren't able to integrate love and unity. 

Even alien consciousness or ratty consciousness for that matter. We humans call each other illegal aliens. But alien consciousness is having the meta picture, knowing the ultimate good doesn't lie in the distinction of good and bad and constantly fighting but working as a team towards sovereign Infinite goodness.. 

Not preaching at all. 



Edited by Enlightement

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@Leo Gura in my heart there's so much love for you, you have zero idea. I'll love you infinitely even if you thrash me with a rat broom. 

Now feeling someone's deep love for you is not possible through psychedelics but it's possible through alien consciousness I surmise.

Alien consciousness can take you to the depths of love psychedelics cannot. 


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@Enlightement I hate you back with all my heart ;)

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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And the thing with 3d and 4d, humanity got that all wrong. They live in 2d, jesus was living in 3d, being able to play with counciousness, while everybody else is in a movie directed by god. It's like escaping this plane paper like a dot and then being 3d standing on top of the paper. I was just able with weed to attain 3d. Could be called Jesus, I know as a fact that jesus had permanent 3d. How with just a look in the eyes, those fishermen followed him. I had this same power on weed. You can give yourself videogamelike abilities like in league of legends. A barrier of peace around you that will be like heaven and you can walk anywhere you want.



Edited by UnlovingGod

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