Leo Gura

Psychonauts Unite! -- Share Top Lessons You Learned From Your Tripping

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On 28.9.2023 at 4:39 PM, Jehovah increases said:

I have only ever stuck up for this Forum and you and Leo but for some reason, I get into trouble. Know who your enemies are and the ones that stand by you.

The way I perceive it it was because of the personal attack against another member.

anyway.. let’s get back to topic please.

The Secret of this Universe is You.

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Because I posted anyway in here now, I may as well continue

Despite all amazing trips, experiencing madness, heaven and insights into Gods nature, one of the greatest lessons for me so far was on the day after a candyflip (LSD+MDMA).

I felt God's LOVE and understood how I am - and everyone and everything else is - absolutely perfect and it is absolutely impossible to do anything wrong.

That LOVE was so amazing that it brought me to tears over the course of many hours every time I thought about it. Tears just flowed all over my face. The beauty made me completely speechless.

Here are the insights and thoughts I noted on that day (translated from German):

  • I'm LOVED to an unimaginable extent
  • I'm LOVED not despite what I am, but precisely because of what I am
  • That which I try to hide from the world out of fear of not being loved and being judged, is exactly what the world needs the most!
  • EVERYONE and EVERYTHING is LOVED to an unimaginable extent – NO EXCEPTIONS
  • I can do absolutely nothing wrong. I'm ALWAYS and ENTIRELY LOVED to an extent that surpasses even my wildest imagination
  • The LOVE of God is of a magnitude that will make you completely speechless. It is full of humour, joy, forgiveness, laughter & warmth
  • My psycho-emotional system can't even grasp the complete extent of that LOVE, because it would be completely obliterated
  • Those tiny peeks into LOVE lead to instant and uncontrollable tears and sobbing
  • LOVE is beyond good and evil and surpasses ANY imagination
Edited by vibv

The Secret of this Universe is You.

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I’ve done 3 trips.

two LSD and one psilocybin. 

LSD showed me love as a peak experience. I haven’t really felt anything better than burning love in my body. 

LSD showed me that I love difficult people who I don’t imagine to align with my values, love is physical. Being off psychedelics this is so easy to forget. 

LSD showed me psycho cybernetics before I read it basically. It allowed my mind to stop being so hard on myself and actually give myself credit for the conditions I actively create. 

I love myself. I love myself so much I hugged myself. Kind of emotional remembering this now it was quite some time ago. 

Psilocybin opened my mind and allowed me to stop ignoring my peak experiences and take them seriously when planning my life. Incorporate them into my vision. Also helps me be extremely imaginative in my visioning. 

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Some of what I wrote here was from stuff I had written from my trips 3 to 4 years ago and some recent ones. These are my personal views and yours may be very different. When connected to the infinite mind or should I say you when you become it you always were it. I never thought this would be human and it was not and nor are you. Yes from a limited human perspective, it will be very alien to you. 

If you increase your consciousness high enough you won't be human anymore or expect the infinite to have any human qualities. You are beyond being human but you know this because you become infinitely self-aware of who you truly are and it is scary when you awake as your true self. And you will most probably deny it for a time and believe you have gone into a drug-induced psychosis.

 When you experience alien consciousness you're just seeing it from another perspective or expression of a higher state of consciousness. All these aspects are your mind. I guess you could say you are starting from a higher state of awareness of consciousness. So if a so-called alien or a higher much more evolved being wanted to experience let's say a human perspective. It might find it fascinating experience.                                                                                                             

 It would be limited and somewhat dumbed down for that though. Remember you are not just a giant mind you are an infinite mind that loves to imagine anything it wants. You are unlimited in what you can imagine. And you can also limit yourself to what you can imagine. So there are quite literally infinite states of consciousness.                                                 

If you imagine there are higher states of awakening then there will be. If you imagine becoming or seeing through an alien mind on some distant planet in another highly advanced dimension then this will become your reality. Consciousness is existence itself is conscious of its own consciousness is infinite perspectives. Consciousness is not just integrating information it is creating information. And is infinite self-creativity.                                                               

Consciousness defines its own self can reflect itself to know itself, and can copy itself. All is an infinite mind.   Is everything and nothing at the same time is real and unreal is a dream of infinite dreams and pure imagination and infinite magic. Meaning it can create anything it wants infinity so. Life and death are imaginary just like this dream. well, you were never born to begin with so you can never die. And no you are not dead because this implies birth to begin with.                                                                                                                                                                                                         

You just are what is and what isn't take away ideas, concepts, and notions, and you are left with nothing but something. Ego is God and also imaginary without it this dream would not work. How smart is infinite intelligence try and contemplate this everything is your creation maths, science quantum physics cosmology ideas religions wars linguistics NDE's psychodelics all diversity I could go on forever. And to create everything and for it to work seamlessly or give the illusion of randomness. Randomness or a chaotic system can not create intelligence. Only intelligence can create randomness or the illusion of randomness. It's a very believable background story and it has to be for this to work and for an unlimited mind, it's as easy as pie.                                                                                                                 

You gave meaning to meaning. You created the idea of an idea and evolution and all the background stories which well there never were any of these so-called humans they are all imaginary no human ever really created anything. You created it all yes you me I am you. I did this to trick myself into believing that others exist. You created this for the dream to work. You can work the rest out in other words only you can experience it for yourself only you can take this journey because there really only is you.                                                                                                                                                       

How deep are you willing to go? Try and lose most of your attachments for a few months even the idea of you as this so-called human that he or she was born on this planet Earth and evolved from apes out of slime and slop and that there are others. I lost most of all my attachments for a while and in a way you do die or should I say what you held as a belief for all this time.                                                                                                                                                                                     

Maybe call it your identity of whom you have been building all your life. Loss of identity or identity loss. I don't like the term ego death. This has only happened to me once on my second trip it was like having amnesia until I picked all my pieces up which took about 40 minutes to recover my identity.                                                                                                   

After that, I always was me or retained my identity to some degree. even when all my humanity had gone God is always God. I remember one time I went through what one could call insanity I experienced depression and all types of mental illnesses when I was on high doses of psychedelics and you have to go with it and let go. I got to see and feel what it was like from that point of view.                                                                                                                                                                   

So I had a new appreciation and understanding and respect of what it is like to live from that state of consciousness. Even what it is like to be a female for a few hours was one of the most beautiful experiences. Through all this, I always chose Love over everything, and I always will.                                                                                                                                 

You see Love is the very fabric of existence that is not built into existence it is the very nature the essence the very foundation of what you are is infinite Love. I chose to go back into the dream. And yes, you have to ground yourself and surround yourself with what made you human, to begin with, and It is not easy though once you awaken it is hard to undo it.                                                                                                                                                                                                     

The choice is yours and you will not even be in the same place and once you go beyond a certain point there is no going back to the same reality. And you may or more than likely lose your sanity for a time. You may be made aware of certain things that will conflict with your morals and ethics and I am not talking about solipsism. Although solipsism was still a  bit of a shock I overcame it a few years ago. I would still be cautious but that is me. There is one thing I never mentioned on the biggest trips I had I didn't come back unscathed. I had well-developed OCD but the worst type I would not wish it upon anyone it took me a few days to work out what I had. The funny thing is I never had any symptoms of it and no mental illness runs in our family I have done a lot of drugs all my life. Even the doctor could not believe it. So late in the game, I went on SSRI for the past year and in that time I have taken a 7-gram dose of mushrooms well on SSRIs. It didn't seem to affect me. I would never recommend any of you do this ever. Although psilocybin has been shown to effectively treat depression in some cases and a number of other mental health conditions, there are some antidepressant medications that could have dangerous or undesirable interactions with the substance.                                                                                                                       

It has taken me about a year and a half to come back and I am only now starting to ground myself. But then again I am imagining all this. Not so easy is it once you have broken through your own illusions your own traps within traps your own games and your imaginary mind. All this time you have only been chasing me you are me I am you.

Edited by Jehovah increases

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14 minutes ago, Jehovah increases said:

Some of what I wrote here was from stuff I had written from my trips 3 to 4 years ago and some recent ones. These are my personal views and yours may be very different. When connected to the infinite mind or should I say you when you become it you always were it. I never thought this would be human and it was not and nor are you. Yes from a limited human perspective, it will be very alien to you. If you increase your consciousness high enough you won't be human anymore or expect the infinite to have any human qualities. You are so beyond being human but you know this because you become infinitely self-aware of who you truly are and it is scary when you awake as your true self. And you will most probably deny it for a time and believe you have gone into a drug-induced psychosis. When you experience alien consciousness you're just seeing it from another perspective or expression of a higher state of consciousness. All these aspects are your mind. I guess you could say you are starting from a higher state of awareness of consciousness. So if a so-called alien or a higher much more evolved being wanted to experience let's say a human perspective. It might find it fascinating experience. It would be limited and somewhat dumbed down for that though. Remember you are not just a giant mind you are an infinite mind that loves to imagine anything it wants. You are unlimited in what you can imagine. And you can also limit yourself to what you can imagine. So there are quite literally infinite states of consciousness. If you imagine there are higher states of awakings then there will be. If you imagine becoming or seeing through an alien mind on some distant planet in another highly advanced dimension then this will become your reality. Consciousness is existence itself is conscious of its own consciousness is infinite perspectives. Consciousness is not just integrating information it is creating information. And is infinite self-creativity. Consciousness defines its own self can reflect itself to know itself can copy itself. All is an infinite mind. Is everything and nothing at the same time is real and unreal is a dream of infinite dreams and pure imagination and infinite magic. Meaning it can create anything it wants infinity so. Life and death are imaginary just like this dream. well, you were never born to begin with so you can never die. And no you are not dead because this implies birth to begin with. You just are what is and what isn't take away ideas, concepts, and notions, and you are left with nothing but something. Ego is God and also imaginary without it this dream would not work. How smart is infinite intelligence try and contemplate this everything is your creation maths, science quantum physics cosmology ideas religions wars linguistics  NDE's psychodelics all diversity I could go on forever. You gave meaning to meaning. You created the idea of an idea and evolution and all the background stories which well there never were any of these so-called humans they are all imaginary no human ever really created anything. You created it all yes you me I am you. I did this to trick myself into believing that others exist. You created this for the dream to work. You can work the rest out in other words only you can experience it for yourself only you can take this journey because there really only is you. How deep are you willing to go? Try and lose most of your attachments for a few months even the idea of you as this so-called human that he or she was born on this planet Earth and evolved from apes out of slime and slop and that there are others. I lost most of all my attachments for a while and in a way you do die or should I say what you held as a belief for all this time. Maybe call it your identity of whom you have been building all your life. Loss of identity or identity loss. I don't like the term ego death. This has only happened to me once on my second trip it was like having amnesia until I picked all my pieces up which took about 40 minutes to recover my identity. After that, I always was me or retained my identity to some degree. even when all my humanity had gone God is always God. I remember one time I went through what one could call insanity I experienced depression and all types of mental illnesses when I was on high doses of psychedelics and you just have to go with it and let go. I got to see and feel what it was like from that point of view. So I had a new appreciation and understanding and respect of what it is like to live from that state of consciousness. Even what it is like to be a female for a few hours was one of the most beautiful experiences. Through all this, I always chose Love over everything, and I always will. You see Love is the very fabric of existence that is not built into existence it is the very nature the essence the very foundation of what you are is infinite Love. I chose to go back into the dream. And yes, you have to ground yourself and surround yourself with what made you human, to begin with, and It is not easy though once you awaken it is hard to undo it. The choice is yours and you will not even be in the same place and once you go beyond a certain point there is no going back to the same reality. And you may or more than likely lose your sanity for a time. You may be made aware of certain things that will conflict with you and I am not talking about solipsism but that can also conflict with you and it can go either way. I would be cautious but that is me. It has taken me a few years to come back and I am only now starting to ground myself. But then again I am imagining all this. Not so easy is it once you have broken through your own illusions your own traps within traps your own games and your imaginary mind. All this time you have only been chasing me you are me I am you.

Magnificent! But next time, paragraphs please. Lol

Know thyself....

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It all comes back to you... God knows every hair on your head.


God was before you...


I am, God is!

Edited by Sir Oberon

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On 14/07/2023 at 3:34 AM, Leo Gura said:

This is a mega-thread for experienced psychonauts to share their top lessons and dos and don't when psychonauting.

As I'm developing my new course I want to integrate any of your insights, lessons, tips, and wisdom which I may have overlooked or failed to encounter in my own experiences. So if you share ideas here I may integrate them as lessons into my new course.

What are your top lessons when it comes to psychedelics and how to use them most effectively and safely?

What do you wish you'd have known before you started?

There is one thing I wish I had internalised sooner, which is to not make my trips about you. I think it is a major trap I fell into. I am a bit ashamed of it now, but I guess it was a part of my learning process. The right move would have been to put aside the teachings, the reports, my intuitive understanding, and the mental images I have of you, to only connect to my desire of understanding, and to realize prior to tripping that my awakenings would be completely unique to me (although similar flavours could be experienced). I should have known to withdraw my desire to connect and interact with you.

The second thing I have found a lot of value in was to actually share my awakenings. It was scary, but yours and other people's comments have shined a light on my mistake. So I was able put an end to it quickly rather than deepening my awakenings in an inadequate direction. So sharing trips and awakenings might be a valuable part of the work for people who are serious about getting pure understanding.

Buying a good mindfold mask: I find complete darkness to be good and desired at certain times during my trips. It helps me dive deeper into Consciousness.

I also find physical comfort to be crucial to completely let go. I like to start by sitting on my bed, my back and head resting against pillows and my legs under the blankets, and as the trip is coming up, lie down and curl myself up in my bed. This allows me to relax all of my muscles and not get distracted too much by my body. That's usually when I put the mindfold mask on, so I can completely let go of the outside world and go deep into the trip.

When the effects noticeably decrease, I sit back up again and have something to eat - which is prepared beforehand. I do that because I'm usually very hungry by that time and it is distracting, and because eating grounds me and I need grounding when I get out of a trip. As I come back to my baseline, but am still in between, I reflect on what happened. I do my best to remember, to understand/integrate and to articulate the trip in my mind. Then I write a report.

As I now plan to post a report of most (if not all) of my trips, this work of understanding and exploring consciousness has become far more serious for me than it was before. It is still early to know if this is a good approach, but right now it feels positive as it sharpens my attitude. Maybe other people could benefit from including a similar practice in their psychedelic journey. 

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Do them every 5 years. Do sadhana and 3 months before have a vegetarian diet in place, meditate 2 times a day. Stay off then and then ground yourself in the next 5 years. Have at least 2 trip integrators at your side to talk to and reflect about the trip that are awake.

This is my way I do them. No need to do psychedelics really. I am that I am is the experience of happiness and it is just that simple. Be present in everyday life and choose compassion always and have integrity in all aspects of form. Be able to love the people that are ignorant as much as the people who are not. Don't be silly like Leo who does it everyday for a month to chase an experience. Experience hunting is of the seeking nature of the ego. All there is is now. That's it. This come from someone with 15+ years of experience with psychedelics. It's just a tool that has the best effect when taken not very often but when taken go for the DMT, 5-MeO or do some mushrooms. 

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5 hours ago, MaximBadi said:

Do them every 5 years. Do sadhana and 3 months before have a vegetarian diet in place, meditate 2 times a day. Stay off then and then ground yourself in the next 5 years. Have at least 2 trip integrators at your side to talk to and reflect about the trip that are awake.

This is my way I do them. No need to do psychedelics really. I am that I am is the experience of happiness and it is just that simple. Be present in everyday life and choose compassion always and have integrity in all aspects of form. Be able to love the people that are ignorant as much as the people who are not. Don't be silly like Leo who does it everyday for a month to chase an experience. Experience hunting is of the seeking nature of the ego. All there is is now. That's it. This come from someone with 15+ years of experience with psychedelics. It's just a tool that has the best effect when taken not very often but when taken go for the DMT, 5-MeO or do some mushrooms. 

Someone with 15 years of experience with psychedelic who trips probably every 5 years? So around 3 trips in your lifetime? That's not much bro

In 4 weeks I tripped more than you in 15 years

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I think the degree of absence of mind identification is the key experience your looking for. I've done them all. With shamans, alone, with people. Everything from salvia to 5meo. 

In my 2 years of  intensly exloring psychedelics I've just realized how happy I am to be the being that I'm not, the being that is God's being that we seem to experience on psychedelics. We experience during sleep, pleasures of life. Your morning coffee. Your everyday glimpses that forces us into the present moment.  It's there and everyday life with regular people who have so called "enlightenment" too. It's just that they think they need a substance, a new trip, a new relationship to fill in that mindmade void. We dont need that. And by simply being aware of being aware you have it and consequently feel its creativity, peace, joy unfold and melt all your inner resistence like it would do on meth, a billion dollars, or 5meo. Its just the mind eqating it for the happiness. Be here now be all inclusive of your true being and thats the direct path to 5meo without it. Nothing wrong with tripping. But happiness is freely available and thats the only thing I was looking for to begin with. It ends and begins with being. 

Edited by Saiph

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Surrender surrender s u r r e n d e r 

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The better the trip the worse the ego backlash will be

Prepare and Expect an Ego Backlash after Good Trips

Consciousness, the Mind and Psyche are like a rubber band, the more it expands, the more it will contract. Just be aware of this phenomena, a lack of recognition of this facet of awakening and tripping will lead to a lot of confusion and unexpected suffering.

Your shadow and unconscious will spill out and clean itself, a last test before becoming base line consciousness. The key to long lasting benefits with psychedelics is the maturity of how you deal with the unavoidable Ego Backlash 

God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty. We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes virtuous and Conscious. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life God is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, ... Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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