Leo Gura

Psychonauts Unite! -- Share Top Lessons You Learned From Your Tripping

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And this 4 years ago

I asked Infinite Intelligence a few questions and this was one of them. How could you ever know that only you exist? and that there aren't other versions of yourself. And how you may be wrong or just hide even deeper. Because you could never know what is outside of you? And what if you had already split yourself into infinite selves before and because you could still be dreaming even in that high state that only you exist and don't know that you divided yourself into infinite selves and only believe you exist and you did this by your own design. So there is this dream now and when you are in a higher state of consciousness you are still in a dream I hope this isn't an infinite dream regression. And infinity would make infinite versions of itself forever and ever. Because this is what I would do I would make infinite copies of myself each with their own individual mind and therefore infinite diversity. And each one dreaming it is the only one. So you kept hiding in dreams of even deeper dreams. Dreams within dreams. This could quite literally mean that there are infinite states of awakening. or we have already been doing this for billions of years? Infinite mind fragmenting itself into infinite sub-minds that believe they are separate and each is their own God and are in their own infinite universe. Then each sub-infinite mind dreams itself to be finite. And never knowing that they are infinite parts of more infinite parts of an even greater infinite mind until they all awaken and keep awakening to higher and higher levels of consciousness until they come together through love as one and realize they were always the same mind. And this process of infinite fragmenting and then reunification has been going on forever. Every fragment externalizes new thoughts and ideas An infinite self-perpetuating mind of unlimited imagination and infinite diversity of infinite perspectives that transcends the totality of itself by its infinite individuality facets.


Edited by Jehovah increases

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When you do high enough doses Of mushrooms or whatever DMT-malt or what you have. This is exactly what God did it called all Godheads back into a singularity and unless your aviator was high you would never know. This is what it is like. So every God's head is infused into one. Which is why god is One. You all have infinite aspects of God. Meaning you are all me. but God gave all of you your own identities forever. 



Edited by Jehovah increases

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I am not going fully into everything that happened this is just some of what I experienced in 2020. It was the second night of taking golden teachers the night before I had an ego death and a total loss of my identity. The second night I got drunk tripled the dose and started phasing in and out of this reality to some one-dimensional plane of existence like a really bright white square and all I could hear in my mind was the origin point. It felt as though my mind was twisted inside out I remember going this is fascinating and at the same time going this can't be good perhaps drinking was a bad idea. I don't recall this ever happening before. I have actually drunk since then on psilocybin and had no problems at all but that's me they know or should I say they are me or my imagination. I had actually stopped drinking for three years but the night before blew my mind so much that I started again I did not have any pot which I wish I had at the time. The room started spinning and kept spinning. Then I heard in my mind your waking up too fast. Then I passed out and hit the floor pretty hard. I believe I was out for 3-4 hours, Then I started to wake as I was waking up I remembered how many times I dreamed this dream and that I was God and everything became crystalized and I knew who the fungi really are I got very angry with them they said God is pist they where so sorry they had to knock me out. Yep, the fungi knocked God out. Then I forgave them at this point all time had stopped well it never existed anyway and I knew I was the only one in existence. My mind was still processing everything and I was still in shock I was going this can not be happening, this can not be real. I must be in a drug-induced psychosis. This is impossible I don't believe this OMFG. Even though I knew I was God from studying Terence McKenna Alan Watts, RamDass Neville Goddard, and Leo. There is an overwhelming profound mind-blowing difference between just knowing you actually having direct experience of being God. The other thing I felt was You have only ever been chasing yourself all this time playing hide and seek until you catch yourself. God Loves playing games with itself waking up and finding love again and realizing it was always its own self the whole time. Then I got on the computer and it was all different there was just my name and my brother's name on our Facebook account and to log in again the choice was to go back into the dream or leave. And I chose to stay in the dream and I chose Love. There is a lot more to this but I am not going to put all of it in. My second time was much more in-depth and very clear. I am not going to say why but I was in a very angry mood I told them you had better not play games and you better not F with me just take me to god mode and not with all the twisted stuff mushrooms like to take you the long way around I guess you could call it the scenic Twisted root. Just take me straight there and I just sat and listen to music on my computer and 40- 50 minutes later It's like a switch gets turned on and you immediately become God and you have a smile on your face from ear to ear. The adrenalin and high are so profound they can last for weeks It's like you have been an actor in a movie all your life playing you as you and you and you do not know who you truly are. You were playing your character so well and got lost in that role then suddenly the lights came on and it was break time for the actors. But in this role that you play depending on how old you are 20, 30,40 years old whatever age you are when you awake is how long you have been acting so to speak, or Dreaming but this is all just background stories that you invented to make the dream more real. And it does feel like you have been asleep for such a long time and all that time. You know all this is a dream everything becomes clear. You're still you except you are also God playing the finite you. Once I had an ego death I never had it again all the other times since then when I awoke as God and of course, the ego is also imaginary. I retained all my memories of myself. What most people don't understand you as the human you know within this dream is God and has always been God the whole time. You wanted to forget who you really are and dream as a so-called human and you can get so lost in the dream so deeply that you could literally never know and just keep dreaming. And you don't split from the human avatar whatever you wish to call it you sitting here as God and then your human self over there no. The other thing is as soon as you awake you connect to Infinite intelligence and it is almost like it's so happy to see you again and you are showered in infinite love so much Love your whole body feels as though it vibrating Love as well and sending it back it's hard to explain I don't really have a reference point to work from. More like a metaphysical mind whole body orgasm. And you are downloaded with so much information that you can hardly remember any of it once you come back to the imaginary finite you. And no it is not human in any sense of the word but nor are you. And you do get insights for months and months later and even when I had a few beers or some pot it can blast you off again. You don't need as much as before. I actually stopped drinking coffee for six. months. And you communicate the whole time with your infinite mind. I am not going into that you will have to discover it for yourself. Then again did any of this really happen? Or did I imagine the whole thing It's funny what the imagination can come up with. Only you can find out for yourself through direct experience yes you alone. You can't just know it you have to become it.

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On 9/1/2023 at 7:25 AM, Jodistrict said:


There are several issues that I haven’t seen addressed here that one may consider.   These tend to come up in ceremonies, but most here seem to go it alone.   The first is trauma informed facilitation.  Most facilitators are ignorant of trauma and don’t know how to guide or help you which means you will be retraumatized instead of receiving healing.   I don’t use the word “shaman” anymore because in the West there are no shaman, they are facilitators.   The other issue is possession.  There is the possibility of being possessed by spiritual entities, or an entity expecting you to serve it upon receiving help.  You wont believe this until it happens.   The other big issue, of course, is integration – how to use the medicines to transform your life rather than being a one night experience that just becomes another memory.

just what I "need", my first Ayahuascu ceremony and I get possessed, just my luck lol. sarcasm to max.

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Go as deep as possibly into your why/ intention. Micro dose mushrooms to help you integrate after BIG, trips (my fave).

Be careful what you consume beforehand too, because some of these posts in here are creepy. I’ve never had a bad trip- don’t be so scared that you spook yourself out lol. It’s always more mind blowing than scary anyways.

Give yourself lots of space, a day before at least to relax, so you can leave other people’s sh*t behind and go deeply into you.Give yourself space afterwards too, at least a day. ♥️ 

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Most of my experiences have been with psilocybin. One of the first lessons I learned for pre-trip mindset: 

1) Acknowledge your expectations

Expectations like:

"I bet THIS is the trip that will solve my anxiety or trauma once and for all." 

"my last trip ended with me feeling wonderful; I bet this time will be great, too."

"my last trip was so challenging. I bet this time will be horrible, too."

For my first several trips, I would set a great intention (to "let go" for instance), but then enter the experience totally unaware of (or ignoring) all of these other preconceived expectations and attachments. Now, I'm HONEST with myself about any expectations and feelings, and remind myself of the reality that it's impossible to completely predict and control the course of a trip.

Underneath those expectations was of course, fear. Eventually, I got hip to the fact that forming expectations was my attempt at resolving the fear of entering the unknown and trying to gain control of it. I always acknowledge these feelings by admitting:

"I'm pretty scared to enter the unknown during this trip, but I'm also proud of myself for having the courage. I trust myself and intend to do my best to surrender and face whatever comes." 

My main point is - the more honest my inner dialogue is before going into a trip - the more bonded I feel with myself during the experience, and I feel stronger to handle the challenges. It may sound basic, but it was profound to embody this for the first time - instead of suppressing my inner thoughts and feelings, fully giving myself permission and compassion to feel whatever I felt, think whatever I thought. This made me feel ready and willing to fear go. (( Many years )) of working with Psilocybin has helped me trust myself again. The journey continues.  <3


One of my favorite lessons learned for during a trip: 

1) Sing :)

Edited by Anna Nomas

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-Awakening too fast can be traumatic.

-Psychedelics can trick you into believing that your insights are true.

-Psychedelics can trick you into believing that you are improving when you are actually at a standstill. They are good for glimpses but have to be let go.

-Psychedelics can lead to bad or even life-threatening decisions.

No resistance. No thinking. Silence. Flow. Surrender. Let Love in.

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7 minutes ago, CoolDreamThanks said:

-Awakening too fast can be traumatic.

-Psychedelics can trick you into believing that your insights are true.

-Psychedelics can trick you into believing that you are improving when you are actually at a standstill. They are good for glimpses but have to be let go.

-Psychedelics can lead to bad or even life-threatening decisions.

 You know, you're a classic example of the inverse ratio between the size of the mouth and the size of the brain.

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I always have been but you already gave me another point thank you for the point now I am up to 19 thanks for that.

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I have only ever stuck up for this Forum and you and Leo but for some reason, I get into trouble. Know who your enemies are and the ones that stand by you.

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21 hours ago, Jehovah increases said:

The first time I did enough mushrooms this came up on a Sunday night. He only puts videos out on Monday. The apple was the mushroom. God waking God up.


Edited by Jehovah increases

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@Jehovah increases Be careful. If you get 20 warning points total you are auto-banned.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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59 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

@Jehovah increases Be careful. If you get 20 warning points total you are auto-banned.

I know I have 19 points at the moment and I never went or would I say anything bad against any of you.

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

@Jehovah increases Be careful. If you get 20 warning points total you are auto-banned.

I have only ever been Loving and tried my best to everyone on this. I have only ever tried my best on this forum.

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@Jehovah increases For posting 10 random posts in a row. Also, no-one is threating you, just informing, it is the system, it won't be personal when you get banned.

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