Leo Gura

Psychonauts Unite! -- Share Top Lessons You Learned From Your Tripping

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I am recently discovering diverse application of Psychedelics - psychotechnology

what I see on current psychedelic culture is serious limitation and dogmas (Green stage psychedelics.. neo-shamanism and so on)
even many yellow/metamodern stage people are also heavily into neo-shamanism, and this will limit development of psychotechnologies, rituals, birth of new religion.


lately I figured out method that is almost no risk to dose 5-meo-dmt, it is simply, smelling(can be considered as snorting)
I had a pouch that had 5-meo-dmt bottle in it, and bottle got broken out and 5-meo-dmt liquid got leaked, absorbed in pouch, smelling this pouch once or twice was enough to have an effect on me.

extraordinary calm, fearlessness, low-level of construct-awareness.

it is not crazy like 10+ mg trip it has really mild effect that does not disturb my daily activity, just, more relaxed.

Edited by Fluran

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@Fluran smelling and snorting is the same, you just got 5 meo in your nose. Whats the difference 

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I like to get high by smelling my own farts.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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1 minute ago, Leo Gura said:

I like to get high by smelling my own farts.

I can't. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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I feel love and gratitude for life I take everything and everyone for granted when I’m sober so arrogantly and confident and selfish. during trip i cry for my loved ones and regret every time I mistreat anyone I’m sorry I love you so much so blessed to have people that love me so much.  my parents my sisters and my girlfriend and my son seeing them and being around them this is life’s gift for me 

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2 hours ago, OBEler said:

@Fluran smelling and snorting is the same, you just got 5 meo in your nose. Whats the difference 


(but also, Linktree @ joy_yimpa ;-)

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Having an awakening is a narrative that psychonauts follow like emerging minnows, until reality just surrenders to me

"Holy fuck. Holy fucking fuck. That body of yours is absurd." -Sri Ramana Maharshi

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5 hours ago, OBEler said:

@Fluran smelling and snorting is the same, you just got 5 meo in your nose. Whats the difference 

1.Compatibility/allergie test, snorting or plugging are just way to intense, so for beginners of any psychedelic, smelling can be a testing dose.

+ there is no burning sensation

2.anchoring, marking

By smelling, it is difficult to measure how much mg is taken through nose, but definitely less than micro-dose amount.

With this, it can be gateway to go back to where there was breakthrough experience.

"Imagining that I am going to trip on 5meodmt, already alters my mind."

3.microdosing, everyday application

It gives me exceptional calmness, fearlessness.

And low level of Construct-awareness.

Powerful trips are difficult to integrate, but everyday micro doses, are easier to integrate, embody, and rewrite our mind.


Potential danger of it

1.i do not know how much i dose, and how much in long term

By smelling it is difficult to measure how much i dose, I know it is significantly tiny dose, still I do not know how much in long term.

2.physical, mental health

Do not know yet long consequence of micro-micro-dosing of psychedelics

I just feel somehow tiredness, as well it feels also just difficult to smell it everyday.


Common critics and answers

"You should be able to do it without psychedelics"

It really does not matter what methods, and i see broader application of psychedelics in the Society, just like how coffee is integrated into modern Society, and more than how coffee is playing a role in our society, it could be a technology that maintains infrastructure of society.

"Psychedelics enlightenmentare not real enlightenment, meditation enlightenment are real"

In Zen/chan buddihism, best way to meditate is not practicing it.

Do nothing, probably.

Meditation is a useful guide, but it is itself a construct of mind, And enlightenment involves deconstructing meditation itself.

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10 hours ago, Fluran said:

extraordinary calm, fearlessness, low-level of construct-awareness.

If construct-awareness is something no inherent without psychdelics and you need something as strong as 5-meo DMT, I'd say it's even better to have a normal meditation practice and see how the mind is constructed. Some things might stay true, unearned consciouness is valueless. 

To be a bit more chill, I dunno after doing and smelling DMT a couple of times I sometimes smell it in parks and wonder if it could be extracted, yet I guess the structure... of the fragrance is simply similar I smell it often after rain at specific parks. I am hypersensetive, just smelling this has a mild psychdelic effect on me, yet also just because I allow it also. Calling this diverse application "psychotechnology" is a bit to much no?

Like getting high randomly of trees smelling like DMT, can be a bit to much for me. I could smell lavender and I would be also relaxed... I mean having DMT infused incense would be kinda dope, if you could seriously trip that way. That actually would be diverse application of a psychotechnology! 

10 hours ago, Fluran said:

and this will limit development of psychotechnologies, rituals, birth of new religion.

People are dumb, it will be inevitable that someone will do it, no one is going to save this, you can warn people from the dangers to some extend. It's like A.I will be abused for some relgious purpose to some extend and be worshipped similar to god by materalists. It's inevitable to some extend that a minority of this will make this happen. I still look at the bright side of it. Especially if it get's more powerful. It's an outsourcing of authority and fear at play.

Edited by ValiantSalvatore

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5 meo is not nice to me : (

Edited by Schizophonia

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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I wish I'd known how powerful psychedelics were and how much respect you have to give them. These substances are not a joke and shouldn't be taken lightly. An encounter with these substances should be treated as if it could kill you, meaning you should do your research and dose properly - because it can cause harm with improper use. This is one of my biggest lessons during a musical festival and overdosing on LSD. Since then, I've done nothing more than respect psychedelics and have beautiful awakenings. Consciousness is not a game to be played with and you will suffer the consequences of immature actions. 

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5 hours ago, ValiantSalvatore said:

If construct-awareness is something no inherent without psychdelics and you need something as strong as 5-meo DMT, I'd say it's even better to have a normal meditation practice and see how the mind is constructed. Some things might stay true, unearned consciouness is valueless. 

why would it be valueless? it does also give more daily experience to integrate advanced state of consciousness, breakthrough trips have significant values, only if that is possible to integrate.

is drinking coffee valueless?
collectively construct-aware, so that people in Community context can reorganise it's culture and order, is this valueless? 

6 hours ago, ValiantSalvatore said:

To be a bit more chill, I dunno after doing and smelling DMT a couple of times I sometimes smell it in parks and wonder if it could be extracted, yet I guess the structure... of the fragrance is simply similar I smell it often after rain at specific parks. I am hypersensetive, just smelling this has a mild psychdelic effect on me, yet also just because I allow it also. Calling this diverse application "psychotechnology" is a bit to much no?

Like getting high randomly of trees smelling like DMT, can be a bit to much for me. I could smell lavender and I would be also relaxed... I mean having DMT infused incense would be kinda dope, if you could seriously trip that way. That actually would be diverse application of a psychotechnology!

5-meo-dmt Sauna or extremely micro-dosed 5-meo-dmt holy fruit juice, psychedelics in vaporizer for humidity control and tripping etc, there is infinite ways, a psychedelic ritual for decision making process of a community (in the context of village, monastery) can be interesting as well, although it will be always a challenge that 5-meo-dmt will disrupt structure of ritual itself.


7 hours ago, ValiantSalvatore said:

People are dumb, it will be inevitable that someone will do it, no one is going to save this, you can warn people from the dangers to some extend. It's like A.I will be abused for some relgious purpose to some extend and be worshipped similar to god by materalists. It's inevitable to some extend that a minority of this will make this happen. I still look at the bright side of it. Especially if it get's more powerful. It's an outsourcing of authority and fear at play.

by religion, I purely meant a way to coordinate society, 


"and this will limit development of psychotechnologies, rituals, birth of new religion."

by this, I meant, attaching ourselves on traditional shamanism can block us from exploring new development of traditions, religions(a new way to coordinate world, ecology of Rituals).


I "believe" that this is how traditions are born, doing some stupid silly thing experimentally and it turns out to work very well. 

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17 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

I like to get high by smelling my own farts.

You can boost that by farting in the shower, is like smelling a fart in high resolution :)

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In no particular order:

1. Set and setting

2. Prepare the day before with mindfulness. Clean the house. Do laundry. Look at pretty pictures or save them to your phone.

3. Have a good 24 to 72 hours free. Enjoy the vibes and afterglow.

4. Prepare a list of weblinks to guided meditations, music, chill step Alan Watts, etc. Your phone may become difficult to use when tripping.

5. Test your stuff to confirm it and also screen for fentanyl or contamination,

6. Take a heroic dose on shrooms at 5 grams dried (Terrance McKenna). Lights off. Eyes closed. Lay in bed.

7. Charge your earbuds and phone. Have a charger handy.

8. You may want to record yourself or type notes to yourself or record a voice memo.

9. Fast 4 to 6 hours prior. Have snacks ready.

10. Exercise, drink water, eat healthy, sleep prior to use. Live a healthy lifestyle.

11. Be prepared for anxiety or panic attacks.

12. Your hands may shake, pupils dilated and darting, restlessness in your body.

13. You may not be able to control your thoughts and free association will run wild. It is very uncomfortable. You cannot find peace or calm down or self soothe.

14. Be prepared for your life force to be in danger. Be prepared for purgatory and time stopping. You may disassociate from your body and surroundings. Reality may feel torn or broken or a grotesque mockery.

15. You may feel nihilist or existential. Life may seem a game or a joke. It may all seem meaningless.

16. Try to have access to nature, water, birdsongs, etc. if you feel the desire to be in nature or be pure and uncontaminated.

What I learned:

I learned I am god and we are all one and there is an absolute and a non-duality. :)

Edited by Soul Flight

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You cannot necessarily "integrate" every high state you reach on psychedelics into the "ordinary" human consciousness. Human consciousness is too limited to contain it. But there can be some sort of integration in a human way. Interpreting these states from the POV of a ordinary human consciousness and changing how you understand reality, think, behave, feel, etc.

Excuse me for perhaps being too vague. I have difficulty articulating exactly what I mean.

Plot twist: Waldo finds himself.

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5 hours ago, Fluran said:

why would it be valueless? it does also give more daily experience to integrate advanced state of consciousness, breakthrough trips have significant values, only if that is possible to integrate.

is drinking coffee valueless?
collectively construct-aware, so that people in Community context can reorganise it's culture and order, is this valueless? 

I agree what I meant more is from tripping what is not truely earned does not stay in a sense, my comment might have been to aggressive. Also to be frank drinking coffee is close to valueless for me, as I get aggressive when I drink a lot of coffee. Caffeine does have value in tea for me for example and coffee has a strong social component etc...

Psychdelics are an amazing tool, I just also had deeper insights and breakthroughs through meditation so far, although the deepst have been with psychdelic I doubt the path can be done with only psychdelics that is what I meant with "unearned consciouness is valueless" some level of practice has to be there, or eventually you're just genetically gifted somehow in this. There barely are any functioning people at stage turqouise cognitvely that are many there. I don't also quiet understand what is written... 

It's not inherently valuless it has immense value. The point is just doing psychdelics without some experience and or legit doing it over and over and over and over and over and over and over again, and integrating trips. I doubt it elevates consciouness that much without that, without retreats and a serious practice, although I intuit retreats are more powerful and a basic practice may suffice. Still even research says it's the single most religious experience a person can have, as well as have the single most defining experience in terms of what someone could call experiencing god, and or having experienced god. I don't disagree with you, it's a little more nuanced. I also don't quiet understand what you're saying. 

Having construct awareness in itself is not that much of value, if it's only beign construct aware, as this is still ego that does not include morals and emotions, there are many academics at construct aware, and that is not all to great when they fundamentally operate at stage orange scientific materalism. Obviously it's of benefit that a community can re-organise itself in a community context, I also doubt a bit that many communities are fully construct aware, most are at green and are not functional, they don't even manifest themselves for the greater good like yellow would and gain skills to solve deep problems and have this type of orientation. I might be interpreting to much, but I find what you wrote to be a bit odd. 

5 hours ago, Fluran said:

5-meo-dmt Sauna or extremely micro-dosed 5-meo-dmt holy fruit juice, psychedelics in vaporizer for humidity control and tripping etc, there is infinite ways, a psychedelic ritual for decision making process of a community (in the context of village, monastery) can be interesting as well, although it will be always a challenge that 5-meo-dmt will disrupt structure of ritual itself.

It sounds like you're talking about stream entry without knowing the definitions of it and seem to be going there? I dunno I barely see this as a ritual as this is a very triabalistic perspective which can be good, yet I would safe this for shrooms as a perspective. I only did NN-DMT once, so I don't have as much experience, yet it sounds like some stream entry "indigo" stage conflation...

5 hours ago, Fluran said:

by religion, I purely meant a way to coordinate society, 


"and this will limit development of psychotechnologies, rituals, birth of new religion."

by this, I meant, attaching ourselves on traditional shamanism can block us from exploring new development of traditions, religions(a new way to coordinate world, ecology of Rituals).

That is a bit different, if I get your perspective right, I had to look up ecology of rituals https://www.researchgate.net/publication/316489931_Ritual_ecology I found this and asked ChatGPT, the point is I agree, yet calling it ritual is a bit weird imo. Although given better context it could definitely be cool and part of integration to society for example doing a mandatory 5-Meo trip when someone is 21 years old as spiritual initiation, I don't dislike the idea entirely... if my intuition is somewhat correct as a "coordination of society", yet I like these things to be mostly de-synched and esoteric and exoteric, so the knowledge and wisdom is publcially availabe and only a few of it can get the wisdom and knowledge first-hand by beign part of it. The more psychdelics become normalized there will be an organic way how it will impact society and eventually religions, traditions and spirituality, especially culture at large. 

It already most likely has for millennia, my history is not as good, yet that would be cool if there could be some examples of history, how tribes used it and or ancient cultures to explore consciouness, if that is part of the course!

Edited by ValiantSalvatore

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Trick to potentiate LSD trips :

Lying perfectly still on the onset. Dissociation comes fast, ego-death too

Bonus if you do it in silent darkness following your breath 

You wouldn't believe how deep I've gone with only 2 tabs, heck even just weed 

Edited by Loveeee

No space, no time, nothing but you/this/here/now

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You’ll have to buy my book. ^_^

So many lessons. 

Main one is: Study them deeply. Go Slow. Over do the safety x10 you cocky fool. 

Then, enjoy. 

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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I want to share this experience i had last night on 300ug of p1-lsd. It has been the most profound experience i had on a psychedelic sofar. I feel absolutely reborn.  This is perhaps my most top lesson i learned:



I've taken 2 tabs of p1-lsd of 150ug each. I put them under my tongue and let it do its thing.. I've tripped too 2 weeks ago. This time it went waaay faster than expected. 

I actually had the feeling was going to die. I did feel uncomfortable, but i just let it happen i was okay with it.  (sidenote: i consider myself to be a relatively experienced tripper. I have noticed that at moments with difficulty i'm pretty good at steering things into a less difficult direction and to let it solve itself afterwards.)

At some point that feeling turned into me getting  confused about who i am and in what room i was. But i just kept lying down on my bed (i had multiple colored lights and i had my Jbls in with Ambient and chillstep and the likes as music to guide me). Suddenly i knew who i was again and i was amazed by my own uniqueness, my own quirkyness, and all the little details that made me, me.

This was very profound because i got hit by a surge of selflove and appriciation. Something i have struggled with alot. But at this moment i felt so much selflove. It was intense. I felt really at amazing at this point.

But it got way better, now the profound thing happened. I loved myself from my hobbies to my interests and it got deeper and deeper. I loved myself to every fibre and atom and... Like a droplet of water that drops itself on a clear pond, i rippled away into infinity. I became the oneness. I suddenly could love myself as everyone in the same way as described above. I could be you and love you till the atom the same as i did with me. Because me = you.

Absolutely, PROFOUND.. There had been more 'Oneness' experiences which i'm just unable to put into words. 

And the moment i rippled away was the moment i had this really interesting giggle that made it click instantly. It was like the first time my Higherself of God showed itself. 


This trip also truely made me see how i can live life from my values and how i can build everything around that, and this is exactly the point where it all starts! 

I've been one hell of a contraction too. But i loved every second of it. 

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19 hours ago, ValiantSalvatore said:

I agree what I meant more is from tripping what is not truely earned does not stay in a sense, my comment might have been to aggressive. Also to be frank drinking coffee is close to valueless for me, as I get aggressive when I drink a lot of coffee. Caffeine does have value in tea for me for example and coffee has a strong social component etc...

Psychdelics are an amazing tool, I just also had deeper insights and breakthroughs through meditation so far, although the deepst have been with psychdelic I doubt the path can be done with only psychdelics that is what I meant with "unearned consciouness is valueless" some level of practice has to be there, or eventually you're just genetically gifted somehow in this. There barely are any functioning people at stage turqouise cognitvely that are many there. I don't also quiet understand what is written... 

It's not inherently valuless it has immense value. The point is just doing psychdelics without some experience and or legit doing it over and over and over and over and over and over and over again, and integrating trips. I doubt it elevates consciouness that much without that, without retreats and a serious practice, although I intuit retreats are more powerful and a basic practice may suffice. Still even research says it's the single most religious experience a person can have, as well as have the single most defining experience in terms of what someone could call experiencing god, and or having experienced god. I don't disagree with you, it's a little more nuanced. I also don't quiet understand what you're saying. 

Having construct awareness in itself is not that much of value, if it's only beign construct aware, as this is still ego that does not include morals and emotions, there are many academics at construct aware, and that is not all to great when they fundamentally operate at stage orange scientific materalism. Obviously it's of benefit that a community can re-organise itself in a community context, I also doubt a bit that many communities are fully construct aware, most are at green and are not functional, they don't even manifest themselves for the greater good like yellow would and gain skills to solve deep problems and have this type of orientation. I might be interpreting to much, but I find what you wrote to be a bit odd. 

by construct-awareness, means being aware that everyone is playing a game or dreaming and not aware of themselves, especially in high-level of construct awareness, being construct-aware means also feeling that I am outside of the game/social-reality


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