Leo Gura

Psychonauts Unite! -- Share Top Lessons You Learned From Your Tripping

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You can be fucking counciouss that God made humans shit and fart just because metaphor of mecanics. You are music, when you connect sufficently with music you can be the DJ at a party with your pure will just serving you. And of course doing music conventionally is a subpart of absolute musicwill such as having randomly playing music in your thoughts and having to sing to it.

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4 hours ago, Arthogaan said:

1. Create some small ritual for yourself. Whether it is cleaning up the flat and letting some fresh air in or something more fancy like some incense. 

2. Write down an intention before tripping. Even if it is as simple as "surrendering to whatever comes".

3. Meditate even for just 10 minutes before tripping.

All first 3 points make the setting much more comfortable. They provide that you feel that you actually took care of the situation. That it is something sacred.

4. You don't have to do it in the evening/afternoon. Especially for long-lasting ones. You can totally  wake up at 6 and start a trip at 7. Then you can fall asleep at normal hour and feel much better the next day.

5. Write down your insights! Describe them during a trip like you would write to a child, because in few hours your consciousness, your ability to connect dots will be much smaller, and the things that were obvious will not be obvious. Explain the beauty of life to your future self.

6. Do not tell about it to people that you are not sure should know.

7. Eat healthy and exercise. Your body has to be a well-oiled machined in order to withstand those higher vibrations.

Use audio recorder on your phone because nobody wants to write or type when you are zonked out of your mind 

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My thoughts directly influence reality. my emotions influence reality. 

Edited by Oppositionless

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2 hours ago, OBEler said:

With psychedelics: I remember how I see the world as I was a child. Playing games were more fun back then, watching movies more intense. But with psychedelics i can get almost back to this State of consciousness. 

I wish that feeling uncomfortable and stressfull is just a wave, after some minutes you will be ok again. But if you literally run away this fear will stay for very long time, maybe even after the trip is over. 

+1 I get into a very deep state of contemplation and innocence, when I tap into this field, like reality plays itself out in an self-controlled field that I created even partially based on energy and vibes. I become more aware what I attract with my emotions as well as can tune into the fine-tuned field of emotions even subtle emotions and undercurrents trained with meditation old positive feelings as a kid, teenager that ignited my vision to go where I'd love to be in life now mostly. Everything feels more alive, there is more love in all things. 

It's also a spiritual tool, without the 8h meditation bout and 1P-LSD 2-3 tabs, and double clarification from Leo and Shinzen I would not have had an absolute perfectly clear snippet and taste of what consciouness is, and how hard it is to come by with traditional means. I learned what consciouness is as a casual phenomena mostly, wide empty space fully alive going beyond time & matter, beign the very substrat of it. 
One drawback might be the level of confusion and lack of mapping and clarity that exists, so making sense of the experiences and beign indifferent about them is a key lesson also imo.

  • At times deep clarity of what I'd like to get out of life, based on what I have done and imprinted myself with
  • Awareness of my animal nature, lust, desire, body awareness is very high and I can let go of long held tensions and or pain points, with mindfulness meditation during tripping
  • Beauty and aweness in a lot of things
  • Healing of shadow elements and kriyas
  • A huge aid for shadow work and energetic blockages
  • Love and connection to nature, especially and a lot of nano and baby tastes, of what can go beyond human it's similar to a retreat breakthrough, it is as if the whole world stops and aids your conquest of consciouness and honors your intent of the trip
  • Relaxation and stress reduction generally speaking after doing 20+ trips, this was the biggest gain the clarity of mental health
  • Closer connection to god-like feelings that can be experienced during workouts, deep meditation retreats relatively quick taste of "pure exellence"
  • Beautiful geometric patterns when closing my eyes, similar to beign an energetic architect
  • Beign very absored into the story and emotions of others re-experiencing their live and generally "hyper-empathy", possibly to ones own demise
  • Self-inquiry lvl's beyond what is currently capeable do to enhanced perception and connection of ideas
  • Insane undescribable cognitive connections (somehow currently lost with more tripping), yet I could make sense and draw back on deeper memories of what I read about spiral dynamics and or for example stream entry, and other topics.
  • Insights into my own level of survival relative truth and things where I can work on personally
  • Taste of unconditional love and undconditional positive regard insights from example Carl Roger popularized this apparently;
    It's like going beyond good and evil, yet a strong level of self-acceptance close to the emotion of love, yet not quiet it. 
  • Deep humilty of existence to the level where I was ashamed to exist and just pissed by how greedy and ruthless humans are, desire to act more with integraity and not to bullshit, lie and deceive. 
  • Deep appreciation on how amazing humans are, and how beautiful work and hobbies can be
  • Meeting cool and interesting people
  • Thousand of spiritual states written in books samadhi etc. 
  • Love for spirituality and cross-paradigmatic spirituality, especially.
  • Bigger enjoyment and taste of what is Truth, relative and absolute. 

Some issues and lessons that are more negative:

  • The level of sensetivity and social deconditioning and reconditioning after making a tabula rasa of mind (philosophy definition)
  • Beign able to amp states for others and get 0 credit and not knowing if you are deluding yourself, you're beign creative, sharing joy beyond this world
  • Fear and how the mind can play tricks on you based on phobias and fears you have, especially if you don't have any self-love
  • For me strong awareness of the roles within society, and how unfree we can be based on it and free at the sametime, as it's a social game
  • Some tripps are filler trips and wasted, due to lacking self-discipline and knowledge to contemplate reality deeply
  • It's not super practical in the sense, that if you're not conscious about drawing levels of insight for your own survival, it does not help as you go to deep into consciouness, beauty etc.
  • Danger of deluding oneself with powers
  • Some people are unstable and can't integrate the lessons to well, due to not using practical psychology and or applied psychology to leverage insights, and beign open to self-experimentation etc. (Been there)

I can feel like I am the creator of the universe, although I am unsure at times if this is just a power trip. It's more I cherish the magnificence of creation itself, and become deeply awed by it. Bringing me to tears by the beauty of it. 

Edited by ValiantSalvatore

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Focus like a motherfucker to go really deep.

Write down guidelines for yourself and stick them in a visible place. Really put care into what You write - You might appreciate that A LOT during the trip. It'll be much easier to refocus (!!) and You'll have good advice to support You in case everything becomes too much. I think this is especially useful for 1) beginners and 2) long trips like on LSD.

The lesson in a nutshell is to go the extra mile to write something useful and kind for yourself. Example:


Clean your house beforehand. Treat it as a nice ritual.

Don't let the offset go to waste, spend time really contemplating after the peak.

Trip alone, be concentrated, accept what arises, commit to staying safe physically.

Death is not real. Let go. ♾️

Edited by Sincerity

Words can't describe You.

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Another advice, avoid tripping if you share a flat or house (even if it's separated into different apartments). Two times I've done this, two times I repent myself.. although the trips were fine.

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-Put on a mouth guard, I never see that one.
-Pay more attention to the pain, when I'm on a psychedelic I'm unable to determine if I burn myself while taking a shower, for example.
-Prepare food beforehand.
-Do not drop if there are people around, or professional concerns.

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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1) Trip alone. There's little enjoyment in tripping with your stupid friends watching SpongeBob. Tripping alone opens up a whole new landscape of experience impossible to reach with the immediate distraction of others. 

2) Stay in symmetry. From Martin W. Ball. I think he said that whenever the body isn't in perfect symmetry, the ego is involved. Something like that. I've used the technique a good few times if I need to ground myself and it's a nice option to have. You'll probably notice your body doing this naturally while tripping anyway.

3) Trip somewhere where it's possible to be inside or outside so you have the option.

4) I like to write a note beforehand simply stating the question or topic I want to explore. Then I read it aloud and ask the Universe to be kind and gentle in its revealing, kind of like a prayer.

5) Have fruit on hand. Another grounding mechanism and is possible to have profound insight or recognition with fruit while tripping.

6) Don't mix substances.

7) Meditate while coming up.

8) Have access to a shower if possible. Grounding technique.

9) Guided meditations from top sources are excellent for lower doses. Maybe higher doses as well if you don't get whisked away.

10) Embrace the trip.


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8 hours ago, kamill said:

Always take crap before you start, because you might end up with dirty pants 

What's up with psychedelics and shitting yourself

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What are your top lessons when it comes to psychedelics?

Life is a game, Die before you die 

There is no distinction between a psychedelic trip and your daily life. 

Insights and inspiration come from being connected to the source of consciousness, the level of connectivity to the source has a chemical basis in the body. In the case of psychedelics the inspiration and insights fade away as the chemical foundation changes during the comedown, they do however still have a lasting effect, but the true growth comes from learning how to align the chemistry of the body with the source without psychedelics, this is the way to embody the insights and inspiration.

Most growth from psychedelics is done after the trip by integration. 

If you need a psychedelic to sit in bliss, you are not awake and you don't understand reality.

Accept everything that is. All is you. 

Everything you could ever want is already inside of you.



How to use them most effectively and safely?

The most effective way to use psychedelics for me is before and during the trip to surrender to silent presence and to the energy that arises when you do so. Notice how much resistance the mind has to be silent and present. I do this through yoga, meditation breathing and also guided Meditation.

Once my mind is established in the silent presence and connected to the bliss I like to contemplate or also listen to different spiritual teachers. Often tho hours fly by just sitting in the profound bliss and love empty of thought. Once in this state on lsd I listened to Leos reading a poetic description of god consciousness. My Imagination had no human limitations and so the words of leo were translated into a profound experience. His words and descriptions became my reality.

Safety?  Well don't be an idiot. Consider all saftey measures before the trip. Pick a good location where you're safe without noise, close to nature. Don't take very high doses. 

What do you wish you'd have known before you started?

Nothing. Exploring this stuff is a lot of fun. 

Dos and don't when psychonauting?


Fast before and during and after the trip. If you want to eat, eat fruits. Warm water with honey and pure cacao is also nice. Be warm. I like to wrap myself in a mandala when sitting in Meditation. When it's dark, light  safely placed candels. Wear comfortable clothing. Commit yourself before the trip to not distract yourself. Be free of fear and negativity. Go offline. Don't be uncomfortable with insanity.


Don't eat during the trip! Don't look at your phone. Don't look at screens too much or  better not at all. Don't distract yourself. Don't trip in noisy and crowded places. Don't trip in a City. 



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The biggest lesson in psychedelics is for starters to build some background in psychology/spirituality/religion by reading starter books like david hawkins transcending the levels of consciousness and then go for more advanced books otherwise they won't understand anything that is said in the book and they also won't have anything for the "ego" to hold on during the experience. If the ego has nothing to hold on they will simply be not conscious


If the ego has no background in this stuff, all the trips will be severely limited. I've asked 4 people in real life who done LSD, they basically had no clue what it was and were not conscious of it. Even my friend viewed his first psychedelic experience with mdma and lsd as "fun" he didn't realize that it was actually increasing his consciousness and so on.

To be honest @Leo Gura your teachings and the teachings about psychedelics will only come to those who "seek" , but outsiders for the most case will always be limited that aren't on this path.



Most books are written from higher consciousness, everything that is in the books usually comes from accessing channels. This is how ego grows in development

Edited by Jowblob

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23 minutes ago, Jowblob said:

The biggest lesson in psychedelics is for starters to build some background in psychology/spirituality/religion by reading starter books like david hawkins transcending the levels of consciousness and then go for more advanced books otherwise they won't understand anything that is said in the book and they also won't have anything for the "ego" to hold on during the experience. If the ego has nothing to hold on they will simply be not conscious

This! Otherwise many just ego-trip and god-trip themselves claiming they have created smth. lasting while it was only fleeting and can't keep learning from peaks, and don't know how to go about life to maintain peaks. 

Also the mechanistic & scientific paradigm, if they don't have a baseline spiritual practice it will just become confused with some materalistic thinking for survival and psychonauting will be co-opted, many should read cook-greuters ego developmental model as well as terri o'fallons model of ego development to make sense out of their experience. Psychdelic interests starts at Orange/green, mostly full Green can start to cherish the experience for what it truely is imo, and yellow+ can get the most benefit routinley out of it, when I contemplate my intuition. Many can't comprehend how strong the stage orange driving force is in humans till their are 60 or so, and I doubt this will change for the next 30-40 years, bringing these insights back even to stage orange type of thinking and breaking free of paradigms, while taking care of survival should be paramount to psychdelic growth and using it as a growth tool. As well as reading about it itself. There could be a distinction between psychdelics for survival, and psychdelics for consciouness growth. 

Wilber, Hawkins eventually, Terri O'Fallon are very important, I would never made sense out of this otherwise. 
I also had insights into the never-ending "game of life" thing, and contemplated this for a while, with a book called blue truth helped me ultimately to make sense out of it. 

I don't know how big the course will be and what type of psychdelics you'd include @Leo Gura, yet it would be cool if there would be a distinction for survival insight psychdelics like mushroom and lsd personally (healing & science supports this), that help with this more than for example NN-DMT. As well as your estimate of this and what particular benefit for example LSD helped me the most with my vision about life and inspiration. While Cannabis showed me more of what I'd could connect with "Truth" and "Reality" as the material life is experienced so heavily in this mode and seen through at the same time how much of an illusion it is, it would be interesting how it is for others, as cannabis is an extremely materalistic type of psychdelic I find, and only a few can appreciate it's art and depth, especially combined... I only did NN-DMT once, yet it completely skull-fucked me. I am still building a ground where I can do this deeply for sometime, and see how well it aids spiritual growth and survival. As well as some scientific insights on the new ground on psychdelics for skeptics, and potential warnings also based on science would be cool, so it's actually professional. I don't care about sources, more about what matters to you in your experience. (I don't value professionalism, more exellence, so I really care about the experience)

MDMA showed me love, yet I never went fully beyond ego only tastes of no-ego for seconds and eventually minutes. 

Edited by ValiantSalvatore

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When going through a bad trip where the fear is too intense, immediately go for an ego death by contemplating:

What is Death? 

What Is Ego? 

What is Self? 


This should wipe fear away to allow you to continue your work. 


Don't avoid thinking about your death, otherwise it will just suck more. If you are encountering ideas of death, go head first into it. 

I forgive my past, I release the future, and I honor how I feel in the present. 

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I would say preapare for each trip real hard. Before and after.

Before-trip: eat healthy, do sport, meditate, yoga, sleep well, feel good in general. Also having a bit of discomfort prior the trip can help you to relax and surrender afterwards, take a cold shower or run a sprint, do something uncomfortable but good. Try to trip like it's such an important thing, because it is. Value it and love it. Do what you know is good for you, whatever works for you do it, this are just ideas.

In the Trip: Experience without the needing to instantly label or understand. Be comfortable just with the raw experience, consciousness and awakening as much as possible. Basking in it, then try to make sense and play with it but don't rush it. It's very common to just explote in an awakening and your mind will go: How can this even be? What does this even mean? What are the implications of this realization? All those questions are nice but with experience you will understand that it's better to connect more deeply with what is happening. If you want to use your mind use it to penetrate even deeper in that realization and experience. Those types of questions leave them for the after-trip. While you are in a psychedelic try to really make your best of the substance and use it for the Work but also leave room to decompress don't be too pushy, laugh and take it easy, let yourself be impregnated with each realization and insight. Be natural and authentic, your trips don't need to confirm your previous realizations or spiritual ideas, be open and flexible to experience new awakenings that maybe no body else has experienced. You are your own guide. Psychedelics and the trip can guide you, your intuition can guide you, the moment can guide you, and as much as I recommend to set intentions, totally die in each trip to what is going on, surrender and flow with it. Your thinking and planning was from another state of consciousness now you are more conscious, honor that.

After-trip: INTEGRATION. I mean this is huge. Write a detailed report of all the trips you have done and ask yourself powerful questions like: How can I embody what I have become conscious of in this trip? What is the plan to live the realizations from this trip? What problems did I face? How can I make better the next trip? How does this connect with my other trips? 


Edited by Davino

God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty. We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes Virtuous and Conscious. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life God is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, ... Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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Tell myself - This is not going to go the way you think it will - even if you think this you still have ideas that will end up being wrong so at least be aware and stay humble.

Don't assume a psychedelic will help you with trauma - everyone is different.  I had gone through an extremely difficult extended ordeal.  After it ended my ego was in such a traumatized contracted state for a long period of time, I couldn't get it to unwind or "go back".   I tried some psychedelics  thinking it could help. I took a lowish dose, in a safe environment, being educated about it.  However, my ego or self fought back so hard, I just felt even more contracted during the trip- just to fight that increased consciousness, it was an extremely unpleasant trip the entire time.  The problem is maybe a higher dose would "break through" that, but of course to do that is to risk an even worse experience.   So its difficult to say and you have to figure this out for oneself - especially if you have a unique brain/experiences.  Although of course, I still learned from that experience so its hard to say whether it overall helped me or not.

I believe it is super valuable to go into any psychedelic experience without the intention to have fun or feel amazing.  I think the more immature/young people do this and it backfires. You cant really fake it either, so don't try and instead aim to just be honest with yourself - of course everyone wants to have a good trip.  


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1.) Don't be dumb enough to take on any responsibility during a trip - at least if it's one of your first trips and you're inexperienced and don't know the effects of the substance very well yet; example: taking care of refiring a stove in the middle of a lsd trip (you might get overwhelmed, confused and scared)

2.) Always go with the flow, allow even the worst things to come up and embrace them; embrace fear and the feeling of going insane

"If I die now, then I die...it is what it is"

3.) Ideally calm down already the day before the trip so you're as unstressed as possible on the day of the trip.

4.) Know about potential experiences by studying trip reports and reading  books, so you don't resist anything that unfolds

It's good to know that you could turn into a witch who's getting burnt in medieval times or similar things ?

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1. Don't expect too much in the short-term. The game is still long-term. The principles of Mastery still apply to psychedelics.

2. You can't always avoid bad trips. Even if you're careful. Be prepared to face hell. I've had my worst bad trip on weed of all things.

3. Beware of Paranoia. "Have I lost my mind?" You might believe you've lost your mind after a difficult, destabilizing trip. The more you believe this to be the case the more evidence you might find and the more it seems to be true (paranoia). In reality when this happens take a break from psychedelics and allow your mind to stabilize.

4. Professional help can be great. It can be nice to talk to a mature professional who has experience with psychedelics. Especially if you're a beginner. This excludes most psychologists in today's world, sadly. And this is quite rare on the internet too but we're lucky to have someone like Leo giving advise for free. Thankfully there are more and more trained psychologists who have and give psychedelic therapy. Research your options.

5. On distractions and intentions. Some things you might want to do when tripping is only a distraction and waste of the trip. But ultimately this is relative to your intention for tripping in the first place. And sometimes you'll end up throwing your initial intentions out of the window when tripping because you realize there are higher possibilities.

6. Be open to try different psychedelics. I expected shrooms to very similar to LSD based on what I've read. But in my experience they affect me completely differently. In all honesty, every psychedelic I have yet used has affected me completely differently. Don't expect your experiences will be the same as you read the average person has. Especially if psychedelic A doesn't do for you what you want, try B, then C, and so on.

7. Not only fun and games. You can't hide and suppress your wounds and traumas. They will all be revealed and if you resist this process it can get nasty. Psychedelics are not about escapism. It's not alcohol, it's not sedation. But in the end this is a good thing and will improve your life.
"Everything is brought up to be exposed to the light, and whatever is exposed to the light itself becomes light."

Plot twist: Waldo finds himself.

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Probably one of the greatest lessons for me was, that your personal history of trips has this overarching developement to it.

E.g. MDMA only really started to act on my brain after some 3 or 4 really intense LSD experiences. Before that, I basically had a 100% tolerance. It did nothing to me. Another example is weed. After smoking weed on a MDMA trip its effects on me were changed perrmanently. Even if I smoke it by itself, it has a little bit of the MDMA vibe sticking to it. This also goes for retreats or really intense life experiences like breakups, severe illnes or accidents, falling inn love, changing your living situation and so on. Also, in general, my tolerance to any substance has decreased a lot.

Probably all versed psychedelic explorers notice something like this this at some point. But as a newbe, you have cannot anticipate this. So beware, that after a really intense trip, the whole psychedelic landscape might have changed. This is your psyche and trauma body developing.
Expect something like this whenever you approach psychedelics. And enjoy it. :)

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On ayahuasca i puked and shit myself plenty times

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