Buck Edwards

Upasnas and Mantras

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Om Namah shivaya 

Om Namah shivaya 

My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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I think in my opinion, the very first thing to open your heart Chakra should be not live in negativity. 


For the heart Chakra, the most important thing would be LOVE. 

Apart from the above, this Aum Chanting can be added too. It's pretty intense in awakening vibration in the heart. Feel the vibration in the heart as you feel the chant. And the sound of Aum. 

I'll be elaborating further on the sound of Aum in this series 


Neem Karoli Baba. 



I think I will add this to my morning routine. 

My morning routine is gradually getting longer hahaha. 


Negativity corrupts my energy big time and turns me into a person I don't wanna be 

Calm your nerves and your frequency and tune it to something positive and up your vibration. 


Remember with this. Positive Frequency. High Vibration. What does this mean? Negative frequency means abberation and interruption, at least in my case. Positive frequency means starting fresh with motivation and a calm mind, a beautiful vibrant heart and with good intent. Positive frequency means less distraction and more clarity and purity, good for contemplations. 

Positive frequency is also soothing and healing, good for those who feel uncalm and troubled like me. 

And now what's vibration? 

As in high vibration. This is the intensity of energy. Just being positive is not enough. A low vibration means passivity and won't achieve much. Vibing at a higher level achieves the state of consciousness where you are in tune with your best version, this high vibration can also be associated with kundalini according to me, I'm yet to confirm this through practice though, I'm just putting a feeler out there as to know what this must be like, vibration at a higher level means giving out intense vibrations, aura, energy, alchemy where they are not only protective but regenerative, they lead to effective changes, think of it this way, if you will, I think the frequency is the tone you set, the vibration is the tempo, you can have a mid tempo or higher. Higher vibration means your concentration is amazing, your focus sharp and strength expanding to grow cognitively and emotionally, spiritually, blockages removed and you healing quickly and achieving consistency and rhythm and proceeding uneventfully towards your higher self, the stronger wiser attuned self that revolves around creation, love, spontaneity and growing, maturation. Infinity. Your highest productive potential. Full Contentment and love and peace. Bliss. Love. 


Just imagine the energetic body in your own body. There's life force called prana flowing through it. They converge at powerful centers called Chakras. Here the frequency and the vibration is the highest in my opinion. These Chakras flow from root to crown.Each chakra, or nerve center, is associated with particular qualities and emotions which transpire in different ways depending on whether they’re unbalanced (aka blocked)...or not! 

When thinking about balancing on unblocking the chakras, it’s helpful to imagine the flow of energy rather than a literal chakra that is wobbling or blocked up. When your energy is flowing upwards, you will feel the positive aspects of each chakra, in the case of the heart chakra that is love. When it’s flowing downwards you’ll experience the negative qualities of each chakra. It’s more useful to focus on the flow of energy, rather than trying to isolate each chakra and “fix” it. 

If you feel hurt, it's time to re balance the heart Chakra literally. 


One way is to practice gratitude. 


Focus on what you love. Maybe you feel unconditional love for your children, or your friends, or even a beloved pet. Love is love, it's not that one love is better than another. So if looking at your niece's cute little face makes your heart overflow, then let your heart open to that cute little baby. If you have a guru or a deity you love, a friend, a pet, whatever it is, just get the energy of love going in your life.


I would like to imagine pink and yellow circles coming closer to my heart and sometimes pink and blue circles encircling my heart space. 

Imagine you're receiving all the love. Everyone is loving you. You deserve it. You're becoming complete and whole cosmic energy is enlightening your heart vibration. 

All sentient creatures look at you with loving eyes. Do this meditation. 

You're accepted as you are. You are a fine baby. You're a precious miracle. 

Repeat what I said everyday. 



I think the law of attraction and karma will be very important here along with positive frequency and high vibration. 

How you feel is probably what you attract. 

Maybe you attract hurt, because you're already wounded. It's like if you don't sleep well, you get bad dreams.

Try feeling better, try feeling loved rather than craving love. 


You're always confusing the map for the territory. 

Why do you feel doubt? Why do you feel suspicion? Why do you feel fear? 

Because you feel inadequate deep inside. If you are truly content, you wouldn't feel these hurtful emotions. 

We're always externalizing what we feel. But never looking inside. Never seeing that the origin of suspicion might be within our own projections, our own thoughts and feelings arising from our deep biases and subconscious fears and wants. 

What if what we thought/felt was so further from reality, that facing reality and truth would be an embarrassment!

That can happen. Nobody controls destiny. What you assume may not be true. 

When you are so open, then let all perspectives come to you and play with your senses. 

Let the universe teach you that both good and bad exist and if you stay good you would most likely attract good. 

Fear and neurosis might even destroy what is good. But if you focus solely on love, then where's the place for fear? Then what you want will be more aligned to who you are. 


Best is the state where there's nothing to lose. 

I'm sitting in a van. And there's faint light to illumine the place. That's all. Everything else is closed and curtained and dark. And it's only me and my thoughts. 

Outisde there's nature. And the universe. 

Inside me are all the happenings.

And right now there's only love. Only love is possible in such a tiny space. This little space is home. Home is where the heart is. 


My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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Heart Chakra 


I'll add this to my morning routine. 


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My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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Satsang episodes and lessons from Bhagavad Gita

Dr Baland Jalal. On the subject of sleep paralysis. 


Gaur Gopal Das. 


Satsang 1.

This episode was a meditation, sort of satsang. From the Jay shetty podcast. I'm in love with this. It's Gauranga Das. 




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My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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Atmananda Krishna menon. 





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My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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Mantras for throat Chakra.

Mantra for activation of throat Chakra. 

This actually penetrates the throat. 

This one works too. 

It's also a good morning meditation. 

This is good for manipura. 




Do this early morning. 





Nisargdatta maharaj.

Ramana Maharshi

Paramhansa Yogananda.

Swami Vivekananda


Jiddu Krishnamurti

Mahavatar Babaji

Shri Swami Samarth

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri

Devraha Baba

Anandamayi Ma

Ram Dass. 

Neem Karoli Baba.  

Haidakhan Baba.

Baba Ramdev

 Sri Madhukarnath

Lahiri Mahasaya

Prahlad Jani

Gajanan Maharaj. 

Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa. 

Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche 

Matthieu Ricard. 

Zopa Rinpoche 

Dilgo Rinpoche 




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My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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It's just perfect. I'm listening to this every morning while doing my chakra meditation. Helps balancing my chakras. All peace, all love. I've tried so many different music pieces for my different meditation practices so far, yet I was often dissatisfied with the quality of the music, the right vibe was missing, just plain relaxation but not the vibe. This will be great for Om/Aum mantra meditation. 

I've a great passion for music. I'm also exploring isochronic music and frequency healing music too. Mantra music too. 

This by far wins my heart, it has the right vibe for my practice. Ignore the animal pictures or videos. Just focus on the audio, not the visuals. Tune in and sit comfortably and let it bring in the peace as you meditate. I'm sure you'll enjoy. 


Edited by Enlightement

My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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Vipassana, Nirvikalpa samadhi and Turiya, vedanta, Kriya initiation, Swami Sarvapriya


My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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Swami Sarvapriyananda on samadhi and Turiya, vedanta and more. 


Kriya initiation. Isha Das



My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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Sometimes it's a bit daunting to do spiritual work and the past few days I've been feeling the heat and wanting to get out of the kitchen. It's not easy or peaceful by any means. I'm sticking my leg in the door and I'm not still in as I would like to be, it really feels like an initiation and very overwhelming, I'm by no means a beginner yet there's an ocean and I have just dived. Can feel the initial shock. Will share some of my resources on this thread. 


Yesterday I contemplated for an hour on the nature of spirituality. And I found that two preliminary ingredients of spiritual growth would have to be politeness and silence. Just be silent. xero reactivity. Just be silent and observe. Don't be too taken or impacted by circumstances. 

My contemplations from these resources 

There can never be a straight easy short cut way to enlightenment. It has to be an elaborate process, the strength and vigor of the spiritual warrior (shakti). 

In Hinduism, shakti is strength and multi is liberation. With a monkey mind you can achieve nothing at all. 

Today I saw a video on shaktipat and it was mind boggling to me, I asked how could it be possible. It was something out of the blue that jumped at me and I was instantly drawn to it. This is a part of the kundalini research I'm doing. 

Then I engaged in a bit of self talk for the rest of the day. First of all, that there is a voice in your head that indulges in self-talk. Most of the time and for many people interestingly enough that self-talk for many people is not always negative, but for many people, there's it is more negative than positive actually. Let's say a good event happened yesterday. You might have gone to a nice reunion or you went out into nature and you witnessed a beautiful sunset, okay. You can remember it today and think that was a beautiful sunset. Hehe. But you can't do that much thinking about a nice event. But the mind, when there's something negative that happens yesterday, somebody offended you then you think about it for hours on end, right? You can go on for a long time dwelling on something much longer than to dwelling on something positive. A negative event is much more food for useless mind activity than a positive event. And this is why for many people, a significant percentage of their mind activity is negative  and I  mean that because the  predominant state of consciousness, your predominant mental emotional state is actually often negative. There's a certain correlation between who you associate with, where you find yourself, and even what kind of things happened to you, there is a correlation which is not always immediately recognizable. But there is a correlation between once a person's predominant mental, emotional state, and who they are with, who their friends are, where they work, and even what happens to them. So, if you are In a very negative state long time, you tend to attract also negative events, but you can only have to find that out for yourself. I'm not saying believe me, I know it from my own life. 

My contemplations from these resources 






My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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This is too fun to miss. Hehe. 


My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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I wanted to explore Aghori. It's not all bad. But I doubt I will ever meet them on my way to Kedarnath. 

I'm too scared to meet them. 

But I might learn something. 

I think I mentioned Aghori baba in spiritual scholars list. 


I think I was too.scared to include Aghori on the list of spiritual scholars because they carry a questionable reputation. But they exist in my private scholars list. Maybe in the future I will gain something from them. I have practiced occult before but only for good things. And I like the idea of mysticism. 

The Aghori are mainly about death. I find that transition fascinating.


My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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I found that this works best for a morning routine. 

So far my morning routine will consist of a cold shower followed by this healing Badrinath mantra (since I'm on the Kedarnath badrinath journey) 

And I can further combine it with solar plexus manipura activation. 



I follow it up with Aarti. Another thing I added to my spiritual practice. 



My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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Kedarnath and badrinath and kailash. Kashi.

History of badrinath. 


My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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