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What if I am passionate about politics but I don't want to help bad victims?

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I know that politics is something that I find meaningful and I am really passionate about it. I feel like it might even be the life purpose that I have been searching for. However one area that I have been constantly going back and forth on is the death penalty in politics. After researching on the internet I know that one of the ways to help victims sometimes is through some politicians trying to get or advocate for the death penalty for certain crimes.

When it comes to really awful crimes that have been committed I do feel like the death penalty is the proper punishment. On one hand I feel like I find it very meaningful and I am passionate about making sure that good victims get justice.

I want to clarify that I am not saying any victim deserved to have what happened to them. However since I don't know any of the victims in these cases I wouldn't feel successful in my life fighting and advocating extremely hard for a bad victim to get justice.

When i say a bad victim I mean someone that was a horrible person who was mistreating everyone around them and being a complete asshole to people when they were alive. A bad victim to me is someone who was completely awful while they were here. A person that if I was to have met them in my life I would have hated them.

I try to assume that in every situation of a crime you had good victims and bad victims around 50/50 so it evens out. However I still wouldn't feel comfortable advocating and fighting so hard for bad victims in this world. What should I do if I am passionate about politics but the death penalty is one area I feel unsure about because I don't want to advocate and fight for bad victims? 

Edited by NightHawkBuzz

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