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The symbolism of heaven and hell

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It's religious nonsense?  I don't think so.  It is indeed a fantasy. In the present moment you wouldn't call your experience heavenly or hellish.. It's somewhere in the middle.

Life has all kinds of opposites that compliment each other. One of them couldn't exist without the other.  Up and down.. Good and bad.. Light and darkness.. Happiness and misery.. Pleasure and pain etc.     The same creative power that created the beautiful stars and rainbows.. The sunset.. The birds the trees and the  breeze.. The nature the sea.. This same creative Powe is able to create an infinitely beautiful reality that feels like an endless orgasm.. Yes it is.  This same creative power that creeated the starving stomach ..the cancer.. The plague..the pain of being burned or bleeding to death.. The pain of being eaten alive.. Who made all this horrible stuff?  The same creative power. The same creative power is able to create an infinitely painful reality that feels like being burned forever.. Hell.   Nothing could prevent reality from manifesting hell or heaven .. And since the source is not separate.. You could manifest it. If you are not careful you might very well create hell.. If you follow the inner compass you are heading towards heaven. Metaphorical or not.. Happiness was Never a metaphor.. And pain was never and can never be an illusion. Because illusions do not exist.  I laugh my ass off whenever I hear a faint of an argument about reality being illusory.. Here it is dummy.. If you have eyes to look.. Look.  If you have ears to hear.. Hear.    What else matters but happiness??  If you have tasted the beauty that this creative power is able to create.. . And you have tasted the pain that it is able to create as well.... You gotta figure out your way to heaven.    Everyone is different. Your heaven is not my heaven.. Since its fantasy but it's real!.  The only purpose of life if any is to actualize YOUR heaven. 

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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I think religion is a tool used to manifest. If you have more than one God believing in a fiction it has higher and higher chance to become fact. The power of religion is the power of the belief in the individuals.

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11 minutes ago, Hojo said:

I think religion is a tool used to manifest. If you have more than one God believing in a fiction it has higher and higher chance to become fact. The power of religion is the power of the belief in the individuals.

I'm not talking About beliefs . You can become directly conscious that heaven and hell are indeed real. But they are NOT places.

Its a state of consciousness..if you are awake then every little detail of reality will be an orgasm of ecstasy.  There are actually sages here in India that can survive on breath and light alone . Because they had achieved the full Godhood.

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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@Someone here well you ask is religion nonsense. All religion is a list of beliefs. I am aware heaven and hell are real i visit hell don't know you are in it when you are there your self reflection is taken away and you are just suffering. Its not on earth it is in a different realm. It gets alot worse than being sad cause you are homeless and just got raped. When you are in hell you don't get a choice to not suffer

Edited by Hojo

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1 minute ago, Hojo said:

@Someone here well you ask is religion nonsense. All religion is a list of beliefs. I am aware heaven and hell are real i visit hell don't know you are in it when you are there your self reflection is taken away and you are just suffering. Its not on earth it is in a different realm

 Probably you didn't read the entire post. I asked to answer that they are NOT religious nonsense. So I know the answer.

.no it's actually not In a different realm .its always here and now . If you are awake..the entire existence will be your biggest paradise.  If you are not awake..then life will be your hell .and you will reincarnated in lesser forms of consciousness to suffer endlessly..until you wise up and just fucking awaken .


my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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@Someone here keyword awake. How many people are awake. There is literally a room God created for itself to be raped for infinity

Edited by Hojo

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4 minutes ago, Hojo said:

@Someone here keyword awake. How many people are awake. There is literally a room God created for itself to be raped for infinity

Awakening is simply becoming consious of the absolute truth which is unconditional love and pure goodness. 

No there is no room to be raped for infinity . That would imply that God is evil or unintelligent.  Think about it ..if you realized that you are god and all powerfull..what would you create? 

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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10 minutes ago, Hojo said:

There is literally a room God created for itself to be raped for infinity

Beautiful statement.

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Consciousness can easily dream up a Hell full of demons and such. And its opposite.

The problem is treating these as objective places outside your own MIND and not taking responsibility for dreaming them up.

You don't go to Hell for immoral behavior, your MIND conjures it up.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura isn't the problem that you wont be awake forever tho. Its not possible in eternity . This is why waking up every aspect of God is so important so that you can help yourself wake up again easily if you go to sleep

Edited by Hojo

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13 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Consciousness can easily dream up a Hell full of demons and such. And its opposite.

The problem is treating these as objective places outside your own MIND and not taking responsibility for dreaming them up.

You don't go to Hell for immoral behavior, your MIND conjures it up.

Agreed ?. 

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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26 minutes ago, Hojo said:

@Leo Gura isn't the problem that you wont be awake forever tho. Its not possible in eternity . This is why waking up every aspect of God is so important so that you can help yourself wake up again easily if you go to sleep

That's one perspective.

Perhaps an even deeper perspective is just to embrace the entire gamut of consciousness and don't try to escape or avoid any of it. If there is a Hell, why aren't you excited to go there just for the experience? That's sorta GOD's attitude about all this.

Awakening is Good but dreaming is also Good.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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23 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Consciousness can easily dream up a Hell full of demons and such. And its opposite.

The problem is treating these as objective places outside your own MIND and not taking responsibility for dreaming them up.

You don't go to Hell for immoral behavior, your MIND conjures it up.

But will it? I don’t think consciousness will ever create such a thing. The idea of hell and the afterlife only makes sense to a human lost in silly ideas. If you think about it, an infinite amount of time has already passed because there is no time in the first place. And yet I’m here, not in some fire-y place with demons.

Is there a legitimate reason for it? I don’t know, the thing with pondering is that it’s always negated by the illusion of time and circles back to the now.

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@michaelcycle00 you put yourself there thats the problem.. you wont always be concious enough to not put yourself there. These are the horrors of God when you put yourself into hell not knowing you exist as God. Not only is it true but its fact you will be unconscious in hell for infinite time and you can't escape it. But you will also be concious in heaven for infinity. The only thing to do is endure and whats the point of enduring if there is no God to save you

Edited by Hojo

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@Leo Gura I'm not scared of it anymore but I was when I didn't have God with me because no one is there to save you you are just there unconsciously. And there's no guaranteeing God will stay with me I could just as easily fall back asleep in another life after living as God forever and that can happen for everyone not mattering how awake you are now its like 100 percent guranteed to happen. There is nothing to do but open your heart and take what comes i understand that now but not back then

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7 minutes ago, michaelcycle00 said:

But will it? I don’t think consciousness will ever create such a thing.

Oh, I'm pretty sure it will. If there's one thing I know it's that GOD is addicted to dreaming. But you shouldn't feel like you have to dream that if you don't want to.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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36 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

That's one perspective.

Perhaps an even deeper perspective is just to embrace the entire gamut of consciousness and don't try to escape or avoid any of it. If there is a Hell, why aren't you excited to go there just for the experience? That's sorta GOD's attitude about all this.

Awakening is Good but dreaming is also Good.

I actually had a similar discussion before my first ketamine assisted therapy trip. I had a couple appointments of just good ol’ fashion discussion so that I could be properly prepared for it and release any lingering doubts. She taught me the concept of “excitement and opportunity” rather than all the fear mongering I was presenting to her (e.g. “What if this trip goes wrong?” “What if I’m not ready yet?”).

She expanded her explanation with a fun scientific study. The researches took two groups to ride the same roller coaster. One group was told it would be scary/hell, while the other group was told it would be the best experience they’ve ever had. After the ride, the researchers gave both groups the same survey asking how their experience went. Of course, the group that was told it would be hell scored higher when it came to the perception of fear and anxiety compared to the group that was was told it would be exciting.

Same situation; completely different reactions. I’m sure that my trips would’ve gone in a completely different direction had my therapist not gave me this simply lesson. Hell, I probably would’ve never gone back on the ride ever again!

Edited by Yimpa

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