
But Leo... How is it possible that no other teachers are AWAKE?

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@OldManCorcoran I like your origami analogy. It's all paper, shaped to appear in various forms, but essentially the same material.

Conditioning is the process of folding the paper. Children begin as a flat sheet, and are folded into increasingly complex shapes by their experiences. When properly integrated, insights from traditional spiritual methods or from psychedelics can gradually unfold the paper, until it returns to its pristine unconditioned state.

Still, something happens to the paper during this process. It is still paper, but becomes more refined. It begins as cardboard, and through the process of folding and unfolding, it becomes increasingly transparent. In its most sublime state, it becomes entirely translucent.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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25 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

That's what the course is about.

Have you published a date when this will be released? Price?

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34 minutes ago, Moksha said:

@OldManCorcoran I like your origami analogy. It's all paper, shaped to appear in various forms, but essentially the same material.

Conditioning is the process of folding the paper. Children begin as a flat sheet, and are folded into increasingly complex shapes by their experiences. When properly integrated, insights from traditional spiritual methods or from psychedelics can gradually unfold the paper, until it returns to its pristine unconditioned state.

Still, something happens to the paper during this process. It is still paper, but becomes more refined. It begins as cardboard, and through the process of folding and unfolding, it becomes increasingly transparent. In its most sublime state, it becomes entirely translucent.

Consider that the sheet is singular, one sheet. Which never does undergo change itself, only the shapes. All of us and our lives and our spiritual journeys and whatever else, nothing actually impacts the sheet which is always completely singular, whole. It has no choice but to be! It can only seem to be other by the existence of the shapes which arise within it.

Some people state there is nowhere to go, no path, etc. because even the most delusional egos never impact the sheer fact of the unstoppable singularity and purity of the paper.

A world renowned monk and a Nazi war criminal are identical in the grand scheme, because there never is really anything other than oneness. All the separations and differences are only the shapes that oneness takes. The fact of its oneness and its unchanging nature (the essential nature of it is unchanging, not that the shapes can't change) NEVER being altered. And it never could be altered. No amount of delusion or enlightenment or spiritual journeys or immoral evils can ever change the pure unchanging oneness in which all these things appear.

I don't really think people can go on journeys which change what is. I think though, that by shutting down the separate self enough (brain/mind), the fact of our true nature becomes unveiled. I imagine a pure white room but it has really loud music playing from a bunch of stereos, TVs everywhere blasting vivid images at you. This sensory overload could make it so you don't notice the blank white stillness of the room... Then you smoke toad and suddenly -powercut- ... And without all the distractions of mind function, you see the pure white still unchanging room......

For some people, when the TVs and radios come back on, they can still see through it all and notice that blank white room.

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1 hour ago, 112233 said:

Have you published a date when this will be released? Price?

No. Sometime this year is my plan.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Just now, Leo Gura said:

No. Sometime this year is my plan.

Really waiting for it. Initially I thought of buying only reprogramming course. But after last few trips, I have a feeling am in for a trip to heaven.

I will be waiting here, For your silence to break, For your soul to shake,              For your love to wake! Rumi

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3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:


And NOBODY here is walking around in a default state of 5-MeO-DMT consciousness. NOBODY! Don't bullshit yourselves.


No shit... anyone who believes that is most likely seriously deluded and deceiving themselves

I am curious does this not apply to you anymore? Not trying to be rude or condescending I am genuinely curious what your Baseline Consciousness is like now relative to say five six years ago

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4 minutes ago, PenguinPablo said:

I am curious does this not apply to you anymore? Not trying to be rude or condescending I am genuinely curious what your Baseline Consciousness is like now relative to say five six years ago

I am not walking around in anything like a permanent 5-MeO-DMT state. That is impossible. I would be dead if I was that conscious by default. And anyone who claims that that is possible is lying. And anyone who claims their enlightenment reaches that level of consciousness is lying.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura how do you actually embody “alien consciousness” in your human vehicle’s experience of life and reality? 

"It is from my open heart that I will mirror you, and reflect back to you all that you are:

As a being of love, of energy, 

of passion, and truth."

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Awww... this is dissapointing. I was expecting a more honest, sincere, open minded discussion where two people are vulnerable and not defensive about their position. Willing to explore unknown terrain. Willing to question and explore different opinions and perspectives with more curiosity and thirst for deeper understanding. Not as an epic ego battle of who's right and who's wrong. But as two friends helping each other out to see something new.

But... i kinda thought it was too good to be true, haha.

Edited by Salvijus

You cannot love what you need. 

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

I am not walking around in anything like a permanent 5-MeO-DMT state. That is impossible. I would be dead if I was that conscious by default. And anyone who claims that that is possible is lying. And anyone who claims their enlightenment reaches that level of consciousness is lying.

Well said. It makes sense, given that GOD is infinite.

It makes no sense for GOD to not limit GOD to experience… uh, GOD!

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6 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Sorry, I don't buy this is at all. That's not how psychedelics work.

The consciousness-raising power of psychedelics has nothing to do with ego. Even if you had no ego to begin with psychedelics would still raise your consciousness (assuming your got a normal genetics and metabolism). You could give psychedelics to a baboon and it will raise his consciousness.

And NOBODY here is walking around in a default state of 5-MeO-DMT consciousness. NOBODY! Don't bullshit yourselves.

9 hours ago, Salvijus said:

It's possible that he's lying. reading him he seems very solid, but he can also be too smart. although there is the possibility that we are dealing with a unique case. It would be interesting

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10 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

It's possible that he's lying. reading him he seems very solid, but he can also be too smart. although there is the possibility that we are dealing with a unique case. It would be interesting

Least Leo could do is put some effort into further investigstion. The guy is an open book, willing to share all his knowledge and experience and talk in person even. To have a heart to heart communication. There's so much potential here to learn something new. Simply dismissing all that as a lie and bs is so cringe lol.

Edited by Salvijus

You cannot love what you need. 

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11 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

It's possible that he's lying. reading him he seems very solid, but he can also be too smart. although there is the possibility that we are dealing with a unique case. It would be interesting

Lying in a filth called doubt is a sure fire way to stay asleep.

Yet all dreams teach us valuable lessons. But one must be wise and open enough to discover who is responsible for creating all dreams.

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7 hours ago, Moksha said:

I have yet to see a credible example of someone who took psychedelics exclusively and learned to live in lucid peace and love, free from suffering.

The answer lies in the heart of God.

The proof is beyond scientific, rational, or objective.

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10 hours ago, Water by the River said:

Dr. Rick Strassman hypothesized that there might be a correlation between bursts of endogenous DMT during deep meditative states which coincides with the “mystical” experiences. Based on studying the general projected mechanics for DMT synthesis and the physical aspects of meditative practice, the hypothesis doesn’t seem far fetched whatsoever."

This is bullshit, and both Rick Strassman and Andrew Gallimore which you quote in a next sentence would tell you that. You should go straight to OGs and read their works as not to get misguided by immature thinkers who are over-enthusiastic on some issue.

There’s no endohauasca. And if there is some natural high state it 1000% doesn’t involve DMT at all.

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35 minutes ago, Salvijus said:

Least Leo could do is put some effort into further investigstion. The guy is an open book, willing to share all his knowledge and experience and talk in person even. To have a heart to heart communication. There's so much potential here to learn something new. Simply dismissing all that as a lie and bs is so cringe lol.

Yes of course,I think we have to go deeper into this guy. something tells me that it is true, but you always have to maintain the doubt. btw, do you know if he has any content, YouTube, anything?

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8 hours ago, Moksha said:

have yet to see a credible example of someone who took psychedelics exclusively and learned to live in lucid peace and love, free from suffering

You always put emphasis on suffering. Before I was 14 years old, I did not suffer at all, I lived in the total present, that does not mean that I had a total openness to infinity, it meant that I was not focused on the image of myself and that I lived in the present. this is one thing, and mysticism is another thing. They are related to some extent but are not the same. keep in mind that there are degrees of realizing divinity. maybe (just an example) the degree of leo is 100 times deeper than yours but he suffers for worldly things and you don't.

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so you can visualize nonduality as a form of philosophy, whereas leo is doing science. nonduality might simply be defined as the realization that all the raw stuff of experience is the ground of reality. leo wants to explore the infinity of consciousness and find out all the different forms consciousness can take.

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37 minutes ago, Oppositionless said:

so you can visualize nonduality as a form of philosophy, whereas leo is doing science. nonduality might simply be defined as the realization that all the raw stuff of experience is the ground of reality. leo wants to explore the infinity of consciousness and find out all the different forms consciousness can take.

NO! Nonduality is imaginary and no one here is conscious of that.

When you nondualists try to cast what I'm saying as, "Oh, Leo just wants to explore finite states of consciousness and all kinds of forms, but I am beyond that". NO! You don't even understand what CONSCIOUSNESS is! You are missing the highest possible level of understanding. I am not saying you're missing some finite apsects of consciousness, I'm saying you're missing it's very nature. The very essence of AWAKENING is what you do not have.

No nondualist knows what consciousness is, and they never will.

No nondualist is beyond anything I say. No nondualist, Buddhist, nor enlightened person will ever transcend psychedelics. They do not understand what I am talking about.

To be AWAKE you must realize that you fooled yourself into imagining that nonduality is the core of spirituality. Of course! Nonduality is a self-deception. Of course it is! Why wouldn't it be?

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Gods not infinite happiness god consumes them both its both infinite happiness and love and both infinite hate and jealousy.

You can be yourself It loves you

If you deny god you get sick

The trick is finding out who you are you wont find that with any teaching

Edited by Hojo

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