
But Leo... How is it possible that no other teachers are AWAKE?

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Just now, StarStruck said:

I thought brains didn’t exist ?

I’m reporting your profile pic for scientific misinformation



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1 hour ago, StarStruck said:

I had access to 10x brain power. It is insane. If I could have maintained that consciousness I would be the new Elon Musk. 

What was it like

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3 hours ago, Dryas said:

So if there was an alien/AI/whatever that had better hardware it would have access to higher understanding that wouldn’t be possible for a human (even if they’re on psychedelics) ? 

That's pretty obviously how things work.

Your genetic hardware limits your entire life.

A human bodybuilder will never outlift a forklift.

But you shouldn't compare yourself to a forklift, you should simply max out whatever your hardware can do. That's the best you can do.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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For every mystic it appears to them as being awake and for some who claim to be the only one awake it appears to their perception as if they are the only supremely awake but to those who are even more awake than that it is realized the potential awaken further.

To put it in words that aren't sufficient to communicate the message, god isn't done waking up, not just to itself but awakening beyond what it presently is awake to. God is growing, and its own conscious awareness expanding is god evolving and growing.

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@SOUL Yes, there's always more consciousness to be had. So don't stop.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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If it sounds like BS, it might be BS.

The fact is, that a lot of "teachers" are encountering something which actually CAN'T be communicated. And many are just frauds.

Even your own insights become lost with time because memory of these types of experiential facts are fleeting. You might remember vividly (albeit still not precisely) the sensation of the first drop of a certain rollercoaster when you first get off. But 5 years later, it's just a vague sort of idea. And the only way to know it again is to ride it again... When it is happening is the only time it is actually KNOWN, when the drop is happening you KNOW the drop.

If Leo stopped using drugs every day, go to him in 5 years and see that his own vivid clarity of what he knew has faded into repeating insights that were once known but are now just thought memories.

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9 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

Who have a brain 10 times bigger? but maybe there is in a galaxy out there an artificial intelligence that covers 7 billion planets consuming all its resources to create a galactic megabrain, and for that brain your alien in a joke, an ant, a fly shit... right? I mean, the infinite reality, the absolute, is what it is, and that is awakening. then, the processing machine can be more sophisticated, but there could always be a better one. Leveling up sounds good, I would do it if possible, but to say that human awakening is not awakening is nonsense. so alien awakening isn't awakening either compared to galactic awakening. 

Yes. Infinity. An Infinity of ever new Awakenings possible. And each new moment, it is Infinity n+1. And it never stops. An Infinity of Infinities.

Infinity can never be fully known, since even God/Reality is exploring its Infinite Potential of an Infinity of Infinities. But the Infinite Absolute Reality that one is can fully be realized.

Infinite, which is different than Infinity. Infinite = Not finite. Not measurable in any possible way at all. Not defineable in any positive way, only via negativa. Infinity on the other side is a mathematical object, which comes in different versions/sizes (Cantors Set Theory). An Infinity of Infinities.

There are always new and never seen waves possible in the Ocean of Ones True Being. Forever. An Infinity of Infinities. Yet, the wetness of all waves can be realized (Infinite, "IN-finite", not finite, or totally empty, which is the same as infinite potential, since all dualities collapse "there")

Which means nothing less than becoming the Ocean/Reality, which ends the grasping for ever new waves, and the mistaken identity of being "a sepearate ship" sailing on the ocean. And the ocean can never be destroyed, can not not be there, and is infinite peace and in the depths always at rest, unmoved, silent.

So, its either being a separate boat, sailing for always new Awakenings (of which new ones are there forever, and ever, and ever, and ever. Always new, and many of them never seen before), or just some new interesting experiences, having fun & pain on the trip of exploring the surface of the Ocean and all its magnificent waves. Or at some point, having become tired of that, just dropping into the Infinite Ocean, being the Infinite Ocean.

That one has always been, but which sometimes seems to contain the little separate-self- illusion of being a little sailing ship moving on the truly infinite unfathomable depths of the Ocean.

Water by the River

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9 hours ago, thenondualtankie said:

What was it like

It is hard to explain, brain works on a higher gear. Everything seemed so easy to understand. 

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12 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Rupert Spira teaches people "awakening is completely ordinary". I'm sorry but there is no way my Awakenings have been ordinary. I do not have words to express how anything but ordinary my Awakenings have been. So what is he teaching you? What is this ordinary awakening? How conscious can it be? If you just smoke some salvia there will be nothing ordinary about it. You will piss yourself in terror. Well, what is it that's so terifying? If your consciousness is maxed out then why is salvia terifying the shit out of you?

Hello, @Leo Gura!

I can take 1,200ug of LSD and remain perfectly conversational, walk and talk in a normal manner, and my awakening is completely ordinary to me. I will see no hallucinations, have no or very little insight, experience no fear, and even bodily I will feel pretty much the same. There might be some slight discomfort in the beginning, but not much, I will feel quite ordinary the whole time and in 2-3 hours or so the only side effect I will have is slightly dilated pupils. I cannot detect light and medium doses of 5-MeO-DMT at all, all I feel is the taste of it, and a heavy dose is a relaxation experience for me which lasts 2-3 minutes or so. It's the same thing with N,N-DMT - I barely experience anything, even on a relatively high dose, and the "trip", if we could even call it that, only lasts 2-3 minutes. I haven't tried Salvia, but I have no reason to believe that it will "terrify the shit out of me" - it's been a long time since I experienced fear with any psychedelics.

I admire what you're doing, launching yourself into the spiritual journey with abandon, but you need guidance, my friend. I am very sorry to say but you have been spreading a lot of misinformation by generalizing your personal psychedelic experiences to everyone, and continually claiming higher states of consciousness than anyone else. From my perspective, you are not awake at all, and you have no wisdom to share (yet), even though your psychedelic experiences unquestionably brought you some insight.

I see a lot of potential in you, most notably your determination. It is true that in order to become enlightened, one has to have a megalomaniacal level of determination, the desire to know Truth above all else, the willingness to leave it all behind. This is true, and you have it.

But you are at the very beginning of your spiritual transformation, and are making all sorts of mistakes. You have a very strong ego, you desire to be seen as "the most awake human (alien?) of all time". You misunderstand and devalue a lot of authentic teachers, thus doing a disservice to humanity, given the size of your audience.

Please shoot me a message and we'll talk. We can speak privately on video or you could even come visit me. Remember that all authentic masters taught in person, and people who have nothing to hide from themselves don't hide from each other either.

Edited by Artem

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@Artem Good chance Salvia scares the shit out of you because it tends to erase your memory entirely, so you won't actually remember the spiritual truths you know while sober.

For me Salvia is less amnesia-inducing so the same issue doesn't happen to me. That's just chemistry though.

Datura is more reliably amnesia inducing. If you don't remember the spiritual truths which keep your human self from freaking out, then you can freak out easily.

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1 minute ago, OldManCorcoran said:

@Artem Good chance Salvia scares the shit out of you because it tends to erase your memory entirely, so you won't actually remember the spiritual truths you know while sober.

For me Salvia is less amnesia-inducing so the same issue doesn't happen to me. That's just chemistry though.

Datura is more reliably amnesia inducing. If you don't remember the spiritual truths which keep your human self from freaking out, then you can freak out easily.


You haven't read my message carefully. My mind is not affected by psychedelics, so sober/not-sober is the same for me.
Let's speak when LSD and DMT stop freaking you out.

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11 minutes ago, Artem said:


You haven't read my message carefully. My mind is not affected by psychedelics, so sober/not-sober is the same for me.
Let's speak when LSD and DMT stop freaking you out.

These aren't psychedelics for one, they're dissociatives and deliriants... If you can be knocked out with chloroform, or altered by downing a bottle of vodka, you can be turned delirious by Datura and freak out.

Your human self is not special and doesn't have secret powers, it is as fragile and malleable as any other human brain or animal and so on.

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If Christ wasn’t Awake, maybe there exists something far better than Awake

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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1 hour ago, Artem said:

My mind is not affected by psychedelics

All psychedelics bind to serotonin 5-HT2A receptors however Salvia does not even touch that receptor. Salvia binds to the  κ-opioid (kappa-opioid) receptor agonist. Maybe psychedelics dont work for you, which is honestly quite sad, you have no idea what you are missing because as you have said you have had no experience, hence your disaproval. Anyway, one thing are psychedelics and another are entheogens. So almost all entheogens are psychedelics but you can find exceptions like Salvia or Ketamine which are not. Salvia triggers another whole mechanism, so if classic psychedelcis do not work for you because of who knows why, you can still try Salvia, ketamine and many others that produce mystical experiences and hit the brain from different angles.

If you think about it, they only reasing you hold your position is because you haven't been able to have any legit psychedelic experience. Which is a rare exeption among all human beings which try psychedelics, so don't extrapolate your case to the whole of humanity. Instead, search and search till you find some molecule that allows you to become more conscious instantly. I mean how could anyone disaprove a technology that makes you more conscious instantly? It blows my mind really. 

God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty.  We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes Wise, Virtuous and AWAKE. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life GOD is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, because The Sun shines through All: Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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2 hours ago, OldManCorcoran said:

These aren't psychedelics for one, they're dissociatives and deliriants...

A healthy mind doesn't dissociate and doesn't produce delirium, only the ego dissociates and produces delirium.

If you can be knocked out with chloroform, or altered by downing a bottle of vodka, you can be turned delirious by Datura and freak out.

No. I will not be psychologically affected by a bottle of vodka, alcohol does not affect me psychologically. I will only be physically affected.

Your human self is not special and doesn't have secret powers, it is as fragile and malleable as any other human brain or animal and so on.

What you call "human self" I call "ego". Ego is very fragile and malleable, this is true. My mind is not fragile, I understand that yours is, but you don't get to speak for other people.


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7 minutes ago, Artem said:


A healthy mind doesn't dissociate and doesn't produce delirium, only the ego dissociates and produces delirium.

No. I will not be psychologically affected by a bottle of vodka, alcohol does not affect me psychologically. I will only be physically affected.

What you call "human self" I call "ego". Ego is very fragile and malleable, this is true. My mind is not fragile, I understand that yours is, but you don't get to speak for other people.


Is this a troll account? Lol...

Artem smokes Salvia extract, Artem forgets everything and screams deliriously for about 15 minutes and jumps out the window. The only reason I don't is because of the way the drug interacts with my brain, which is random luck. It just makes me laugh uncontrollably, and I don't forget I'm on drugs. This is never due to secret powers, it's brain chemistry. If my brain was altered in other ways, panic could be reliably reproduced at will. Most people find Salvia extract very frightening and it is more likely than not it would fuck you badly.

Magic isn't real, special powers aren't real. Fuck the brain and you fuck the human in any qay you desire. Secret powers is fantasy pseudoscience and entirely unrelated to mysticism or metaphysics.

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1 hour ago, Davino said:

All psychedelics bind to serotonin 5-HT2A receptors however Salvia does not even touch that receptor. Salvia binds to the  κ-opioid (kappa-opioid) receptor agonist. Maybe psychedelics dont work for you, which is honestly quite sad, you have no idea what you are missing because as you have said you have had no experience, hence your disaproval.

It is extraordinary to what far fetched conclusion your mind jumps to maintain an illusion of your superior spiritual knowledge. I have never said that I never had experiences with psychedelics, and neither have I said that I disapprove of them. I have had thousands of experiences with psychedelics, some tremendously beautiful and some tremendously fearful, some filled with tears, and some filled with rage and anger. I died thousands of times in psychedelic trips and I killed thousands of people in them also. I used psychedelics extensively in my spiritual journey, along with thousands of hours of meditation. I speak about responsible use of psychedelics extensively, and I recommend them to mature spiritual practitioners. I am actually a big proponent of using psychedelics on the spiritual path, for all the reasons stated above.

1 hour ago, Davino said:

Anyway, one thing are psychedelics and another are entheogens.

No, they are the same. Every psychedelic is an entheogen, it's just a matter of dosage. Even cannabis, especially in edible form is an entheogen (if you eat enough). They all work similarly. At some point of my spiritual journey even a small dose of edible cannabis would produce a full-blown trip for me, indistinguishable from an LSD trip. They all work the same way, and they all eventually stop working in enlightenment.

1 hour ago, Davino said:
So almost all entheogens are psychedelics but you can find exceptions like Salvia or Ketamine which are not.

They are one and the same. The only way for a substance to be an entheogen without being a psychedelic is to be a poison. If a substance starts killing your brain, it will be an entheogen. If Salvia is physically safe, like all psychedelics are, it is a psychedelic. Ketamine is a psychedelic for sure.

1 hour ago, Davino said:
Salvia triggers another whole mechanism, so if classic psychedelcis do not work for you because of who knows why, you can still try Salvia, ketamine and many others that produce mystical experiences and hit the brain from different angles.

I've had thousands of mystical experiences on psychedelics until my whole life became a mystical experience for many years, and now it's very ordinary for me, so of course I know why. A completely enlightened mind isn't affected by psychedelics, psychedelics only affect the ego. That's why I'm pretty sure Salvia won't affect me unless it's literally poison and my body (not my ego) will begin to die. I frankly doubt it's the case.

1 hour ago, Davino said:
If you think about it, they only reasing you hold your position is because you haven't been able to have any legit psychedelic experience.

No, the only reason you think I hold this position is that your ego-mind loves jumping to conclusions. I've had thousands of legit psychedelic experiences.

1 hour ago, Davino said:
Which is a rare exeption among all human beings which try psychedelics, so don't extrapolate your case to the whole of humanity.

I don't, you extrapolate your fantasies about me to me. There is not a mind on the planet that wouldn't be affected by a serious dose of DMT. The only exception is an enlightened mind.

1 hour ago, Davino said:
Instead, search and search till you find some molecule that allows you to become more conscious instantly.

I have nothing to search for, I am enlightened and I am always conscious. That's why psychedelics don't affect me.

1 hour ago, Davino said:
I mean how could anyone disaprove a technology that makes you more conscious instantly? It blows my mind really. 

I don't. It's a great technology. The trick though is not becoming "more conscious instantly, but temporarily", the trick is to stay there and remain completely conscious permanently. That's enlightenment. And this requires a little bit more than what @Leo Gurais doing.

What is really mind-blowing in your response is all the assumptions you have made about me. And not a single clarifying question. That's legit mind blowing.

Edited by Artem

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28 minutes ago, OldManCorcoran said:

Is this a troll account? Lol...


28 minutes ago, OldManCorcoran said:

Artem smokes Salvia extract, Artem forgets everything and screams deliriously for about 15 minutes and jumps out the window.

This is not going to happen.

28 minutes ago, OldManCorcoran said:

The only reason I don't is because of the way the drug interacts with my brain, which is random luck. It just makes me laugh uncontrollably, and I don't forget I'm on drugs.

There's a reason why you laugh, you just haven't gotten the joke yet. ?

28 minutes ago, OldManCorcoran said:

If my brain was altered in other ways, panic could be reliably reproduced at will.

There's a reason why the mind loves to panic, too. ?

28 minutes ago, OldManCorcoran said:

Most people find Salvia extract very frightening and it is more likely than not it would fuck you badly.

This is true, but most people aren't enlightened. No, it wouldn't.

28 minutes ago, OldManCorcoran said:

Magic isn't real, special powers aren't real. Fuck the brain and you fuck the human in any qay you desire. Secret powers is fantasy pseudoscience and entirely unrelated to mysticism or metaphysics.

Magic isn't real, correct, and there are no secret powers. Enlightenment isn't magic or secret powers, it's sanity. And a sane mind doesn't panic or gets freaked out while literally nothing is happening. A sick mind does that. A conditioned mind is scared of its own fantasies, that's why delirium, freaking out and other weird stuff. I've had a very significant number of delirious and terrifying experiences on psychedelics whilst my mind was still sick.

Edited by Artem

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@Artem You were likely not "enlightened" at age 10. At least, ignoring the fact that the ground of reality is always "enlightened" (whether it wants to be or not) because I don't believe that is what's being discussed.

Some time after age 10, you made "spiritual progress", and now you can avoid identification with your body mind, which is a trick a lot of sages can pull off. E.g. they can go get surgery and endure pain because they recognize the stillness and bliss that is always present. Something along those lines.

Now, if the Men in Black came along and wiped your memory of every event after age 10 with that flashing device thing, all of your spiritual development would vanish with it... That is why drugs like Datura or Salvia could fuck you up, because that is what they do. Salvia less likely, but Datura is practically guaranteed to wipe out your years of work by simply erasing it from memory like you have literally gone into a time machine to when you were a kid... You won't be spiritually developed anymore, it will be like existing as a new ego just born for the first time.

A more interesting experiment would be when we can map the exact brain elements to activate to induce a panic attack. And induce a panic attack in a lifelong monk... Because when they have surgery without anaesthetic, or are dying of cancers yet still happy, they acknowledge verbally that they feel the pain but don't associate with it... So I'd be curious to see if the same would be true with artificially produced panic... With their body forced into a severe panic attack, screaming, writhing, etc, would they on a deeper level be residing in bliss as they do with pain and self immolation etc? I'd love to see the results of that.

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