
But Leo... How is it possible that no other teachers are AWAKE?

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I was wondering if @Leo Gura could clarify. Do You think Osho, Rupert Spira, Ramana Maharshi, Peter Ralston are/were AWAKE ? 

If not, why not? clearly they all have achieved unconventional feats within consciousness work, so what is the threshold one should pass to be classified as AWAKE by you? 


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There's just more consciousness beyond what Spira and Ralston can access through sober self-inquiry and meditation.

It should not be so surprising that the sober human mind is very limited no matter how hard it tries. You just cannot overcome your chemical limits through hard work. No amount of hard work by a chimpanzee will make it understand reality as well as a human. This is very obvious if you think about it for a bit. And then all you have to realize is that a human being cannot be the pinnacle of consciousness in this Universe. That is such a silly assumption.

Edited by Leo Gura

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1 hour ago, Slipper said:

what is the threshold one should pass to be classified as AWAKE by you?

That's a pretty subjective distinction because you could draw the line in various places. There are many different kinds of Awakened states so I must use that word somewhat loosely. I am not refering to one specific state but a whole category of states.

My gold standard is that if we're talkin serious consciousness, you must transcend from human into alien consciousness. There's more beyond that, but if you haven't reached that level then you're still operating at relatively low human levels. And if you reached that level of consciousness you would be talking about it and teaching it. Yet I see none of these people talking about it or guiding people to it.

Rupert Spira teaches people "awakening is completely ordinary". I'm sorry but there is no way my Awakenings have been ordinary. I do not have words to express how anything but ordinary my Awakenings have been. So what is he teaching you? What is this ordinary awakening? How conscious can it be? If you just smoke some salvia there will be nothing ordinary about it. You will piss yourself in terror. Well, what is it that's so terifying? If your consciousness is maxed out then why is salvia terifying the shit out of you?

Edited by Leo Gura

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Compare Bodybuilder who take massive amounts of steroids vs natural bodybuilder and you will know your answer

However chemicals cannot do everything and sometimes natural is even more powerful than any chemical can do(if you have a gene defect or Mutation) 

Edited by OBEler

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11 minutes ago, DefinitelyNotARobot said:

Is the difference between human consciousness and alien consciousness a matter of degree of consciousness (or degree of intelligence), or is it a like an entirely new operating system? In other words, is it similar to the difference between ant intelligence and human intelligence, or is it a different category of intelligence in itself?

It's both. It's such a high degree that it opens up an entirely new domain of mind. It truly feels like you have been a caterpillar your whole life and then suddenly you evolved into a butterfly. And by caterpillar I mean all your prior human awakenings, enlightenments, trips, etc. It's in another league beyond those.

It's truly fucking shocking. As shocking as Awakenings are, Alien Awakening is 10x more shocking than that. At this level you are in a domain that has never been written about or talked about by an spiritual teacher who I have ever read or seen. This possibility does not even exist for nondual teachers. It's something they've never even thought about once. And this will be completely obvious to you because anyone who experiences it would not be interested in teaching anything else. Nonduality becomes completely uninteresting once you discover alien consciousness. Because it's just 10x-100x more conscious.

Edited by Leo Gura

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20 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

It's both. It's such a high degree that it opens up an entirely new domain of mind. It truly feels like you have been a caterpillar your whole life and then suddenly you evolved into a butterfly. And by caterpillar I mean all your prior human awakenings, enlightenments, trips, etc. It's in another league beyond those.

It's truly fucking shocking. As shocking as Awakenings are, Alien Awakening is 10x more shocking than that. At this level you are in a domain that has never been written about or talked about by an spiritual teacher who I have ever read or seen. This possibility does not even exist for nondual teachers. It's something they've never even thought about once. And this will be completely obvious to you because anyone who experiences it would not be interested in teaching anything else. Nonduality becomes completely uninteresting once you discover alien consciousness. Because it's just 10x-100x more conscious.

A lot of new age spirituality talks about channeling alien consciousness, contacting intergalactic councils, exploring the astral / etheral realm. What new are you trying offer here? Seriously this is like the ultimate tease, you're giving everyone here spiritual blue-balls, Leo! :ph34r:

Another question, to what degree does your new teaching involve Love of Self and Other-Self? Are you balancing wisdom with love here?

Edited by tuku747

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15 minutes ago, tuku747 said:

A lot of new age spirituality talks about channeling alien consciousness, contacting intergalactic councils, exploring the astral / etheral realm.

I consider all of that junk.

Edited by Leo Gura

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What does Alien consciousness mean? Does it just mean when your mind stops being human?

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7 minutes ago, Benton said:

How do you become alien conscious? And at what point is it not human? Are the infinitely dimensional levels of consciousness on DMT human? 

When these questions are clearly seen as ALIEN.


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15 minutes ago, thenondualtankie said:

What does Alien consciousness mean? Does it just mean when your mind stops being human?

Well, it's hard to explain.

What is the consciousness of a rat?

What is the consciousness of a human?

What is the consciousness of an advanced alien species that has a brain 20x the size of a human?

What kind of mind would make the human mind seem as crude as a chimpanzee seems to us?

Well, my own mind has accessed that level. So I know what it's like. But I cannot explain it to you any more than you can explain to a chimpanzee what it's like to do trigonometry.

Edited by Leo Gura

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@Leo Gura I've been meaning to ask you this for a while now, do you still see "a lot of" value in reading the books on your book list? One primary purpose I'm developing in life is to understand life, reality, myself. I'm guessing there's still a ton of value in those books, even the spirituality books? 

I'm just wondering like it takes a lot of careful listening, understanding, etc. to read that tantra book for example on your book list. I just want to see if its worth the time, as all this is a whole project. 

I'm personally just not ready for psychedelics and feel like that is atleast 5 to 10 years away in my development, but at the same time I do want to make significant progress in all other areas of development in my life right now. 

I recall you saying earlier in one of your replies, that "all human spirituality is wrong" .. but also in a recent reply that it is not wrong per say but lesser. 

Just some clarity on this would be appreciated.

Edited by Jayson G

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A important distinction

Awake as in:

  • State (temporary) = Alien consciousness and insights from it


  • Level of Ego development = Default state growth

As far as the average person should be concerned, leveling up to grow up to untangle all the petty human bullshit games your playing with yourself is more then awake enough.

All the gurus Leo says "are not awake" still have a high level of ego development, they just didnt go as deep into the Truth state insight game. 

Edited by integral - Voice Everything Browser Extension

How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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6 minutes ago, Jayson G said:

@Leo Gura I've been meaning to ask you this for a while now, do you still see "a lot of" value in reading the books on your book list? One primary purpose I'm developing in life is to understand life, reality, myself. I'm guessing there's still a ton of value in those books, even the spirituality books? 

I'm just wondering like it takes a lot of careful listening, understanding, etc. to read that tantra book for example on your book list. I just want to see if its worth the time, as all this is a whole project. 

I'm personally just not ready for psychedelics and feel like that is atleast 5 to 10 years away in my development, but at the same time I do want to make significant progress in all other areas of development in my life right now. 

I recall you saying earlier in one of your replies, that "all human spirituality is wrong" .. but also in a recent reply that it is not wrong per say but lesser. 

Just some clarity on this would be appreciated.

1) There is a lot of value in those books just in so far as building up a good life goes. It's a good foundation. You don't wanna be spiritually illiterate.

2) The tantra book is quite technical. Unless you are gonna make tantra your path you don't need to read the whole thing. Skim it for the general nuggets of wisdom.

3) A lot of those books just contain solid wisdom that will be good for you to have.

4) When I am harsh on spirituality is it within the very narrow context of trying to help adavnced people reach the crazy peak stages. So don't get down and don't take me too seriously unless you are really aimimg for those peaks.

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8 minutes ago, Jayson G said:


I recall you saying earlier in one of your replies, that "all human spirituality is wrong" .. but also in a recent reply that it is not wrong per say but lesser. 

The ability to make distinctions is critical. A very simple example would be, “Can you fly?” Sure, as a human being I cannot… but if I were to put on some Tears of the Kingdom, you bet your ass I can!


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6 minutes ago, DefinitelyNotARobot said:

Would you consider it necessary to go through this caterpillar stage, or could one hypothetically skip all the games and go straight for the alien juice?

I cannot be sure since I don't know anyone who has done it but me. And my path involved 10 years of nonduality and Buddhist teachings.


I'm not asking because I want some spiritual get-rich-quick scheme, but because I'm genuinely considering the possibility of deluding myself into human spiritual aesthetics to a point of no return, considering that I seem to be holding some capacity to do that, at least for this life (not sure if it could extend beyond that in any meaningful way).

You can always transcend the human spirituality as long as you have the desire to do so and you don't convince yourself that you're "done". So I'd say there's no rush. Give yourself a good 5-10 years of human spirituality. Be realistic with yourself.

Edited by Leo Gura

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@Leo Gura really helpful, appreciate it ... from one perspective, sometimes, its like im a 2nd grader ease dropping on a 10th grade teachings class and taking it overly to heart lol

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I had access to 10x brain power. It is insane. If I could have maintained that consciousness I would be the new Elon Musk. 

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20 minutes ago, StarStruck said:

I had access to 10x brain power. It is insane. If I could have maintained that consciousness I would be the new Elon Musk. 

I’m sorry for your loss.


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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

No amount of hard work by a chimpanzee will make it understand reality as well as a human.

So if there was an alien/AI/whatever that had better hardware it would have access to higher understanding that wouldn’t be possible for a human (even if they’re on psychedelics) ? 

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@Leo Gura  

why do you call him alien? . Because there are guys from another planet? Who have a brain 10 times bigger? but maybe there is in a galaxy out there an artificial intelligence that covers 7 billion planets consuming all its resources to create a galactic megabrain, and for that brain your alien in a joke, an ant, a fly shit... right? I mean, the infinite reality, the absolute, is what it is, and that is awakening. then, the processing machine can be more sophisticated, but there could always be a better one. Leveling up sounds good, I would do it if possible, but to say that human awakening is not awakening is nonsense. so alien awakening isn't awakening either compared to galactic awakening. 

Anyway, I'd like to taste that alien awakening

Edited by Breakingthewall

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