
What's wrong, or right, about the Sound of Freedom?

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   Here's the video:

   I haven't watched it yet, but for those who have, spoil me here. What's the main issue or what did the movie get right that mainstream media, CNN, is reacting like this? What is the political and social commentary, governmental, or other recent event that this movie is triggering?

   What are your thoughts?

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34 minutes ago, Danioover9000 said:

   Here's the video:

   I haven't watched it yet, but for those who have, spoil me here. What's the main issue or what did the movie get right that mainstream media, CNN, is reacting like this? What is the political and social commentary, governmental, or other recent event that this movie is triggering?

   What are your thoughts?

   My thoughts are that he does a decent job commenting on this issue, without having been thought terminated cliched.

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   A longer video, and an interview with the people that made it:


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2 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:

   A longer video, and an interview with the people that made it:


   While I find this a decent interview, there's plenty of hidden assumptions, leading statements/questions and loaded terms yet defined that gives this interview a disingenuous feeling, however it does deal with the dark subject matter of CPR. Yet, if that scaling is true that there are millions of CPR material per 100,00 serial offenders of this nature, then there's easily 5-10 million or more benign, minor attracted pedophiles in a given total population per country, from the upper class to the lower class, that have hard wired attractions to pre-pubescent children to post pubescent adolescent bodies(hebephilia), that are yet to be accounted for. I actually feel like this is a serious problem for society, politics and government to tackle at that scale, because based on Spiral Dynamics stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types/traits, 9 stages of ego development, life experiences and other lines of development in life to society domains, ideological indoctrination, grooming and gaslight of beliefs and cultural values from environment, upbringing and culture, and self biases and preferences. Plus, systems are mostly complex social problems that are at the scale of collectives, so trying to solve this the Jordan Peterson way, or people of similar biases and worldviews like him is going to be difficult and may yet recreate the alcoholic prohibition event where a state heavily illegalizes and completely prohibits alcohol, which then creates black market opportunities to capitalize onto.

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This sickest thing about this pedophile derangement syndrome is that it is so counter-productive to actually reducing the sex-trafficking of minors.

When you call everyone you dislike a pedophile that makes the word meaningless and people become numb to it.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura

5 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

This sickest thing about this pedophile derangement syndrome is that it is so counter-productive to actually reducing the sex-trafficking of minor.

   Albeit a different context, this issue of dealing with pedophiles reminds me of how two cultural systems dealt with a cannibal:

   The French government: Kill this person who killed and ate part of this woman, death sentence or life without parole. This a substrate and sub division of western divisions and western culture.

   The Japanese government: Let's heavily monitor and manage this cannibal, and rehabilitate this person. Another substrate of eastern divisions and eastern culture. Almost different approaches to handling offenders of various types and degrees.

   Of course, I'm not saying the eastern cultures have perfect solutions to systemic issues like cannibals and even pedophilia/hebephilia, but intuitively to me their systemic way is closer to how this issue should be handled, and not just death sentence or banish into asylums, outside the collective ego's consciousness, basically out of sight out of mind stuff. The west can learn a bit from the east.

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Obviously the proper thing to do with cannibals is eat them.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander ;)

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura

16 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Obviously the proper thing to do with cannibals is eat them.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander ;)

   Yes, let's eat cannibals, but with some red wine.?

   I never heard of this idiom 'What's good for the goose is good for the gander'. Did you pick this up in high school or in the philosophy class? What does it generally mean?

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36 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Obviously the proper thing to do with cannibals is eat them.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander ;)

My girl makes bird sounds cus she has Tourette’s.

God is Beautiful Bird

Edited by Yimpa
also thought you said cannabis at first. that’s good to eat too

(but also, Linktree @ joy_yimpa ;-)

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13 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

My girl makes bird sounds cus she has Tourette’s.

God is Beautiful Bird

You have autism for sure ?

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4 minutes ago, StarStruck said:

You have autism for sure ?

And she does, too.

Autism tweets!

(but also, Linktree @ joy_yimpa ;-)

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   I just don't get why this movie is such a big deal, and why the mainstream media quick in condemning it as Quanon conspiracy peddling?

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On 2023-07-12 at 7:39 PM, Yimpa said:

And she does, too.

Autism tweets!

   Are you referring to me?

On 2023-07-12 at 7:20 PM, Yimpa said:

My girl makes bird sounds cus she has Tourette’s.

God is Beautiful Bird

   Or your daughter?

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   Has anyone watched the film yet? Please spoil the movie for me.

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   From an outsider's perspective. Again it's complicated based on other developmental factors like value systems, cognition types, moral frameworks, personality types/traits, ego development, other developmental paths in a person's life to societal domains, ideological beliefs and self biases. Even demographics and psychographics can vary, so it's not just elitist upper class right people who pedro, but also middle to lower class, male and female, all races, all nationalities, so on that that is also a systemic issue.

   Maybe the solution is to copy Japan's systemic handling of such people? Maybe watch more hentai and read doujinshi?

Edited by Danioover9000

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On 2023-07-12 at 3:18 PM, Danioover9000 said:

   A longer video, and an interview with the people that made it:


   What I find hypocritical and ignorant of all this, is his lack of understanding developmental psychology, and other developmental factors like Spiral Dynamics stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types/traits, 9 stages of ego development, states of consciousness, life experiences and other lines of development, ideological beliefs indoctrinated by upbringing, and self biases and preferences. In fact his self biases and preferences is what's making him underestimate this issue, because this issue isn't just an individual level problem, it's a collective problem as well.

   Also as an argument he conveniently talks so much the psychological angle of this pedophilia while judging it, yet talks little of the biological aspect that some are born attracted to pre-pubescent bodies. Speaking of the psychological angle, most pedophiles are created from the victim-perpetrator cycle, when those pedophiles traumatize them when they're children they lose that innocence, magic and childhood, and that deep sudden lack of love, with how their SELF their ego suppresses and creates that shadow, is what makes them later be the next future pedophiles if not rapists, raping in order to gain back power, gain back that innocence and childhood stolen violently from them because they can't handle how some people are still happy and still vibrant with life and light when that very light was robbed violently from them so long ago.

   Ironically, Jordan Peterson loves to preach Carl Jung's Architypes and shadow work, but when rubber meets the road, when it comes to so called Cultural Marxists, new age thinkers, SJWs, hippies, progressives/socialists/democrats, feminists, all of a sudden Jordan's super defensive and triggered, the typical signs of one's shadow reacting to a lack it projects onto the others. So while he and those in this interview keep passing judgements onto pedophiles and the media trying to silence them, they are ignorant of how they're negatively contributing to this very problem of demonizing and not integrating that shadow! TA-DA!! All that talk of GOD, of devils and angels and bible stories, yet all that is just rationalizations and talking, yet walking the talk they fall apart.

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   Also, a movie about sex trafficking  isn't the sound of freedom. What's really the sound of freedom, is when a baby cries when it's born signaling GOD'S freedom of being infinite into becoming finite, or even pure silence, that's the sound of freedom actually. Bad title for a movie.

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   Youtuber got banned by YouTube for his commentary of this movie:

   My intuitive speculations as to why:

Multiple hints of conspiracy theories like qAnon, elitism.

Too patriotic and nationalistic, projecting his biases.

Spreading misinformation, and fear mongering.

   Also, don't take your kids to pride or parades with ugly naked people.

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   OH NO!! Wrong person to give an emotional message to, as he's a narcissistic con artist and mind slayer dude:

   Dude's either a mentally crazy person, or he's high. I want to know what he's smoking! This Donald Trump Stockholm syndrome is unreal, they have no idea how evil Trump is!?

   That aside, I do partially agree that organ harvesting and producing adrenochrome from these kidnapped little ones happens mostly within 3rd world black markets for mainly those with stage purple/red value systems, lower cognitive and self centric moral development, low ego development mainly impulsive to opportunist stages, lower consciousness levels, traumatic and harsh life experiences that also create shadows within the self, other lines of development that are retarded and blocked, and other limiting ideological beliefs indoctrinated and deep biases and preferences linked again to one's shadow, which is why doing Shadow Work and studying Carl Jung is important. Very unlikely within 1st world democracies does these criminal activities happen, they mostly happen outside of the USA or other developed countries.

   Especially Carl Jung's Architypes, because Jordan Peterson and the other two are deeply projecting their shadow and actively suppressing that part of the psyche that relates to these predators, and until he actually fully engages with and integrates that part into his consciousness, I DON'T MEAN EXPRESSING THAT PART, BUT INTEGRATING IT, then we have a more solid foundation to work with in thinking of systemic ways to handle this issue.

Edited by Danioover9000

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