
What's wrong, or right, about the Sound of Freedom?

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Sex trafficking is a serious issue around the world and should not be politicized.  
There are also so many people who have been sexually assaulted or molested as children.  The media doesn't really like to talk about serious issues that are universally agreed that it should be addressed.  

@Danioover9000 So many care so much about the movie and who made it rather than the problem itself.


Edited by Tanz

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6 hours ago, Tanz said:

Sex trafficking is a serious issue around the world and should not be politicized.  
There are also so many people who have been sexually assaulted or molested as children.  The media doesn't really like to talk about serious issues that are universally agreed that it should be addressed.  

@Danioover9000 So many care so much about the movie and who made it rather than the problem itself.


   Sure, but this whole situation that the mainstream western media got itself into, allowed those anti mainstream biased ideologies in the alt right movements to then give a justifiable excuse to hate even more the mainstream. Hating isn't going to solve this problem, even in the most ideal circumstances this problem is half solved based on the complex developmental factors of stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types/traits and the Jungian psyche modal, 9 stages of ego development, states of being, life experiences and other lines of development, ideological beliefs indoctrinated from culture and the collective ego, and self biases and preferences.

   As long as the ego and collective ego keep on maintaining the SELF, it's shadows in particular of those seeking and chasing child like innocence in minor attracted persons, especially in the western hemisphere, then we'll never solve sex trafficking as all that is rooted in continual hating, hating on the perpetrators and hating coming from the victims and those that just hate for hating sake. Again look at that video I shared here about that Japanese cannibal. For that crime in France they wanted him executed, but instead they extradited him to Japan, which had the facilities to deal with someone of his biases and preferences, and from monitoring him as non-judgmentally as possible they determined that his cannibal urges were tied to his sexual urges, so THEY PRESCRIBED HIM PORNOGRAPHY AND A MASTURBATION RATE! Think about that, they encouraged him to watch porn and fap, so that his cannibal urges would be managed. Do you see a westerner from western culture recommending a cannibalistic person to watch porn and fap under observation, under some surveillance program? No, they'd just give life without parole or death sentence them, sweep the person and the underlying issues under the rug.

   Of course, Japanese culture and it's collective ego is different from the western ones, and has differences and similarities in other developmental factors, maybe genetic and a homogenous culture, but this culture has found a workable solution to even this sex trafficking issue, and the issue with people of such radically different biases like this, at the systemic level, yet in the west we're struggling to implement a systemic fix. Why?

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@Danioover9000 The fact that the right has spearheaded the movement is a failure on the left's part and the media isn't doing their job addressing actual problems.  I think in the case on the right and left, people do not actually care about solving any problems, they are just creating ideology to make themselves feel morally superior.  


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9 hours ago, Tanz said:

@Danioover9000 The fact that the right has spearheaded the movement is a failure on the left's part and the media isn't doing their job addressing actual problems.  I think in the case on the right and left, people do not actually care about solving any problems, they are just creating ideology to make themselves feel morally superior.  


   Basically what I've been saying, all they care about is making an ideology out of this without solving the deeper root problems, systemically, that create sex trafficking in the first place, and even this hebephilia/pedophilia attraction because a small percentage of the population are literally attracted to prepubescent to post pubescent bodies. All that Jordan Peterson did was mostly emphasized the psychological side of it, whilst that's piss poor IMO, he conveniently skips that a few are hardwired this way, and skips over that there are benign types, not just only malicious types, and is only interested in signal boosting and virtue signaling to his fanbase and conservative/traditional viewers getting thought terminated cliched here.

   Not only is pedophilia no a thought terminating cliche for the masses, so is anything resembling this qAnon conspiracy theory or even trafficking. Naturally these are dark subject matters almost nobody wants to engage fully with, which is actually the main reason why mainstream media is acting this way because it's too uncomfortable to engage with, not mainly because there are a few elites and syndicates connected to these activities.

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On 7/12/2023 at 1:20 PM, Leo Gura said:

This sickest thing about this pedophile derangement syndrome is that it is so counter-productive to actually reducing the sex-trafficking of minors.

When you call everyone you dislike a pedophile that makes the word meaningless and people become numb to it.

Kind of like how you reduce 50% of America as racist, extremist right wingers huh? Ego check man! 

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29 minutes ago, DJ said:

Kind of like how you reduce 50% of America as racist, extremist right wingers huh? Ego check man! 

I have never called 50% of Americans that. Trump's base is like 30% tops. And even they are not all racists and extremists.

I have made the point that calling conservatives racists is not even accurate and I have promoted the term ethnocentric instead.

But even if let's say 15% of Americans are flat out racists, I have never made any big deal about it nor have I gone on any witchhunt against them.

Edited by Leo Gura

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9 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

I have never called 50% of Americans that. Trump's base is like 30% tops. And even they are not all racists and extremists.

I have made the point that calling conservatives racists is not even accurate and I have promoted the term ethnocentric instead.

But even if let's say 15% of Americans are flat out racists, I have never made any big deal about it nor have I gone on any witchhunt against them.

It's the conservative boomers in America who make up the bulk of all of the true racists in this country. I can't wait until they all pass away into another world. Once they are all gone about 20 years from now, then I believe that progress for our country will happen at a much faster rate. That's what happen right after America transitioned from the Gilded Age into the early 1900s progressive era.

Edited by Hardkill

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@Leo Gura the thing with pedophilia is that it is a legitimate sexual orientation. the problem isn't pedophiles, the problem is our underdeveloped society that treats legitimacy with barbarism. 

i mean what's the problem with a 30 years old having a relationship with a 12 years old ? it can be done healthfully

Edited by Majed

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11 minutes ago, Majed said:

i mean what's the problem with a 30 years old having a relationship with a 12 years old ? it can be done healthfully

There is definitely a problem with that and it cannot be done healthfully in most cases. Age of consent exists for good reason, otherwise there would be so much exploitation of teens.

The orienation is legit, but you still cannot allow it because it would be too harmful.

Edited by Leo Gura

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@Leo Gura i remember having sexual cravings for my teacher at the age of 7 lol. 

i think in some cases it can be done healthfully, depends on the person. 

but more so than that the problem isn't the one of essence but of practicality. pedophilia isn't wrong because it is pedophilia. but because it is more likely to lead to exploitation. exploitation is the real problem. same way an exploitative heterosexual or homosexual relationship is problematic. this doesn't mean homosexuality or heterosexuality is wrong. 

most people don't make the distinction between essence and practicality. but i think pedophiles can be taught how to behave in a relationship healthfully without exploitation, in many cases this will make happy fulfilled pedophiles, especially if we remove the stigma around it. 

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7 minutes ago, Majed said:

but i think pedophiles can be taught how to behave in a relationship healthfully without exploitation

I don't think that's gonna work. The power differential will simply be too great between a 30 year old and a 14 year old. It's gonna turn into exploitation and manipulation. Men exploit even 18-25 year old women quite easily. And you are not going to train them not to. Most guys doing pickup are very unethical. Just imagine what would happen if you let them apply pickup to 14 year olds. Imagine Andrew Tate with 14 year olds.

No sane parent would ever be cool with a 30 year old dating his 14 year old. If you were that father you would kill such a person, and not merely out of closedmindedness.

Edited by Leo Gura

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55 minutes ago, Majed said:

@Leo Gura the thing with pedophilia is that it is a legitimate sexual orientation. the problem isn't pedophiles, the problem is our underdeveloped society that treats legitimacy with barbarism. 

i mean what's the problem with a 30 years old having a relationship with a 12 years old ? it can be done healthfully

   The main problem is not that men/women, in their 30s and up, are having a dating or casual relationship with a 12 to 16 year old boy/girl, the main problem is scale, when thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of minor attracted people have relations with so many pre teens. BTW yes this is a legitimate sexual orientation, but it's not pedophilia you're referring to as that attraction is to prepubescent bodies, it's hebephilia, an attraction to mid to late adolescent bodies and bodies somewhere in the middle of developing puberty.

   In either sexual orientation, at scale it's just very difficult to manage safely, as likelihood of not just physical but mental and emotional harm, at scale, is far greater multiplied per person. That plus changes to the demographics, psychographics, and many other developmental factors makes this a very challenging task to solve at the deepest root level possible. If you're argument is concerning personal or individual scale, there's leeway here for maybe a healthy relationship, but what does that look like at the individual level, between an adult and a pre teen still developing psychologically? Especially factoring in exploitation and manipulations of the ego, and the more unethical behaviour and views from male and female psychology in dating?

Edited by Danioover9000

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@Leo Gura

37 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

I don't think that's gonna work. The power differential will simply be too great between a 30 year old and a 14 year old. It's gonna turn into exploitation and manipulation. Men exploit even 18-25 year old women quite easily. And you are not going to train them not to. Most guys doing pickup are very unethical. Just imagine what would happen if you let them apply pickup to 14 year olds. Imagine Andrew Tate with 14 year olds.

No sane parent would ever be cool with a 30 year old dating his 14 year old. If you were that father you would kill such a person, and not merely out of closedmindedness.

   Not only that, but the mass hysteria is just going to be too much, if any government takes this seriously enougb to try and legitimize this sexual orientation, that's probably enough to spark domestic terrorist attacks and a civil war from the right to the left. Also, probably a huge increase in taxpayers to set up more rehabilitation programs, to try and correct or manage people of this nature, and other programs to help them, this might be expensive to do to hire high quality doctors to work with such people.

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@Leo Gura yeah but do you think not giving any solution, worse criminalizing pedophilia is actually better ? at the end of the day pedophiles aren't gonna sit around and wait for permission their whole life, they're just gonna do what it takes to satisfy their sexual needs. the thing with sexuality is that it's literally impossible to suppress, sooner or later, it will pop out in uglier ways. 

if i was only attracted to children, i'll go and rape, and i won't give a fuck about the ethics. i'm not gonna sit there for decades without doing anything about it. that's the reality, when humans can't have their most central needs met in an ethical way, they'll meet them in a criminal way. just look at human history. 

you're telling dozens of millions of people to just rape or suicide. 

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@Majed I don't see any realistic solution other than porn, or just normal sex.

There is no responaible way to throw teens at pedophiles just to keep than satisfied.

I wonder how many pedophiles would be satified just having normal sex. I'm guessing a decent percentage. I mean, after all, pussy is pussy and dick is dick. The age of it doesn't make it feel any better really.

Edited by Leo Gura

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@Leo Gura if that was the case than most non-pedophiles would be pedophiles, because pussy is pussy and dick is dick, and age doesn't make a difference. it works both ways. 


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31 minutes ago, Majed said:

if that was the case than most non-pedophiles would be pedophiles

I'd bet that many guys would love to sleep with a 14 year old if they got the chance but they know it's sorta wrong amd creepy, and it's not easy to get and they are just as happy with a 21 year old.

Edited by Leo Gura

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@Leo Gura i mean don't 14 year olds sleep with other 14 year olds lol

i don't think a 14 years old girl would mind sleeping with a 21 years old guy or even 30 or 40 years old for that matter. in fact many 14 year old girls watch pornography and get turned on and squirt watching 30 and 40 years old dudes fucking. 

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@Majed "in fact many 14 old girls watch Pornography" 

Thats a fact? How Do you know 

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There are a lot of girls of legal consent that look pre or early teen. 

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