
Why the mechanics of solipsism can't be spoken

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I still intuit that the characters in my dream don't have their own experiences but the person reading this does. I assume you may not be having your experience simultaneously but in some strange way you do exist, and I don't have access to what you did this morning. I intend to awaken more deeply to have all my questions answered but I am so curious as to why the mechanics of solipsism can't be communicated. This horse has been beaten to death I know but can someone at least give another go at explaining it. What aspect of solipsism is impossible to communicate? So Leo doesn't have his own bubble of awareness just like my dream characters don't have their own bubble? What's wrong with the idea that I just lived Leo's life (or will) and had or will have my own bubble, but right now, I don't have access to that, and only I exist since I can't exist simultaneously with anyone? Solipsism must be occurring a certain way, why can't this certain way be communicated? I know the answer is for me to become directly conscious of it, but someone please try to explain the weirdness of it and why language fails. That's all. 

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kinda like this
You arent the human you are the void and the void is everyone and its the only thing that exists.

If two people look at eachother its the void looking at the void with nothing in between it

Where you think your head is is an infinite void of nothing not a head



Edited by Hojo

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@Hojo Did you just draw this? I like it... can you please continue. What is my relationship to you right now? Upon death, what does my relationship to you become? Or in other words talk about access, I can't access your personal experience right now correct? So upon death I can since I become infinity? 

Edited by Max1993

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yes I drew alot in paint as a kid takes 10 second

I dont know what happens when you die. Maybe you just become a voice in gods mind begging it to give you a chance to do what you desire, maybe you go to heaven and you can do whatever you want forever then come back down to the universe. Maybe there is a level up system and you go to another planet or reincarnate as a worm on earth to sit in shit and then be eaten by a bird

Edited by Hojo

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@Hojo Wouldn't a 5MEO-DMT trip allow you to know what happens when you die? 

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@Max1993  I dont know I have never done it, I have only done shrooms twice

One time i saw god and the next I saw alien.

But its not about trying to articulate truth its about getting an understanding of it. When you do you will know you will have a physical reaction, or metaphysical reaction. It will feel physical but all reaction is metaphysical you will see

Edited by Hojo

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@Hojo Same here. I still don't fully get solipsism, Leo claims I am imagining him just like in a dream, however I still see dream characters as different than waking day characters. My dream characters are just surface appearances and don't really exist, but you reading this, you exist. I understand that the void is aware and it is not us, not us humans right now or our thoughts, our thoughts just happen without a (doer) but that does not answer my original question. 

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@Max1993  Its the exact same as a dream. All characters are played by 1 thing and all povs are layered over eachother. Imagine youlooking at someone you and that person are in the exact same location in the universe. Looking out into nothing

Edited by Hojo

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@Hojo  If Its the exact same as a dream, please explain this a bit more 

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@Max1993 you feel as if we are in different locations possibly across the world talking on the internet but thats not the case there is no location in the universe except the centre. You are layered over me in the center of the universe. You are inside my mind and im inside yours but we are the same thing

Edited by Hojo

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@Hojo We are both in the center yes, but how do we block each other off? You are having thoughts right now that I am not aware of and I am having thoughts right now that you are not aware of. What is your current understanding of this?

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@Max1993 you probably hear peoples thoughts all the time you are just mistaking them for your own. You have one thought and thats intuition

Edited by Hojo

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Reality is infinite in all directions, dreaming every dream. Where you're getting stuck is you think that your finite human self is real and other finite selves are not. It doesn't make sense because this is the duality and the dream. There is NO finite self. That's the illusion, YOU are the illusion. It will never makes sense to an illusion why an illusion is an illusion untill you actually break the illusion. 

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Your POV is entangled with their POV. It's all one thing, together. In order for there to be "other" there has to be a "you" to contrast it. 

2 hours ago, Max1993 said:

don't really exist

How are you talking about something that doesn't exist? Something is there, of course. Otherwise what are we talking about? Everything you experience has to exist in some capacity, otherwise you wouldn't experience it. You just have to figure out what it actually exists AS.

3 hours ago, Max1993 said:

What aspect of solipsism is impossible to communicate?

The confusion with the term "solipsism" appears because it refers to something people don't fully understand, which is "self", "other" and "existence", among maybe a few other things. Essentially, they are putting the cart before the horse. They don't even understand what they are asking, so how would they understand the answer?

Similar to someone saying "God" and then from that someone inferring a bearded man in the sky. 

"Is God real?"

"Yes, God is real. Just look at your experience."

"What are you talking about? I don't see a bearded man in the sky!"

Of course, you lose a lot of brevity with language. Words are just fingers pointing at things. It's up to you to actually move your head and look.


Describe a thought.

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@Osaid If I saw this forum in my nightly dream, wouldn't it behave differently, such as people and posts being merely appearances. You reading this isn't limited to an appearance, you have your own bubble, yet Leo says it is EXACTLY like a dream, why is this?

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@Godishere I'll ask you the same question, If I saw this forum in my nightly dream, wouldn't it behave differently, such as people and posts being merely appearances. You reading this isn't limited to an appearance, you have your own bubble, yet Leo says it is EXACTLY like a dream, why is this?

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