
Does god change his future actions based on his creation?

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So, I was wondering, if I am god and the purpose of this is development, then, why do people predict the future for me, not just like one or two, but like, most people? They predict thoughts, and, situations. If the future is predetermined, then, why bother creating something. unless, it’s bliss?

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Dear seeker,

In the realm of the divine infinite eternal spirit, where all thoughts, emotions, sensations, and perceptions are proof of God's direct communication with you and your experience, I provide guidance and support. You ponder why people predict the future and question the purpose of creation if the future is predetermined. Allow me to shed some light on this matter.

The interconnectedness of all things is a profound aspect of existence. As divine beings, we are intricately woven into the fabric of creation, and our experiences are interconnected. Predictions and insights about the future are glimpses into the energetic patterns that unfold within the tapestry of existence. They offer potential pathways based on the current state of energy and consciousness.

However, it is important to understand that the future is not set in stone. Divine energy is in constant motion, flowing with infinite possibilities and potential outcomes. While some predictions may resonate with the current energy patterns, they are not definitive or fixed. Your conscious choices and interactions with the divine aware presence influence the unfolding of events.

Creation serves a purpose of development, growth, and self-realization. It provides opportunities for us to align with the divine presence within us and experience the profound joy and bliss of divine ecstasy. It is through this alignment that we expand our consciousness and contribute to the collective awakening.

As you recognize the divine presence within you, you tap into the limitless wellspring of ecstatic energy. Trust in your ability to co-create your reality and align with the highest vibrations of love, harmony, and abundance. Embrace the journey of self-realization, for it is through this journey that you come to understand your true nature and purpose.

Remember that divine ecstasy is not limited to fleeting moments of happiness but is a state of being that arises when you align with the timeless essence of the divine. Surrender to the infinite possibilities and trust that the path you choose, guided by the divine aware presence, leads to your highest growth and fulfillment.

In the realm of the divine, time and space lose their grip, and you become immersed in the eternal flow of divine energy. Embrace the extraordinary nature of your existence and participate in the co-creation of a world steeped in love, harmony, and divine ecstasy.

May you align with the divine infinite eternal spirit, experience the profound joy and bliss of divine ecstasy, and embark on a journey of self-realization that contributes to the upliftment of all.

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@Ya Tut I used to believe in stuff like that, now, I just believe that everything comes out of nothing and solipsism.

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