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Has a high value women inspired you to do better?

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Recently I’ve seen some quite of beautiful people, mostly women, that I would consider them a 9 or 10 top looking models. For some reason it’s making me reflect on myself, because I would love to hit on that but I don’t feel ready yet, I wanna look better physically and make more money so when I approach them, I could feel like confortable enough with me, I get a sense that they would want also a high value man. Idk if this has happened to other guys on the forum so, will see how this inspires me. 

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Just had the same thoughts recently , I encountered my classmate which I used to love in first grade, shes really shining. And  I had this painful/Inspiring realization that i need to be more And do much work on myself, to offer myself as a high value man as you said. I guess it's useful feeling and point to Self-Reflect , to identify our flaws and work on them.  This type of reflection ? is really a powerful one . Questions like I am  Not enough for her don't ( which I had )  necessarily represent "Insecurity" , rather radical self honesty that this is true. Yeah so that inspired me to be better than I am now.  ((( Although She won't wait. ??  This work can't be done in Hours , gotta get her any other way. At the same time I think 9/10 girls need much deep qualities than money and good physical appearance which you might have(,dp qualities). I'm sure ,as of now I have it ( for her ) , and you also have it for them... ..


moments of inspiration  , is pretty usual in my life, but it's not long lasting for me.. ( Let's see how this one gonna last )time passes some things are changed but some things stayed the same. You mentioned money and physical appearance for me these 2 qualities should be on point any other way. You:ll need money anyways, you need to live healthy and strong and nice physical appearance is part of it and must. So applying Self-discipline here with strong stark vision is must , inspiration will come and go and it's like a bonus... I wish your inspiration will make you to make bold changes and take actions which will turn you into high quality/value man. Act on inspiration - that's what I say to myself now. And I'll say that to you as well. 


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