
All of Nutrition Science is COMPLETE NONSENSE.

88 posts in this topic

8 hours ago, Sugarcoat said:

Now u making me wanna do it damn . Tnx 

Weed is to be respected. If you respect weed, it will respect you back. 

I AM Godzilla

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Oh my sweet, sweet summer child.

Edited by undeather

MD. Internal medicine/gastroenterology - Evidence based integral health approaches

"Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us act, just once, with beauty and courage. Perhaps everything that frightens us is, in its deepest essence, something helpless that wants our love."
- Rainer Maria Rilke

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  1. The common folk inherently possess a gravitational pull towards the drugs which lowers their overall intelligence(weed).
  2. The fools rejoice in their demonization, and active avoidance of the substances which enhances overall intelligence(n,n-DMT + 5meO-Dmt).  
  3. Whatever the common folk commonly take into their bodies one should immediately question.

  • Feminist 

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dude you have like no perspective. go visit a nursing home. tell all those old people they just need to BE HEALTHY. 

as God your superpower is being limited, so you can learn how to not be a dumbass. eternal omniscience and omnipotence == no growth.

Edited by Oppositionless

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David Hawkins brings this up in his book "Healing and Recovery" that most illness is stress based and belief systems can cause a lot of health problems.  A similar theory was brought up by John Sarno with his "Tension Myopic Syndrome"  and later by Dr. Brady who dubbed it "Autonomic Overload Syndrome" ... though these theories only take you so far. You're not going to for example be able to drink gasoline and be healthy simply through the belief that you will.

These theories have some merit for sure but within the limits of common sense. If you have an overactive sympathetic nervous system, you need to deal with that and find your inner peace. The process of self actualization, tackling hedonic activities and substituting with eudimonic, will help quite a bit.

A common sense balanced diet is the best overall over only eating meat or never eating meat. Variety in a diet is good. Avoiding processed carbohydrates and other addictive foods that cause weight gain is prudent if one lacks self control. As the end of this video shows, a strict vegan diet would not have worked during human evolution, before our ability to fortify foods with nutrients.


Edited by sholomar

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I can attest to this. I have a friend that eats quite quite bad, yet he is 53 and looks like he is 38. He is always super relaxed and with energy. He used to practice Tantra sessions, Reiki, and so on. He is pretty awake. He just understands that everything is mind. He doesn't brainwashed himself with beliefs and thoughts that the food he is going to eat is horrible (like I do LoL) so he just gets nourished pretty good even by the "worst" food. 

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On 09/07/2023 at 5:37 PM, tuku747 said:

Every Diet is Complete And Utter BS.

Look at all these never-ending debates had between vegans, vegetarians, keto-dieters, and carnivores, all debating the most optimal or "ancestrally-appropriate" diet.

Look at the endless bickering and ruminating over which foods are actually good for me and which are slowly poisoning me to an early grave? Constantly blaming one food and the next; go on youtube and I guarantee you will find a video for EVERY food known to man in which some shmuck is insisting it causes heart disease and / or cancer and it's literally the devil and should be burned at the stake!!

Yet, at the same time you will find people adhering any one of these diets who are either perfectly healthy OR very much unhealthy!

Mentally or physically, well or unwell, you will find examples of people who eat fucking McDonalds 4 times a week who are PERFECTLY FUCKING HEALTHY, FOR FUCKS SAKE!!

Hell, I grew up in a family who didn't know much better than to take their kids to such restraunts. Guess what? I had NO health issues until someone told me sugar and fried foods are bad for you! And I believed it!! Only THEN did I start to get the early symptoms of type II diabetes in my early 20s! It wasn't because sugar was actually bad for me! No! 

It was because I believed it was!

All these people caught up in fad diets and peer review study that and detox regime this because they think their imaginary fucking bodies are filled with imaginary fucking "parasites" and "heavy metals"!!

It's Complete and Utter Madness!!

It's ALL BS! Made up by people caught up in the delusion of causality, in the mind, people caught up in Maya.

Listen, I've said it before, and I'll say it again.

Health is a state of mind. Nothing more.

Perfect Peace of Mind = Perfect Health

People who take parasite cleanses or heavy-metal detoxes clensing their bodies from parasites or heavy metals, NO! That's NOT what ails them! They're trying to relieve themselves of the mere thought of being tainted or infected!! They're simply trying to give themselves a reason feel healthy and doing all these mental gymnastics just to do so!! 

Just BE Healthy!!

These diets and detox remines only work because we believe they do!! Seriously!!


I've tried 4 different diets and several detox methods and you know what I realized? It's ALL BS!! 

We're dreaming!!

There is no material world! There is no biology! There is no causality! There is no time!!

You're imagining ALL OF IT!!

So, if you want to be healthy, do what I did every time my body's going through inflammation. Go out into the woods and meditate on it.

Just sit with it and Breathe.

What you will find, is that like the thoughts that come and go with attention during meditation, so too does the sensation of inflammation! Do you know what this means? Bodily-discomfort is a thought! Physical illness is a thought, imaginary, in EXACTLY the same way mental illness, or even the occasional irratible mood is identical to the irritable bowel!

It's ALL thought.

It's ALL sensation.

It's ALL imaginary.

It's ALL BS.

So go ahead, and eat what you think is good for you, better yet, eat what feels healthiest, but know at the end of the day, you're making all this shit up and you'd be better of realizing yourself as healthier in every moment anyway.

You Are God.

So when you feel these sensations and thoughts of ill-health, see past the illusion of maya, thought, sensation, and simply KNOW that you are perfectly healthy anyway.

That's how it works.

Breathe. You Are Already Perfect.


Wake Up.

On 09/07/2023 at 5:37 PM, tuku747 said:

All these people caught up in fad diets and peer review study that and detox regime this because they think their imaginary fucking bodies are filled with imaginary fucking "parasites" and "heavy metals"!!

It's Complete and Utter Madness!!

It's ALL BS! Made up by people caught up in the delusion of causality, in the mind, people caught up in Maya.

Listen, I've said it before, and I'll say it again.

Health is a state of mind. Nothing more.       

Strong words, put your money where your mouth is, and please only eat at McDonald's for three months. I am serious, document it live on the forum. Only McDonald's and KFC, let's say any menu items apart from water, basically soda and fries and big macs etc  like you said do this and "Just BE Healthy!!" via your mind. 

You are obviously a health expert, so prove all of us fools wrong... 

Edited by wpw

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3 hours ago, nuwu said:

Self-fulfillment seems central to perspectival experiences. Nevertheless, failure to imagine paradoxical states suggest subjective objectivity, or substructural coherence of dreams. Reversal of incomplete rationality is unhelpful, 'all mind' or 'You are God' is merely conceptual inversion, in the context of health, overlooking the stories premise, belief of human identity.

@nuwu Does this actually make sense to you when you read it?

Edited by Carl-Richard

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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