
All of Nutrition Science is COMPLETE NONSENSE.

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A detox remine works not because of physical mechanism, but because of ritual and belief. Undergoing a diet is not unlike starting a ritual. You're working with magic, but you aren't recognizing it. Instead you intellectualize the magic as "biology".

Edited by tuku747

The event horizon of my mind contains the cosmic horizon of my observable Universe. 👁✨️

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6 minutes ago, Schizophonia said:

I sometimes drink coca cola.
It's just sugar, CO2 and plant extracts, obviously not a source of micronutrients but nothing carcinogenic, allergenic, anything that could cause intestinal irritation, an endotoxin flare-up...
Same for the white chocolate, once I ate a whole bar of white chocolate and was fine and strong afterwards, looking back I've never had such a serious and relaxed voice lol.

Besides that I can go into the forest and literally DIE eating certain berries and mushrooms.
There is only a select set of commercially available edible plants, and most of them will give you trouble.
I remember when I was in high school when I fell into vegan propaganda, I ate whole chunks of beans and/or well-cooked whole grains (disgusting, sincere person wants to eat this shit :) ), even soaked for several days in basic water before long pressure cooking.
I had MASSIVE brain fog and huge gas to the point where I thought my ass was going to turn into a jet pack.
Once I was doubled over in philosophy class because I had had a colopathy attack :)

This is typical of how tricky the mind is. There's nothing about Coco Cola that's good for the body or the brain. Saying its just sugar, when sugar is one of the most toxic things a human can consume is undermining the negative effects sugar has. Plus one can of coke contains 10tsps of sugar and 39grams of sugar (had to look it up). You might not see the immediate effects but constantly consuming processed baggage in all forms whether physically or mentally does have negative effects on the brain and body. Then we go out and consume pills to try to remedy what we could have avoided in the first place. I'm not a health nut but there are a lot of misinformation out there that can totally screw us up if we're not careful of the impacts. Sometimes we label ourselves as bipolar, schizophrenic, depressed, anxious and other mental disorders when it's the foods were consuming that's causing these disorders and eliminating certain foods from the body is all that could be needed to treat the disorder. I'm not saying this is always the case, but sometimes it is. Chugging heaps of beans and eating whole grains doesn't substitute for eating a variety of whole foods with different color spectrums that includes eating foods that supply different micro/macro nutrients and getting the proper nutrients the body needs to help sustain itself in a healthy manner, and veganism isn't necessarily a healthy choice either. To me, veganism is overrated. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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58 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

All I know is when I eat healthily, I feel good and when I eat unhealthy, I feel like shit. Genetics play a role, but when you look at the statistics and also from personal experience, I find most people with degenerative diseases got it from the way they ate not from what they believed the food will do to their bodies. You can heal yourself with the mind so, I'm sure the mind can also make you sick. But in general, healthier eating habits will ward off diseases for the most part if done correctly and from a place of proper knowledge. Even tho we are Gid, Gid can also imagine sickness. We have to remember most people are not conscious of how they're creating situations and circumstances in their lives, so just telling them they are God and can eat anything they want without consequences is not applicable.

The thing is, 99% of the people eating at McDonald's are well aware, even if subconsciously, that what they're eating is absolute crap for their health. Yet they continue to eat, and THAT is where the illness lies. It's the equivalent of creating a mallet and smaking yourself in the face with it over and over. It's the dissonance within the soul that is the illness. A lack of self-respect, a blockage from self-love.

Edited by tuku747

The event horizon of my mind contains the cosmic horizon of my observable Universe. 👁✨️

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1 hour ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

Lmao, that's taking spiritual bypassing to a whole new level.

I'm conviced "Spiritual Bypassing" is the ego's last ditch excuse / attempt  at maintaining a sense of reality within the Infinite Power that is God.

Edited by tuku747

The event horizon of my mind contains the cosmic horizon of my observable Universe. 👁✨️

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1 hour ago, Yimpa said:

The mind can justify drinking bleach when given the proper conditions. That doesn’t mean we should tolerate nonsense in that context.

Good luck convincing yourself bleach is healthy given Everything you've ever learned about bleach. Including everything the other-selves around you have learned. Consensus Reality.

The event horizon of my mind contains the cosmic horizon of my observable Universe. 👁✨️

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1 hour ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

Unless you are suffering from an actual disease, you don't have to work on your health. You just need to stop actively working against it.

Well, it depends on your standards. If you want your body to work perfectly, you like to demand the maximum from it and you are looking for a constant sensation of physical balance, you have to eat the best possible diet, vegetables, proteins in the right amount, antioxidants, vitamins, resistance and strength exercise , sports that require coordination, precision, balance, sufficient hours of sleep, sufficient water, correct ph... etc.

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5 minutes ago, tuku747 said:

The thing is, 99% of the people eating at McDonald's are well aware, even if subconsciously, that what they're eating is absolute crap for their health. Yet they continue to eat, and THAT is where the illness lies. It's the equivalent of creating a mallet and smaking yourself in the face with it over and over. It's the dissonance within the soul that is the illness. A lack of self-respect, a blockage from self-love.

I'm not disputing what you're saying, not agreeing nor disagreeing, but I think a combination of the two factors play a roll in how the body responds. I don't think the body can get away with just eating junk food all the time 24/7 365  without negative consequences even if you believe there's nothing wrong in eating junk food. Don't confuse the Absolute with the relative. The body has the capacity to heal itself if given the right conditions and what's doing the healing is the energy that's coming from Source. It was designed in a particular way and it requires certain maintenance to run efficiently. You can make yourself believe something but there are still certain laws at play here. You can't believe your way into thinking the sun won't shine tomorrow and then the sun doesn't shine, figuratively speaking. You can believe the body can heal itself and that turns out to be the case because it was designed to heal itself, but it wasn't designed for the consumption of poison, which is what most fast food chains serve, so no amount of belief can or will change the fact that you may or may not become ill from eating those chemicals. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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7 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

Well, it depends on your standards. If you want your body to work perfectly, you like to demand the maximum from it and you are looking for a constant sensation of physical balance, you have to eat the best possible diet, vegetables, proteins in the right amount, antioxidants, vitamins, resistance and strength exercise , sports that require coordination, precision, balance, sufficient hours of sleep, sufficient water, correct ph... etc.

Read what he said again, especially the last part. I was disagreeing with it at first until I properly understood what he meant. You don't actively have to make your body healthy, just don't try to make it sick. Within those lines. It's a tricky statement.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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58 minutes ago, tuku747 said:

Let go of limiting thoughts, and be present in the body.

Yeah well, with your attitude you won't be "present in your body" for much longer until it collapses from sheer neglect and malnutrition.

But hey, whatever floats your boat.

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3 minutes ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

Yeah well, with your attitude you won't be "present in your body" for much longer until it collapses from sheer neglect and malnutrition.

But hey, whatever floats your boat.


What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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6 minutes ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

Yeah well, with your attitude you won't be "present in your body" for much longer until it collapses from sheer neglect and malnutrition.

But hey, whatever floats your boat.

You're assuming what I eat and that's pretty ridiculous considering I emphasized one should eat what one feels is most healthy in the original post.

The event horizon of my mind contains the cosmic horizon of my observable Universe. 👁✨️

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59 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

This is typical of how tricky the mind is. There's nothing about Coco Cola that's good for the body or the brain. Saying its just sugar, when sugar is one of the most toxic things a human can consume is undermining the negative effects sugar has.

There is no difference between cola sugar and fruit sugar, not even a different isomer or anything.
The only difference is that fruits have micronutrients, and in any case people should complement each other given the quality of food, even unprocessed.


Plus one can of coke contains 10tsps of sugar and 39grams of sugar (had to look it up).

Which isn't much.
I need about 3000kcal, a big 330 coke bottle is only 160kcal.

I never talked about eating mainly coca cola.


You might not see the immediate effects but constantly consuming processed baggage in all forms whether physically or mentally does have negative effects on the brain and body. Then we go out and consume pills to try to remedy what we could have avoided in the first place. I'm not a health nut but there are a lot of misinformation out there that can totally screw us up if we're not careful of the impacts. Sometimes we label ourselves as bipolar, schizophrenic, depressed, anxious and other mental disorders when it's the foods were consuming that's causing these disorders and eliminating certain foods from the body is all that could be needed to treat the disorder. I'm not saying this is always the case, but sometimes it is. Chugging heaps of beans and eating whole grains doesn't substitute for eating a variety of whole foods with different color spectrums that includes eating foods that supply different micro/macro nutrients and getting the proper nutrients the body needs to help sustain itself in a healthy manner, and veganism isn't necessarily a healthy choice either. To me, veganism is overrated. 

Coke does not cause anything of what you said, it is precisely the purpose of my remarks.
Imagine having a petrol car, putting in some different type of oil but with a relatively similar refining will always be better than putting in diesel, even if the latter is originally closer to petrol.

Edited by Schizophonia

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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2 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

Sometimes we label ourselves as bipolar, schizophrenic, depressed, anxious and other mental disorders when it's the foods were consuming that's causing these disorders and eliminating certain foods from the body is all that could be needed to treat the disorder.

Hear, hear.

For me personally, the worst part about eating junk is not even how it deteriorates the body but how it affects my mental state. The wrong kind of food can really turn your mind into mush overtime and completely drag you down into a bottomless pit of fogginess and depression.

2 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

Read what he said again, especially the last part. I was disagreeing with it at first until I properly understood what he meant.

Glad to hear that you appreciate my highly ambiguous poetry. xD


Edited by Bazooka Jesus

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23 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

I'm not disputing what you're saying, not agreeing nor disagreeing, but I think a combination of the two factors play a roll in how the body responds. I don't think the body can get away with just eating junk food all the time 24/7 365  without negative consequences even if you believe there's nothing wrong in eating junk food. Don't confuse the Absolute with the relative. The body has the capacity to heal itself if given the right conditions and what's doing the healing is the energy that's coming from Source. It was designed in a particular way and it requires certain maintenance to run efficiently. You can make yourself believe something but there are still certain laws at play here. You can't believe your way into thinking the sun won't shine tomorrow and then the sun doesn't shine, figuratively speaking. You can believe the body can heal itself and that turns out to be the case because it was designed to heal itself, but it wasn't designed for the consumption of poison, which is what most fast food chains serve, so no amount of belief can or will change the fact that you may or may not become ill from eating those chemicals. 

The Absolute and the Relative are Identical. Realizing that is the whole point of this work. The two are not two, they are one. We're coming out of a superstitious age in which people stopped believing in a man in the sky had power over them and instead switched to a materialized world that had power over them. Neither are quite true; We Are God.

Edited by tuku747

The event horizon of my mind contains the cosmic horizon of my observable Universe. 👁✨️

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43 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

Well, it depends on your standards. If you want your body to work perfectly, you like to demand the maximum from it and you are looking for a constant sensation of physical balance, you have to eat the best possible diet, vegetables, proteins in the right amount, antioxidants, vitamins, resistance and strength exercise , sports that require coordination, precision, balance, sufficient hours of sleep, sufficient water, correct ph... etc.

Well yeah, nothing wrong with trying to achieve optimal health... but going overboard with it and turning into a neurotically obsessed health nut isn't really optimal either. I'd say that for most people it would be enough if they simply stopped filling their bodies with toxic garbage - which in a society like ours is already looked upon as an act of rebellion against all traditional values and breach of the established social contract, lol.

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37 minutes ago, tuku747 said:

The Absolute and the Relative are Idendtical. Realizing that is the whole point of this work. The two are not two, they are one. We're coming out of a superstitious age in which people stopped believing in a man in the sky had power over them and instead switched to a materialized world that had power over them. Neither are quite true; We Are God.

I'm well aware of what I am, but all I'm saying is we are still living in a dualistic state where the mind makes distinctions so we are able to experience ourselves as God in a finite way.  Everything is identical but this is not how the mind interprets it and, if were not conscious enough to recognize the sameness between the distinctions, the mind will not adhere to that and the results can become problematic for us as finite human beings. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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@tuku747 Nice partial truth. 

But you gotta know your limitations. Can you make your hand blue with your imagination? No?! But dont you simply imagine your hand?? Why then can't you imagine that you turn your hand blue???

You are right about that the mind is connected to the body and that a healthy mind has a positive impact on the body and an unhealthy mind (for example filled with illusory ideas that you described) has a negative impact on the body. But only to a point!


Edited by Jannes

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  • @tuku747 Resist overcomplicating this.
  • Stay away from tamasic foods, eat foods that put you into a state which optimizes one's clarity of perception.

  • Feminist 

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6 hours ago, Michael569 said:

Nutritional science does not preach any cleanses, detoxes, biased diets and cults. It is mostly interested in exploring the effects of individual foods on the human body - it makes suggestions not prescriptions and does not demonise foods (with some exceptions) 

Don't make the mistake of assuming that what vegans and carnivores talk about has anything do do with balanced nutrition. Once you actually take a step back from all the dogma (which you rightfully call the shitshow), you'll see that what NS advocates for is actually pretty basic, unbiased, very moderate, balanced, and kind of in line with intuitive eating if you are a mature human being. 

Preaching moderation and balance won't get you millions of followers, fame and bestseller books - hence why all this nonsense exists. 

I agree with you that we don't need any of that. Some people, sometimes, for a short term need to go a bi8t "off road" to recover and heal but most should eventually come back to a place of balance 



Any claim that is made without evidence can be dismissed without evidence, by the way.


Peter Attia MD once said nutrition is asymmetric in it’s effects on health. Getting it wrong will have far more downside as compared to upside if you get it right. It isn’t the be-all-end-all.

Getting nutrition right at the exclusion of exercise still has downside. Getting exercise right yields enormous upside, as does getting it wrong yielding enormous downside, so it’s effects on health are symmetrical. 

The notion that there is one perfect diet that works for everybody is incorrect. Everyone has their own individual metabolism, genetics, and risk factors. There’s a lot of gray areas, too. Aside from ultra-processed foods and processed meats (which evidentially show continuous red flags), things like carbs are never really “good” or “bad.” It comes down to dose, tolerance, and demand. Some can get away with more than others. 

Protein depends on weight, lean body mass, age, sex, how much physical activity you get, and other factors, for example. 

Nutrition science is actually a really nuanced field that we don’t have absolute certainty about with what little we know. 

I don’t subscribe to the idea that we should eat like our ancestors for a multitude of reasons. One of which being the biological phenomenon known as “antagonistic pleiotropy.” Our evolution has favored for genes that help us survive, reproduce, and raise our offspring. After our reproductive years pass, evolution doesn’t really care if we live long. The genes that are harmful long-term aren’t weeded out because they’re already passed on. Humans have been omnivorous for most of our history on this planet, and that is precisely the reason why ancestral diets aren’t healthy for us in the long term. Our ancestors ate what was available to them and what got them to the next day, which I don’t think is a good basis for determining a decision that could yield tremendous downsides if done wrong. 

Just my two cents ;)

"It is from my open heart that I will mirror you, and reflect back to you all that you are:

As a being of love, of energy, 

of passion, and truth."

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The goal is wakefulness. 




@Leo Gurahey, why can't I write replies?


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