
All of Nutrition Science is COMPLETE NONSENSE.

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Every Diet is Complete And Utter BS.

Look at all these never-ending debates had between vegans, vegetarians, keto-dieters, and carnivores, all debating the most optimal or "ancestrally-appropriate" diet.

Look at the endless bickering and ruminating over which foods are actually good for me and which are slowly poisoning me to an early grave? Constantly blaming one food and the next; go on youtube and I guarantee you will find a video for EVERY food known to man in which some shmuck is insisting it causes heart disease and / or cancer and it's literally the devil and should be burned at the stake!!

Yet, at the same time you will find people adhering any one of these diets who are either perfectly healthy OR very much unhealthy!

Mentally or physically, well or unwell, you will find examples of people who eat fucking McDonalds 4 times a week who are PERFECTLY FUCKING HEALTHY, FOR FUCKS SAKE!!

Hell, I grew up in a family who didn't know much better than to take their kids to such restraunts. Guess what? I had NO health issues until someone told me sugar and fried foods are bad for you! And I believed it!! Only THEN did I start to get the early symptoms of type II diabetes in my early 20s! It wasn't because sugar was actually bad for me! No! 

It was because I believed it was!

All these people caught up in fad diets and peer review study that and detox regime this because they think their imaginary fucking bodies are filled with imaginary fucking "parasites" and "heavy metals"!!

It's Complete and Utter Madness!!

It's ALL BS! Made up by people caught up in the delusion of causality, in the mind, people caught up in Maya.

Listen, I've said it before, and I'll say it again.

Health is a state of mind. Nothing more.

Perfect Peace of Mind = Perfect Health

People who take parasite cleanses or heavy-metal detoxes clensing their bodies from parasites or heavy metals, NO! That's NOT what ails them! They're trying to relieve themselves of the mere thought of being tainted or infected!! They're simply trying to give themselves a reason feel healthy and doing all these mental gymnastics just to do so!! 

Just BE Healthy!!

These diets and detox remines only work because we believe they do!! Seriously!!


I've tried 4 different diets and several detox methods and you know what I realized? It's ALL BS!! 

We're dreaming!!

There is no material world! There is no biology! There is no causality! There is no time!!

You're imagining ALL OF IT!!

So, if you want to be healthy, do what I did every time my body's going through inflammation. Go out into the woods and meditate on it.

Just sit with it and Breathe.

What you will find, is that like the thoughts that come and go with attention during meditation, so too does the sensation of inflammation! Do you know what this means? Bodily-discomfort is a thought! Physical illness is a thought, imaginary, in EXACTLY the same way mental illness, or even the occasional irratible mood is identical to the irritable bowel!

It's ALL thought.

It's ALL sensation.

It's ALL imaginary.

It's ALL BS.

So go ahead, and eat what you think is good for you, better yet, eat what feels healthiest, but know at the end of the day, you're making all this shit up and you'd be better of realizing yourself as healthier in every moment anyway.

You Are God.

So when you feel these sensations and thoughts of ill-health, see past the illusion of maya, thought, sensation, and simply KNOW that you are perfectly healthy anyway.

That's how it works.

Breathe. You Are Already Perfect.


Wake Up.

Edited by tuku747

The event horizon of my mind contains the cosmic horizon of my observable Universe. 👁✨️

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The event horizon of my mind contains the cosmic horizon of my observable Universe. 👁✨️

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Edited by Yimpa

I AM Godzilla

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40 minutes ago, tuku747 said:

Mentally or physically, well or unwell, you will find examples of people who eat fucking McDonalds 4 times a week who are PERFECTLY FUCKING HEALTHY, FOR FUCKS SAKE!!

There are also people who jump off bridges and walk away unscathed, but that doesn't mean that it's a particularly bright idea  to jump off a bridge.

Eating properly is easy. Just think about what kind of food was most easily available and ingestable to our ancestors when they lived in the wilderness of the savanna, and boom, you got your perfect diet.


Edited by Bazooka Jesus

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1 minute ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

There are also people who jump off bridges and walk away unscathed, but that doesn't mean that it's a particularly bright idea  to jump off a bridge.

Eating properly is easy. Just think about what kind of food was most easily available to our ancestors when they lived in the wilderness of the savanna, and boom, you got your perfect diet.

I could find you hundreds of videos in which vegans insist their ancestors ate only plant foods and that human teeth are that of herbivores and therefore NO meat product should ever purse your lips. It's a three-ring sideshow of complete and utter horseshit no matter which route you take.

The event horizon of my mind contains the cosmic horizon of my observable Universe. 👁✨️

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4 minutes ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

Eating properly is easy. Just think about what kind of food was most easily available to our ancestors when they lived in the wilderness of the savanna, and boom, you got your perfect diet.

Didn’t our ancestors eat food completely opposite of what modern science would advise though?

I AM Godzilla

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31 minutes ago, tuku747 said:

I could find you hundreds of videos in which vegans insist their ancestors ate only plant foods and that human teeth are that of herbivores and therefore NO meat product should ever purse your lips.

...which is a very solid point.

31 minutes ago, tuku747 said:

It's a three-ring sideshow of complete and utter horseshit no matter which route you take.

Well, enjoy your crappy fast food diet then, Your body, your choice.

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The best diet is always going to be the one that brings you closer to God. 


I AM Godzilla

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So we can eat infinite candys and your teeth will not take damage, because eating has no correlation to your health and even if so your imagination will fix it anyway? 

Dont mix absolut truth with the relative. 

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2 minutes ago, OBEler said:

So we can eat infinite candys and your teeth will not take damage, because eating has no correlation to your health and even if so your imagination will fix it anyway? 

Dont mix absolut truth with the relative. 

What’s mostly important is to listen to own bodies intuitively. For example, there are people who are highly allergic to peanuts, so they have to avoid it. But for other people peanuts can be really healthy. So it’s important to not label certain foods or categories as absolutely healthy.

Ultimately, the body is pretty intelligent and will know when it’s time to adjust your diet. But that takes great awareness of your body to begin with. 

I AM Godzilla

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If you are young and mostly healthy you can be ok by eating less micronutrients.
But yes it is overrated.

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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10 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

Ultimately, the body is pretty intelligent and will know when it’s time to adjust your diet. But that takes great awareness of your body to begin with. 

Exactly. Listening to one's body is a subtle art form which most people in our society have completely forgot how to practice. It's stunning when you think about it.


Edited by Bazooka Jesus

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40 minutes ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

Exactly. Listening to one's body is a subtle art form which most people in our society have completely forgot how to practice. It's stunning when you think about it.


If I listen to my body, I just want to eat fatty meat.

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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Let's take the example of growing weed in hydroponics. If you change the proportions of magnesium and calcium, the plant will grow differently, the contribution of iron and other metals must be exact, the macronutrients, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, must vary their proportions throughout the growth cycle. Contributions of sugars favor the absorption of the roots, the microelements are essential but an excess will block the growth. Carrying these proportions perfectly will make a difference in volume X3 or X4, and a huge difference in product quality. So, why in a human being would it be different? the balance of all the elements that circulate through your body must be perfect. it is an art to perceive this and optimize it.

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Wow wow. I can’t convey to you in words how deeply this resonated with me. You posted this at just the right time. It’s what I’ve been intuiting all along and I thought I was the crazy one…. I thought I was the one who was confused 

this is extremely profound . Thanks for sharing this gold, bless u from the bottom of my heart

Edited by Sugarcoat

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Imo every diet is not gonna work because it’s a forceful attempt to “fix” some imbalance that u are not aware of in your body. The only thing is that humans have become so insensible and unaware of the basic mechanics. In the past there was no all this business and different diets.
Just a little internet research on food is going to drive ur mind crazy. 
And also all this perfectionism  about nutrients just makes things worse. 
We should come to a point where we directly   feel what we really need.

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17 minutes ago, Schizophonia said:

If I listen to my body, I just want to eat fatty meat.


59 minutes ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

Listening to one's body is a subtle art form

Keywoard: Subtle. Just because you have a compulsive addiction to a substance that numbs your spirit doesn't mean that it's the thing that your body actually wants and needs.

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1 hour ago, Yimpa said:

What’s mostly important is to listen to own bodies intuitively. For example, there are people who are highly allergic to peanuts, so they have to avoid it. But for other people peanuts can be really healthy. So it’s important to not label certain foods or categories as absolutely healthy.

Ultimately, the body is pretty intelligent and will know when it’s time to adjust your diet. But that takes great awareness of your body to begin with. 


And part of this awareness is also being able to sense when something is a belief/mental .  So who knows maybe something is unhealthy in FACT, but how you experience and relate to that, wether that’s  a belief or actuality requires awareness to recognize , lol or am I completely off here 

Edited by Sugarcoat

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