
Loneliness is an Egoic Construct

2 posts in this topic

You Are God.

You're not consigned to some eternal hell where you're infinitely alone and this is all just happening to you.



You Are The One Who Determines Whether Or Not You Are Alone!!

Not Leo. Not Me.


Unity is All That Is.

Loneliness is only a fabrication of for human egos.

I see so many of you lost in loneliness. This isn't existential loneliness.

You're simply lonely in your personal life.

But God doesn't have to be alone.

God can do way better than that.

If fact, God did way better than that a long time ago. 

The One is not just some pathetic human ego groaning about how lonely it is.

The ONE is formless! Infinite! Unlimited!

Pure, Unconditional, LOVE.

Collapse the duality between The One and Many.

Collapse the duality between You and Me.

We Are All ONE.

We Are God!


Edited by tuku747

The event horizon of my mind contains the cosmic horizon of my observable Universe. 👁✨️

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4 hours ago, tuku747 said:

You Are God.

You're not consigned to some eternal hell where you're infinitely alone and this is all just happening to you.



What do you mean I’m not consigned to some eternal hell? 

Did you just try to limit my infinite nature and potentialities?

I am God, per your word.

And I don’t appreciate it when people go around saying what I can do and can’t do, Will or won’t do, nor do I appreciate dismissing aspects of reality simply because they go unseen. 

Anyways, thanks for the insight. Much love. :) 

Edited by SourceCodo


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