
Fools. Some lines should not be crossed.

76 posts in this topic

I still throw temper tantrums from time to time, but they’ve gone significantly down. I’m also able to snap out of it much quicker. Don’t be too ashamed about it. After all, aren’t all humans doing this in a socially normal, acceptable way?

All of THIS is part of the awakening process if you’re sincere about it. The key is being open to all experiences and deepening your understanding of how all connections lead back to the source.

Ironically, the less you care about how you act and who is the actor, the more alive you will be!



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My question is, was any one's perspective challenged even in this discussion? I don't think so.

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2 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

It's me you're referring to. 

Don't be so needy of attention. You are not the first or the last one saying that exact same thing. You should know that if you read my rants - as you say.

Besides that, I don't see any point in continuing this dialog. I do not see you fit for giving me any advice and I doubt you know this place and what's going on here better than I do. I cannot take your opinion too seriously, sorry.

2 hours ago, Yimpa said:

And this is not a cult. You are free to leave whenever you want.

Wow, thanks. Wasn't aware of that. It's not like I said it like 7 times in this thread only.

Obviously, I still see some kind of value in this place. That's why I'm hesitant to leave.

2 hours ago, Yimpa said:

Or better yet… just realize GOD then it won’t matter where you are.

That's the stupidest thing I heard today. lol.

Talk about toxic spiritual nonsense... 

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Don't worry guys, I'm not as grandiose and omnipotent as Leo. I do not claim to be the most awakened one, the God of all Gods or anything like that. I do consider quite a few people higher above me - if you will. I do think there are more 'woke' folks out there than me. For sure. And for all you brainwashed nondualists: chill, I know there is no 'others'. But consider the possibility that I know something you don't. 

I do have deep respect and admiration for some. Even on this forum. But sadly, those are very few. The majority of members that wanna be smart with me and prove how much more awake they are than me... are ignorant sleepwalkers. Another insult you can write down and memorize. If Leo can beat you with a zen stick, then I guess we can all bash each-other too. After all, we are being lead by an example. Right, princess?

I know this place well. I learned to speak its language fluently - a while ago. I know which buttons to push. I know what it responds to. 

I will not be the one to clean up the mess. But I will say it's shit if it's shit. With all the good intentions, of course.

Edited by ivankiss

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3 hours ago, ivankiss said:

Don't be so needy of attention. You are not the first or the last one saying that exact same thing. You should know that if you read my rants - as you say.

Besides that, I don't see any point in continuing this dialog. I do not see you fit for giving me any advice and I doubt you know this place and what's going on here better than I do. I cannot take your opinion too seriously, sorry.

Wow, thanks. Wasn't aware of that. It's not like I said it like 7 times in this thread only.

Obviously, I still see some kind of value in this place. That's why I'm hesitant to leave.

That's the stupidest thing I heard today. lol.

Talk about toxic spiritual nonsense... 

If I wanted attention I'd be ranting and raving like a child throwing temper tantrums like you are because you feel entitled to think people should conform to your every needs that you are so desperately seeking. I might not be setting the best example by responding to you by any means but I just feel like it...unlike you who have no authoritative decision making skills to decide for yourself how you wish to feel in any given moment and expect the Universe to cater to your every wishes and desires because you're too coward to go within yourself and look in the mirror to see the monster you have created within yourself. You're the one obviously seeking the attention and crying like a baby who needs some loving tender care to soothe the wounds you have stored inside of you that you lack the awareness to do on your own so you need this forum to behave so you all the trash inside of you don't come boiling over because you don't have any control or the know how on how to deal with your stored anger.  You are throwing insults all over the place and calling this place toxic, you are a.part of it so I guess you're toxic too. Each time you make a ranting post you mention Leo's name as if you are trying to mimmick him, and because you have seen posts by the mods saying he should set an example, you take that as an opportunity to rant and rave and mimmick like a monkey. At the same time you're ranting you're giving yourself permission to push buttons and saying if Leo can beat us with a zen stick, so can you. Where is your authenticity. Did you get it from the zoo where the monkeys are. Must be. You are weak and very programmable if you're following and mimicking what other people are doing. You keep coming back and looking for opportunities to dump your trash unto others online because you are too much of a wimp to seek out people who are within your reach fir fear of what the outcome might be, so you get behind a screen and vomit. I might get written up for this, but I take full responsibility for coming off like this because I'm not a wimp like you who expect others to behave so you don't have to look at yourself and then you blame it on the forums administration for your sorry ass behavior. I apologize in advance for this, to the forum and anybody reading this, but I felt it necessary to show this fool that he's not the only one who can throw punches and expect people to just sit around and take his insults. Normally I don't behave this way and it's coming from a place of expression not anger or inability to control my feelings but sometimes I feel the need to let one know that their insults do not hinder me. I will syop now and I take full responsibility for writing this knowing that it was not the best way to respond because I could have totally ignored him and paid no attention to his remarks or responded in a more mature way. Maybe I'm just tired of seeing people critiquing the forum, and instead of leaving or trying to turn it around, they throw insults at people in a  condescending fashion. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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I also like to argue on the internet! Lol

For real though I love the tension here it’s like one of those big fat dominant chords with extra spice.

Sailing on the ceiling 


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6 hours ago, ivankiss said:

@Princess Arabia I don't think anyone ever knew me this well. You must be a psychic.

Thanks for the tarot reading, will reflect on your words.

I sincerely apologize to you for the things I said and the way I came across.  I also value this forum and enjoy being a part of it. There's no excuse for my reacting in that manner, and it showed me that I need to respect and honor other people's choices of expression, even though I might not agree with it. You were merely stating your disappointment with what you were observing, and just because I didn't share your perspectives or views , it didn't mean they weren't valid from your POV. We are all coming from our own levels of awareness, and I might see things differently. You were merely expressing how you felt; and just because I didn't like the tone of that expression, it didn't warranty my interference. I share your passion for the beauty of being able to communicate with like-minded individuals where we can come together and express ourselves uniquely, since it's a rare find. I'm not coming from a place of regret, but more from a place of recognizing. Recognizing that we are one; but the one is split in pieces and each piece is unique and learning to love and accept every part of the whole is how we learn to embody our true nature as LOVE. We all share the same cosmic heartbeat, and in order for it to be melodical, we as a collective have to come together in harmony with the rhythmic flow of the one Universal Mind. Much love to you. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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9 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

If I wanted attention I'd be ranting and raving like a child throwing temper tantrums like you are because you feel entitled to think people should conform to your every needs that you are so desperately seeking. I might not be setting the best example by responding to you by any means but I just feel like it...unlike you who have no authoritative decision making skills to decide for yourself how you wish to feel in any given moment and expect the Universe to cater to your every wishes and desires because you're too coward to go within yourself and look in the mirror to see the monster you have created within yourself. You're the one obviously seeking the attention and crying like a baby who needs some loving tender care to soothe the wounds you have stored inside of you that you lack the awareness to do on your own so you need this forum to behave so you all the trash inside of you don't come boiling over because you don't have any control or the know how on how to deal with your stored anger.  You are throwing insults all over the place and calling this place toxic, you are a.part of it so I guess you're toxic too. Each time you make a ranting post you mention Leo's name as if you are trying to mimmick him, and because you have seen posts by the mods saying he should set an example, you take that as an opportunity to rant and rave and mimmick like a monkey. At the same time you're ranting you're giving yourself permission to push buttons and saying if Leo can beat us with a zen stick, so can you. Where is your authenticity. Did you get it from the zoo where the monkeys are. Must be. You are weak and very programmable if you're following and mimicking what other people are doing. You keep coming back and looking for opportunities to dump your trash unto others online because you are too much of a wimp to seek out people who are within your reach fir fear of what the outcome might be, so you get behind a screen and vomit. I might get written up for this, but I take full responsibility for coming off like this because I'm not a wimp like you who expect others to behave so you don't have to look at yourself and then you blame it on the forums administration for your sorry ass behavior. I apologize in advance for this, to the forum and anybody reading this, but I felt it necessary to show this fool that he's not the only one who can throw punches and expect people to just sit around and take his insults. Normally I don't behave this way and it's coming from a place of expression not anger or inability to control my feelings but sometimes I feel the need to let one know that their insults do not hinder me. I will syop now and I take full responsibility for writing this knowing that it was not the best way to respond because I could have totally ignored him and paid no attention to his remarks or responded in a more mature way. Maybe I'm just tired of seeing people critiquing the forum, and instead of leaving or trying to turn it around, they throw insults at people in a  condescending fashion. 

Well, that was some A grade unfiltered stream of consciousness writing. ^_^ Hope you feel lighter now.

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It does not belong to any individual, not even Leo. 

Welcome to AWAKE.


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@Princess Arabia All is well. No hard feelings.

Besides, it's not like there is no truth to what you wrote. I am well aware that I can be a dick sometimes. Not denying it.

Take care.

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10 hours ago, ivankiss said:

@Princess Arabia All is well. No hard feelings.

Besides, it's not like there is no truth to what you wrote. I am well aware that I can be a dick sometimes. Not denying it.

Take care.

Ok, I take it back...just kidding. But seriously, I am not concerned with whether or not what I said was true or not, it's the way I responding that matters to me. I'm responsible for the way I feel, not you, and if something triggers me, It requires me going within to figure out what activated that emotion within me from what you said. Which in turn will release something inside of me that I was holding on to, so I can make room for new baggage(lol), 

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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@Princess Arabia  This is the internet, there's no use for sincere apologies, do you think we are emotionally mature and mentally healthy here? Pfft


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3 minutes ago, SOUL said:

@Princess Arabia  This is the internet, there's no use for sincere apologies, do you think we are emotionally mature and mentally healthy here? Pfft


I guess that's how "trolls" were born.? not giving a f@&# how they conduct themselves online and being insensitive, because it's just the internet. But the internet is just a tool and can be used to better ourselves as humans plus the internet is the wave of the future. So I guess were going to produce a lot more assholes in the future then.

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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Being ‘nice’ is not the same thing as love, compassion and understanding. Nice plays into the need to feel needed and being seen or thought of in a certain way. Like using other people’s opinions as verification towards the sort of person you are ( actually not a very mature thing to do because you’re shirking your responsibility onto the shoulders of an external force to determine the way you are). Having actual love for someone means allowing them to be as they are and to deal with their own issues in their own time provided they are not imposing on or effecting others. If they are having difficulties with their life, it requires non biased understanding of the other persons situation from their point of view without you projecting your own onto them. You may be able to see their issues and their causes quite clearly and know that being nice to them is not the answer rather it will encourage the perpetuation of the behavior they are already carrying out that is causing the problem. Sometimes what they need is a reality slap or kick up the butt to place the truth of the situation in front of them and face it. The problem with that is if you lack compassion. If you push someone to face themselves too hard, if you become frustrated, critical, angry, sarcastic and down right nasty, you will be met with resistance, reclusion or backlash to the same degree that they feel they are being attacked. A person will not face the truth unless they themselves have made a decision to actively seek it for themselves. You need compassion to know when you’ve stepped over a line and gone too far. If you are going to be mature about it you have to realise you are dealing with a lesser developed consciousness and you were once there too. “You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink”. All you can do is act as gentle guidance without imposing yourself on their life. They will reach out and ask questions when it is their time to grow up and when they desire to actually do so. It is not your job to save them. There is a balance between the two extremes I endevore to hold which makes me approachable when someone is ready to listen and learn. The only time I push people away is when they have listened enough and need to start exploring on their own.

a group like this though is slightly different in that you have a bunch of people who are willing to listen and learn but keep making the same mistakes over and over and misinterpret and misunderstand. I can understand the frustration and that if you are at this level you should be able to take strong criticism. That’s not the same as being angry and nasty. At some level the angry and nasty is just a perception according to the perceiver but it is equally a reflection of the person who is being angry and nasty.


a balance in teaching and learning is called cooperation where the teacher and student work together to progress( the absolute talking to itself). Anything else is coercion where both the teacher and the student will loose one another( the absolute separating from itself). 

Edited by Adrian colby

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23 minutes ago, Adrian colby said:

Being ‘nice’ is not the same thing as love, compassion and understanding. Nice plays into the need to feel needed and being seen or thought of in a certain way. Like using other people’s opinions as verification towards the sort of person you are ( actually not a very mature thing to do because you’re shirking your responsibility onto the shoulders of an external force to determine the way you are). Having actual love for someone means allowing them to be as they are and to deal with their own issues in their own time provided they are not imposing on or effecting others. If they are having difficulties with their life, it requires non biased understanding of the other persons situation from their point of view without you projecting your own onto them. You may be able to see their issues and their causes quite clearly and know that being nice to them is not the answer rather it will encourage the perpetuation of the behavior they are already carrying out that is causing the problem. Sometimes what they need is a reality slap or kick up the butt to place the truth of the situation in front of them and face it. The problem with that is if you lack compassion. If you push someone to face themselves too hard, if you become frustrated, critical, angry, sarcastic and down right nasty, you will be met with resistance, reclusion or backlash to the same degree that they feel they are being attacked. A person will not face the truth unless they themselves have made a decision to actively seek it for themselves. You need compassion to know when you’ve stepped over a line and gone too far. If you are going to be mature about it you have to realise you are dealing with a lesser developed consciousness and you were once there too. “You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink”. All you can do is act as gentle guidance without imposing yourself on their life. They will reach out and ask questions when it is their time to grow up and when they desire to actually do so. It is not your job to save them. There is a balance between the two extremes I endevore to hold which makes me approachable when someone is ready to listen and learn. The only time I push people away is when they have listened enough and need to start exploring on their own.

a group like this though is slightly different in that you have a bunch of people who are willing to listen and learn but keep making the same mistakes over and over and misinterpret and misunderstand. I can understand the frustration and that if you are at this level you should be able to take strong criticism. That’s not the same as being angry and nasty. At some level the angry and nasty is just a perception according to the perceiver but it is equally a reflection of the person who is being angry and nasty.


a balance in teaching and learning is called cooperation where the teacher and student work together to progress. Anything else is coercion where both the teacher and the student will loose one another. 

Well said. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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11 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

Well said. 

+1 ⚡

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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