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I did a careful observation on the video and these are my thoughts after watching it full. I contemplated for hours on this topic and wrote whatever my mind came up with regarding this. Sorry it's too long and so I'm dividing it in parts. 


I think how demons are perceived depends a lot on the eastern versus western context. In the western view, demons are perceived as beings who get a grip on you, enter you and control your emotions and feelings and choices, thoughts, behaviors and decisions. So it's easy to say something like - I killed so and so because a demon told me to do so. It seems like everything can be controlled by the demon and the only way to stop this from happening would be to capture the demon and release it through exorcism and banishment. However the eastern view is a bit different. It assumes that the demon is a controlling entity sabotaging your work, it is not the demon who controls your behavior though and you're responsible for your own decisions and behavior yet the outcome could be influenced by the demon. And the way to banish the demon is to visit a witch doctor who performs certain rituals spells or offers you certain gifts or articles or talismans or charms so that create a protective shield and protect you from the psychic attacks of the demon. In eastern view, there's nothing like possession. But influenced. So it's easy to see why teal brings it up a more sober perspective of how not to demonize the demon and take accountability for ones own actions and not blame it on the demon, this can be a relief for people who are manically obsessed that everything they do is being controlled by the demon. So a lot of people find her guidance soothing. Yet it feels a bit misleading because I don't think a lot of people who are into the different institutions of occultism are really going to agree with her. Once again this a very subjective thing and it hinges highly on experience varying from person to person. I have dealt with my fair share of occult in my life and my experience with demons was very different from how teal describes it. Hers in contrast appears more magical and derived from an overactive imagination whereas mine is derived from actually feeling malefic effects. 


My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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Part 1

At 9:21 she talks about most people getting their needs met through a subconscious contract with demons. I don't know if I can agree on that. Feels weird and made up. Not true in my experience at least. I never felt demons assisted me. Rather the opposite. Demons were sabotaging. My personal experience has been that the human soul is naturally rebellious to a demon and wants the best in every circumstance. However the demon is lusty and sadistic (imagine a sadistic version of incubus) and they love to torment and torture their victim till the victim is slowly debilitated yet not fully dead. I have found this thing with demons that they don't want you completely gone or dead or withered. They want to preserve you till the end but also make you intensely frustrated and in pain and watch you suffer as something of a melancholic soap opera. So I don't believe that people get their needs met through a demon. 

I think there are fundamentally two types of demons depending on the dynamic. In my thinking. One demon who develops a codependent bond with you. The other demon is someone who just wants you to suffer, there is no bond. The first demon is the demon of sadism. The second demon could be a demon of jealousy and animosity. Also two features are recurrently present in my dreams of demons. One is brutality and the other is ruthlessness. These are used alternatively to exhaust the victim. Brutality is intense with no leeway followed by ruthlessness when you are suffering even deeply. This ruthlessness is characterized by total and utter indifference and marked apathy. 

I don't believe that there are any transactions. It's just either a destructive mind at work or a sadistic mind. The destructive has nothing to gain but execution of animosity and probably victory of ego. The sadistic has something to gain - pleasure. Sadism is not be necessarily both out of hate but out of greed and lack of empathy. 

Why do I think demons exist - I think they exist as an extreme manifestation of the reptilian brain so some degree of demon-ness should exist in everyone, only that it's suppressed by tradition. Humanity is blessed with cognition and awareness and emotions and so the reptilian brain is often defeated and or never used. I think when humanity was in it's earliest forms, such reptilian-ness was more commonly found or even celebrated. Now probably only the vestigial parts have remained that still arise in human field of energy. Will it ever go away? The bad news is that sadly we will never completely get rid of what made us in the first place and so demons are here to stay just like gods. 


At 10:18,she says that most people feel powerless when dealing with demons. This is strange. I'm not sure if she speaks from practical experience or is simply stringing a theory out of thin air. What if people do actually feel powerless in dealing with demons, for example the subject of psychic attacks. I have myself experienced psychic attacks in my life and I can attest that although it's a very subjective experience it can feel very real in the sense everything you try to do with goodwill gets sabotaged one way or another and then you wonder who is supervising and controlling you. You feel cursed and targeted. It can be very debilitating. So I don't know why she is being dismissive of the feeling of powerlessness. Powerlessness can be a real phenomenon. 


I agree with her on the part where she says that the demon has a greater influence on you when you are in your disempowered state. This is logical. If something is trying to harm you, you'll be most attractive to them when you are weakest. Also your own lack makes you dependent on that person entity and keeps you away from getting liberated. I'll call this "internal helplessness," not something you actually feel, but something you actually are, that means you're more vulnerable than others to remain engaged in such codependency with the demon or negative influence. You might not want to accept that you are contributing to your own victimhood but the reality is not so cut and dry and you actually are due to your own circumstances, both internal and external. 

Now in your empowered state, you'll easily release yourself from such codependency. You'll be able to do what's best for you, this has been extremely and perfectly true in my experience, I felt attached to negative influences especially because I felt like I was helpless, I felt trapped, I felt silenced, it's very much akin to being surrounded by the mafia who threaten your well-being and survival if you dare to expose them. This causes a chain of events where whatever you do, you do it out of neediness, desperation and wanting to appease the enemy, and it never works out because you keep digging even a bigger grave for yourself in the process of imagining that things will get better if you submit to the negative being. However the more you submit the worse it gets. Just like with a narcissist. Yet the illusion exists that submission is a solution. I'll call this a trauma bond and understanding "trauma bond" will be a huge breakthrough in understanding how demonic contracts work. Essentially a trauma bond is where you are either attached to someone out of shared trauma or the trauma they caused you has in of itself caused you to forever bond with them, this is the opposite of symbiosis, and the pain they cause you combined with the intermittent displays of mercy has caused elements of stockholm syndrome to emerge which can feel like love, now it's debatable whether it's love or not, because it's the most needy animalistic reptilian form of love that hinges on needs being met and not much else but has its own vividness and fantastical weavings and tapestries of bondings, what if such a lover died for their victim, what if they protected them in a storm. It is sorta karmic and intense, good or bad, forbidden and sorta taboo, it has its own charm, like playing with fire and not getting burned, it is not soulful, but it appeases to the reptilian nature of humanity, hence such bonding is mostly physical, you'd soon forget any generosity catered when you are separated from them, but it depends, subconscious bonds are still possible. 

An example is where in my dreams I saw my abuser dictating me on how stupid I am and I felt like I couldn't have lived without them,all of this was happening subconsciously without me consciously dreaming it. The purpose? I don't know. I think human mind is very complex (and frankly beyond research), I think human mind can generate the idea of love and mysticism even in the most desperate living circumstances even at the risk of emotional survival. Why? Because physical survival is the most innate force in the world and can triumph emotional survival if need be. 


I  take issue with the fact that she demonizes narcissism so casually when narcissists struggle to understand and improve themselves. A lot of narcissism actually comes from very deep insecurity and the inability to feel loved or love. It's just a hyper ego at work. Combined with paranoia and delusion and mania, this ego can become quite harmful and temperamental. Most narcissists actually contribute to society and are relatively harmless. Most world leaders are narcissists so casually dismissing and even demonizing narcissism is not cool, narcissism is only bad when it directly impacts your close relationship. 

We aren't living in the middle ages so I find her demonization of narcissism quite primitive and unreasonable and closed minded. 


Mind you, I had experiences with narcissists and it was incredibly hard to deal with them. Yet the power of forgiveness is bigger than any narcissist in this world and it is possible to heal them without the need to shame them. I saw a woman in the comment section saying how the video reminded her of her narcissistic step mom, this is disturbing, it's nothing different from demonizing homosexuals. It blocks pathway to real healing. It's one thing to condemn behavior and another to label and put away people into a box where they would be forever hated, rejected, it adds to the collective trauma already causing rift among people. 

My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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Part 2

At 10:42,she talks about exorcism and banishing a demon. I don't think you can really do that. She says there's no need to as long as you are in control of yourself. This sounds like a nice convenient solution but I don't think the problem is this superficial or the solution this simplistic. Why? Because then people wouldn't be complaining about demons their whole lives. She speaks at this point like a used car salesman who makes everything look easy to you so that you buy the car. I don't think demons impact most people but they choose a few that are intensely impacted by their presence. This might have something to do with generational curses, the occult and past karma. Some ancestral curse might have caused some demon to attach. Does this mean you did something wrong? No. You could be perfectly innocent and still have a demon wanting revenge. Just because they are that way and there's no logic to their destruction. 

At 11:44 she says that your most desperate needs and desires are the source for the demon to feed on thus making you dependent on them. Again in my experience this doesn't feel right. Only partially true. Take the example of addictions - you're addicted to alcohol and a demon can easily take advantage of this addiction and accelerate it. This was your own desperation. I think a demon can find ways to derail you even if you weren't desperate or needy for anything. They can cause an accident or foil your love life even if you are a perfectly healthy sane individual. I think what she said is true but only in limited cases. 

I think it's more about mental states than needs and desires. The mental states of a weak person are easy to attack and control. If you are someone who doesn't stand up for themselves more openly (that is your expression is suppressed, your throat Chakra is weak), the demon might  take advantage of this. Since you can't shame them as you're scared of shaming their authority. Imagine your boss. You're afraid of losing your job. So you don't object your boss. You don't challenge him. Instead you people please him. This gives him the opportunity to abuse you and your suppression means that you don't reject him instead find ways to fit in. Someone else in your place would have been more defensive. But because you have a weak mind, you let the person walk all over you and boss you around. If your fear of losing the job is legit, it's understandable. However in most cases most fears are only imagined and there's no real threat, only imagined threat. People with a strong mind understand this and so they can resist anything, not considering the consequences at all. They bypass this barrier very smoothly. As a result the evil boss cannot boss them around. There's a saying - fortune favors the brave. It takes balls to reject authority especially knowing that you will have to lose. At the same time you earn peace of mind because in your heart you know you did what is right. People who cannot achieve this extraordinary caliber of bravery sadly fall prey to pretentiousness and mind games and get wrapped in their own coping mechanisms and vague half hearted compromises and keep commiting an endless number of fixes and gaffes hoping things would get better but never taking that one final brave step to break free. As a result they remain perpetually in an enslaved state. Their weak mind causes them to keep meandering around the wall rather than break the wall. 


I think this is where grace comes in. Divine grace. So in some way being attacked by a demon is a net benefit. Because you wouldn't have grace without hitting rock bottom. You cannot live the life of privilege and also understand suffering. You cannot be wailing for God without feeling utterly helpless. The grace of divinity then shields you and releases you from the prison of weakness, breaks the chains of slavery, weakens your demons and let's you walk to your destiny. You had to have a samaritan walk you through especially when you are weak and cannot do it on your own. It explains the  ancient phenomenon of asking for grace, like asking for rain for a better harvest

At 12:14 she says that demons aren't the malevolent spirits that you are taught they are. Yet my experience has taught me that they are malevolent and malefic if you aren't vigilant. However if you take necessary precautions, guard yourself, seek divine grace, are brave enough with a strong throat chakra, then demons are weakened and subdued even dying in ennui if you just don't fall for their manipulations. If you simply refuse and reject. If you don't play their game. Most importantly their intimidation and blackmail game. The moment someone blackmails you saying they will do so and so if you don't do so and so, they are a demon. But don't confuse this with righteous intimidation. If you have caused trouble and someone tells you to not mess with them, that's not manipulative intimidation, they are just defending their territory righteously and want you to back off. Blackmail is a potent form of trapping. It's pure intimidation. A weak mind submits to such intimidation and tries to go along with it, being excessively pleasing, apologetic or passive. Whereas a strong mind pays no mind. 

Why does a demon intimidating you works? 

The simplest answer is - survival. As long as your survival is wobbly and not ensured, the demon will always use this as a focal point and constantly threaten survival. 


Does this cause a deja vu? Does it remind of dictatorships? Yes any dictator is demon. Any system that threatens survival is a demon. Because it's the easiest way to control even the bravest. 


The demon is not courageous. In fact no courageous being can be a demon. The demon has to be a coward. Because only cowards give idle threats. All the threats of the demon are idle and meant to seek power, control, dominion, authority and abuse. If the demon was capable of carrying out the threats, they would have done so long ago. But it's the weak mind that submits to such idle threats. The strong mind tosses all the threats out. The demon assesses your mental strength. They don't want to mess with a strong mind because it's a waste of time trying to control someone who can't be controlled. But they are attracted to weak minds or minds that are trapped by survival and circumstances, and they seek to control them.

Here I'll say there are two categories of dictatorships - one that is trying to cocreate with you, trying to cooperate in your growth with harmony and empathy and understanding. This is beneficial dictatorship. The other is malefic. It tries to control, torture, threaten, dominate and keeps you on your toes and in a state of fear and weakness so they can continue tormenting your peace of mind. malevolence. 

At 13:07,she talks how demons are trying to align with the rest of the universe and they don't wish to be separate. This seems false in my experience. I think demons always want to be separate and love being separate too. They live in darkness and alone and to make up for company they need to snatch lure  someone into their abode and have this person obey their dictatorship. They want this eternal game of cat and mouse. They are too anti. Anyone who walks into their lair is a good prey. Anyone who doesn't budge have to be let go. 

At 15:03 she talks about taking responsibility for your own urges instead of scapegoating the demon. I don't think it works this way. Your urges and your willingness has nothing to do with demons. Your urges are your own flaws. A demon only controls the outcome and events in your life. The demon tries to hurt, sabotage, brings malefic effect. In order to ward off, you have to stay strong, brave and graceful in tough times. As long as there's grace, no demon can even come close. 

My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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I was lucidly meditating and my life was saved many times. 


Edited by Enlightement

My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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I want to forget that I exist. 

My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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13 hours ago. 


My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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On 22/07/2023 at 4:44 PM, Enlightement said:

Part 2

At 10:42,she talks about exorcism and banishing a demon. I don't think you can really do that. She says there's no need to as long as you are in control of yourself. This sounds like a nice convenient solution but I don't think the problem is this superficial or the solution this simplistic. Why? Because then people wouldn't be complaining about demons their whole lives. She speaks at this point like a used car salesman who makes everything look easy to you so that you buy the car. I don't think demons impact most people but they choose a few that are intensely impacted by their presence. This might have something to do with generational curses, the occult and past karma. Some ancestral curse might have caused some demon to attach. Does this mean you did something wrong? No. You could be perfectly innocent and still have a demon wanting revenge. Just because they are that way and there's no logic to their destruction. 

At 11:44 she says that your most desperate needs and desires are the source for the demon to feed on thus making you dependent on them. Again in my experience this doesn't feel right. Only partially true. Take the example of addictions - you're addicted to alcohol and a demon can easily take advantage of this addiction and accelerate it. This was your own desperation. I think a demon can find ways to derail you even if you weren't desperate or needy for anything. They can cause an accident or foil your love life even if you are a perfectly healthy sane individual. I think what she said is true but only in limited cases. 

I think it's more about mental states than needs and desires. The mental states of a weak person are easy to attack and control. If you are someone who doesn't stand up for themselves more openly (that is your expression is suppressed, your throat Chakra is weak), the demon might  take advantage of this. Since you can't shame them as you're scared of shaming their authority. Imagine your boss. You're afraid of losing your job. So you don't object your boss. You don't challenge him. Instead you people please him. This gives him the opportunity to abuse you and your suppression means that you don't reject him instead find ways to fit in. Someone else in your place would have been more defensive. But because you have a weak mind, you let the person walk all over you and boss you around. If your fear of losing the job is legit, it's understandable. However in most cases most fears are only imagined and there's no real threat, only imagined threat. People with a strong mind understand this and so they can resist anything, not considering the consequences at all. They bypass this barrier very smoothly. As a result the evil boss cannot boss them around. There's a saying - fortune favors the brave. It takes balls to reject authority especially knowing that you will have to lose. At the same time you earn peace of mind because in your heart you know you did what is right. People who cannot achieve this extraordinary caliber of bravery sadly fall prey to pretentiousness and mind games and get wrapped in their own coping mechanisms and vague half hearted compromises and keep commiting an endless number of fixes and gaffes hoping things would get better but never taking that one final brave step to break free. As a result they remain perpetually in an enslaved state. Their weak mind causes them to keep meandering around the wall rather than break the wall. 


I think this is where grace comes in. Divine grace. So in some way being attacked by a demon is a net benefit. Because you wouldn't have grace without hitting rock bottom. You cannot live the life of privilege and also understand suffering. You cannot be wailing for God without feeling utterly helpless. The grace of divinity then shields you and releases you from the prison of weakness, breaks the chains of slavery, weakens your demons and let's you walk to your destiny. You had to have a samaritan walk you through especially when you are weak and cannot do it on your own. It explains the  ancient phenomenon of asking for grace, like asking for rain for a better harvest

At 12:14 she says that demons aren't the malevolent spirits that you are taught they are. Yet my experience has taught me that they are malevolent and malefic if you aren't vigilant. However if you take necessary precautions, guard yourself, seek divine grace, are brave enough with a strong throat chakra, then demons are weakened and subdued even dying in ennui if you just don't fall for their manipulations. If you simply refuse and reject. If you don't play their game. Most importantly their intimidation and blackmail game. The moment someone blackmails you saying they will do so and so if you don't do so and so, they are a demon. But don't confuse this with righteous intimidation. If you have caused trouble and someone tells you to not mess with them, that's not manipulative intimidation, they are just defending their territory righteously and want you to back off. Blackmail is a potent form of trapping. It's pure intimidation. A weak mind submits to such intimidation and tries to go along with it, being excessively pleasing, apologetic or passive. Whereas a strong mind pays no mind. 

Why does a demon intimidating you works? 

The simplest answer is - survival. As long as your survival is wobbly and not ensured, the demon will always use this as a focal point and constantly threaten survival. 


Does this cause a deja vu? Does it remind of dictatorships? Yes any dictator is demon. Any system that threatens survival is a demon. Because it's the easiest way to control even the bravest. 


The demon is not courageous. In fact no courageous being can be a demon. The demon has to be a coward. Because only cowards give idle threats. All the threats of the demon are idle and meant to seek power, control, dominion, authority and abuse. If the demon was capable of carrying out the threats, they would have done so long ago. But it's the weak mind that submits to such idle threats. The strong mind tosses all the threats out. The demon assesses your mental strength. They don't want to mess with a strong mind because it's a waste of time trying to control someone who can't be controlled. But they are attracted to weak minds or minds that are trapped by survival and circumstances, and they seek to control them.

Here I'll say there are two categories of dictatorships - one that is trying to cocreate with you, trying to cooperate in your growth with harmony and empathy and understanding. This is beneficial dictatorship. The other is malefic. It tries to control, torture, threaten, dominate and keeps you on your toes and in a state of fear and weakness so they can continue tormenting your peace of mind. malevolence. 

At 13:07,she talks how demons are trying to align with the rest of the universe and they don't wish to be separate. This seems false in my experience. I think demons always want to be separate and love being separate too. They live in darkness and alone and to make up for company they need to snatch lure  someone into their abode and have this person obey their dictatorship. They want this eternal game of cat and mouse. They are too anti. Anyone who walks into their lair is a good prey. Anyone who doesn't budge have to be let go. 

At 15:03 she talks about taking responsibility for your own urges instead of scapegoating the demon. I don't think it works this way. Your urges and your willingness has nothing to do with demons. Your urges are your own flaws. A demon only controls the outcome and events in your life. The demon tries to hurt, sabotage, brings malefic effect. In order to ward off, you have to stay strong, brave and graceful in tough times. As long as there's grace, no demon can even come close. 

Without being mean, it looks like a delirium.

Where do you get that from?


Edited by Schizophonia

The devil is in the details.

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7 hours ago, Schizophonia said:

Without being mean, it looks like a delirium.

Where do you get that from?


Imma a Sasquatch with a deluded brain. 

By the way, right now I'm enjoying some milk and delicious croissant. And not some ordinary croissant. A chocolate filled croissant. 

I'm feeling yumm.look at that. 



My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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8 hours ago, Enlightement said:

. And not some ordinary croissant. A chocolate filled croissant. 

I'm feeling yumm.look at that. 



A good combination yes ? 
You should try the almond croissants B|

The devil is in the details.

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Damn sasquatch trails. 

My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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I had weird imaginations a couple of hours earlier. 

I'm thinking about setting up my own hillbilly group somewhere near the lake. I love these hillbilly people. 


I thoroughly want to move on, enjoy the trees, nature, forests, amazing trails, ponds, streams and.... Peace and quiet. 

Love is my potion. Nature is my home. Peace is my shield. 

My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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Mountains. Beer. Van. Pizza. Blankets. Covers. Sasquatch trails. Paranormal incidents. Shambhu. Hillbilly. Funky music. Nature poems and lucid meditation. 

Nom nom nom. I turned into a kitty. 


Edited by Enlightement

My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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Black coyotes like lol.

My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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Meaningless attachments - toxic love 

We enjoy psych thrill novels or horror movies. When we watch horror movies, our brains and bodies undergo various psychological and physiological responses mostly we feel a sense of thrill. An increased heart rate. Of course activation of the amygdala. This part of the brain is responsible for emotions. Horror movies can lead to a state of psychological arousal, where individuals experience a mixture of fear and excitement. This combination of emotions can be thrilling for some viewers. So you see, there's emotional stimulation. And then there's adrenaline. Adrenaline causes a spike in energy. Do you notice how you feel? I'll describe this as "engaging, entertaining, charming, attractive, addictive, stimulating." These specific set of descriptors cause an attachment to develop. It is nothing but an attachment. When you stop watching the movie, you're no longer stimulated. It's like a chimp on steroids. We attach a lot of importance to such experiences which are actually inherently quite illusory. But they manage to fool us by activating centers of the brain and keeping us engaged. In a similar fashion, attachments which involve abuse, captive love, purely sexual love, chemistry, bdsm etc, these are based on the same set of descriptors like - engaging, chemistry, attractive, addictive, stimulating, entertaining etc. Once you are separated from that person you forget the chemistry and that person very quickly. This is not wholesome love  it's fickle. Temporary attachment. Meaningless attachment. Wholesome would be intense and based on building it over years. It's, based in a spiritual connection, there are no mental activation patterns in it. Mostly arousal related patterns that can be addictive. Psychological arousal. 


Edited by Enlightement

My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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I'm also an e'ffin parasite. 

My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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If I saw a black coyote, I'd be thrilled. 

My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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In my lucid meditation, I saw many things fall apart. Things began to shake and crumble, aloh rumble. 

My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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An attachment can bring enormous suffering. 


My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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Aghori Nandi 


My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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A new day. My lucky star




Edited by Enlightement

My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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