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Celebrating world snake day. 16 July. 


Edited by Enlightement

My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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Hare Krishna 

My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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My song to celebrate Nag day or snake day that is today. 

This is the best way to celebrate snake day. 

Beautiful song. 

Har Har Shambhu Shiv Mahadeva  sanand manand vane










She sings really cool. 


My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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Lyrics of the mantra song Har Har Shambhu Shiv Mahadeva. 

This whole mantra song is a compilation of Shiva Strotams. 

Main verse 

Har-Har Shambhu (Shambhu), Shambhu
(Shambhu), Shiva Mahadeva Shambhu
(Shambhu), Shambhu (Shambhu), Shiva
Mahadeva Har-Har Shambhu (Shambhu),
Shambhu (Shambhu), Shiva Mahadeva
Shambhu (Shambhu), Shambhu
(Shambhu).  Shiva Mahadeva


Verse 1

Karpura Gauram Karunavataram Sansarsaram Bhujagendraharam
Karpura Gauram Karunavataram Sansarsaram Bhujagendraharam

Verse 2

Sadavasantham Hridayaravinde Bhavam Bhavanisahitam Namami
Sadavasantham Hridayaravinde Bhavam Bhavanisahitam Namami

(Verse 1 and 2 taken from Karpura Gauram, one of Shiva's Strotams) 

Pause. Drop. 

Main verse 

Har-Har Shambhu (Shambhu), Shambhu
(Shambhu), Shiva Mahadeva Shambhu
(Shambhu), Shambhu (Shambhu), Shiva
Mahadeva Har-Har Shambhu (Shambhu),
Shambhu (Shambhu), Shiva Mahadeva
Shambhu (Shambhu), Shambhu
(Shambhu).  Shiva Mahadeva


Verse 3

Saananda Maananda Dhabane Vasantham Ananda Kandam Hrita Paapa Brindam
Saananda Maananda Dhabane Vasantham Ananda Kandam Hrita Paapa Brindam

Verse 4

Varanashi Naatham Mu-m Mu-m Natham                            Shri  Viswanatham Saranam Prapadye
Varanashi Naatham Mu-m Mu-m Natham                             Shri Viswanatham Saranam

Pause. Drop. 

Main verse 

Har-Har Shambhu (Shambhu), Shambhu
(Shambhu), Shiva Mahadeva Shambhu
(Shambhu), Shambhu (Shambhu), Shiva
Mahadeva Har-Har Shambhu (Shambhu),
Shambhu (Shambhu), Shiva Mahadeva
Shambhu (Shambhu), Shambhu
(Shambhu).  Shiva Mahadeva


Verse 5

Avantikayam Vihitavatarang Muktipradanaya                     Cha Sajjannaam
Avantikayam Vihitavatarang Muktipradanaya                      Cha Sajjannaam


Verse 6

Akaalmrityu Parirakshanartham                                          Vande Mahakaalam Mahasuresham
Akaalmrityu Parirakshanartham          
Vande Mahakaalam Mahasuresham

(verse 5 taken from Shiv Mantra Avankiyaan) 

Pause. Drop. 

Main verse 

Har-Har Shambhu (Shambhu), Shambhu
(Shambhu), Shiva Mahadeva Shambhu
(Shambhu), Shambhu (Shambhu), Shiva
Mahadeva Har-Har Shambhu (Shambhu),
Shambhu (Shambhu), Shiva Mahadeva
Shambhu (Shambhu), Shambhu
(Shambhu).  Shiva Mahadeva


Verse 7

Nagendra Haraya Trilochanaya, Basmanga Ragaya Maheswaraya
Nagendra Haraya Trilochanaya, Basmanga Ragaya Maheswaraya

Verse 8

Nithyaya Shudhaya Digambaraya, Tasmai ‘Na’karaya Namahshivaya
Nithyaya Shudhaya Digambaraya, Tasmai ‘Na’karaya Namahshivaya

(verse 7 and 8 taken from Shiva Panchakshara Stotram) 

Pause. Drop. 

Main verse 

Har-Har Shambhu (Shambhu), Shambhu
(Shambhu), Shiva Mahadeva Shambhu
(Shambhu), Shambhu (Shambhu), Shiva
Mahadeva Har-Har Shambhu (Shambhu),
Shambhu (Shambhu), Shiva Mahadeva
Shambhu (Shambhu), Shambhu
(Shambhu).  Shiva Mahadeva

Ending Music... End of Mantra. 


(complete meaning and translation of the above mantra song is in the post below) 


Edited by Enlightement

My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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Meaning of the mantra song Har Har Har Shambhu Shiv Mahadeva 

Main verse

Har-Har Shambhu (Shambhu), Shambhu
(Shambhu), Shiva Mahadeva Shambhu
(Shambhu), Shambhu (Shambhu), Shiva
Mahadeva Har-Har Shambhu (Shambhu),
Shambhu (Shambhu), Shiva Mahadeva
Shambhu (Shambhu), Shambhu
(Shambhu).  Shiva Mahadeva

Meaning of main verse - 

Har Har is a salutation like "Hail."

Shambhu and Mahadeva are alternate names of Lord Shiva. 

Verse 1

Karpura Gauram Karunavataram Sansarsaram Bhujagendraharam
Karpura Gauram Karunavataram Sansarsaram Bhujagendraharam

Meaning of the verse 1 - 

White As Camphor, Incarnation Of Compassion, The Essence Of The World, The Necklace Of The Lord Of Serpents.
White As Camphor, Incarnation Of Compassion, The Essence Of The World, The one who wears the snake as a necklace. (the snake necklace is called vasuki). 

Karpura gauram– The divine one, who is white as Camphor / pure as camphor. 
Karpura/Karpur is camphor. Lord Shiva is described as "white as camphor" which is implied as "as white as snow/camphor, as pure as snow," white denoting purity. 

karunavataram– who is an embodiment of solicitude and compassion

sansarsaram– The true spirit of the universe

bhujagendraharam– The one who draped the serpent around his neck, the one who wears the snake (as a) necklace. 

Meaning of the verse 1

Oh Shiva, you're divine, White as camphor. You're the incarnation of compassion. You're the essence of the world, the ruler of the world. You're the one who wears a snake as a necklace. 

Verse 2

Sadavasantham Hridayaravinde Bhavam Bhavanisahitam Namami
Sadavasantham Hridayaravinde Bhavam Bhavanisahitam Namami

Meaning of verse 2 - 

You (Shiva) are the one who always resides in the lotus of my heart. 
I bow to you my lord Shiva and your wife Bhavani (reference to Paravati wife of Shiva) 

Sadavasantam : Always residing. Hridaya arvinde: In the lotus of the heart. Bhavam Bhavani: Oh Lord and Goddess (Sati: wife of Shiva) Sahitam Namami: I bow to you both.

Context - Who is Goddess Bhavani?

She is an aspect of Parvati the wife of Shiva, and she is considered to be a mother, who provides well for her devotees as well as playing the role of dispensing justice by killing Asuras or demons. 

sadavasantam hridayaravinde– one who resides in the heart that is pure as lotus (though lotus is born in mud, it stays untouched by the mud). In the heart that is untouched by worldly matters.

bhavam bhavanisahitam namami– I bow to Lord Shiva and his companion/consort Goddess Bhavani (Goddess Parvati’s form).

Meaning of complete verse 1 and 2 - 

Lord Shiva, who dwells in my heart along with Mata(mother) Bhawani, one who is white as camphor, one who is the manifestation of compassion, one who is the essence of the universe, and who wears the king of the snakes (Vasuki) as his necklace, I bow down to you.

Verse 3

Saananda Maananda Dhabane Vasantham Ananda Kandam Hrita Paapa Brindam
Saananda Maananda Dhabane Vasantham Ananda Kandam Hrita Paapa Brindam

 Meaning of verse 3 - 

Sananda Maananda Dhabane - in the 
Sananda Maananda Dhabane Vasantham - bliss and joy in the spring of the forest

Ananda Kandam - the stalk (the stalk of a flower) 

Hrita Paapa Brindam - you're the ultimate destroyer of a host of sins

The joyful tuber growing in the forest of joyful joy

Lord Shankar(Shankar is another name for Shiva), who resides blissfully in the region of Anandavan (Anandavan is in Kashi, a holy place)  who is the source and root cause of bliss, and who is the destroyer of sins. 

 I go to the shelter of  Shri Vishwanath, the lord of Kashi  the lord of such orphans. The lord of Kashi is Shiva. Shri Viswanath is Shiva. 

You're the joyful tuber growing  in the forest 

Meaning of - 

Sananda Maananda Dhabane Basantam Ananda Kandam

You're the joyful tuber growing  in the forest 
You're the joy in the spring 

Hrita Paapa Brindam - you're the ultimate destroyer of a host of sins

Meaning and context - 

Sananda Maananda - bliss joy 

Dhabane Vasantham - forest and spring 
Vasantham - spring 

Ananda - joy
Kandam - stalk of a flower 

Brindam - a host or collection 

Hrita - the ultimate, the king

Paapa - sin/sins 

Meaning of the verse 3 - 

You're the joyful tuber growing  in the forest 
You're the joy in the spring. 
You're the stalk or the source of bliss. 
you're the ultimate destroyer of a host of sins

Verse 4

Varanashi Naatham Mu-m Mu-m Natham                            Shri  Viswanatham Saranam Prapadye
Varanashi Naatham Mu-m Mu-m Natham                             Shri Viswanatham Saranam Prapadye

Meaning of the verse 4 - 

I Take Refuge In The Lord Of Varanasi, Sri Vishwanath(another name of Shiva) 
The Lord Of The Orphans, The Lord Of The Universe

Context - Varansi is a holy place of pilgrimage for Lord Shiva. He is the savior. He is the lord of the orphans. He is the lord of the universe. 
saranam prapadye—I take shelter of. 
Meaning of Saranam or Sharanam - take shelter or refuge under someone's wings. 
Meaning of prapadye - to surrender

I take refuge in Varanasinath, the lord of the orphan, Sri Vishwanath. Har-Har Shambhu
Nath means lord/savior/master. Varanasinath means the lord  of Varanasi(in the region of Anandavan, Kashi) and that lord is Shiva. 

Meaning and context of verse 4 - 
You're the lord of Varanasi. You're the lord of Kashi (Kashi is another holy land like Varanasi). You're the lord of orphans. You're the Vishwanath, the lord of the world. (Vishwa meaning world and Nath meaning lord). 

(Mu-m Mu-m added as a sound for poetic effect and rhyme.) 


Verse 5

Avantikayam Vihitavatarang Muktipradanaya                     Cha Sajjannaam
Avantikayam Vihitavatarang Muktipradanaya                      Cha Sajjannaam



Verse 6

Akaalmrityu Parirakshanartham                                          Vande Mahakaalam Mahasuresham
Akaalmrityu Parirakshanartham          
Vande Mahakaalam Mahasuresham

(verse 5 taken from Shiv Mantra Avankiyaan) 


Meaning  of both verses - 

Lord Shankar(another name for Shiva), who has incarnated in Avantikapuri Ujjain to provide salvation to the sages, I bow to Mahadev ji, who is also known as Mahakal, the God of those gods to save them from untimely death.)

Abantikayam Vihitavatarang-
Incaranated form in Avantikapuri (Avantikapuri an ancient place in the holy city of Ujjain in the central state of  Madhya Pradesh where Lord Shiva is called Mahakal/Mahadev

Maha - big, great, glorious 
Dev - God
Kal/Kaal - Time 
Kaala - black 
Mahadev - the one who is a great God
Mahakal - the one who can control time and is timeless himself. 

Muktipradanaya - the one who liberates 

Cha Sajjannaam - the sages 

Akaalmrityu - premature death 
Akaal - premature, mrityu - death 

Parirakshanrtham - the protector and preventer 

Vande - a sanskrit salute similar to "Hail", "Shri/Shree", "Jai", "Jai Shree" 

Mahakaalam - Sanskrit for Mahakal or Shiva

Vande Mahakaalam - sanskrit version of the phrase "Jai Shri Mahakal" 

Mahasuresham - the ultimate God of all Gods or suras. Gods were called suras in Sanskrit. 

Context - 

Avanti/Avantika actually means  Ujjain. Because Ujjain was previously known as Avanti or Avantikapuri. Avanti also means modest in Sanskrit. Lord Shiva incarnated as Mahakal in the city of Avanti now called Ujjain. And provided liberation and Moksha to the saints and sages in that region. They were about to die. Shiva as Mahakal protected them from premature death. 

Verse 7

Nagendra Haraya Trilochanaya, Basmanga Ragaya Maheswaraya
Nagendra Haraya Trilochanaya, Basmanga Ragaya Maheswaraya

Verse 8

Nithyaya Shudhaya Digambaraya, Tasmai ‘Na’karaya Namahshivaya
Nithyaya Shudhaya Digambaraya, Tasmai ‘Na’karaya Namahshivaya

(verse 7 and 8 taken from Shiva Panchakshara Stotram) 


Meaning of verse 7 and 8-


The one who wears a snake as a necklace, he is also the three-eyed God. (3 eyes means 2 eyes and third eye which is the portal to wisdom and psychic powers.) He is none other than Shiva. 

The one who applies holy ash all over his body, the greatest god (Maheshwara). He is none other than Shiva. 

The one who is eternal. He is none other than Shiva. 

The one who is pure. He is none other than Shiva. 

Who only  wears directions as his clothes (Digambara). He is none other than Shiva. 

Salutations to Lord Shiva who is represented by syllable NA in Namah Shivaya. I salute you Shiva in reverence. 

Nagendra - seshnag, king of the serpents. 
Seshnag/Sheshnag is a snake from folklore with multiple heads. 

Haraya - the necklace 

Trilochanaya - the one who has three eyes (two eyes and the third eye considered the eye of wisdom) 

Basmanga - bhasma or ash 

Ragaya - the one who rubs 

Maheswaraya - the one who rubs ashes all over his body. This ash is holy ash. 

Nithyaya - the one who is eternal

Shudhaya - the one who is the purest cleanest 

Digambaraya - Who is pure, forever, and wears directions as his clothes 

Tasmai - unto him

Na’karaya - this can have two meanings. 
First  - who is represented by syllable NA in Namah Shivaya
Second - the one whose form is shapeless

Namashivaya - I salute you Shiva 

This salutation to Shiva has 5 letters of the 5 elements. 
In Sanskrit these five letters correspond to these 5 elements 

Na - earth
Ma - water
Shi - fire
Va-  air
Ya - ether 

Meaning of complete verse 7 and 8-

The one who has snakes acting as his ornaments, the three-eyed god

The one who applies holy ash all over his body, the greatest god (Maheshwara)

Who is pure, forever, and wears directions as his clothes (Digambara)

Salutations to Lord Shiva who is represented by syllable NA in Namah Shivaya

Who is forever,
Who is the cleanest,
And who wears the directions themselves as dress. He is Shiva. 









Edited by Enlightement

My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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Pathaal Ganga 

My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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I think there are demonic entities. And then there are malevolent spirits. And malefic effects 

But most importantly demonic entities. 

All paranormal is at least partially demonic. 

All supranormal is opposite of paranormal. 

These are like magnetic poles. 

Both possess powers like psychic powers. This means even a demon person can possess psychic powers. I used to not believe this before. Now I understand. These are siddhis that can be acquired. 

Anyone can possess them regardless of character. It's like a sword. 

But in the wrong hands it will lead to wrong results. 

In the right hands it will lead to peace and growth. 

Spirituality is about the nature of spirits. It can be good or bad. Malevolent or friendly. 

Demonic entities are forces that  cause paranormal events. But not malevolent spirits. 

These are like magnetic poles. Polar opposites. 

The world is governed by the overlapping of these two forces. Both collide, clash constantly. Both are winning losing at the same time. Sensitive beings are easily affected by these. Vulnerable beings too. 

What is required to beat one out of them? 

Taking help of the other. Developing siddhis and shakti and Yukti. And Bhakti. 


Yukti means wisdom in Hinduism. 

Hinduism seems to be a true religion. 



My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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Just now, Enlightement said:

I think there are demonic entities. And then there are malevolent spirits. And malefic effects 

But most importantly demonic entities. 

All paranormal is at least partially demonic. 

All supranormal is opposite of paranormal. 

These are like magnetic poles. 

Both possess powers like psychic powers. This means even a demon person can possess psychic powers. I used to not believe this before. Now I understand. These are siddhis that can be acquired. 

Anyone can possess them regardless of character. It's like a sword. 

But in the wrong hands it will lead to wrong results. 

In the right hands it will lead to peace and growth. 

Spirituality is about the nature of spirits. It can be good or bad. Malevolent or friendly. 

Demonic entities are forces that  cause paranormal events. But not malevolent spirits. 

These are like magnetic poles. Polar opposites. 

The world is governed by the overlapping of these two forces. Both collide, clash constantly. Both are winning losing at the same time. Sensitive beings are easily affected by these. Vulnerable beings too. 

What is required to beat one out of them? 

Taking help of the other. Developing siddhis and shakti and Yukti. And Bhakti. 


Yukti means wisdom in Hinduism. 

Hinduism seems to be a true religion. 



Here the focus should be on the Lokas described in Hinduism. Pathaal Ganga and the upper Lokas and the lower Lokas. 

The upper Lokas are a bright tunnel. 

The lower Lokas are the dark tunnel. 

You could be in any of these tunnels. 

My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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There are four activities here.. 

Distraction. Pathaal Ganga 

Abstraction. (satsang) ujwal Ganga 

Escalation. Devlok

Spiraling. Rasathala 



Edited by Enlightement

My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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Make a list of consecrated items. 


My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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Make a list of hindu festivals and write the Hindu Calender for July, August and September. 


Edited by Enlightement

My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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Edited by Enlightement

My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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Edited by Enlightement

My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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Today I saw the power of Aghori Nandi. 

I was lucidly meditating. It's like being in a trance. This is a very private experience. 

And I saw myself killing myself during the meditation. I was jumping into an ocean. 

Maybe an ocean full of doubts and worries. 

And then I saw nandi. 

And I saw they said Nandi had different facets. 

Although masculine, it had a feminine role. I don't remember the roles. But I was startled by disappointment. 

I woke up. I began to feel somewhat better. Yet I was saved. From killing myself since in a trance like state I could have ended up hurting myself. 

I think Nandi appeared lucidly to save my life 

Aghori nandi is strongly associated with karma. Those who tried to damage me, there will be intense karma coming to them. Power of Aghori Nandi. You can't escape your sins against a soul. My soul will give out a loud scream and a vile spit. It's not holy to cause deep hurt and loss to someone. 

For Aghori it's day of judgement. 



My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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I've to be intellectually stimulating at all times. Just how it is. 

My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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Wisdom is the highest priority right now 

My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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Aghori Nandi.



Edited by Enlightement

My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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My lucky star 




Edited by Enlightement

My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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