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Scorpio is a sign of intensity and power, and when Mars is positioned in Scorpio, it brings a lot of emotional intensity to the individual's life.


People with Mars in Scorpio tend to be strong-minded, self-driven and disciplined people.


The presence of Venus in the center of Pisces creates a very auspicious yoga, and due to its effect, the person can get a lot of fame among society and the people …

Meaning of Rahu in Aries. And Ketu in Libra. 

Rahu in Aries tends to manipulate morality, balance and evolution while Ketu in Libra destroys true or sincere love.

..... My God. My love life is fucked. 



Edited by Enlightement

My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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Rahu in aries and Ketu in Libra. 


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Rahu in Aries enables the native to undertake daring deeds with every chance of success; and he should not hesitate to go forward. Fortune favours him. This position indicates rashness that is profitable. It is also lucky for love; but after much torment on this account. In a critical situation, Rahu in Aries helps the native to extricate himself from trouble. It is similar to the Square in an unfortunate hand; it is the antidote to misfortune.

Ketu in Libra prophesies lawsuits connected with material questions. It also means disputes in the home and danger of separation. It is not a good position for the spiritual evolution of the native, as it makes him practical (often too practical), which may lead to trouble with the law, or with those with whom he comes into contact. This position, especially in the fifth house, shows anxiety on account of a child. Nevertheless, if Ketu is in the third decanate of Libra and is well aspected, it is sometimes an indication of material abundance and increase of possessions. But money does not always bring happiness, and the native will realise this.

Rahu in Aries gives self-assertion and a progressive nature. Should develop independence and stand on their own convictions. Personality should be brought to full development. Before you can give yourself away, you have to have a self to give.

Ketu in Libra shows there has been too much emphasis on leaning on others and letting them run the life. Now this person must make his own decisions whether they are right or wrong. Growth comes through one’s own expression and experience.

Here the soul is learning the lessons of self-consciousness on the most elemental levels. Experiences in prior incarnations did not permit the Self to form as a singular identity. Now the individual is paying the price for the indecisiveness of his former lives as well as learning how to rise out of his confusion by developing ‘one-mindedness’.

Highly susceptible to flattery, he goes far out of his way to do the things he believes will please others; but because he has not yet himself gone through ego identification, he becomes confused as to what course of action to take. Always trying to balance those around him, he finds himself to be the eternal referee between two or more opposing ideas, people, or conditions. Standing in the moddle, he assumes the role of the buffer trying desperately to bring harmony to both sides at the same time. From moment to moment and day to day, he seesaws from one side to the other, hoping that he will never be required to take a definite stand!

In prior lives he judged his happiness by the successes or failures of those close to him. Now he continues to identify his life through others. His confidence can easily be shattered, for he hardly yet knows who he is. By confusing the collective needs of others with his own unrealized desires, he makes himself susceptible to long states of depression. Still, no matter how drained he feels, he continues this past-life pattern of seeking out people with whom he can identify.

At times he develops resentment at his inability to pull the opposite parts within himself together. Yet he is so used to entertaining solutions to contrary ideas that he keeps creating more.

He is attracted to music and the arts, feeling comfortable in an environment that is gracefully delicate. When circumstances around him become coarse of brittle he loses control.

He doesn’t like to live alone but desires to be left alone. For his own peace and tranquillity, he must learn to overcome his enormous sensitivity to all the disharmonious needs of those around him. He does this best by dropping the attitude that he must fight for his very survival and refocusing his attention on what positive thoughts help him to develop his own identity.

In past incarnations there was great sacrifice to others which was not fully appreciated. Now the soul reincarnates with traces of resentment at not reaping the rewards of its efforts. This brings out the contrariness of the Libra Ketu and actually prevents the individual from finding his real Self! The Rahu can come out only when the Ketu is brought to the highest possible karmic level. Thus, this individual will achieve his greatest potential after he learns to serve willingly, without desiring any rewards beyond his own self-growth.

He was impressionable in other lifetimes. Now he spends at least the first half of this life coping with the leftover residue of his own gullibility. As the years pass, he becomes an avid reader, which helps him to crystallize his thoughts. Still, there are so many past-life habits of indecisiveness that he finds it extremely difficult to make concrete decisions.

Always liking to see both sides of everything, he divides himself in half at every crossroad. When these divisions become so painful that he can no longer bear his own indecision, he starts to reach for his Aries Rahu.

Ultimately he learns not to be afraid of taking a stand for what his higher Self senses is Truth. He reaches this by teaching himself to be an individual, rather than an extension of somebody else. Still, he must build on his prior incarnations which taught him how to love rather than hate. Thus, as he starts to find himself, he must still be mindful of how his newly-discovered assertiveness influences those close to him.

For short periods of time, he will have to isolate himself in order to gather his strength.

His biggest lessons center around learning how to make his head rule his heart, for he still melts too easily at the slightest attention.

Of all the zodiac, this individual has the least amount of past-life experience in examining himself. Now he must find out who he really is!

In the current life he is destined to make the transition from the reaper to the sower, whereupon every thought becomes a creative seed for his new beginning.

The house which contains the Ketu shows the area in life where too much past identification with others inhibited self-development. The house which contains the Rahu designates the area where the Self is now experiencing its birth. Once a new sense of Self-identity is achieved, this individual will feel like Columbus discovering America; and the most amazing part of his discovery is reaching the awareness that it was there all along, but he never knew it.

Previous incarnation for this person was very easy-going and in considerable luxurious surroundings. Good things in life were the main pursuits for this soul. Learning on a mental level was very important for him. In this lifetime, he has to work with actions and aggression. Things are not always balanced for him now. As a result of this, he has to utilize all the means he can within his energies to carry through his wishes. Impatience and lack of tolerance can cause frustrations for him in this life. His job is tough as he has to keep his feet on the ground and at the same time watch for what goes on well above him. Failure to keep both ends tied up may cause loss of many successful opportunities in this lifetime.

You need to learn to do things for yourself. Your Libra Ketu may respond: ‘Yeah, but it’s much easier to let others do things for me. Every time I try to do my own thing, either somebody takes advantage of me or I wind up getting somebody mad at me’.

Your major problem is that you are not rational when it comes to relationships.

Possible reasons: You have such a hang-up about being fair to everybody that you bend over backwards for others at the expense of your own individuality. You’ve stifles your leadership abilities because using them led to friction or discord. You’re unable to get started on things without help, due to lack of ambition of self-motivation. Life experiences have over-emphasized the value of leaning on others and encouraged passivity as a means of gaining acceptance.

Possible solutions: Force yourself to undertake leadership roles. Dare to be enthusiastic about your beliefs and interests. Cultivate spontaneity. Do things on your own once in a while. Find a guru to follow. Find a big strong man (or good woman) to lean on.

With Libra Ketu, decision-making is often a problem. This is because with Libra Ketu, there’s a tendency to overdevelop logic to the point that it smothers the Aries feeling and acting functions. However, feelings can’t be totally ignored. They have a way of coming out and moving you in certain directions whether you choose to be aware of them or not. If they’re denied positive expression through individuality and assertiveness, they’ll be forced to take a negative route through insincerity, meddling or dependence. With Libra Ketu, rationalization can lead to irrationality, since feelings get lost in the shuffle. Usually, this dependency on passive intellectualizing is the result of some traumatic experience where feelings have let the individual down. Often he or she has been ridiculed or rejected for reasons that were never clearly understood, and

Often he or she has been ridiculed or rejected for reasons that were never clearly understood, and from that point on has decided that feelings can’t be trusted. So figuring out strategies replaces feelings. The Libran Ketu takes great pains to be sure that all decisions about marriage, job and life style in general are formulated logically and planned thoroughly. The trouble is that logic without feeling leads to marriage without love, prestige without satisfaction, and existence without living. Eventually depression sets in and logic ceases to function. At that point, Libra Ketu is forced to get in touch with his or her feelings and take appropriate action, thus attaining a nodal balance between Aries and Libra.

In my experience, the person with an over-developed Libra Ketu dislikes being alone; asks for help and advice, but then seems resentful of it; spends a great deal of time and money on grooming, cosmetics, clothing etc.; speaks in a monotone or a very tiny voice; is indecisive; is extremely co-operative to the point of being a door mat; has an inferiority complex; is a gracious host or hostess whose door is invariably open to everyone at all times; works hard at romance; and feels sorry for single people, regardless of their circumstances.

Rahu in Aries wants to be outgoing. He or she wants to be a self-started, well able to lead and assertive enough to get what he or she wants. In contrast, this person is generally well-liked but inclined to see himself or herself as passive or too shy. There’s usually an interest in or talent for art, fashion, editing, publicizing, or some other Libra-ruled talent; but because the person seldom challenges that talent by doing anything innovative, he or she is passed by when the acclaim gets handed out, and may begin to feel resentful. He or she can be sympathetic to the point of becoming a doormat, and may become so enmeshed in others’ struggles for success and happiness that his or her own needs remain unfulfilled.


Edited by Enlightement

My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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Antidotes for Aries imbalance: Psychological counseling (particularly assertiveness training) is often helpful in learning to utilize the Aries Rahu. The client might be advise to write or tape a statement of his or her philosophy of life, including a list of goals for the next year. You may then help the client determine how to best express this philosophy while fulfilling the goals. Scientific study, particularly in the field of physics or physical development, may be recommended if the client shows aptitude along these lines. Any sort of discipline program - from Scouting to the National Guards - could prove beneficial. Travel - preferably alone - is recommended. Leadership roles - particularly in the work sphere - should be accepted.

For any type of Aries imbalance, the catch-phrase should be ‘Try something new’. This ‘something new’ should naturally coincide with some untapped talent, as shown in the chart.

For many reasons, clients may not be ready to embark on a totally new life style. In these cases, a new hobby could prove beneficial. Among the hobbies I’d recommend for Aries nodal imbalance are: any sort of nature activities, from hunting to photographing wildlife, football or soccer, hockey, boxing or karate, enamel work.

You may need to be more independent and not be reliant on relationships or others’ perceptions of you. You should avoid shaping your identity by assuming others’ attitudes, beliefs, and values. Lacking self-confidence can result in confusion and indecision, especially when important decisions are required. At times, it may appear that you allow others to decide for you.

Relationships can provide security and stability; and you try to please those on whom you depend. Yet, through lacking self-knowledge, you may fail to acknowledge and respect your own needs, desires, and aims.

Be wary of more dominant influences; you may be gullible and impressionable. If so, you need to outgrow this and assume responsibility for evaluating situations and options. Relying on others will interfere with your choices and major decisions. At times of crisis, a divided self only offers additional confusion and pain; and you need to be decisive to resolve issues.

Try to follow inner promptings - perhaps previously ignored or dismissed ‘messages’. Move in the direction toward which intuition guides you. Through developing faith in this process, you can release potential and be true to your nature. In so doing, you can discover how to honor your whole self.

When overly sensitive to others’ needs or tending to confuse them with your unrealized and unfulfilled desires, you may experience weakened vital energies, which can create occasional depression. Acknowledge and assert your requirements, and take responsibility to satisfy them, as these are important for integration and personal growth. While a concept of service to others may remain a motivating force, your first priority must be to yourself, so that you integrate your whole being, instead of diminishing yourself through relationship dependency. Once this is achieved, you could serve from a different yet more effective perspective. When you attain inner harmony, energies radiating from you will also embody this quality to benefit them, even though some may find these energies uncomfortable due to their own disharmonious state.

Your new assertiveness also needs to respect relationships, connecting self and others for mutual benefit. You need to be true to yourself and to discover how to co-operate with others. By acknowledging your nature, you can explore relationships to greater depth, enriching them through shared understanding. Often, the Libran energy is activated when you try to unify people, ideas, and situations, operating like a central balance between opposite conditions. The new balance required from you is ‘self and others’, where you develop balanced attitudes, individuality, and independence, while creating interdependent relationships. The key to this is to transform dependent behavior patterns.

Aries is the cardinal Fire sign. It is ‘the’ sign par excellence, in which self-manifestation takes place. Here, the ‘I’ must stand out against the world, and especially against the ‘You’. We must be able to say ‘Yes’ to ourselves, and to express this attitude in our lifestyle. Nevertheless, the way in which the desire for self-assertion is expressed by the Aries native will depend on our state of awareness. Or, to put it another way, the hazier the picture we have of ourselves, the more we resort to force; but the more differentiated our consciousness is, the more subtly we proceed. Yet even when being fairly subtle we still use ‘push’ - we have plenty of that. The ‘I’ tends to manifest itself in what may be pictured as a series of pulsations. The same is true when the Moon’s Node is in Aries: we try to bring our personality to bear on the world in order to make things happen. This placement of the Node is usually a fairly strong incentive to be creative. Someone with the Node in Aries is incapable of settling down to routine work, even when output would increase. Increased output is not a consideration with Aries; what matters is creating something unlike anything anyone else can create. To produce something creative that is completely personal is the ultimate in self-expression for this sign.

With hard aspects to the Node, there is a danger of over-producing like some sort of ‘Hard Nosed’. The native engages in hectic activity, and revels in quantity instead of being creative. However, the individual with the Node in Aries can produce an enormous amount of truly creative work.


Edited by Enlightement

My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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Mercury in Aquarius

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Aquarius is a fixed air sign, also ruled by Saturn. While Mercury in Capricorn people are grounded and realistic, those born with Mercury in Aquarius tend to brag a lot and fly too close to the Sun due to the airy quality. A lot is contained in their mind, words unsaid, feelings, thoughts, and emotions. Their mind is hyperactive, constantly working, occupied by a lot of negative thoughts too. Their ideas however are innovative and original, at times abstract. They are emotionally detached people but that doesn’t mean that they do not feel the pain of others. They are humble and humane, always ready to help those in need. In fact, they often carry the burden of other’s problems on their shoulders.


They tend to indulge in a lot of social service too, without involving themselves emotionally. This sense of emotional detachment also pervades their thought process. They base their actions on thoughtful scientific analysis than emotions and passion. Their intuition is also powerful which helps them easily judge others’ characters. These natives strongly uphold the idea of equality and justice. They always play fair in life. Their nature is quite accommodating. They are always open to new ideas and are quite witty too so keep the atmosphere light and bright.

My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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My horoscope. 

By Indastro. 

The transit of planets in 2023 will support growth, achievement and fresh opportunities, yet Shatabhisha and Swati Nakshatras' dynamic energy will rule both your personal and professional spheres. Saturn's progressive movement will bring you success in your love and marital connections, but it may draw your focus away from your ties with your family and your long-term savings.

You must await Mars' progressive movement, which will hold the key to an upcoming new professional link and ensure that you enjoy the expected advancement. Concerns pertaining to financial gain and increase will be affected by Mars' retrograde motion. During this progressive Mars period, you may also anticipate prosperity in your romantic relationship. Friendships may be challenging in the first quarter, but Venus's progressive movement will support the healing and rebirth you desire for your relationship.

The work at hand will be completed in 2023 thanks to Revati's transforming energy, which will also help you achieve the rank and promotion and make significant advances in that direction.

Your karmic aspect to Saturn in 2023 won't be simple for you, and you'll need to make small plans rather than making hasty decisions. The karmic aspect of Saturn above Jupiter and Rahu increases the likelihood that you may have a sense of restriction at work. However, it will make you realize the significance of dedication and accepting responsibility in the workplace and drive you to work to your full capacity.

Mars' combust energy with Venus' retrograde energy in 2023 may cause unexpected difficulties in your romantic relationship. Additionally, it may make you accountable for the timeline. If you learn the lesson and use what you've learned in a constructive way, new learning and steady advancements in Venus and Mars' conditions might result in positive change.

With the help of Venus' transit, you will find the best option and receive the best advice in terms of investing. In 2023, Saturn will take the initiative to work on your long-term financial plans so that Saturn's heat can put financial pressure and responsibility on you. The year 2023 will be crucial in terms of money and finances because of Saturn's retrograde motion and karmic aspect, which will put you to the test regarding how you will handle the financial pressure and then compel you to set milestones in order to attain your financial goals. You will have long-term financial stability in 2023 as a result of all this work.

In 2023, the Gandanta energy's knot and the karmic aspect will become clearer, enabling you to make a new beginning with fresh insights, successes and difficulties. In order to offer your best effort with energy synchronization to overcome obstacles and celebrate your success in 2023, it is now necessary to align yourself with the movement of the planets.

Effects of birth in Nakshatra

You are born under the Star of Pushya nakshatra that is part of Cancer Ascendant for you. The Pushya Nakshatra (Constellation in astronomy) runs from 3 degree 20 min to 16-degree 40 min in Cancer sign.

It is said that the meaning of Pushya is to ‘gain affection through the feet of God.’ It is the eighth constellation of the zodiac belt and translates to ‘nourisher’, and that is the most distinctive feature about you. This Nakshatra gives you power and energy and makes you yielding, nurturing and caring by nature.

This Nakshatra is ruled by Jupiter and Saturn, which makes it one of the most lovable Nakshatra among all the existing 27 constellations. If you are born under the Pushya Nakshatra, it makes you compassionate and generous by nature. Your personality is serious, dedicated and you are righteous, almost like a God. You have no amount of ego in you and your main motive in life is to gain peace and happiness. You are a dedicated person who helps people in their bad times.

You can be easily tempted by tasty food and materialistic pleasures. It makes you happy when someone praises you and makes you equally sad when you are criticized. An easy way to get you to do something is by praising you.

You are a religious person by nature who likes to go for pilgrimages. Your areas of interest are astrology, yoga etc. You respect your mother a lot and like to be surrounded by women like her.

You are also quite dedicated in life and you will finish any work that is given to you. However, due to your workaholic nature, you might be distant from your spouse and kids sometimes. But the good news is that this won’t cause any detachment from your family. You will do a lot of hard work to earn and live a luxurious life.

Your nakshatra determines your basic sketch of your character & destiny, although placement of other planets would help define you and your destiny in greater detail.

Still as a Pushya born, you would experience the below mentioned effects in your life:

Physically: Your physical appearance generally is diverse, ranging from short to tall, slim to well built or fair to wheatish complexion. At times, you may be average in appearance and sometimes you are very attractive and handsome with sharp facial features and expressive eyes. One prominent feature of Pushya born is the presence of a birthmark or mole on the face.

Who you are: You are a very responsible person. You will have knowledge on a variety of subjects. You will be well respected in the society. You will be a wealthy person and you will have a knack for charity. At the same time, you will also be supportive of your family. Your nurturing nature will help you nurture your surroundings. You love being included in all social activities happening around you. You are blessed with a calm nature and you may be inclined towards spiritual activities.

You are a very generous person and you are protective about things and people in all spheres of your life. You might seem to be a very positive person but negativity exists inside you. Due to this reason, you will have to avoid negative people in your life.

Profession & Education: You may opt a career mostly in which you work with others like Politician, Aristocrat, hotelier, Clergy, Dairy industry, Spiritual advisor, Childcare professional, Priest, Farmers, Artisans, Business related traditional religions. In education, there are many fields in which you have an inclination towards and are capable of doing well. But the best choice for you is literature, philosophy, and all arts and commerce related subjects. You may shine in the entertainment field too.

Direction: The South East direction from your place of birth would be most beneficial.

Family & marriage: You do not have any fixed age to get married. You may get married early in your life or even late. But once you get married, your marriage will go through lots of ups and downs. Despite that, you will take full responsibility for your spouse. You are not a very expressive person by nature, which in turn will lead to miscommunication and suspicion in your family life.

Health: Up to the teenage years, you do not have good health. Later in life when you are older, your health will not be great either. There are many health issues which are likely to occur in your life are Stone in Gallbladder, Gastric ulcer, Tuberculosis, Jaundice, Cancer, Frequent cold and cough/lung infection, and Respiratory problem.

Important years: Teenage (especially 15 &16) for health and hurdles in education.

The age bracket between 20 to 32 would give slightly better results in terms of health, wealth and career.

From age 33, you will attain success in your career and have better financial conditions.

Sun in 5th house

Fifth house is connected with the children and your creative instincts. Sun is posited in the fifth house of your horoscope, making you overbearing in nature. You are likely to do well in speculation, stock markets and investment matters too. It is one of the most auspicious placements of Sun in your chart, as it bestows artistic talents to you. You can do wonders in performing arts, especially acting. Similarly, you have a strong desire to express yourself in a creative manner and it could be through sports, romance, writing, or drama.This very placement of Sun is the reason you have with nourishing ability within you. Therefore, you love providing resources to the needy ones. Sun is posited in the fifth house of your horoscope, giving you a royal, brave and aggressive personality.

Moon in 10th house

Moon is posited in the Tenth house of your horoscope, blessing you with good comforts of life. You have a strong attachment with your homeland. Moreover, you’re likely to make good career over there. You also get expected help and proper guidance from your mother. With Moon placed in the Tenth house of your horoscope, your mother would play a major role in shaping your career and life. This very placement of Moon is the reason you like doing charitable work for the underprivileged ones.

Mars in 2nd house

Mars is posited in the second house of your horoscope, making you well-versed in different languages and blessing you with strong convincing powers. With the placement of Mars in the second house of your horoscope, a lot of your energy is directed towards making money and accumulating possessions. This very placement of Mars is the reason you’ll be blessed with noteworthy gains from various unknown sources.


Mercury in 5th house

Mercury is posited in the fifth house of your horoscope, enhancing your knowledge and blessing you with good social skills. The suggestion of your friends and partner helps you in attaining lot of success and recognition in life. You are blessed with a sharp memory. Besides having a childlike personality, you have a fondness for children. You follow your religion and customs in an extremely disciplined manner.

Jupiter in 5th house

Jupiter is posited in the Fifth house of your horoscope, blessing you with high IQ and a good level of intelligence. Your hard work and efforts will be perceived by your seniors. You seem to have a huge friend circle. This very placement of Jupiter generates your interest in law, religion, social norms and spirituality.

Venus in 5th house

Since the fifth house relates to children, you’re likely to have a strong desire to have children quite early in life. You are directed towards helping and guiding the younger ones in some or the other way. However, this placement could also interfere with progeny possibilities. This very placement of Venus makes you a social butterfly, someone who loves to gather and party the night away. People see you as a party animal, someone who is always up for a fun time. You should, however, be careful not to over-indulge.

Saturn in 2nd house

Presence of Saturn in the second house indicates problems in keeping up sound relations with others. Regardless of all this, you are likely to inherit a lot of money which can help you achieve financial dependence a lot sooner in life. This very placement of Saturn suggests that you should learn to deal with haters and jealous people because a lot of people might secretly envy you.

Rahu in 7th house

Seventh house Rahu increases a desire to be recognized and to earn a distinct name in the society. You tend to get attracted towards the potential partners who are either strange or eccentric. At times, you get involved in a marriage, deal or contract that should not have happened in the first place. First marriage often elevates your social status; however, your partner may disregard the values of the association.

Ketu in 1st house

The placement of Ketu in the first house makes you hard-hearted. You will lack in sympathetic understanding, and become disobedient. This is the reason why you’ll be disliked by your teachers. You love exploring new things in life and while doing so, you do not care about the rules and regulations. Research work, a career in cyber security, medical science, and criminal lawyer are some of the good career options for you. However, you’re likely to face ups and downs in your life due to the placement of Ketu in the first house of your horoscope.

Sun and Jupiter Combination

Sun represents the soul, ego, heart, self-esteem, personality, father, creator, king. Jupiter controls true divine knowledge and wisdom. It is known as a Guru, teacher and our guider in real life, who maintains all the rules and regulations. Jupiter controls all kinds of religious activities, and wealth and finance. The conjunction of Sun and Jupiter in the fifth house of your horoscope makes you self righteous and moralistic. Sun’s and Jupiter’s influence helps you attain a higher position in government.This combination ensures wealth and a decent income. You also get recognition, name and fame due to the presence of Sun and Jupiter in your horoscope. It also makes you spiritually inclined. Wearing gold will enhance your luck.


Sun and Venus Combination

Sun represents a person’s soul, ego, heart, self-esteem, father, and creator. Venus is a feminine planet. It represents your spouse, relationships, art, beauty, and luxury. The Sun and Venus conjunction is all about creating various relationships with others. The degrees and position of the Sun and Venus concerning each other decides the quality of these relationships. Sun brightens up the qualities of Venus.But at the same time, ego plays a major role in the relationship. Sun stands for ego and Venus gives greed and whenever these planets come in conjunction you may get into trouble because of ego or greed. When these two planets have closed conjunction, they create problems in married life. Discipline and perfection are the inbuilt characteristics of Sun and Venus conjunction. You want everything to be organised at your workplace as well as your home.

Sun and Mercury Combination

Sun represents ego, soul, father, creator, king, source of energy. Mercury represents logical and intelligence of mind; it controls your communication skills, performance and speech because Mercury is the Karaka of communication. When Sun-Mercury conjunction takes place in a horoscope, it forms the Buddhaditiya Yoga.It means that you will have good communication skills and logical mindset. You will work under the government as an authoritative figure. You will also get desired support of your father and siblings. This conjunction is likely to improve your financial position. It not only enhances your personality but also gives you the ability to perform extraordinary well in your academics.

Mars and Saturn Combination

You will teeth-related health complications due to the presence of Mars and Saturn in your horoscope. The two planets will also influence your speech giving you highly rude and ungrateful conduct of life. Mars and Saturn will also create distance within the relationships with people. You will be blessed with family wealth and due to this reason, a lot of people will envious of your new-found status in society. You will incline to lie or hold secrets from your family. You will have a deep interest in the field of occult science and the art of Vedic Ayurveda.


Mercury and Jupiter Combination

Mercury and Jupiter are forming a conjunction in the fifth house of your horoscope, blessing you with high IQ level and intelligence. You easily get recognition of your hard work. You have a strong penchant to pass on your wisdom to others, especially children. You are likely to form a great attachment with children and may get a chance to teach them as well. Teaching indeed is quite an appropriate profession for you, as it becomes a way of self-expression. Children become a source of pleasure for you in some way or the other. This very conjunction of Mercury and Jupiter generates your interest in law, religion, social norms and spirituality.

Mercury and Venus Combination

The conjunction of Mercury and Venus in the fourth house of your horoscope gives you a royal personality. You tend to have a strong desire to express yourself creatively and it can be through any means, be it sports, romance, writing, and of course drama. You are likely to do well in speculation and investment matters. This conjunction gives you an artistic inclination. It makes you humble and polite. There are strong chances that you’ll receive help and support from your grandparents. As Mercury and Venus conjunct in your 5th house, they make you very creative and talented. You have a penchant for arts such as drama, fine arts and music. These could be your hobbies as well as your career pursuits. This very conjunction of Mercury and Venus is the reason you have a strong fondness to be on stage, in the public eye. You feel a strong attraction towards the opposite sex, sometimes more than required. You have a strong desire to be loved and given attention to. The need for a company is also strong.

Jupiter and Venus Combination

Jupiter and Venus, in the 5th house, suggest that you will benefit from speculation and investment matters. This is, however, only possible, when you use your judgments and intuition very carefully. You will need to curb the practice of gambling. You will have a strong inclination to share your wisdom with others, especially your children. You will form a beautiful bond and affection with children, and get to them about life. Teaching, indeed, will be an appropriate profession for you as this will give you a medium to creatively express yourself. Children will bring you happiness. Jupiter and Venus often indicate male offspring.


Yogas in my chart 


Yogas in your Birth Chart : Vedic Yogas defined for you

A Yoga is combination of planets where the sum of the planetary effects is more that the planets that participate. This is due to the unique Synergy the planets bring being in proximity & in a unique matrix with each other. A yoga is a unique Vedic concept & so it cannot be found in any other astrology system. We have discovered the below Yogas in your horoscope

Adhi Yoga

You are blessed with Adhi Yoga. This, in literal sense translates to the bringing of luck and happiness in one’s life. This yoga is formed due to the benefactor planets namely Jupiter, Venus & Mercury found in a particular configuration in a horoscope. It then deals and helps with your luck, intelligence, financial success, benevolence, and philanthropy. To know which of these aspects will show up more prominently in your horoscope will depend on the timing and dasha analysis of your chart.

Dhan Yoga

Your horoscope has the agreement of Dhana yoga. Vedic Astrology sees Dhan Yoga as an extraordinary combination that promotes the inventive generation of wealth through self-effort, real-estate, knowledge & creativity. The increase in wealth is also conceivable by a partnership in business, matrimony, legacy, luck & divine intervention. You can have a successful career, wise investments, or savings that can also be the cause of your growing fortune and assets.

Budh Aditya Yoga

Your horoscope has a promising Budh Aditya yoga due to the conjunction of Sun and Mercury. The combination of these two planets and the formation of this yoga will bestow you with a shining personality, great intellectual ability along-with remarkable wit and humour. You will be a bright student in the early years of your schooling and will only become mature in the later stage of life. You will have an understanding of your surroundings and possess great leadership qualities. These characteristics will encourage you to attain wisdom and knowledge. Depending upon the strength of the two planets - Sun and Mercury, this yoga will bestow you with the favour of luck when it comes to financial stability. You will also earn respect and get a powerful position in your life.

Your Instincts and General Psychology

You have an attractive and eye-catching personality. Blessed usually with bright and prominent eyes, and a broad forehead, you always carry a smiling face. Your beauty attracts people towards you as your overall personality gives out a positive aura.
Your nature is divine as you are modest and a soft-hearted person. You personify honesty, forgiveness, kindness, and a very balanced temperament. You are always ready to help others and guide other people in the right direction. You are blessed with an intelligent and bright mind which helps you to make very wise and spontaneous decisions.

Your Positive Traits:

You always provide constant guidance and help to others to make their lives smooth. You are very caring and generous and always stand by others in their difficult times.

You keep away from any complications and fight and are also very strong and faithful. There is no place for the word ‘impossible’ in your dictionary.

You are firm in your speech and stick to your own words. You are therefore likely to achieve power and position and receive honor in the society. You live for others’ interest and always try to fulfill the needs of others first. You believe in elevating the life of others around you and spread peace and love. Leaderships and sovereignty are your strong qualities.

You are confident and courageous, someone who will keep strong in any adverse situation and overcome it very smoothly.

 You usually remain quiet and calm, come what may. Always maintaining a peaceful stature, you are faithful to all those who love you and take care of their needs.

Things to avoid and to keep in mind:

You are very energetic and if such energy is not channelized for a good cause, it may go in the wrong direction and wrong doings.

Your aggressive nature may at times turn out to be a setback as this could lead you to grim situations.

Your anger may sometimes go beyond control and pose danger for others.

You tend to be suspicious, and sometimes it gets very difficult for you to get over such suspicion. Sometimes, you lack adaptability to situations and environment and tend to indulge in criticism.

Your Spiritual Inclinations:

You are always ready to help any physically challenged or disabled person. You have strong inclination towards spiritualism and believe in God. The feeling of empathy and compassion are strong in you. You are selfless and never think about your personal gains when you are poised to help others. Your helpful deeds and caring nature and the feelings for other’s pains gives you a feeling of omnipresence.

You are born under the Spirit & Powers of the “Sheep”.

Sheep is signified for their generosity, humble and quiet behaviour. Your birth under this animal spirit gives you spirit of obeying rules and respecting the leader. When you are part of the herd, you always move along with it. This indicates teamwork and good management.

Sheep are the most obedient among all animals which makes them very unique from others. Sheep Yoni keeps you innocent and dutiful. It also makes you unbelievably intelligent to follow the rules and regulations and work under supervision.

You have a self-protective sense of nurturing. You are sensitive and security oriented. You love your home, family and are emotionally attached to your near and dear ones. You are very compassionate with deep feelings for others. You are a trustworthy person and a strong support for the people who need your shoulder.

You are very thoughtful and a caring lover. You are emotional, loving, and a family-oriented individual. Generally, you are happy in your own shell and like to be introverted, you like to spend time with your own group people.

You believe in disciplined life and hard work. Determination and patience are key to success in your life. There may be delay in getting the desired results but with your slow and steady efforts, you will see the colour of success. You are a mature and responsible person. Focused and hardworking, this pushes you towards your goal and achievement. Justice lover, you never want to see injustice done towards anyone.

You may have some physical life ailments. You can survive in any difficult situation with your calmness and serenity. You adapt in any new environment very quickly and know very well to protect yourself from an adverse atmosphere. You prefer to move with other’s opinion instead of standing alone. 

You are a combination of motivation and enthusiasm. These qualities of yours take you to the ladder of success in life. You have that energy which pushes you to perform your responsibilities and duties in an excellent way.  You are a courageous and confident personality which proves that you are a good leader or guide for the people around you. You have an outgoing social nature which makes you adaptive to any new environment very easily.

You never mind doing hard efforts to accomplish your tasks. You work under strict discipline and never think to disobey the instructions given to you. You are not afraid from any hardships and difficulties; you have patience to deal the situation in a very matured manner. You can survive in rough surroundings and come out from any bumpy situation.

Kindness and emotional intelligence are some of your important traits. It is well known that you have a range of emotions which leads to moody behaviour at times. You feel most comfortable with your own family and accustomed surroundings.

Special Vedic Insights

As Child: You would be the most sensitive child. You would shower your love and take good care of your siblings, friends, and pets. You are born unofficial mother to those around you. However, the flip side of your sentimental temperament is that you get hurt very easily, pent up emotions for long and need constant assurance and validity of your parents’ love. You always have one foot rooted in past, get attached to things and memories. You would rarely throw away old toys and possessions. You are very attached to your mother and always keep her on the speed-dial

As friend or when you get into a relationship: Universe, you would crave sentimentalism and deep emotional connection in romantic relationship. You would want to be needed and admired in love. It would give you a sense of emotional security and strength. You would be a caring lover and like to look after and protect the people you love. You would prefer to be a provider or giver in a love connection. However, if opposed or offended, you could be very sarcastic and cynical too. You would act as a pillar of support to your partner and help them come out of any problems and troubles.

As Wife/Partner: Universe, you would let your husband take charge of the family and take control of all matters. You won’t mind obeying his orders with sincere devotion, unless he is too unreasonable. You may be good at your profession, but your husband and kids would always be your priority. Home would be a sacred spot for you. You would like to keep everything well arranged and ordered at home. Meals would be cooked on time. Things would be kept clean and tidy.You would value money and won’t like to waste it. You would really appreciate if your husband handles finances well. You would admire his moneymaking skills. And that also means that any imprudent or extravagant behavior in the money department isn’t taken well by you.

Whn you start working: You would be friendly, fun-loving and soft person and would have a good sense of humor too, but people won’t get to see this side of your personality at work.  While you might be a soft, calm and sensitive individual inside, when it comes to money making, you could rather be strict, uneasy and stressed. You would be one of those employers who do not like to have fun and entertainment during office hours. You would seem to be strict and solemn, but from inside you would be very sensitive, kind and gentle.Maintaining discipline and punctuality in the office would be important for you.

Lucky Gemstones: Depending on other factors gemstones - Yellow sapphire, Ruby, Red Coral and Pearl may be suitable for you.

Vedic Remedies

The concept of Vedic remedies is unique to Vedic Astrology & is linked closely to Hindu religion although we now have worked on religion based as well as religion neutral remedies considering the modern & seamless world that we live in. We share a few basic remedies that you will find very useful for life based on your birth chart.


Do not shy away from your responsibilities. Sun commands you to be disciplined & hard working. It also wants you to respect your father as well as bosses and those senior in rank to you.

Distribute alms and food to the needy people.

Do not take up business associated with iron and wood.


Use silver pots to drink water and milk.

Include white food products in your diet. Wear more white & pastel shades.

Respecting your mother and women in general will go a long way in strengthening your Moon. Moon is the significator of mother.


Eat your meals, atleast one meal in the kitchen. Mars is the significator of heat & cooking. This practice will enhance the positive side of Mars in your life.

Avoid accepting anything free of cost. Arrogance doesn't go well with Martian energy. So best avoided.

Blood donation is one of the best remedies of Mars. Mars rules over RBCs - and haemoglobin of your body.


keeping yourself more in a natural environment and away from the media blitz & loud entertainment zone works in bringing down the effects of Rahu. A vacation in a serene away place always works as a break.

Maintain good relations with your in laws, Rahu represents In laws.

Wear silver in the neck. This increases the strength of your Moon and brings down the negativity by Rahu.


Increase usage of yellow in your life - like wearing yellow colour, eating yellow food especially sweets.

Respect for Gurus, teachers and mentors is very important to appease Jupiter.

keep a piece/ ornament of gold tied in a yellow cloth always with you. Alternatively you could wear gold ornaments.


Respecting & helping old, poor & ailing people is the first & the foremost remedy for Saturn.

If possible, serve stray dogs with one meal a day. Else donate to the charities that work for the dogs and canines.

Distribute blankets to the poor and needy. If that is not possible, then donate to the charity that works for this cause.


Being in a green environment, open locations will increase mercurial energy. Wearing green colour, eating green coloured food items like green leafy vegetables is very good for your nerve health - that comes directly under the control of Mercury.

Help out kids with educational material - like books, stationary items etc.

Donation to an orphanage is one of the best remedies of Mercury to follow.


Respecting your lineage and fore fathers is important, as Ketu signifies them. Following family rituals would go a long way in appeasing Ketu.

Feed stray dogs and work for the charity or donate for the cause of dogs and canines.

Worship Lord Ganesha


Respect women in your life. Venus signifies woman, spouse, lover.

Donation to a charity that empowers women is a very good remedy for Venus.

Increase the usage of white & liquids in your life. Use more white colour in your surroundings and wear white. Consume honey & milk for instance (check if you have any intolerance issues for these two products)


My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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Let's see what stands out and how much of it is true. 

Planet in House

Planets that play an important role defining your destiny in your Birth Chart

Sun in 5th house

Moon in 10th house

Mars in 2nd house

Mercury in 5th house

Jupiter in 5th house

Venus in 5th house

Saturn in 2nd house

Rahu in 7th house

Ketu in 1st house



Planet Combinations

Combinations of planets in your Birth Chart

Sun and Mercury Combination

Sun and Jupiter Combination

Sun and Venus Combination

Mars and Saturn Combination



Vedic Yogas

Yogas in your Birth Chart : Vedic Yogas defined for you

Adhi Yoga

Budh Aditya Yoga

Dhan Yoga

Luck In Marriage


My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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My moon sign is cancer. 

Cancer Today

You will be under illusions when things will not turn according to your expectations and all professional decisions will be motivated more by heart and leap of emotions. Any kind of negligence will result in professional loss and your ability will doubted so you are advised to maintain your professional decorum and use your skill in your career to get results. You will be rejuvenated with love for partner and your warmth for the personal relations will yield an aura of warmth around you but your family relations will be cupped with tensions and your warmth and love energy will be reciprocated by clashes of ego. Take care of your mother’s health too.

My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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Found some cool psychedelic art stickers. Loaving it. B| Mandala Mandala Om Mandala. 

Jai Shree Mahakaleshwar. 























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My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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Ganga Aarti 


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My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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This is my lucky star. Every time I look at this image, it makes me happy. 


I'll place it to bring me good luck. 


My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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demons are people who pretend to love you and then abandon you when they don't need you anymore. Demons are people who act like they are your soulmate and bitch about you behind your back and betray you at the drop of a dime. Demons are people who help you for egoic reasons and don't actually love you. 


Demons are people who prey on your flaws instead of understanding your weaknesses. 


Demons are people who enter your life by gaining your trust and then take a 180 degree rotation and show you their true colors. Meanwhile calling you a narcissist. 


Demons are people who secretly hate you but act forgiving and kind on the outside. 


Demons are people who are fake friends but true enemies in disguise. 


Demons are people who act like they care but actually don't. 


don't want to link that post. But after reading it I felt very triggered. At least I perceived it as a personal attack on me. 

How should I deal with this?

The post is about narcissism. 


I'm very triggered, tired, frustrated sorry. I'll reply to you later. I'm not in my best state. Something has upset triggered me badly. 


I worked very hard to forget my past. 


Demons are people who act like they are scammed but they are the ones that dupe others in the name of love. 


I'll go to bed after some time. Today was a bad day. I felt triggered, upset and frustrated and attacked. A deliberate attempt was made to vilify me. I was made to look bad even when I'm trying to be good and on a proper path. Everything was going just fine until then. And then today I got massively triggered. It wasn't fair. I was deliberately pulled away from my center. I am a spiritual person. I like spirituality. I feel hurt and unloved, unforgiven and blamed. I asked for forgiveness multiple times too. 

It's not your fault if someone wants to stay victimized and leverage that against you on purpose. You did your part. You have no power over their feelings. Neither do they have on yours. It's out of sheer goodwill that you choose to move away. 

If someone doesn't want harmony it is their error and karma. 

They don't belong to good either. 

A good person wants peace and harmony. They want real love. They are really capable of forgiveness. 


There's something known as vulnerable narcissism where a person perpetually plays victim to have an upper hand in the relationship. To upset, trigger lower your morale and degrade you. This is done to have power over you so they always come on top of you and get to act like a "Saint"... Meanwhile you're always the sinner, the demon, and no amount of cajoling, apologizing, appeasing will ever make them change their minds. 

You can say sorry a million times and they won't budge. They cannot love you. Because they probably don't even love themselves. Living in victimhood makes them feel better and empowered. They feel special that way. They also get to win other's sympathies. 

Such people have a mental illness. And mentally ill people who are delusional trigger other mentally ill people. I myself suffer mental illness and I was close to having an episode because of the deliberate triggering perpetrated silently against me in a crowd full of anonymous people who will never understand what's going on behind the scenes. 

The characteristic aspect of vulnerable narcissism is that they are actually a silent form of a bully without realizing it, because they use their victimhood as a weapon to feel great about themselves, to act innocent, to pretend godliness and to seek attention. 

Edited 40 minutes ago by Enlightement

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My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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14 hours ago, Enlightement said:

That's my Navamsa chart. 



I can see Venus in the 12th house of the Navamsa. 

What does that mean? 


oh you are young, how come you have financial problems? (if you do not mind my asking) 

Edited by Schizophonia

The devil is in the details.

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3 hours ago, Enlightement said:

This is my lucky star. Every time I look at this image, it makes me happy. 


I'll place it to bring me good luck. 


For some reason I i feel a polarity and find that it pushes me (in the absolute, it remains only an image) towards a sexual state :ph34r:

Feel this star is my home ? :



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The devil is in the details.

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On 7/13/2023 at 4:13 PM, Schizophonia said:

oh you are young, how come you have financial problems? (if you do not mind my asking) 

I spent a ton on alcohol and parties. And someone scammed me in depression therapy. Took money and gave no therapy. 




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My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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That's my lucky star image. 



Edited by Enlightement

My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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