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My Ulp Adventure Part 2

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So I took Leo's course,

And man, it hit me right in the feels from the intro.

I was already in a sort of weird state from the experience I mentioned in the previous post, and I really knew that my current way of life was no way to continue. So I really did my best to soak everything in. To be honest it's kind of scary just how strongly the course fit the bill for me.

I did the values assessment, and that was quite amazing, some of the things happening towards the end of that section really blew me away. I really contemplated all those exercises with all my might, I would meditate just before doing any sort of work just so I could really focus all the way. I ended up with my short list of values, I somehow felt that all of those were actually the same thing, but the limitations given by vocabulary ended up needing more words it, anyway the closest ones of all were freedom and adventure.


I kind of saw the values as something I want to follow, at the same time though, I really felt like I should never disrespect those, they were kind of bitter sweet that way. I could see that the suffering I experienced the years before was just because I tried to live by values I sort of took from others instead of cared for myself.

Another great takeaway from that section for me, was the actual way in which the exercises worked, blowing everything up and then condensing it in the purest form you can, there's wisdom in that, and it can be applied to many things, including very practical stuff. I realized that every time I had really pulled a great result at work was with similar means, I had been using this kind of strategy on occasion, but not consciously, it's insane how much confidence I took from that.


With this new knowledge, I was already feeling extremely powerful, so i figured it would be smart for me to ride the wave and begin living up to my values that day. I didn't even wait to finish the course before I got to work. For me freedom is huge, so I had to leave my old job while I still had the strength. I mean small bets are great, but some things won't bend, so I had to take a big bet, this was clear to me for a while but i never really had the courage to get it done until this point. I literally realized I was on the beginning of the hero's journey and this was in fact my third call to action...even the number made sense.


Even then, I couldn't simply go ahead and do it. I had to be smart about it. So I... practiced. First I told my wife about my plan, after that my friends, my parents and a few of my more trusted colleagues.

You know how there's this vibe people give you that in this sort of thing you always have worse expectations that what can actually happen ? That was totally true, everyone was totally OK with it, even when at this point I had no idea exactly how to continue.


 TLDR: Began the course, gained a huge morale boost, figured out my values, gained the power of contemplation, began to prepare "the field" for the changes I was about to make.

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