
Is There Any Meaning to Seeing Number Patterns?

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I keep seeing the number 333 and have found myself seeing other numbers in the past in odd patterns. 

I've never been able to relate them to anything, just that fact that they consistently appear over and over again and do not seem coincidental. 


I've tried journaling and contemplating the number but I haven't a damn clue what it means, if anything. Can anyone bring some light on this phenomenon?

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Same here. The numbers I’ve been observing frequently are 37 and 343.

The meaning is LOVE.

I AM nutz

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5 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

Same here. The numbers I’ve been observing frequently are 37 and 343.

The meaning is LOVE.

How did you come to discover that meaning?

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13 minutes ago, Oso said:

How did you come to discover that meaning?

I’ve tried remembering how I discovered that meaning for the past 13+ minutes. Clearly the me that’s trying to discover it never will. 

Human intellect isn’t going to solve this or figure it out. Why do we keep convincing ourselves that it will?

I AM nutz

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52 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

I’ve tried remembering how I discovered that meaning for the past 13+ minutes. Clearly the me that’s trying to discover it never will. 

Human intellect isn’t going to solve this or figure it out. Why do we keep convincing ourselves that it will?

I don't know, thinking is a bitch. Sitting for an insight or something like that seems to be the way to go.

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1 hour ago, Oso said:

I keep seeing the number 333 and have found myself seeing other numbers in the past in odd patterns. 

I've never been able to relate them to anything, just that fact that they consistently appear over and over again and do not seem coincidental. 


I've tried journaling and contemplating the number but I haven't a damn clue what it means, if anything. Can anyone bring some light on this phenomenon?

Go online and Google angel numbers. You'll find the info there. You can search the number 333.  Whether you believe in angel numbers will be up to you.

Know thyself....

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 I see "5318008" everywhere I go. The magic power of abundance! 

haha, I'm such a kid sometimes...

What you resist, persists and less of you exists. There is a part of you that never leaves. You are not in; you have never been. You know. You put it there and time stretches. 

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1 minute ago, Ajax said:

 I see "5318008" everywhere I go. The magic power of abundance! 

haha, I'm such a kid sometimes...

Those #'s add up to 25. 2+5=7.  Angel #7= ??? Google it if you're interested. It's interesting.  Something to do with Spiritual Awakening. 

Know thyself....

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@Princess Arabia  Wow, really... cool. It's a game we used to play in algebra class as kids with the TI graphing calculators.  They spell a naughty word in Leet, lol. Angel... 58008 

What you resist, persists and less of you exists. There is a part of you that never leaves. You are not in; you have never been. You know. You put it there and time stretches. 

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In high school, I was selected as the sterling scholar in math. I had to endure a grueling round of questions from smug professors, the standout being, "Was mathematics invented or discovered?" I argued that it was discovered, but have since changed my position.

Numbers only exist in imagination. The absolute is enumerated by mystics in non-committal (e.g., not two) or paradoxical (e.g., three is one) terms. Like every language, mathematics falls short in its feeble attempts to define the absolute.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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1 minute ago, Moksha said:

In high school, I was selected as the sterling scholar in math. I had to endure a grueling round of questions from smug professors, the standout being, "Was mathematics invented or discovered?" I argued that it was discovered, but have since changed my position.

Numbers only exist in imagination. The absolute is enumerated by mystics in non-committal (e.g., not two) or paradoxical (e.g., three is one) terms. Like every language, mathematics falls short in its feeble attempts to define the absolute.

Yeah, they're symbolic. Interesting how they're used in numerology or as angel numbers. I don't get caught up in them even though I see recurring numbers all the time. 11:11 is always popping up, also 222 for me. Once I dreamt the numbers 1111 and went to my car and started the engine, the time was 1:11p.m. I've been seeing those numbers all the time since then. But Consciousness is prior to Mathematics as I've learnt from Leo, so I realize it's also imaginary. But isn't everything.

Know thyself....

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10 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

Yeah, they're symbolic. Interesting how they're used in numerology or as angel numbers. I don't get caught up in them even though I see recurring numbers all the time. 11:11 is always popping up, also 222 for me. Once I dreamt the numbers 1111 and went to my car and started the engine, the time was 1:11p.m. I've been seeing those numbers all the time since then. But Consciousness is prior to Mathematics as I've learnt from Leo, so I realize it's also imaginary. But isn't everything.

There can be synchronicities in numbers, just as they occur in other phenomenal patterns. Synchronicities are little sand castles shaped by the hand of the absolute, along the endless shore of its imagination. They intimate an underlying order, in the vast awareness creating shapes and patterns on the surface of its dream.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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I’m almost 27 and an aspiring musician. It’s an omen that I may join 27 Club. Not in the sense that an individual dies, but rather ONENESS realizes the infinite beauty of all music in and as GOD.


I AM nutz

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Keep in mind the difference between :

  • allowing symbols and meanings to dictate your life
  • allowing symbols and meanings to express themselves unconditionally as a reflection of the absolute 

I AM nutz

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You create meaning.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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What that means is if you look at a number don't question wether its lucky or not you see 11 11 alot wow im so lucky good things will happen don't ask is it, be a way so it is. Deep feeling control your dream. Don't go around telling people as thats just another way of asking. Just say I see this number and I'm lucky and I feel lucky cause I see luck 

Live life like a dream if you see something in a dream you don't ask or question you see it and it means something and you react or feel a way in your dream then move on it will effect your dream later

Edited by Hojo

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16 hours ago, Oso said:

How did you come to discover that meaning?

Okay, I’ve some time to contemplate to give a less confused response. What I’ve noticed is that the less I try to figure out how magic, aliens, telepathy, etc. is possible (and free my mind from conditioning instead), the more it makes sense how ALL meaning is possible.

However, the moment you go from wonder and awe to theorizing and anal-izing, you’ve lost the magic. 

I AM nutz

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7 hours ago, itsadistraction said:

It's a distraction


I AM nutz

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