The White Belt

My Mind Is Trying To Stop My Launching My Lp

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I know my LP.

Every time I think about it, and really wanna launch into it, my mind starts going on about all this spirituality stuff. It's holding me back. I meditate every day and do some mindfulness, but Leo has talked up spirituality so much, that I feel guilted into it. He said you're chasing your tail with happiness if you aren't getting enlightened. And now it's really peeing me off, because now my mind have been programmed with that stuff it's holding me back and creating excuses for pursing my LP. But I want my LP more than anything else in the world, but this has become a block.



“In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert’s there are few” 
― Shunryu Suzuki

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I have trouble with this one also.

In my humble opinion it's just fear/resistance taking the guise of whatever works best. Perhaps contemplating on the situation enough will help you clear things up. In my case at least it always helps. 

If you did the course, perhaps you can retry the fear visualization it worked wonders for me.

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I think Leo is manipulative as F. Of course if your whole life purpose is to be a personal development professional, you've gonna take it to the max. is supposed to be for normal people looking for a way to put more pleasure and fulfillment into your life, as you go about doing what you do. 

But now it's all like, hey! I'm doing two hours of meditation, an hour of self-inquiry, an hour of contemplation, and guess what? If you don't you'll NEVER be happy. Then he brings out a LP course and tells you 10,000 hours is required to be a master at your LP, yet it's second to enlightenment. 

Then he has the nerve to bring out a video called 'Things you don't know you want' and tells people they want to become a tree and have a Samadhi experience.

The stuff he may say is true but he contradicts himself a silly, silly amount of times. Not to mention you've got 18 year old kids on here, sat at home doing spiritual practice for hours on end, neglecting their friends and their lives, shit scared that they'll never be happy if they don't.

This is YOUR LP Leo, not everyone's, so stop trying to guilt people and force your life onto them.

“In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert’s there are few” 
― Shunryu Suzuki

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9 hours ago, BeginnerActualizer said:

I think Leo is manipulative as F. Of course if your whole life purpose is to be a personal development professional, you've gonna take it to the max. is supposed to be for normal people looking for a way to put more pleasure and fulfillment into your life, as you go about doing what you do. 

But now it's all like, hey! I'm doing two hours of meditation, an hour of self-inquiry, an hour of contemplation, and guess what? If you don't you'll NEVER be happy. Then he brings out a LP course and tells you 10,000 hours is required to be a master at your LP, yet it's second to enlightenment. 

Then he has the nerve to bring out a video called 'Things you don't know you want' and tells people they want to become a tree and have a Samadhi experience.

The stuff he may say is true but he contradicts himself a silly, silly amount of times. Not to mention you've got 18 year old kids on here, sat at home doing spiritual practice for hours on end, neglecting their friends and their lives, shit scared that they'll never be happy if they don't.

This is YOUR LP Leo, not everyone's, so stop trying to guilt people and force your life onto them.

He just tells the truth that you can never be permanently happy within the realm of duality. Put yourself in his situation. He just tries to communicate this fact as clear as possible, and might even use exaggeration to shock people out of there delusional search for happiness in the dualistic world. Otherwise people would never belief this and pay attention, because we all are conditioned to hunt and search happiness in external situations. Why do you take everything he says so literal? In the end we have to find our own path and not blindly follow the path of someone else. You are blessed to know what your LP is. 


But I want my LP more than anything else in the world

In reality you want the feeling that you projected onto your LP. If you wanted your LP more than anything else in the world, wouldn't you do it then? If you would be really passionate about the thing itself (like drawing or whatever) wouldn't you just do it? 

This is what Leo is trying to say imo. We have to make money anyway. Why not do it with something we enjoy? You can be fully content in the present moment and do things you love just for the sake of expression and creativity. But if you chase your LP because you projected certain feelings on it in the future, then this will not make you happy ultimately 

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