
Trial and error

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With losing or trying and trying but you have no results (which is what i feel like with a lot of projects or learning and trying new things) i do feel i cant really figure how to keep on going and to fall into traps of not trying again or just not trying other things cause i know how differcult the journey would be and the same other results from the past . I do want keep trying and try to i guess experience things where it will need patience and trial and error for example of going like 0-80 or some shit with trying to get girls on discord (but to be fair discord is a very odd place is something i notice). My question would be how do i get rid of this pattern of thinking because i feel like thats been an issue when it comes to questioning myself and seeing the reason upon why it happens and how to get rid of it. I do think that it has been a problem for a long time and the best i can do patiently is learn things very slowly like what leo said about having passions that only grow slowly but continuous throughout a long period of time to understand it. This may have a link between my other forum post that i did couple of days ago about life purpose. Thanks for the time

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8 hours ago, Harman said:

My question would be how do i get rid of this pattern of thinking because i feel like thats been an issue when it comes to questioning myself and seeing the reason upon why it happens and how to get rid of it.

By experiencing beyond being a human. Seriously. There’s no other way around it.

Or spend the rest of your life doing what everyone else is doing xD

I AM Lovin' It

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