I Don't Like The Truth

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I find myself not liking the Truth quite a few times throughout the day..

Sometimes i just get tired and overwhelmed by this thing we call Life. I find myself getting tired of constantly worrying about my survival (even though my mind is quite calm and not super active).

Living on this planet you go through hell keeping this body alive and you worry all the time about your needs and about all the things you don't wanna experience. 

Also there are many other things to be upset about like: lovelessness, egotism, arrogance, racism, wealth inequality, wage slavery, all sorts of teribble life situations, rape, decapitation, torture, murder, war, poverty, all sorts of weird diseases, aging, Andrew Tate, Putin, Hitler, Ted Bundy & the list just never ends.

A part of me just wishes that i was completely free of all that sh*t. A part of me wishes that i never had to care or worry about anything again. A part of me wishes that i was untouchable by all this.

Maybe this is childish .. I don't know. I believe many people turn to Spirituality for a solution to all the stuff i mentioned above.

I know that i am Emptiness & i don't even exist. But still there is not denying this dream. You can't non-dual away all the pain and the misery of this dream. 

I don't know the solution to this problem. I wonder how someone very enlightened & experienced would view and interpret this problem. 

But even all these so called enlightened masters they are speaking from a place of comfort, health and security. This is easy.

If you have tons of money in your bank account and a good life situation it's super easy to act spiritual. That's why i find it hard to personally relate to many spiritual teachers. 


Edited by SQAAD

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How do you know your reaction to thoughts haven't put you in the position you are in and not the position you are in has made you angry.

Edited by Hojo

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58 minutes ago, SQAAD said:

the list just never ends.

When this moves beyond commentary to being such a blatant realization that you have no choice but to surrender, you are on the path to freedom. Deeply realize that the list never ends, and get off the list.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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@Moksha My therapist calls it the OCD bully. And whenever it shows up to cause chaos, we simply say “thank you” to it and move on!

Edited by Yimpa


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7 hours ago, Moksha said:

When this moves beyond commentary to being such a blatant realization that you have no choice but to surrender, you are on the path to freedom. Deeply realize that the list never ends, and get off the list.

would agree with this ... the world and its happenings and its characters are not my business

my business is to look on with detachment, equanimity, bliss

detachment is, howsoever this moment unfolds it is good

equanimity is there isn't anything that makes me feel bad

bliss is choosing to breathe beautifully rather than tinkering with the world

and having made this here now perfect

i am free to love life, to sing with the birds, to dance with  butterflies, to paint a tapestry, and to hear any need with boundless  compassion

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10 hours ago, SQAAD said:

Living on this planet you go through hell keeping this body alive and you worry all the time about your needs and about all the things you don't wanna experience. 

Also there are many other things to be upset about like: lovelessness, egotism, arrogance, racism, wealth inequality, wage slavery, all sorts of teribble life situations, rape, decapitation, torture, murder, war, poverty, all sorts of weird diseases, aging, Andrew Tate, Putin, Hitler, Ted Bundy & the list just never ends.

A part of me just wishes that i was completely free of all that sh*t. A part of me wishes that i never had to care or worry about anything again. A part of me wishes that i was untouchable by all this.

Go enjoy your life and stop thinking about non-sense that has nothing to do with you.

Its that you dislike a lot of things. its only when you accept reality exactly that way it is that your set free. 

Why cant you accept it? Whats stopping you? 

Edited by integral

StopWork.ai - Voice Everything Browser Extension

How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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10 hours ago, SQAAD said:

I believe many people turn to Spirituality for a solution to all the stuff i mentioned above.

I’m saddened people don’t know that spirituality to ends suffering and makes them happy . With them instead going to other sources that make them more unhappy. 

Anyone who says they’re enlightened on this form in anyway is not, except me I am. 

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11 hours ago, SQAAD said:

You can't non-dual away all the pain and the misery of this dream. 

I don't know the solution to this problem. I wonder how someone very enlightened & experienced would view and interpret this problem. 

I’m my experience very enlightened people would see life as a play in consciousness. With the bad being part of the build up to a better good. Making the whole process spectacular. 

@SQAAD I recommend finding a good master to follow. Actually listen to them then do. In time your tears of sadness will turn in to tears of joy. Persist! 

Anyone who says they’re enlightened on this form in anyway is not, except me I am. 

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3 hours ago, gettoefl said:

would agree with this ... the world and its happenings and its characters are not my business

my business is to look on with detachment, equanimity, bliss

detachment is, howsoever this moment unfolds it is good

equanimity is there isn't anything that makes me feel bad

bliss is choosing to breathe beautifully rather than tinkering with the world

and having made this here now perfect

i am free to love life, to sing with the birds, to dance with  butterflies, to paint a tapestry, and to hear any need with boundless  compassion


Suffering in this world will remain for you as long as you see faults of the world and others. Freedom will be yours when you see the world and others as innocent. ~Dada Bhagwan


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13 hours ago, Hojo said:

How do you know your reaction to thoughts haven't put you in the position you are in and not the position you are in has made you angry.

Yes that's a good point. My mental commentary just makes things seem way worse and creates misery.

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12 hours ago, Moksha said:

When this moves beyond commentary to being such a blatant realization that you have no choice but to surrender, you are on the path to freedom. Deeply realize that the list never ends, and get off the list.

I think Surrender is the solution. But Surrender happens by Grace. Can't force it.


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9 hours ago, Yimpa said:

@Moksha My therapist calls it the OCD bully. And whenever it shows up to cause chaos, we simply say “thank you” to it and move on!

I have struggled with OCD too. After longs periods of mental torture and anguish, thankfully now i am in a pretty good position mentally.

OCD is such a tricky beast lol. And i think most people who haven't experienced it cannot understand it.

They think it's crazy. But it's not. OCD makes perfect sense if you wanna be 100% certain.

And also it doesn't matter how intelligent you think you are. Howard Hughes was very intelligent but still OCD competely controlled his life.


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5 minutes ago, SQAAD said:


I think Surrender is the solution. But Surrender happens by Grace. Can't force it.

Question even that belief.

You’re still waiting on something separate from you to save you.


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3 hours ago, integral said:

Go enjoy your life and stop thinking about non-sense that has nothing to do with you.

Its that you dislike a lot of things. its only when you accept reality exactly that way it is that your set free. 

Why cant you accept it? Whats stopping you? 

Nothing to do with me?? This is not the case. All these things are part of my Consciousness. They are inside my bubble.

I can watch right now a video about Hitler or Andrew Tate. These terrible people exist.

I cannot accept terrible people like that. I despise such people. Who can accept and love Hitler for example??

Who can accept and love torture or rape?

I think as long as we are in this human form, we will forever dislike such things and such people.

I don't know what's stopping me from accepting reality as it is. It's just is the case that i do not like many things.

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13 minutes ago, SQAAD said:

I think Surrender is the solution. But Surrender happens by Grace. Can't force it.

You can't force it, but you can prepare for it. Every insight you have takes you deeper, and helps you relinquish the storms on the surface. Gather insights like stones that sink you into yourself. Descend patiently, and allow your form to adjust to each new depth. Before you know it, you will be breathing naturally, in deep water.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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15 minutes ago, SQAAD said:


I can watch right now a video about Hitler or Andrew Tate. These terrible people exist.

You can also choose to completely ignore them. 

Think of it this way… if you were brought up in the educational system, you had little to no choice as to what you could believe.

Now is your opportunity to go beyond logical thinking and group-think.


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SQAAD, you're pure love. Open up your heart and see how Infinity loves you endlessly. Realize the true nature of reality through your heart, not just your head. That's not enough. Reality loves you so dearly that the only reason it exists is because you want to survive. This whole world, all of infinity is only there for you. It loves you so dearly that it doesn't even have a sense of self, that it's one with you. All of life is of no worry when you understand the indestructible shield that is this reality's love for you. All you have to do is to love it back so dearly that you stop existing as a self just like it has done for you. Dissolve yourself in that love and you'll feel a protection like no other.

Open your heart, all of this will make sense. You cannot stop worrying by simply understanding the non-duality of reality through your head. If you only awaken through the head, reality feels like a void and impersonal. That's only half the truth. Awaken through your heart.

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Most people enjoy delusions and become enraged by facts. They are so angered by facts that on occasion, expressing them becomes illegal.

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@SQAAD  Simple. You lack the tools and abilities to handle life. There has to be a balance of knowledge and power... if not what you learned in your spiritual journey is useless in regard to the Material Universe. The environment and planet that humans are currently operating.  You raised a few points. I could write an entire book explaining each point, but I haven't the time nor the resources to do so. Consider this as the first sentence in a manual. 

Lovelessness- Be the source of love. Then you will have all you need.

Egotism- Maintain an open mind but question all observations that are not your own. Rely on complete and thorough observation and unemotional differentiation. 

Arrogance -. Be able to see different perspectives and change mind at will. Do not take your point of view seriously. People believe what is most convenient and ignore everything else. Don't be that guy.

Racism- By recognizing bias, narrow mindedness, hostility, hatred, anger, suppression, apathy, when they are present within. Prejudice means anything opinion or leaning that is averse to something without sufficient knowledge. Sufficient knowledge is total knowledge. If you are not aware of all the "racism" inside, you will be inept at handling external racism because you will send out racist communication thereby, fueling racism. (Much longer than a sentence. What can I say, I lied my ass off... lol)

Wealth inequality- Wealth equates to mental condition and knowing wealth does not rely solely on monetary currency but in development in key components in your life.  First by identifying and developing those key components within and then make sure it is communicated (taught) to others so that they could help disadvantaged people develop the critical traits as well. Making development viral by taking adequate and direct responsibility within your sphere of influence. 

Wage slavery- Gaining the ability to be resourceful and industrious.  As well as being able to manage your energy and resources effectively. Resources can mean internal as well as external. Clear intelligent thinking, planning, doing.

18 hours ago, SQAAD said:

all sorts of teribble life situations, rape, decapitation, torture, murder, war, poverty, all sorts of weird diseases, aging, Andrew Tate, Putin, Hitler, Ted Bundy & the list just never ends.

You are focusing your attention on things you can’t control and not on things you can control. The more you handle your business, the more confident you will feel that you can handle anything or die trying! lol Mind your own damn business!

Focus on increasing your level of happiness by taking care of your own personal barriers. Survival can be reflected by level of happiness. Although it can be questioned whether it is possible to be happy most of the time. You can gauge your own personal relationship with survival by how happy you are most of the time especially when it relates to troublesome topics.

Edited by Ajax

What you resist, persists and less of you exists. There is a part of you that never leaves. You are not in; you have never been. You know. You put it there and time stretches. 

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5 hours ago, SQAAD said:


Nothing to do with me?? This is not the case. All these things are part of my Consciousness. They are inside my bubble.

I can watch right now a video about Hitler or Andrew Tate. These terrible people exist.

I cannot accept terrible people like that. I despise such people. Who can accept and love Hitler for example??

Who can accept and love torture or rape?

I think as long as we are in this human form, we will forever dislike such things and such people.

I don't know what's stopping me from accepting reality as it is. It's just is the case that i do not like many things.

If you lived Hitlers childhood you would of killed millions of people. All this hatred is hypocrisy. On top of this what you are is a specific combination of experiences from the position on earth and time you where born, everything you think, believe, see and understand was given to you it was not "earned". 

Do you have any idea how hard Hitlers life was? Your living in a fairy tail judging things in a privileged position, judging things with a perspective that was hand fed to you. Its non-sense on every level.

Your hating the opposite side of the same coin. Yourself! 

Edited by integral

StopWork.ai - Voice Everything Browser Extension

How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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