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On 13/04/2021 at 8:06 PM, Space said:

Wanted to share a few of my recent illustrations that have a sort of spiritual undertone. Looks like the quality of the image is reduced quite a lot in the upload process but its not too bad.

This one below is called 'Being vs Doing' and it was for an editorial article talking about how we should spend more time Being and less time doing during covid lockdown:

Being Vs Doing Cropped.jpg

This piece was called 'Drifter'. It's open to interpretation ;)

Drifting Guru V1.jpg

This is called 'Garden of Redemption'. It depicts an angelic spiritual being who has descended into a hell realm to save those who have lost their way.

Garden Of Redemption V2.jpg

Awesome! I’ve just begun using digital format to diversify my art skills. It’s such a handy medium for particular art styles ?

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@Jacobsrw Thank you! Digital tools are essential but my work always starts with pencil to paper :) 

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@Space awesome work! great use of colors. loving the textures here. Really a craft of a pro!

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"Those who have suffered understand suffering and therefore extend their hand." --Patti Smith

"Lately, I find myself out gazing at stars, hearing guitars...Like Someone In Love" 

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1 minute ago, Preety_India said:

that's beautiful, all of those.

Your art is inspiring.

thanks ;) ?

softly into the Abyss...

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Hi everyone my name's Hannah and thanks to and following Leo's advice for about 6 years now, I discovered my life purpose and am now currently pursuing my passion for Music Therapy. During Covid, I had to record a final performance video for school. However, during one of my practice sessions on Zoom with my professor, little was I aware that she had recorded me performing here and encouraged me to use this video for my final performance. So here is my rendition of the classic tunes Dream a Little Dream of Me by Doris Day and Don't Know Why by Norah Jones. I hope you enjoy and thank you for your time. ❤️


"Those who have suffered understand suffering and therefore extend their hand." --Patti Smith

"Lately, I find myself out gazing at stars, hearing guitars...Like Someone In Love" 

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Some recent work.

This piece is called ‘Shapeless’ in honour of Bruce Lee. It’s a fully custom designed piece created using a combination of both pen and colour pencil.

The addition of water in this piece is to resemble the importance of adapting to life processes and change, to flow with what is and be imperturbable.

Bruce Lee was an advocate for this way of living and implemented this principle into expression of his martial arts.

The piece was done using Prisma soft core colour pencils and Bic black point pen on A4 paper.

Feel free to follow my instagram art account @fine_art_abundance or my personal @jacob_ryan_sr



Edited by Jacobsrw

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found my old drawings from when i was 13-14^_^ its so cool to see how my art develops, its like a separate entity moving through its own stages, it went from stage purple to stage red(putting my frustrations on paper) in my younger years, now Im studying academically and learning stage blue, orange and green, and later I'm hoping it evolves into something great:Dqooann024.jpgqooann025.jpg

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Blue and yellow themed paper flower bouquet - featuring dahlias, ranunculus, and folded dollar bill flowerets 


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An indie rock song



One by one
Hidden under the sun
i wanna see all of your sins
hidden under your skin
I told ya this was all a dream
and It aint as it seems
even the stars and Liz the Queen
And nothing appears different
My past still carries out
I’m inside out and im outside in
Let the air come over, I
I’m waiting for this moment
You’re all waiting for this moment

Leave me here
And leave me now
For there is really nowhere else, I could ever be found
I think there something in the air
A hint of despair
Or was it memories of her blonde hair?
And nothing happens different
My past still carries out
And I’m inside out or I'm outside in
Let the air come over ahh
I’m waiting for this moment
You’re all waiting for this moment

Edited by TheSunKing

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I doubt I would have felt inspired to create something like this if I hadn't experienced certain expanded states of consciousness. For some time I've been into fractals and kaleidoscope which are used in the animation. I made light fractals first and then animated them and am very pleased with the result :-)


Edited by Waken

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3 hours ago, flume said:

Very cool! ^_^

Thank you flume:)

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Hey guys, Mi first post on this Forum ever!

I'm a Graphic designer, so not strictly an Artist, Drawed this after at least 4 years, what do you guys think?


IMG_20210720_184417_935 (1).jpg

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