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Does God Exist?

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Does God exist

God is a word that we all no well, its of course a symbol for something or other. When most people hear that word they will get a conceptual image of man with a white beard (sitting on clouds). That sort of thing.

And he is very judgmental because he thinks like a human, and then it becomes more of a case of moralizing, judging, obeying (following commandments) and going to church or temple, praying ect 

This is the religious God.

"God has no religion" 

Now I want to say something about what I mean with that word God. 

I would define as the source of creating. 

What is doing this? How are we awake and alive? That sort of thing.

Is there a god that is doing all of this or is there not? 

Well I would like to hear what you say about this?

So if we are to say there is a god, then of course we need to answer the question of who created god?

The source of all creation right? What is the source of the source?

Mind boggling :/

Well let me shed some light


If there is a man with a white beard, or a cosmic entity that is doing this I know how it came into being.

Radical claim! But I do & I don't care what you believe.

There is being itself 

Being has given birth to everything 

It is alive 

It is conscious

It is intelligent


It has the capacity to do all this

There is nothing that is not being

Look at your door, look at your phone are they not being?

Being is what is doing this, that is why you are awake and tasting this life.

Being is infinite (meaning no beginning & no end)

It doesn't have rules of duration or limitations of any kind because it isn't a thing. It is no thing. But at the same time not separate of different from anything.

Being is the source of the cosmos. 

Being is silent, meaning it doesn't talk. It just is.

It is timeless, eternal (outside of time)

It is a invisible field of aware being 

And it is you.

So moral of the story is if there is a man in the clouds giving orders, what gave birth to him?


You did.


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27 minutes ago, Callum A said:

When most people hear that word they will get a conceptual image of man with a white beard (sitting on clouds)

Man has created God in his own image.

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@Callum A This is literally the answer to everything. But if I'm honest with myself, I don't know how to react to the Truth.

Do I quit my job? Do I focus on my career? Do I find a beach and lay on it? Do I meditate? Do I drink a beer?

Please offer me some advice.

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@Bodhi123 @Bodhi123

Well first of all, it depends on what you mean by this is the answer to everything. if you mean by that, that your whole life is going to be plain sailing and no challenges will arise for you after you have found the truth of your being this idea I would not hold on to.

and about what to do with your life, the possibilities are endless. what do you want to do? 

you can sit under a tree and meditate for the rest of your life, or you can go out clubbing and have a real party. 

Start a business, save the whales, or whatever.

My practical advice would be to do something you love, something you have passion for. a lot of people do the 9 to 5 grind and are pretty miserable. 

And don't worry if you fuck up this life, you will probably get another chance to do something, you do have eternity.

So relax and try to enjoy it.


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God exists

  1. Only ONE path is true. Rest is noise
  2. God is beauty, rest is Ugly 

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Don't know about God, but my version of God which is no thing aka Nothingness - exists, but that's paradoxical in itself. Also knowing it intellectually doesnt help me :(

I am the proof tho, cause im nothing and seem to exist too in my own experience lol. 

-1/12 is Infinity 

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@Callum A I guess what I really meant to say is that the Truth answers the most fundamental primary question, "Who created God?".

But I do agree life will still have it's challenges and obstacles. All things considered... relax and enjoy is good advice.

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God is the first and the last consciousness


One’s center is not one’s center, it is the center of the whole. 

And the ego-center is one’s center.

That is the only difference, but that is a vast difference.- 

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I do know I'm God now. No-one or nothing created me. I create every experience. Every experience (all form) is contained within me. (Absolute, formless infinity) I am more and more self-aware within the dream of form I create, as well as revelling in just being. I even love the insane ego as it has strengthened itself and complicated the dream. (It's still all experience and existence.) Ego is a side-effect of still being asleep within the dream and unaware as a finite mind that there is no need to still suffer within the dream after initially being conditioned to suffer by other 'sleepers', other finite minds that cannot understand or grasp that they are only me.  ...not yet awakened. Not lucid within the dream.

 Oh, and Jimi Hendrix didn't 'die', I just needed guitar lessons. 

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Crap. Okay, so intellectually I know what I am now, but forget so often that it's just silly.

Life is more and more awesome and magnificent as I explore myself little by little, getting to know myself as God little by little....   *sigh*

Edited by FirstglimpseOMG

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Thanks for sharing some words with us, I liked what you wrote and I wish you all the best in you endeavour of becoming more conscious. :)

Have you had a awakening of some kind?

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23 minutes ago, FirstglimpseOMG said:

Crap. Okay, so intellectually I know what I am now, but forget so often that it's just silly.

Life is more and more awesome and magnificent as I explore myself little by little, getting to know myself as God little by little....   *sigh*

Think we're in the same boat then, I also feel that gradually my experiential understanding of this truth goes deeper and deeper. Intellectual understanding is a good guide, but it's a gradual process imo.

Not the body, not an entity controlling the body - this recognition is guiding me deeper into it gradually. Also noticing the previously unnoticed amount of empty space in my environment around me. 

"There is no outside me", so by looking the emptiness outside, it's the same as noticing the space within! 

Edited by Dodoster

-1/12 is Infinity 

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I have had some direct consciousness of this matter, and some pretty deep awakenings that have been triggered through the use of a certain substance.

And this work is can be very tricky.

If I was to put it in the most accurate terms I can.  From my direct experience. 

The self that you are, may still have some ego residue, or its resistant. Just remember that this unconsciousness is observed and you don't need to identify with it, you are always what you are, the more you marinate In your being the more the unconsciousness will fall away.  

I highly recommend that you all check out peter Ralston's books, and take some psychedelic After sometime of consciousness work such as contemplation/meditation/mindfulness/self enquiry. You don't need to use them but if you are having trouble breaking through to the absolute, then they can be a great tool. I have had some very deep awakenings after taking only cannabis. So something to consider. :)

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@Callum A Hiya. Well, I had become intensely interested and crazy-curious about the nature of myself and reality about a rear ago, then 9 months ago almost to the day I began watching the second of Leo Gura's Enlightenment videos, the one after the introduction video I think... and he just killed me!

In the midst of the video, Leo was in mid-sentence and I had a flash of recognition, of the one-ness of the original consciousness. I flashed for a half second that I was only conscious VIA the one something that was everything. Not an intellectual understanding after deep pondering, not a finite-mind-made  concept that seemed to make good sense, not really even an 'Aha' moment, but a direct, direct flash of REcognition that there was only an individual 'me' in my own mind, and that we are really, and I mean REALLY, all ONE. It was experiential, only for a split-second, but before my mind kicked right in with an image to try and match what I had just experienced, I friggin' SAW God at the same instant that I knew THAT was what I was!! And everybody else was!! Then I cried and cried, then I concepted and concepted, then I just went back to sleep. And here we are lol.

@Dodoster Hey bud, I picked up a few sayings that are pretty cool as well. Useful tools during the day to use when you remember to remember to try and bask in Empty Awareness itself.

"You are not from here."

"You are not a human being, you are just watching one." 

One might be a Michael A Singer quote, & the other ...I can't remember who might have said it.

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