
Question for MEN: Is being with a woman worth the sacrifice in freedom.

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I recently ended my 6 year relationship with the greatest girl I know. We didn't have any issues. It was great.

But now the time has come for me to be all-one. I realized that this is what my soul wants at the time, the total freedom, no obligations no promises no hopes. 

Relationships even the greatest ones tend to strenghten the pulling force of ego.

I don't think I will ever go back to longterm relationship where there is this underlying expectation of it being "forever".

In the Vast Expanse everything that arises is Lively Awakened Awareness.

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5 hours ago, Bobby_2021 said:

Wholly agree with this. Life is all about tradeoffs and sacrifices. I want to know to what extend will a relationship will restrain a man and what kind of relationship will give max self actualization.

It all depends on the woman, what boundaries you can set with her (that are fair), what her career and temperament is etc. Some women can be very demanding and needy, while others will back off and give you the space and time you need.

It's up to you to attract and build a relationship with one that fits into your life.

DO NOT force your partner to adapt too much to your life and goals. If you have to change them too much you have chosen the wrong person to be with.


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very simple, separate residences, see each other when both are up for it

never been freer, never been happier

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1 hour ago, Roy said:

It all depends on the woman, what boundaries you can set with her (that are fair), what her career and temperament is etc. Some women can be very demanding and needy, while others will back off and give you the space and time you need.

It's up to you to attract and build a relationship with one that fits into your life.

DO NOT force your partner to adapt too much to your life and goals. If you have to change them too much you have chosen the wrong person to be with.

I guess a lot of trial and error is needed to find the right partner. Also do you have any image of the best case girl that can aid you in this kind of work? 

Women are generally not too into this stuff or else they are too indoctrinated by one ideology or another so it is kind of hard finding the right partner.

6 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

f you are looking for the deepest relationship possible, see my video: How To Practice Love. You would do what's in that video.

going to rewatch it. 9_9

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@Bobby_2021It's not that I want to believe in lies. In respect to the post, it's all belief systems. We determine the belief systems we want to believe in. The beauty about life is, it's not constrained by any particular thing. Reality is neutral and we determine how we want our lives to be consciously or not because the Universe is responding to us. It's not about "you cannot have it all" because you ARE already "all'. What's happening here is what part of the "all", that you already are, would you like to experience and that is determined by the frequency you choose to vibrate at. If you're consistently choosing to believe in things that cause you to vibrate at a certain frequency you will attract situations to you that matches that frequency. If you believe life is a struggle it becomes a struggle. There are no limited resources in the Universe only limitations in the way we implement the unlimited resources it provides. The reason why we sacrifice certain things is because, as humans, we are limited and can only experience one thing at a time so if you want to experience joy in the moment you have to give up feeling sad. If you are plugged into the feelings of lack you will experience an abundance of lack. and vice versa, your choice, and that goes for everything else in life. We are here to create the life we want, and external circumstances does not matter in that respect because there is no outside world, only appearances. It's all energetic and the energy we generate within will be projected outward. The ideas we have about life is not life itself. We can change how we perceive the world at any given moment and that will become true for us if we remain persistent in those perceptions. Each individual will experience their own lives in accordance with their belief systems so there are really no lies only relative truths. If I believe I can have it all, then I can have it all, because that "all" is relative and is only a belief until the mind accepts it as true then the brain will find evidence to support that belief. We have to see what's going on around us and accept it as part of Infinity, but it doesn't mean we don't have the capability of experiencing another part of Infinity and that is determined by our thought and feelings which will form our outer world depending on the frequency of those thoughts and the level at which they are vibrating. As Nikola Tesla said, "If you want to find the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration". Just because the outside world appears a specific way to you, it doesn't mean it cannot appear differently at any given moment. I would rather be delusional in my thinking because what's appearing are only constructs of the mind that is being projected from my state of consciousness. Appearances are just that, appearances and what's appearing can change at any time.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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Even though I'm not a biological man I thought of those things too. There's not an easy answer. I think life will present you with choices and you say yes or no to them as they come, same for the others you cross path with. I have learned to just be open to things and go with my intuition. So developing a good intuition is a good way to go about it. And then communication, don't be afraid to communicate! If you want more freedom in your relationship(s), try asking, you might be surprised for the answer.

I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ´・ᴗ・` 

         ┊ ┊⋆ ┊ . ♪  天国はあなたの中にあります ♫┆彡 

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20 hours ago, puporing said:

Even though I'm not a biological man I thought of those things too. There's not an easy answer. I think life will present you with choices and you say yes or no to them as they come, same for the others you cross path with. I have learned to just be open to things and go with my intuition. So developing a good intuition is a good way to go about it. And then communication, don't be afraid to communicate! If you want more freedom in your relationship(s), try asking, you might be surprised for the answer.

Makes sense. 

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On 7/4/2023 at 1:53 AM, Bobby_2021 said:

I took it from one of my personal notes as I was contemplating the future of my life with regard to relationship. 

Being in a relationship is a huge sacrifice. For men it is the sacrifice of their freedom. My question is if being with any women at all is enough to justify the sacrifice in freedom. With freedom men who put in work to build themselves are absolute forces of nature. I feel so powerful in this state.  I also feel like a lot of men feel like they miss this unbounded freedom they used to have after getting in marriage, especially after a decade or so after the initial excitement have dulled out.

What is the cost-opportunity analysis of freedom and relationship with women? Is either one worth more. I want the opinion of older men who have experienced both worlds here.


■Isolation leads to weak-mindedness. There is nothing else left in life other than enjoying the highest responsibility called "starting a family". You are too immature as of now. If you don't value the highest responsibility in this life then that just is reflective of how conscious you truly are.


  • Feminist 

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7 hours ago, MAHAVATAR_-_BABAJI said:

There is nothing else left in life other than enjoying the highest responsibility called "starting a family". You are too immature to grasp the profundity of the latter.

You are too immature to grasp the fact that everyone has different values and goals in life. Everyone can enjoy what they want to enjoy. 

In the Vast Expanse everything that arises is Lively Awakened Awareness.

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