Phil King

When will Aliens be revealed to the public? Or will they reveal themselves first?

55 posts in this topic

I've hung out and drank some beer with a alien once. I asked if I could take a picture, but he said he needed to go home now or the wife would be mad.

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19 hours ago, Yimpa said:

I’ve communicated with aliens a few nights ago. They are definitely more intelligent than humans and have technology more advanced than humans.

This encounter only lasted a few minutes.

You can't just leave us hanging like this. Tell us more about the encounter ??

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1 hour ago, thenondualtankie said:

You can't just leave us hanging like this. Tell us more about the encounter ??

What I remember was lying down in my bed at nighttime minding my own business (still awake) when all of a sudden I was being gently “sucked” backwards, almost like a vacuum. Immediately afterwards I wound up at a bowling alley hanging out with my family. This wasn’t me recalling a memory, but rather, I was actually at the bowling alley. It’s almost as if I was taken to another timeline of my life and living it in that very moment. 

Again, the experience was fleeting, but it was definitely novel and completely unplanned. 

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8 hours ago, thenondualtankie said:

You can't just leave us hanging like this. Tell us more about the encounter ??

Also this


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18 hours ago, Jehovah increases said:

This is silly if you and I mean any of you have woken up as God then you have the answer to this question.



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On 09/07/2023 at 5:37 PM, Leo Gura said:

I don't know. I doubt it.

But it's possible aliens manipulated hominid DNA to create humans.

One day a friend came to me with a question like: Is not the case that we humans are a very weird kind of animals, the way we walk on two legs, even with no tails for equilibrum, yes, apes, gorilas also have no tails but they walk sligthly with backdown and look to all the artificial artifacts we create. We look like we dont belong totally to the earth ecosystem, yes we adapted here but adaptation can be reached with high tecnology. If one dominate genetic one could adapt in any planet.

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And also this ongoing desire to go explore the cosmos, like a desire to comeback to some other place out in the space

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On 09/07/2023 at 5:37 PM, Leo Gura said:

I don't know. I doubt it.

But it's possible aliens manipulated hominid DNA to create humans.

One day a friend came to me with a question like: Is not the case that we humans are a very weird kind of animals, the way we walk on two legs, even with no tails for equilibrum, yes, apes, gorilas also have no tails but they walk sligthly with backdown and look to all the artificial artifacts we create. We look like we dont belong totally to the earth ecosystem, yes we adapted here but adaptation can be reached with high tecnology. If one dominate genetic one could adapt in any planet.

Also, why the need to manipulate genetics?if one civilization reach a point of trancending physical it can understand how to transfer consciousness directly into any antena in any planet to any manifestation. So what are the chances that many of us are not ready incarnations of alien consciousness? I mean, I dont remember my birth? I don’t  know if what I take as my consciousness is actually mine from birth or if came later in the development? I dont remember when I was a baby or toddler, as far as one can guess, that suit was available for any consciousness to possess. Someone remember Avatar Movie? They could just jump inside a Avatar Body and even Like Scully to be permanently in it. 

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To communicate? If and when we are hollow like glass stones.  Void, open, and receptive. What reaches you when you are not this way tends to be... not so great, if anything reaches you at all. Also, the more bogged down and attached to various constructs you are, the harder it is to assess the quality of anything received, it seems.

The whole process of having non-discreet identities, thought and emotional dramas, psychological fixations, and being overly attached to human culture and ways of doing things isn't particularly helpful either. It really doesn't help that human culture and collective priorities are not very compatible ATM and have not been for most of written human history. Either these are bypassed in some way, or you minimize it and do things properly in clear, open consciousness.

Being able to communicate through sheer "beingness" rather than "trying" (or the forceful, pointed nature of having and directing thoughts and emotions) is a big part of it. Alot of beings either cannot or will not participate in this sort of "beingness matrice" (for a lack of a better term...).

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Oh... you mean, when will they communicate physically, to our faces? You mean something "benevolent", right?

Probably when our beingness is as still as the dead of night. We are much too loud, too unsubtle and unperceptive, too conflicted, and turning our energies every which way in haphazard, unholistic ways. Arguably for no known greater, actual existing cause for the most part. There is a certain lack of directness, understanding, openness, and actual clarity across the board. A sort of base level of "matching" must occur in order for there to be a... match.

It's the simple universal law of communication/ communion  (or having matching "on par" enough vibrations, as the New Age calls it). Even if there is a means to override this, most harmonious beings and species do not prefer to communicate in inharmonious ways. Which is why merging with the "law of least resistance" (even if eventually and not right away) is a sort of spiritual principle as well.


This is moreso my conjecture from observing watcher-types:  have you ever just observed people who are homeless, who might possibly have a condition such as untreated schizophrenia? Have you ever tried to communicate with such a person, or watched another person try to communicate with them, and observed the ways in which they very much appear "not here" or "somewhere that is clearly elsewhere", as if drawn up in some other, unseen conflict in some otherwise unseen world, as if collapsing upon themselves onto perpetual sharp edges?

Would you want to get too close to this, would this serve any real purpose? How do you truly communicate with someone who knows nothing except how to have ongoing arguments with themselves?

Would you want to stand right in front of someone who is flailing around erratically, screaming, with a knife in your face? Would you enjoy this? Would it give off acceptable vibes? Would it feel "safe" or proper? Wouldn't this screaming still hurt your ears even if you don't take it personally or become reactive? Is this actually to anyone's actual highest good?

Great, now imagine a giant room full of people like this.

The way of the "enlightened universe" is generally non-interference, and letting life live itself and figure itself out, and letting "karma" and nature take its course (within reason). If you cannot be open as you are, you stay in the shadows. That is the path of greatest harmony/ the least resistance anyway.


Beyond this, there is the issue of the biological compatibility of their "energy" in our body and what this would do to us psychologically and psychologically, and sometimes vice versa as well.

Edited by eos_nyxia

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The very first thing and most important thing we should ask them is about death. Do we actually die? Imagine how much society will change if they would reveal to us that we don't actually die. 

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On 25/7/2023 at 6:07 AM, Yimpa said:

What I remember was lying down in my bed at nighttime minding my own business (still awake) when all of a sudden I was being gently “sucked” backwards, almost like a vacuum. Immediately afterwards I wound up at a bowling alley hanging out with my family. This wasn’t me recalling a memory, but rather, I was actually at the bowling alley. It’s almost as if I was taken to another timeline of my life and living it in that very moment. 

Again, the experience was fleeting, but it was definitely novel and completely unplanned. 

I have had the same experience lying in my bed one afternoon. However instead of being gently sucked backwards, I suddenly fell backwards and got submerged in this thick veil. I was aware of my physical body but all my senses had been retracted to some purely auditory realm. There I could feel the presence of two entities, and one of them introduced itself as 'Smith', a very common human name. It was surreal and felt VERY real. It was not a dream or my imagination. I was too shocked at the moment so I didn't actually talk to them about anything, after a while of not saying anything, I gently floated back up into my body and gained control and the heavy veil was lifted.

At the time I didn't think of it as aliens but after reading your post it could very well be.

Edited by Swarnim

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