Infinite Chaotic Wonderland Consciousness

By Pudgey,
Disclaimer: I had trouble putting all of this into words, so I’ve written an original version and re-written / restructured it with AI, and heavily editorialized it to ensure the full story experience of the original. I decided to create my first thread as a journal through this infinite chaotic wonderland.  I woke up to a kind of consciousness that completely blindsided me. I've skimmed a few Reddit threads about people's experiences with delta-8, but none of them had me picking my jaw up off the floor. Delta-8 and Delta-9 do the same thing for me; they chill me out, sharpen my focus, and spark my creativity. It also has a spiritual side effect at high doses, just like weed, so I'm cautious when I'm just using it to unwind. After a couple of drags of delta-8, I decided to go for gold and take some real hits. I wasn't scared; the most intense awakenings I've had have been on ayahuasca. But man, I did not see this coming! After a few more pulls, I started feeling drowsy and sensed something big was about to happen. I figured I'd lie down on the bed and let consciousness do its thing. As I'm lying there, my brain was running wild with ideas, like a never-ending generator of imagination. It was like some spiritual fastball had hit me square in the head, cranking out these hyper-creative elements, shapes, and entities that were out of this world. During this, I was flexing my infinite creative muscles and messing around with consciousness in a way that was seriously intense. My creativity was expanding so quickly that I couldn't keep up with everything that was happening because it was all so rapid-fire. My consciousness was changing in ways that were unimaginable without psychedelics. There was a point where I thought my brain might just throw in the towel, unable to keep functioning at such a high level. But my ability to IMAGINE and be INFINITELY CREATIVE was smooth and easygoing. It was a lot like that trip I had with morning glory when I woke up to Infinite Imagination, but this was on another level. And then, things started to get CHAOTIC. At this point, the CHAOS shifted into something PLAYFUL. Next thing I knew, I was imagining a CHAOTIC realm full of playful, cartoonish figures, abstract beings, shapes, vibrant colors, and TOTAL CHAOS. The CHAOS was breaking all the rules and laws of physics, jumping from one bizarre element to another in the blink of an eye. It was all about having endless fun, laughs, and playfulness. It was an aspect of consciousness that was nothing less than pure, playful CHAOS! It felt like I'd stepped into a CHAOTIC cartoon wonderland, a town of ABSOLUTE CHAOS. For example, picture a string stretching across the entire universe. Now, imagine every inch of that string bursting into CHAOTIC beauty - revealing new whimsical realms, entities, abstract forms, animated beings, vibrant colors, and pure, unadulterated CHAOS. The CHAOS was its own unique brand of gorgeous; there was no sense of order, and yet, in its own wild way, it was incredibly organized. Imagine bodies morphing into shapes beyond normal comprehension, forming perfectly spherical consciousness and looping in and out of infinity while having a blast. Big, pointy teeth could transform into awe-inspiring structures and gorgeous creations, all while having the freedom to become whatever they desired. I was mind-boggled to a beautiful, chaotic extent. The chaos was relentless. Things weren't sticking to any familiar, solid forms like in physical reality; it was all pure, undiluted CHAOS. During all this madness, there were a bunch of entities in the mix. One was this vibrant bear creature giving out advice, a wild jester trying to wrap its head around how on earth I'd managed to get this kind of access, and then there were other chaotic entities that are just too out there to even put into words. Consciousness was morphing into all these forms that go way beyond what a human could do. My consciousness could also dream up infinite loops and portals that went beyond anything I'd ever thought of. This was utter CHAOS. There was this active give-and-take, a playful volley of "I am god too," like, "I am god, no, I am god" - a never-ending cycle of chaotic love with each one proclaiming, "I am god, no, I am god." It wasn't just a proclamation, but they were expressing it with infinite bliss - by morphing into different imaginative forms, all in a beautifully chaotic way. Will share more tomorrow.