
Wrong Insight: 'Nothing exists outside of MY mind' - Leo's Greatest Pitfall

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Sadguru says the same thing he is not a Buddhist. When asked who is the most important person in your life sadguru says whoever is in front of him. Because no one else exists. He also says he never read any scripture of any religion hindu Buddhist christian cause its all trash

Edited by Hojo

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@ardacigin Realization is integration, and freedom from suffering.

The more deeply you realize the absolute, the less conditional life becomes. There's no shortage of people (including spiritual gurus) claiming to be awake, but liberation from desires and fears speaks louder than words. Why would god, realizing itself, return to the illusions that it once misidentified with?

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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1 hour ago, ardacigin said:

Well imagine all the states of consciousness Mary can create (which is infinite) in that dream having amazing experiences. Using psychedelics and meditating. Profound truths regarding 'THAT dream' reality. But thats it. She doesnt see that thats a facade. 'She' is a facade. She is having these awakenings and curing sicknesses of unborn babies by raising her consciousness etc. but she is not cognizant of very nature of how 'experience' arises or how there is a reality Mary can never DIRECTLY access (because it is higher order)

Yes. But Mary if she meditates a lot inside the dream and takes psychedelic inside the dream she can expande her small personal mind so much that it becomes the Dream-Generating Dream, she can realize that here limited mind is a facade but when she gets rid of personal ego and expands her consciousness via meditation and psychedelics she can realize the nature of a dream, that it is totally imagined by her. She can grasp how all the possibilities possible are within her Grand Mind (not her personal mind) as a potential, and that out of this Nothingness/Grand Mind everything is generated.



1 hour ago, ardacigin said:

See, Mary doesnt realize this dream is ONLY a subset of a MUCH larger reality her puny brain and meditation techniques and psychedelics have NO access to. But you CAN realize this 'meta' insight by examining your mind and see how your 'mind' is trying to interpret this 'Ultimate Reality' by creating a coffee table, a hand, a body, a self, a world etc.

Yes, all the experiences and all the coffee tables inside the dream of Mary are just imaginations/figments of her Mind. And she can realize that all the potentials that can be generated by her Mind is the Ultimate Reality.


1 hour ago, ardacigin said:

Your personal mind and its concoctions are NOT all there is to truth. That coffee table is a construct and ONLY represents the very nature of Ultimate reality in a crude and ultimately illusionary manner.

Yes, all the concoctions of personal mind of Mary are illusions, but her realized Grand Mind that is generating a dream is The Ultimate Reality.


1 hour ago, ardacigin said:

But these 'conscious experiences' are all we humans have access to derive the 'truth' from the illusion by clarity, mindfulness and deep investigation of what is going on here and thats what the Buddhist path is actually about. You gotta be proficient at this path and then come back to psychedelics and you'll see how different of a perspective you have on certain matters like this.

It is not just about 'experiencing those insights regarding Ultimate Reality and our states of consciousness but also to 'see' them to be the case 100% all the time 24/7.

Yes, Mary can train herself via meditation and psychedelics inside the dream so that she sees at all time that this is a dream generated by her Mind, at which point she is Awakened and the dream becomes a lucid dream. 



But all of the above do not contradict Absolute Solipsism, and only make it even more probable/elegant. Leo's claim is not that there is nothing outside Mary's personal mind inside the dream. The claim is that when Mary becomes lucid during her dream, she knows for sure that her Grand Mind is the only Mind there is. That there is no other Mind generating this dream other than her own.

In the Vast Expanse everything that arises is Lively Awakened Awareness.

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On 03/07/2023 at 3:24 PM, ardacigin said:

Hyper idealistic solipsism is wrong. This is the main theme of this post.

Before we get to that, I see some people on the forum getting surprised or confused about leo's recent remarks on Aliens consciousnesess. Him 'opening a portal inside his skull to a colorful Infinite Cartoon landscape full of striped and polka-dotted sentient Alien creatures doing cartwheeels, backflips, and helicoptering around.' then claming 'I have Awoken to an Infinite dreamscape of pure fun and Love!'

This is nothing to be surprised about. Leo already made clear his 'complete awakening' is subscribing to the notion of 'mind only' sect of non duality. His psychedelic sessions make one thing clear: Non duality. But what it confused him is that 'MY mind is the only thing I can be sure of and reality is ONLY composed of the concoction of my mind. The figments of imagination are all there is and the same is true for every other imaginary human mind. There is no 'ultimate reality' DIFFERENT from what I see, observe, touch, feel, generate in my experience'

See, all of this hyper idealistic solipsism arises out of the mistaken assumption he made at the start of his psychedelic explorations years ago.

'Nothing exists but MY mind' - He makes it sure that there is no ultimate reality OUTSIDE of 'my mind' and everyone is responsible for 'their' minds. You guys are 'stuck in yout own dreams' while 'I' have broken through alien levels of awakening AND no human on this earth could ever possibly conceive of. I guess not even when said people spend 20 years using 10x more 5 Meo Dmts Leo does. He must have this 'special' intuition skills very few people on this earth is even capable of.

This is the current paradigm and worldview of Leo in the way that I can see and understand.Feel free to make it more accurate. I do know what he is talking about tho as someone who has ACTUAL meditation skills and has had many experiences with different psychedelics.


The fact of the matter is actually even more profound than what Leo make it sound like.

There is an ultimate reality BEYOND your human consciousness can EVER comprehend. I'm not talking about 'using psychedelics and attaining transhuman levels of understanding' like Leo. All the alien and mickey mouse and portal into my head sorta experiences are concoctions of your brain and mind. Just like this mainstream everyday reality of chairs and tables and couches are concoctions of one's mind as well.


What we do as spiritual practitioners with our psychedelics, meditations and whatnot is to get INSIGHTS and understandings INDIRECTLY (via inference and demolisihing of our mind created illusions) to get the MOST accurate and closest approximation to what Ultimate reality is like.

Of course, Leo would object here and say 'There is no ultimate reality 'outside' of your personal mind' Of course, he would.

But the problem is that just because you CAN'T access any reality DIRECTLY, DOESNT mean that that reality outside of your 'personal' mind and conscious experiences DOESNT exist.

Leo's positions is akin to how someone would say 'This Eros planet doesnt exist. We can observe this earth, moon, venus etc but this eros planet you are talking about is a complete fiction of your mind. Why do you assume this Eros planet's existece. I don't observe such planet via telescopes'

Well just because you 'dont observe' it doesnt mean it doesnt exist. We don't make an 'assumption' of an ultimate reality beyond our personal 'mind', Spiritual insights of emptiness, no self, impermanence and nothingness PROVIDES said inference necessary to know with absolute certainty that the reality that 'YOUR' personal mind is an absolute illusion and is your brain's 'best guess' at what this ultimate reality (which impinges on your mind and your mind is an intimately part of) might actually be like. But it is a complete farce. Your alien awakenings, mickey mouses and portals in to your head are fun little creations of your personal mind. But NOT what is ultimately true. Actually your human brain and your psychedelics CANT hope to directly perceive ultimate reality and 'Truth'

Due to your strongly entrenched solipsistic way of perceiving reality, it will be challenging to accept what you value as 'complete awakening of aliens' is actually nonsensical but I do understand why you feel that way if you have such a solipsistic tendency within 'mind only' school of non duality.


You need to make actual arguments as to WHY for instance if a car (which is construct of your personal mind, right?) hits you with and your body flies away to god knows where.  Or how you can't walk though walls.

Those set of rules of consistency is NOT just how this 'dream' operates. It is a set of rules THAT IMPINGES on your personal mind and body. Those limitations are hard wired VIA the ultimate reality which is outside of your mind.

If you assert no such limitations actually exists and you simply need to be 'more awake' to control the gravity and 'walking through walls' and whatnot, feel free to spend the rest of your life consuming 10.000 psychedelics in the hopes of actually making these work. You'll fail miserably and come to know the limitations of your mind only sect of non duality.


Anyways, I can continue on but this is, in my opinion, where Leo is going the wrong path. There is no particular reason to be surprised or shocked as the signals of such a transformation to alien awakening and portals into my mind and 'I'm the most awakened being' on this planet were there prior to this transformation.

Feel free to provide your arguments but this is not a criticism post actually. I just wanted to share how I view things.

Much love,


I've said this before, its the most obvious fact, no one can know what they don't know, that's the definition of not knowing. 

As a master of not knowing, I am able to fully approve this post and give it the checkmark. I really do not take solipsism seriously, I thought it's a long running joke, sarcastaball style. 

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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On 03/07/2023 at 3:35 PM, Leo Gura said:

I never made this assumption. Just like all humans I started my spiritual work with the exact opposite assumption.

It took me 100s of profound and painful awakenings to finally rid myself of the assumption that stuff exists outside my mind.

- - - - - -

You are absolutely wrong.


You are not AWAKE and you don't understand what AWAKENING really entails.

There cannot be anything outside your own MIND. Because your MIND IS INFINITE.

If anything existed outside your own MIND then GOD would not be omnipotent nor omniscient. As you soon as you imagine any sense of "other" you lose your omnipotence and omniscience. This is the very mechanism by which GOD becomes not-GOD.

It is absolutely true that all humans are a dream. You don't like to accept that because you will feel lonely and very depressed. Therefore you refuse to surrender the imagining of other people and you blame and project onto me as misunderstanding spirituality, when of course the one who doesn't understand spirituality is you.

You are a perfect case-study of how Buddhism and nonduality leads to self-deception and false spirituality. You have been trying too hard to be a good little Buddhist boy, but none of that will ever be enough to AWAKEN. You must destroy all of Buddhism and nonduality if you actually want to AWAKEN. Pretty obvious stuff.

What you consider my greatest pitfall is just projection. It's your greatest pitfall.

But you are making one even deeper projection. You are literally projecting my existence. In fact I do not exist outside your mind, and as soon as you stop imagining me I will cease to exist.

I hope some day you open your mind deep enough to comprehend me.

Much love.

Leo, I know you discredit mathematics, but it is a solid map when it comes to truth-ing. 

It is proven that there are infinities bigger than other infinities. If that is the case, you might be stuck inside your infinite mind, thinking it is the biggest infinity, when God is much greater than even that. 


Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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3 hours ago, Moksha said:

Why does it matter whether an insight is true, if you don't integrate it?

You are putting the cart before the horse. You can't integerate something if you don't even see its truth clearly yet. First see the truth, then you can work on integrating it, if that is even warranted. Otherwise you run off integrating something which could simply be false. And that is exactly what the nondualists have done. If seeing truth isn't your first priority then you will act in blindness.


You can chase insights your entire life, and continue suffering in delusion, or you can integrate the truth of who you are and become free.

That assumes you see the truth, which is not a safe assumption.

AWAKENED consciousness is so conscious it will be beyond your abilty to integrate or embody. What you can embody is far less than what you can see. Just like when you look out at the horizon you will always see more places than you can ever physically visit. Nor is visiting all those places even the ideal outcome. Some places are meant to be seen from afar but never visited.


Attachments are bondage, and lead to suffering. If you don't realize this, you aren't awake or AWAKE.

Attachment certainly leads to suffering. But insight stands on its own. I never said you can't or shouldn't reduce certain attachments. Then again, realistically as a human you will always have plenty of attachments because that's just part of survival.


I'm not a Buddhist, or a believer in any dogma, including nonduality.

You clearly speak in concepts which came from those sources. You didn't originate those concepts through deep thought and personal discovery.

1 hour ago, Dodo said:

Leo, I know you discredit mathematics, but it is a solid map when it comes to truth-ing. 

It is proven that there are infinities bigger than other infinities. If that is the case, you might be stuck inside your infinite mind, thinking it is the biggest infinity, when God is much greater than even that. 

No matter how many infinities there are they are all you.

There certainly exist higher states of consciousness than I have accessed thus far. However, all of them will be me. So I don't deny higher infinities and there is no contradiction with math. Not that math has any bearing on AWAKENESS.

I don't discredit math. Math is relatively true in a limited conceptual way. Math is just not gonna do much for you in this work.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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36 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

AWAKENED consciousness is so conscious it will be beyond your abilty to integrate or embody. What you can embody is far less than what you can see. Just like when you look out at the horizon you will always see more places than you can ever physically visit. Nor is visiting all those places even the ideal outcome. Some places are meant to be seen from afar but never visited.

The deep truth necessary for integration is direct realization of who you are, and disidentification from who you are not. Once you truly see this, beyond the conceptual level, attachments naturally dissolve.

It isn't beyond the ability of the absolute to lucidly live its dream. Telling yourself that your insights are so profound that they are beyond integration is self-deception and stagnation. The proof is in the pudding; true spirituality enhances the quality of your life. It isn't necessary to perpetually suffer, in order to survive.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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26 minutes ago, Moksha said:

Telling yourself that your insights are so profound that they are beyond integration is self-deception and stagnation.

No, it's simply the case.

Not just insight, but you simply do not have the consciousness necessary to access the higher things which are possible. You cannot act your way beyond your level of consciousness no matter how diligent or strict you are.


The proof is in the pudding; true spirituality enhances the quality of your life. 

You are confusing human life with higher consciousness. They have little to do with each other.

Your level of suffering or happiness has little relation to becoming conscious of deep things. You have prioritized human happiness and whatever other spiritual ideals over consciousness. You can do that as much as you want but you will still not be conscious of the ultimate nature of things. It doesn't matter how much you enhance the quality of your life, there will be huge gaps in your consciousness.

You will never act your way out of a lack of understanding of reality.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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2 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

You are confusing human life with higher consciousness. They have little to do with each other.

Your level of suffering or happiness has little relation to becoming conscious of deep things.

Consciousness has everything to do with the quality of your life. The more unconscious you are, the more you pursue desires and avoid fears, which only causes you to suffer.

Why would anyone truly awake continue to believe that external desires will make them happy, or external fears will hurt them? Their behavior proves they aren't awake. Awakening is a profound and fundamental shift in how you engage with apparent reality.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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On 2023-07-03 at 3:24 PM, ardacigin said:

Hyper idealistic solipsism is wrong. This is the main theme of this post.

Before we get to that, I see some people on the forum getting surprised or confused about leo's recent remarks on Aliens consciousnesess. Him 'opening a portal inside his skull to a colorful Infinite Cartoon landscape full of striped and polka-dotted sentient Alien creatures doing cartwheeels, backflips, and helicoptering around.' then claming 'I have Awoken to an Infinite dreamscape of pure fun and Love!'

This is nothing to be surprised about. Leo already made clear his 'complete awakening' is subscribing to the notion of 'mind only' sect of non duality. His psychedelic sessions make one thing clear: Non duality. But what it confused him is that 'MY mind is the only thing I can be sure of and reality is ONLY composed of the concoction of my mind. The figments of imagination are all there is and the same is true for every other imaginary human mind. There is no 'ultimate reality' DIFFERENT from what I see, observe, touch, feel, generate in my experience'

See, all of this hyper idealistic solipsism arises out of the mistaken assumption he made at the start of his psychedelic explorations years ago.

'Nothing exists but MY mind' - He makes it sure that there is no ultimate reality OUTSIDE of 'my mind' and everyone is responsible for 'their' minds. You guys are 'stuck in yout own dreams' while 'I' have broken through alien levels of awakening AND no human on this earth could ever possibly conceive of. I guess not even when said people spend 20 years using 10x more 5 Meo Dmts Leo does. He must have this 'special' intuition skills very few people on this earth is even capable of.

This is the current paradigm and worldview of Leo in the way that I can see and understand.Feel free to make it more accurate. I do know what he is talking about tho as someone who has ACTUAL meditation skills and has had many experiences with different psychedelics.


The fact of the matter is actually even more profound than what Leo make it sound like.

There is an ultimate reality BEYOND your human consciousness can EVER comprehend. I'm not talking about 'using psychedelics and attaining transhuman levels of understanding' like Leo. All the alien and mickey mouse and portal into my head sorta experiences are concoctions of your brain and mind. Just like this mainstream everyday reality of chairs and tables and couches are concoctions of one's mind as well.


What we do as spiritual practitioners with our psychedelics, meditations and whatnot is to get INSIGHTS and understandings INDIRECTLY (via inference and demolisihing of our mind created illusions) to get the MOST accurate and closest approximation to what Ultimate reality is like.

Of course, Leo would object here and say 'There is no ultimate reality 'outside' of your personal mind' Of course, he would.

But the problem is that just because you CAN'T access any reality DIRECTLY, DOESNT mean that that reality outside of your 'personal' mind and conscious experiences DOESNT exist.

Leo's positions is akin to how someone would say 'This Eros planet doesnt exist. We can observe this earth, moon, venus etc but this eros planet you are talking about is a complete fiction of your mind. Why do you assume this Eros planet's existece. I don't observe such planet via telescopes'

Well just because you 'dont observe' it doesnt mean it doesnt exist. We don't make an 'assumption' of an ultimate reality beyond our personal 'mind', Spiritual insights of emptiness, no self, impermanence and nothingness PROVIDES said inference necessary to know with absolute certainty that the reality that 'YOUR' personal mind is an absolute illusion and is your brain's 'best guess' at what this ultimate reality (which impinges on your mind and your mind is an intimately part of) might actually be like. But it is a complete farce. Your alien awakenings, mickey mouses and portals in to your head are fun little creations of your personal mind. But NOT what is ultimately true. Actually your human brain and your psychedelics CANT hope to directly perceive ultimate reality and 'Truth'

Due to your strongly entrenched solipsistic way of perceiving reality, it will be challenging to accept what you value as 'complete awakening of aliens' is actually nonsensical but I do understand why you feel that way if you have such a solipsistic tendency within 'mind only' school of non duality.


You need to make actual arguments as to WHY for instance if a car (which is construct of your personal mind, right?) hits you with and your body flies away to god knows where.  Or how you can't walk though walls.

Those set of rules of consistency is NOT just how this 'dream' operates. It is a set of rules THAT IMPINGES on your personal mind and body. Those limitations are hard wired VIA the ultimate reality which is outside of your mind.

If you assert no such limitations actually exists and you simply need to be 'more awake' to control the gravity and 'walking through walls' and whatnot, feel free to spend the rest of your life consuming 10.000 psychedelics in the hopes of actually making these work. You'll fail miserably and come to know the limitations of your mind only sect of non duality.


Anyways, I can continue on but this is, in my opinion, where Leo is going the wrong path. There is no particular reason to be surprised or shocked as the signals of such a transformation to alien awakening and portals into my mind and 'I'm the most awakened being' on this planet were there prior to this transformation.

Feel free to provide your arguments but this is not a criticism post actually. I just wanted to share how I view things.

Much love,


   From reading this, I gained an intuitive insight into the nature of forums. That threads are extensions of our ego mind that needs to project a body of text, to attach meaning and story to it, which creates an online life worth maintaining, AKA this thread here which is about 8 days old, and has yet to be deleted or locked, yet has gained some life to it, each member contributing to this cum bucket of rationalizations, justifying the Leo hate train, or justifying counters to this complaining.

   Not want to argue here, but this thread is yet, in spirit, another bickering and complaining of Leo's positions. If we do two hypotheticals at least (can do more thought experiments) then you'll see why. Just take the conclusion that this thread is trying to make(Leo is wrong, Buddhism is right), and take it to the ultimate level(BUDDHISM IS ABSOLUTELY RIGHT, EVERYONE ELSE WRONG). Also do the same from it's premises as well, because if you're ready to claim that Leo premise of 'Nothing exists but my mind' is false, then you must be ready to falsify the prior conditions and qualifiers to the extreme too, like claiming that Leo's birth was pointless and false too.

   Even with solipsism, it's basic, not even talking about the metaphysical and spiritual implications, just the basics, the down to earth problems: You can't handle being alone, loneliness, and solitude for too long. That's it, it's a loneliness problem that most people deny they have a deep problem with. Even the Buddhist monks have this loneliness problem, LOOK! They can't even meditate separately and have to do prayers and chants TOGETHER. Can't, it's terrible, the thought of meditating all alone is disturbing, that when meditating is over they eagerly get to have lunch TOGETHER, can't eat by themselves.

   At the end of the day, each person has their own priorities in life. Take what works, disregard what doesn't.

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31 minutes ago, Moksha said:

Awakening is a profound and fundamental shift in how you engage with apparent reality.

No it's not! AWAKENING is only one thing: PURE CONSCIOUSNESS. NOTHING ELSE. How you feel and how you act is irrelevant to AWAKENING.

You can never reach AWAKENING through any amount of good behavior.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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9 minutes ago, Moksha said:

Consciousness has everything to do with the quality of your life. The more unconscious you are, the more you pursue desires and avoid fears, which only causes you to suffer.

Why would anyone truly awake continue to believe that external desires will make them happy, or external fears will hurt them? Their behavior proves they aren't awake. Awakening is a profound and fundamental shift in how you engage with apparent reality.

   My guess would be that the confusion starts with confusing CAUSAL for CORRELATION, and vice versa. Oh, plus SELF DECEPTION.

   External desires are nice, and actual material security is a must in some cases. Don't expect on average that if you or your group is deprived enough of material security that that doesn't negatively impact on spiritual practices. Pretty hard to meditate or pray if I sleep deprive you, or take your bed and roof, or torturing and killing you. These are lack of material security.

   Don't cite back that some monks can still mediate even when burning, we're talking about billions of people worldwide, from various cultures and environments different to yours, with different degrees of tolerances.

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17 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

No it's not! AWAKENING is only one thing: PURE CONSCIOUSNESS. NOTHING ELSE. How you feel and how you act is irrelevant to AWAKENING.

If someone realizes that they are PURE CONSCIOUSNESS, why would they continue acting as if they are not? Why identify as a human, and continue slaving after desires and running from fears as a human, if you truly realize you aren't human?

Direct realization attenuates the magnetism of imagination. The quality of the dream is commensurate with seeing it truly. It loses its power over you, because you realize who you actually are.

@Danioover9000 I'm referring to suffering, or the pursuit of false desires and fears, not to pain. Jesus was crucified.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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11 minutes ago, Moksha said:

If someone realizes that they are PURE CONSCIOUSNESS, why would they continue acting as if they are not? Why identify as a human, and continue slaving after desires and running from fears as a human, if you truly realize you aren't human?

I got some news for ya, every single one of these Buddhist nondualist so-called enlightened people very much acts like a human.

The reason they all run away from fears is cause they will be killed otherwise. Stop with these fantasies of enlightenment. Nobody meets your fantasy.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Just now, Leo Gura said:

I got some news for ya, every single one of these Buddhist nondualist so-called enlightened people very much acts like a human.

So nobody you've met lives according to the reality of their realization? That proves nothing, except that you've been surrounded by false mystics. They are the rats.

Look for integrity. Suffering is not inevitable. Even a small step toward realization proves this. If you've learned directly, to suffer even a little less, you have deepened your realization.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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Enlightenment doesn’t even exist because it is a Buddhist concept that is defined as the end or cessation of suffering. But this is a lie. Enlightenment is a myth and a Buddhist fairytale. What does exist is consciousness and an intuitive/implicit understanding of reality. But the Infinite cannot be understood explicitly.

Edited by r0ckyreed

“Our most valuable resource is not time, but rather it is consciousness itself. Consciousness is the basis for everything, and without it, there could be no time and no resource possible. It is only through consciousness and its cultivation that one’s passions, one’s focus, one’s curiosity, one’s time, and one’s capacity to love can be actualized and lived to the fullest.” - r0ckyreed

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6 minutes ago, Moksha said:

So nobody you've met lives according to the reality of their realization?

There is no such thing as a reality to realization that anyone must live down. These are fictions you invented. You believe that a so-called enlightened person must not kick puppies in the face and drink himself to death, and that is entirely your creation.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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6 minutes ago, Moksha said:

So nobody you've met lives according to the reality of their realization? That proves nothing, except that you've been surrounded by false mystics. They are the rats.

Look for integrity. Suffering is not inevitable. Even a small step toward realization proves this. If you've learned directly, to suffer even a little less, you have deepened your realization.

  1. Sadhguru is also a false mystic. They are all big fat human rats! No rat on this planet has solved the Maze. Rewatch Leo’s video on Life is A Maze. The big fat, Leo mentioned in that video, who gets all the rats to get the cheese for him is basically all your Sadhgurus, Moojis, Buddhas, Leo Guras, Maharishis, etc.
Edited by r0ckyreed

“Our most valuable resource is not time, but rather it is consciousness itself. Consciousness is the basis for everything, and without it, there could be no time and no resource possible. It is only through consciousness and its cultivation that one’s passions, one’s focus, one’s curiosity, one’s time, and one’s capacity to love can be actualized and lived to the fullest.” - r0ckyreed

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1 minute ago, Leo Gura said:

There is no such thing as a reality to realization that anyone must live down. These are just fictions you invented.

What is realization, if not seeing reality for what it actually is?

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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7 minutes ago, Moksha said:

What is realization, if not seeing reality for what it actually is?

You do not see reality for what it is. I promise you. You are living in a human spiritual fantasy and whatever you call realization is 1% of what you could be conscious of. Since you are so lacking in consciousness you just call the best of what you know "realization", but this means nothing in the grand scheme of things.

Spiritual people are simply too unconscious to know that their highest realizations are just human illusions.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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