
Wrong Insight: 'Nothing exists outside of MY mind' - Leo's Greatest Pitfall

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6 hours ago, Adam M said:

Solipsism is absolutely true. Obviously.

It’s not even a matter of debate.

It’s the most simple basic logic… 

You’re God. And you create Infinite Realities by dreaming yourself to be other things (other than Yourself). And then you forget that you have tricked yourself!


You have to literally just sit and think about it for a few hours.

”How the fuck can any creation exist without Absolute solipsism?”

Solipsism is the only metaphysical explanation that makes any sense.

You know what makes absolutely no sense at all?

Thinking that separate people and objects exist outside of your consciousness.

How could that be?!

Where would the separation occur?

By what power could another thing be held as separate from you other than by the Ultimate Power of your own imagination?

This is pretty clear.

Get this first.

A thing can’t exist unless it exists as and in your consciousness.

You can imagine the the possible existence of other realms… but just that possibility is a possibility that exists in your Consciousness.

You can’t get around God.



That being said, please remember that there are an effectively infinite amount of spiritual realms and phenomena that can be dreamed by your consciousness… that Leo doesn’t explicitly talk about (but probably has experienced or intuited on some level).

Such as:

- The existence of demons and various astral entities that can (and do) affect many peoples’ lives on Earth. They’re made of your consciousness, but they exist in the same way that a frog or a giraffe exists. A dream… but a real dream. They can oppress and even possess people on an energetic level (causing them to do terrible things).

- The existence of angels, dragons, fairies, aliens, and other “higher density beings” that can (and do) affect the lives of humans here in Earth.

(sounds crazy? I get it. I share some sources below where you can learn more)

- Thought forms & energy pendulums (similar to entities)

- Higher and lower realms of being and existing. From the most hellish and brutal realms of fire & ice to the most divine and beautiful landscapes of heavenly beings.

- A completely different explanation of how the Earth was created (yes, it was your imagination… but if we are going to invent creation stories… there are much more interesting and spiritually-resonant ones than only “atoms & evolution.”

Yup, they really exist (and they’re made of your consciousness).

*if you want to learn more about these topics there are some seriously amazing books/audiobooks by the author “Fred Dodson” called Levels of Energy, Journey’s Through Spectral Consciousness, Clearing Entities, The Pleiades and Our Secret Destiny, Atlantis and the Garden of Eden and many more detailed explanations and descriptions of “other realms of consciousness.”*

(none of which contradict Absolute Solipsism in any way shape or form)

Your consciousness has the potential to imagine a radically different “contextual-field” where the existence of, say, spiritually advanced dragons, would make perfect sense to you… in the same way how the existence of Okapi’s, Pangolins, and Platipuses are real things that exist on Earth (and your context is able to accept them).

You create reality by imagining contextual fields and then populating them with all sorts of drama, stories, and details.

A lot of this stuff actually has been spoken about in ancient mystical traditions from all over the world… but you just don’t take it seriously because you think that they’re just superstitious stories. “Unscientific!”

But, they really exist and can be experienced in Consciousness as you ascend your ego-development. AWAKENING IS THE END (and also the beginning of an infinite play of cool sh*t that goes way beyond what you see on the news).


(This post was posted in another thread called “Why does Leo think he’s the most awake?” Or something like that. I reposted it here because it seemed relevant.)

See, once we understand that reality is empty of being what it appears to us to be, and why, then questions about whether the things we perceive actually exist or not become irrelevant.

“Things” exist – but only in our minds.

“Something” exists outside of our minds, there is an Ultimate Reality, but we can never perceive that reality directly. You can't tip toe around this point. We can never have a direct experience of ultimate reality, but we can have a direct experience that reveals this fact to us – a direct experience of Emptiness.

Liberating insight comes through this realization of Emptiness. Ignorance is destroyed, the illusion we have been trapped in for our entire lives is dispelled, and true wisdom follows.

Claims like 'MY mind is the only thing that exists. There is no ultimate reality any deeper than these visuals, sounds, feelings and experiences of my consciousness (or any profound state of consciousness created via the use of psychedelics). THIS IS IT! CONSCIOUSNESS IS THE ONLY THING THAT EXISTS. CONSCIOUS EXPERIENCES ARE REALLY IMPORTANT. I've awakened to Aliens in my psychedelic sessions etc.' is a mistaken claim (in the particular way that Leo is talking about) that has been initiated by the profoundity of psychedelic usage.

See, these are challenging experiences to understand LET ALONE extract their wisdom. It is so easy to turn towards the wrong alley and make big blunders which forms the basis of the rest of your explorations. And what Leo did, in my opinion, is to take the wrong turn on the path.

If you think using psychedelics provides ANY user with perfect understanding and absolute liberation from the illusion just read the trip reports of 90% of common people. OR even majority of people who 'claim' to be on the path of spirituality. Psychedelics DO show you aspects of the truth REAAALLLLY deeply but it also confuses and provides incomplete maturation for the uninitiated without a strong spiritual foundation.

And I dont know if you are aware of this, but Leo basically has little to no skills in parsing or experiencing the truths of spirituality without his precious 5 meo DMTs and DPTs and whatnot. Stuff people take to progress on the path, not to get stuck there for years.

I do understand Leo actually but he is not aware how problematic this path he has chosen is for himself as he also has lots of arrogance. Call it completely unrelated to his spiritual journey. No, actually it is related and his very solid  and arrogant leo avatar is getting in the way of his spiritual explorations in psychedelic sessions. 

The same arrogance that is making it impossible for him to develop skills of introspection and concentration without psychedelic assistance and embodying ANY insight to any deep degree. 

Tip toeing the issue by saying 'I value peak understanding, not embodiment' etc. Yeah. I totally get him. But I'm not sure he gets what he is missing out on and all the blind spots of his arrogance


Edited by ardacigin

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57 minutes ago, ardacigin said:

Something” exists outside of our minds, there is an Ultimate Reality, but we can never perceive that reality directly. You can't tip toe around this point. We can never have a direct experience of ultimate reality, but we can have a direct experience that reveals this fact to us – a direct experience of Emptiness.

Liberating insight comes through this realization of Emptiness. Ignorance is destroyed

The thing is, you have no limits, therefore, nothing can be outside of you. That's not to say you're not blind to what's inside of you, but it's inside. outside does not exist. the emptiness is only a border, a limitation. if you break that mental limitation, the revelation takes place, and the ultimate reality, that is, you, manifests itself: infinite. Everything. absolute.

Edited by Breakingthewall

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33 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

you have no limits, therefore, nothing can be outside of you

Well, I've never said 'you' are different or separate from this 'ultimate reality'. I think you misunderstand the term 'outside of your mind' I'm not talking about some separate reality OUT THERE inherently different from your conscious experiences. I'm saying that the ultimate reality is ABSOLUTELY NOT the way you experience the chair, coffee cup, or apples. 

I'm saying you are an INTIMATE and ABSOLUTE part of this ultimate reality. I hope you also agree on that. What I'm saying is that you have NO WAY of experiencing that ultimate truth with your human brains and meditation techniques and psychedelics DIRECTLY! You can however, experience this with absolute certainty INDIRECTLY.

See, Leo thinks he is accessing some special knowledge or experience in psychedelics. That those said experiences mean everything to him in his progress of spirituality and understaning as a whole.

These are actually huge blunders. Experiences doesnt mean anything. All experiences are constructs of one's brain/mind/imagination-survival machine.You need to see how your mind constructs all that 'alien awakening' and actually is INCAPABLE of experiencing the ultimate reality directly. Not even with fancy meditation techniques or with daily psychedelic usage etc. That understanding is emptiness and not even psychedelic experiences can give you 'a way out'. All you can ever experience are concoctions of your mind and brain's processing. :) Is brain a part of this imaginary reality. OF COURSE!  That pink squishy soft substance is also just as illusory as  a body. :D But obviously, brain, IN THE WAY WE EXPERIENCE IT AS A PINK SUBSTANCE, is an illusion. Its function is still important and ultimately unique in the sense that it can change the contents and experiences in consciousness. But again, chasing experiences and overall content are NOT what we are interested in in spirituality.

Emptiness is extremely misunderstood in the mainstream context but is a very profound insight. Once thats understood, THEN you'll actually understand what these masters are talking about when they say 'ultimate not knowing'. Not in the sense of 'being uncertain' or whatever but understanding the limitations of human brains when it comes to the pursuit of spirituality.E

Edited by ardacigin

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Ah yes, another person on the forum telling others 'you are doing spirituality wrong' with even calling out Leo to explain your way through how you think he is doing spirituality wrong. To be fair, Leo himself also does this on the forum.

I encourage everyone to realize liberation, which is the cessation of self suffering because once one abides in that all 'truth seeking' with the accompanying parsing out of what one believes is the truth is recognized for what it is.

Until then, good luck with the mystical mumbo jumbo, I hope it leads you to well being.


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Truth is.



The event horizon of my mind contains the cosmic horizon of my observable Universe. 👁✨️

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8 hours ago, ardacigin said:

What I'm saying is that you have NO WAY of experiencing that ultimate truth with your human brains and meditation techniques and psychedelics DIRECTLY! You can however, experience this with absolute certainty INDIRECTLY.

I don't understand what do you mean here. 


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@ardacigin You can be aware that you exist and at the same time another mind of you exist which doesn't negate the first premise.

The very thought that anything can exist outside of you is a pure logical assumption and sounds reasonable but its not.  

You are also projecting on what it means to be GOD which is a general problem that many religious people face.  

God made itself limited thru you so it can understand what infinity is when you awaken.  

Walking thru walls and flying are what you are projecting on what it should be if you are unlimited.  

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14 hours ago, ardacigin said:

I'm saying you are an INTIMATE and ABSOLUTE part of this ultimate reality. I hope you also agree on that. What I'm saying is that you have NO WAY of experiencing that ultimate truth with your human brains and meditation techniques and psychedelics DIRECTLY! You can however, experience this with absolute certainty INDIRECTLY.

I think things are simpler. you are infinite, there is nothing outside. We agree on that, you said. Fine, but you don't have a complete vision of yourself as infinite, but limited. what you are perceiving right now is infinity, but it does not appear. Here and now the entirety of existence is contained. Increasing your conciousness is increasing your vision of now, seeing what it really is. until where? I don't know. but if you are the infinite, obviously you can realize the infinite. what you say about the brain is circumstantial, the brain is an appearance, a limiter. We rigged the limiter with psychedelics, and eventually it'll wear off. your potential is total, absolute.

What Leo said about the aliens, let's see, would be great if he could express it better, but probably there is something 

Edited by Breakingthewall

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On 7/3/2023 at 10:24 AM, ardacigin said:

What we do as spiritual practitioners with our psychedelics, meditations and whatnot is to get INSIGHTS and understandings INDIRECTLY (via inference and demolisihing of our mind created illusions) to get the MOST accurate and closest approximation to what Ultimate reality is like.

This isn't quite right, though.  You are still grappling with reality at the level of mind and conceptual understanding.

The way to deal with reality is not to try to understand it AT ALL (which is really an ego defense mechanism - that which I understand is no longer so scary.)

The way to deal with it is to SURRENDER to it (by letting go of false beliefs about self.)

Any kind of mental nonsense is easy; it's a COPE as you kids say.  Realizing that you don't NEED THE COPE is the goal of spiritual practice.

Edited by SeaMonster

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@ardacigin Is it possible for the absolute to directly realize itself, apart from the sensations of the form? Is there a fundamental essence that underlies reality, and has the capacity to hide and find itself?

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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On 7/3/2023 at 10:04 AM, Leo Gura said:

I am a concoction of your MIND.

@ardacigin this cannot be understood from the egoic level of consciousness.   It will require a level of consciousness a thousand times higher.  


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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@Yimpa  One time when I was a kid I had a full on 2d dragon ball z style dream where I was flying a ship with my legs hanging off the back and we went down close to the rice fields and my legs were hitting the stalks and I saw farmers jumping away from it then we flew up into sky and other crazy shit all in 2d perfect detail from the mind of 6 year old not possible. The detail was better than the tv show and it was in like 2d 3d where things were 2d but you could move around them, not like this cheesy cell shaded shit we have today full hand drawn 2d 3d in real time. I woke up stunned at what I just witnessed I had never seen anything so cool in my life.

Edited by Hojo

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4 hours ago, Moksha said:

Is it possible for the absolute to directly realize itself, apart from the sensations of the form? Is there a fundamental essence that underlies reality, and has the capacity to hide and find itself?

There is a fundamental essence that underlies reality. Call it whatever you want. Suchness, ultimate reality, absolute god consciousness true self no self. In the basis of your DUALITY illusory existence in separation, when you experience the substance of ultimate reality (UR) from the 'self looking out' you see 'matter'. That same substance of UR when 'self looks inside' is mind in your illusiory existence, But it is all 1 stuff!

What you experience as matter and mind is just the substance of Ultimate reality or suchness or whatever you call it. They are not ALL mind. And 'your' mind is NOT all there is.  AND you can't experience UR directly. Not with psychedelics. Not with meditation or not with some combination. That is the insight into emptiness and where ultimate not knowing arises from. 

What did you think masters were referring to with 'emptiness'? All of these insights are extremely deep and profound stuff. I watched Leo's video on impermanence some time ago and well to say the least, that was one of the most 'beginner' level and barebones understandings of said insight that is not even true in the highest level.

See, what you need to realize is that 'ALL MIND' and claims like 'You are God and you have control over this imagination YOU create' etc sorta claims that also dovetails with hyper idealistic solipsism are NOT what non duality in its essence is about. 

I know it sounds so similar. After all, Leo is talking about non duality as well. But it is making it all 'egoic' and 'imbuing with control' where no such thing exists. He gives this importance to conscious experiences where none exists. There is not even a TINY bit of 'you' or separation of ANY degree where you can exercise such control. His alien awakenings also doesnt mean anything.

I dont know this for sure but I do have an inkling Leo is very confused with his psychedelic experiences and doesnt know how to go forward with those experiences

I'm sure he is actually changing things on the fly where through feedback and overall progression of his path, he must micro adjust, leave certain insights and morph them etc. This is nowhere as 'smooth' sailing of a process his admittedly authoritative and charismatic persona makes one believe. And this is absolutely not what masters mean by 'this path is infinite' Sure thats true but thats not what Leo is doing.

I hope he sees the error of his perceptions but again, he has a touch too much arrogance to introspect on this line of questioning so he probably wont. And hey! Thats ok. Leo is still overall more conscious than your average person and I'm sure lots of people will benefit from him and HAD already benefitted from him A LOT.

All the best for him.


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10 minutes ago, ardacigin said:

What you experience as matter and mind is just the substance of Ultimate reality or suchness or whatever you call it. They are not ALL mind. And 'your' mind is NOT all there is.  AND you can't experience UR directly. Not with psychedelics. Not with meditation or not with some combination. That is the insight into emptiness and where ultimate not knowing arises from. 

Eastern mystics call it emptiness. Western mystics call it fullness. Regardless of the name, the absolute directly realizes itself, beyond the senses.

What is awakening, if not reality letting go of misidentification with the mind, and realizing itself beyond the mind?

Awareness is aware.

Gone, gone, gone beyond, gone beyond all going, offering the heart-mind to the fire of awareness!

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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9 hours ago, Moksha said:

Eastern mystics call it emptiness. Western mystics call it fullness. Regardless of the name, the absolute directly realizes itself, beyond the senses.

What is awakening, if not reality letting go of misidentification with the mind, and realizing itself beyond the mind?

Awareness is aware.

Gone, gone, gone beyond, gone beyond all going, offering the heart-mind to the fire of awareness!

Emptiness is but a facet.   Also a facet is realizing it is Mind.  This is where Buddhism can be a trap.   Mind is all there is.  Mind is Emptiness.  But Mind is also infinity.   The two are identical.  The mistakes Buddhists make is to dismiss Mind.  Understand that this key difference between what is taught here and Buddhism.   No self is the pinnacle of awakening- but infinity or Mind is the second.  This is what Buddhism misses.  Leo is against taking Buddhism as belief because you will fall into thinking no Mind is everything.  Ironically, it is - but not how you think it is.

Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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@Inliytened1 Any good (introductory) books that will save me some years of spinning my wheels on Spirituality and cut through the B.S.? Currently experiencing information overload:S Too many schools of thought/philosophies and don't know where to turn to.

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2 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

Emptiness is but a facet.   Also a facet is realizing it is Mind.  This is where Buddhism can be a trap.   Mind is all there is.  Mind is Emptiness.  But Mind is also infinity.   The two are identical.  The mistakes Buddhists make is to dismiss Mind.  Understand that this key difference between what is taught here and Buddhism.   No self is the pinnacle of awakening- but infinity or Mind is the second.  This is what Buddhism misses.  Leo is against taking Buddhism as belief because you will fall into thinking no Mind is everything.  

Every belief, Buddhist or otherwise, is false. At best, they are pointers to the absolute within. Beliefs have to be relinquished to directly realize truth.

It's a common mistake to conceptualize reality. The vast majority of people can't help themselves. They bang their heads against the absolute wall, until they are bloody and broken.

It's true the absolute is nothing. It's also true that it is everything. How many realize that their essence is beyond nothing and everything? Reality is illogical, paradoxical, and incomprehensible. It's who you are, you just need to let go of the myopic mind and be.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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1 hour ago, Moksha said:

Reality is illogical, paradoxical, and incomprehensible. It's who you are, you just need to let go of the myopic mind and be.

The more I try to explain reality to my family, the more I realize I’m just playing myself ?

I’m getting to a point where I simply don’t care about trying to get them to understand. They tried playing that game on me; then I tried turning it around on them as a form of revenge. But there’s really no point! I can just let it go and be!


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3 hours ago, Moksha said:

Every belief, Buddhist or otherwise, is false. At best, they are pointers to the absolute within. Beliefs have to be relinquished to directly realize truth.

It's a common mistake to conceptualize reality. The vast majority of people can't help themselves. They bang their heads against the absolute wall, until they are bloody and broken.

It's true the absolute is nothing. It's also true that it is everything. How many realize that their essence is beyond nothing and everything? Reality is illogical, paradoxical, and incomprehensible. It's who you are, you just need to let go of the myopic mind and be.

nothing and everything are the sum of dream and can be understood by mind, i am beyond that

within, beyond or manifest, unmanifest or dream, dreamer are dualistic pointers

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Can somebody explain to me why non duality and solipsism is into contradiction to each other? To me it seems compatible. Non duality says there is only one, and solipsism says that too. 

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