
Porn is wrong

60 posts in this topic


1 hour ago, Schizophonia said:

Yes, it's a disgusting job, no mentally sane woman would allow herself to be fucked in front of a camera, it's rape.

 That's a low bar to me You've set. Like if true that no mentally sane woman allows herself to get fucked while in front of a camera, then most female porn actresses are insane and crazy by implication? What if the cameras are hidden, or what if you've found that some women, and let's not be sexist here, men too, have volunteered and written contract to be porn stars, would that still mean all porn stars working are insane?

   Also a low bar standard for rape too, because you can technically then make the argument that millions of citizens per country are getting raped by the surveillance systems of their governments and film industries filing actors/actresses are also raping them. So does that mean statutory rape then, if a government, or even a tourist taking photos and/or a film in some tourist beach site, had parts of your half naked body and other half naked bodies, without consent, is that rape? Statutory rape here meaning penetration sexually against one's will, typical definition, although yours may vary if apparently someone is getting raped if a camera is filming them regardless of non-consent or if it's contracted, consented and payment.

   Also, what about self rape? Technically there's substances like alcohol or coffee, which are addictive simulants, and I'm drinking them against my will then? Am I coercing or forcing myself to continue drinking these substances, down my mouth and throat, non-consensually? Or vice versa, am I raping myself when I want to force my will, force myself and abstain from alcohol and caffeine, or in this thread context abstain from porn viewing? Am I technically forcing myself to not watch, and derive pleasure in non-consensually not watching pornography?:ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:

Edited by Danioover9000

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3 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

Well, I am in the adult industry. So there's something personal here unfortunately its not about my drug stash.

You make porn? Can we get a link to your porn? Or your name?

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Making porn would be my dream job.

Literally no job in the universe can be better than getting paid for fucking sexy girls.

I think most of the female porn actors would agree with me. I have seen interviews where they have said it.

Edited by Blackhawk

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7 minutes ago, Blackhawk said:

You make porn? Can we get a link to your porn? Or your name?

Links to pornography are not allowed. :)

Edited by Sincerity

Words can't describe You.

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1 minute ago, Sincerity said:

Links to pornography are not allowed.

Well that sucks (?)

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This is why you go 2D baby. No chance of women getting hurt, no childhood traumas getting exposed, nobody exploiting nothing, just passionate artists drawing to get people off ??

Edited by lostingenosmaze

My posts are not representive of the person profiled. I'm just an Ennel-Andy

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13 hours ago, Blackhawk said:

You make porn? Can we get a link to your porn? Or your name?

She is on where all girls are coked up with 5 MeO DMT. 

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A new era is coming with AI creating realistic porn and with AI creating realistic human avatars with realistic persona. That (if left unregulated) will probably make it so that most pornstars and onlyfanscreators will lose their jobs, but we will see.

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13 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:


 That's a low bar to me You've set. Like if true that no mentally sane woman allows herself to get fucked while in front of a camera, then most female porn actresses are insane and crazy by implication?



What if the cameras are hidden, or what if you've found that some women, and let's not be sexist here, men too, have volunteered and written contract to be porn stars, would that still mean all porn stars working are insane?

-Consent has nothing to do with criticism of pornography.
It is understood that the problem comes from what can cause a person to accept this.
It involves energies that anyone who is not totally hypocritical would recognize as disturbing and self-destructive.

-There is no love in pornography, it can only emerge by reviving more attavic, primitive and undesirable patterns.

So yes we have to talk about women in particular, everyone knows that men who sign up to become pornographic actors are much more in control or even downright psychopathic unless they are "submissive men" to be put in the same category of women. Women play the self-destructive position by getting penetrated, adopting a perverse and unworthy attitude, etc.

"Misogynist" is a liberal excuse.


   Also a low bar standard for rape too, because you can technically then make the argument that millions of citizens per country are getting raped by the surveillance systems of their governments and film industries filing actors/actresses are also raping them. So does that mean statutory rape then, if a government, or even a tourist taking photos and/or a film in some tourist beach site, had parts of your half naked body and other half naked bodies, without consent, is that rape? Statutory rape here meaning penetration sexually against one's will, typical definition, although yours may vary if apparently someone is getting raped if a camera is filming them regardless of non-consent or if it's contracted, consented and payment.

The denial of the balance of power between agents of the social contract as a fallacious means of denying individual experience, including it as a simple sociological subject, is liberal delirium.
This post and that of other people on this same thread is like:

"oh yes, it's true, she had to go so far as to do pornography but she was CONSENT, and then (sophism 2 approaching), it's normal that there are difficult jobs.
Look brainer is a tough job! or cashier! Btw (3rd fallacy) you have something against cashiers! you are a misogynist!" blablabla.


   Also, what about self rape? Technically there's substances like alcohol or coffee, which are addictive simulants, and I'm drinking them against my will then? Am I coercing or forcing myself to continue drinking these substances, down my mouth and throat, non-consensually? Or vice versa, am I raping myself when I want to force my will, force myself and abstain from alcohol and caffeine, or in this thread context abstain from porn viewing? Am I technically forcing myself to not watch, and derive pleasure in non-consensually not watching pornography?:ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:

From one: There's a difference between drinking a cup of Senseo coffee and being filmed licking a man's sex with the look of a bitch until internal ejaculation.

And then it wasn't "self-rape."
You basically do whatever you want with your life including self-destruction.

The review is not here.

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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36 minutes ago, zurew said:

A new era is coming with AI creating realistic porn and with AI creating realistic human avatars with realistic persona. That (if left unregulated) will probably make it so that most pornstars and onlyfanscreators will lose their jobs, but we will see.

Men should just quit pornography.

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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14 minutes ago, Schizophonia said:

Men should just quit pornography.

Whats your argument against amateur porn and what your argument against onlyfans?

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8 minutes ago, zurew said:

Whats your argument against amateur porn and what your argument against onlyfans?

I just think it's more rewarding to reserve your sexual power for a real woman.

Edited by Schizophonia

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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1 hour ago, Schizophonia said:

I just think it's more rewarding to reserve your sexual power for a real woman.

Well she looks like a real woman to me, she got all the right parts in all the right places.

She sure looks like everyone other woman I have seen.

Real? Yep pretty real.

What you resist, persists and less of you exists. There is a part of you that never leaves. You are not in; you have never been. You know. You put it there and time stretches. 

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3 hours ago, zurew said:

A new era is coming with AI creating realistic porn and with AI creating realistic human avatars with realistic persona. That (if left unregulated) will probably make it so that most pornstars and onlyfanscreators will lose their jobs, but we will see.

That idea scares the living shit outta me! Unregulated that is... Somebody could implant hypnotic suggestions and subliminal messages. I can imagine scenarios where thoughts could be put into your head, it could be an AI saying sexy things while you are "climbing the mountain"... AAAHHH lol

What you resist, persists and less of you exists. There is a part of you that never leaves. You are not in; you have never been. You know. You put it there and time stretches. 

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Porn is wrong for men too. Loads of men not reproducing because busting a nut is a click away. The sexual impulse has always been a driving force for humanity. Entire battles and wars were fought and empires were forged for pussy sake. It has always been about pussy. Now porn has also reduced rape and such but that doesn’t change it is a super natural stimulus for the nervous system like cocaïne. I stopped with porn and started a business. That is no coincidence. 

Edited by StarStruck

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6 hours ago, StarStruck said:

She is on where all girls are coked up with 5 MeO DMT. 

Lol...and all the men are jerking off. Get it right, it's

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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2 hours ago, Ajax said:

That idea scares the living shit outta me! Unregulated that is... Somebody could implant hypnotic suggestions and subliminal messages. I can imagine scenarios where thoughts could be put into your head, it could be an AI saying sexy things while you are "climbing the mountain"... AAAHHH lol

Scaredy cat. A.I or human same difference. Hehe. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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10 hours ago, Schizophonia said:


-Consent has nothing to do with criticism of pornography.
It is understood that the problem comes from what can cause a person to accept this.
It involves energies that anyone who is not totally hypocritical would recognize as disturbing and self-destructive.

-There is no love in pornography, it can only emerge by reviving more attavic, primitive and undesirable patterns.

So yes we have to talk about women in particular, everyone knows that men who sign up to become pornographic actors are much more in control or even downright psychopathic unless they are "submissive men" to be put in the same category of women. Women play the self-destructive position by getting penetrated, adopting a perverse and unworthy attitude, etc.

"Misogynist" is a liberal excuse.

The denial of the balance of power between agents of the social contract as a fallacious means of denying individual experience, including it as a simple sociological subject, is liberal delirium.
This post and that of other people on this same thread is like:

"oh yes, it's true, she had to go so far as to do pornography but she was CONSENT, and then (sophism 2 approaching), it's normal that there are difficult jobs.
Look brainer is a tough job! or cashier! Btw (3rd fallacy) you have something against cashiers! you are a misogynist!" blablabla.

From one: There's a difference between drinking a cup of Senseo coffee and being filmed licking a man's sex with the look of a bitch until internal ejaculation.

And then it wasn't "self-rape."
You basically do whatever you want with your life including self-destruction.

The review is not here.

   However, if you're saying yes that most porn stars are crazy and insane, that implication too also muddies the definitions of crazy and insane, and even other mental disorders too. So, are you saying that all porn stars are mentally disordered, insane and crazy, and willing to risk muddying the established terms of crazy and insane?

   How does consent have nothing to do with pornography, when consenting and signing written contracts IS what makes pornography legal and ethical sex work, versus non-consensual sex work not signed or contracted? 

   Is it really the case that it's only understood to come from only what causes a person to accept this, and what is 'this' are you referring to? Why just cause and not correlations or multiple causations?

   Why do you assume there's no love in pornography? Do you mean no sexual love, no genuine love?

   So men who mostly sign up for pornography are more in control, dominant and psychopathic, and women who sign up are mostly submissive? How are these assumptions not sexist and misogynistic to men and women? How is sexism and misogyny a liberal excuse?

   So what is your logic here? That denial(negation) of balance of power, between social agents(porn stars, men/women, contractors?) + the qualifier 'as a fallacious means'(not definable yet.) = denying individual experience? How does that line of reasoning include this other line of logic, that sociological subjects = liberal delirium? Again you seem to use very loaded terms here that you yet to define carefully, to justify some anti porn sentiments you seem to have.

   What is true? That a man, or women, had to do pornography? Why are you assuming that men or women that do pornography had to do pornography? What causations and correlations are you bringing up here to create a situation that all male and all female porn stars are FORCED into working in the pornography industry? Why are you assigning a conditional negation of 'but she was CONSENT' and (sophism 2 approaching what do you mean sophism 2?) and stating it's normal that there are difficult jobs? Stating that it's normal that there are difficult jobs necessitates CONTRACTS that are written, that the parties involved consented, interviewed, and trained, into being porn stars. Otherwise, since it's a difficult job(and what do you mean normally a difficult job here, getting fucked? How is getting fucked a difficult job?) that can mean that the more the difficulty, the more prone to abuse, which is why there's legal CONTRACTs and written CONSENT, otherwise you get black market illegal pornography here.

   How is stating that a brainer, or cashier, is a tough job, and then stating 'btw(HOW IS THIS A FALLACY?)you have something against cashiers! You are a misogynist!' a rebuttal to my one of my points I raised???

   Why did you misquote and misconstrue what I've stated here? How is this:

'From one: There's a difference between drinking a cup of Senseo coffee and being filmed licking a man's sex with the look of a bitch until internal ejaculation.

And then it wasn't "self-rape."
You basically do whatever you want with your life including self-destruction.

The review is not here.'

a rebuttal and refutation of my questions here?

10 hours ago, Schizophonia said:

 Also, what about self rape? Technically there's substances like alcohol or coffee, which are addictive simulants, and I'm drinking them against my will then? Am I coercing or forcing myself to continue drinking these substances, down my mouth and throat, non-consensually? Or vice versa, am I raping myself when I want to force my will, force myself and abstain from alcohol and caffeine, or in this thread context abstain from porn viewing? Am I technically forcing myself to not watch, and derive pleasure in non-consensually not watching pornography?:ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:

   Why are you dodging my questions here? 

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How does this:

10 hours ago, Schizophonia said:

I just think it's more rewarding to reserve your sexual power for a real woman.

Answers @zurew's question?

10 hours ago, zurew said:

Whats your argument against amateur porn and what your argument against onlyfans?

How is reserving your sexual power for a real woman an argument against both amateur pornography and onlyfans?

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7 hours ago, StarStruck said:

Porn is wrong for men too. Loads of men not reproducing because busting a nut is a click away. The sexual impulse has always been a driving force for humanity. Entire battles and wars were fought and empires were forged for pussy sake. It has always been about pussy. Now porn has also reduced rape and such but that doesn’t change it is a super natural stimulus for the nervous system like cocaïne. I stopped with porn and started a business. That is no coincidence. 

   'Porn is wrong for men'. So, you would rather revert back to history, and have men impregnating women, consensually or non-consensually, because 'loads of men not reproducing because busting a nut is a click away'? Do you have ANY IDEA how hard it is to raise a family? The financial, emotional and psychological costs of raising a child, just because you had to get your wife pregnant, especially accidental pregnancies? Not just related to pornography but also condoms use and sexual education. Do you have any idea of the consequences of your over simplistic wish to restrict and prohibit pornography could lead to for other parts of society?

   True, that sexual impulse been part of the driving force of humanity, but are you correct in assuming that entire battles and wars were ONLY fought for pussy sake, really, only for the pussy, and not for example expansion of empires and civilizations, gaining more territory and lands and riches?

   Yes, pornography plus sexual education has reduced rapes and unwanted pregnancies, yes partly true that that statement doesn't change that pornography is a 'super' stimulus for the nervous system(partly true but I think you meant for the neuro networks and neuro pathways in the brain, not the nervous system) but that doesn't necessarily mean that it's equally as addicting as cocaine here, yes the neural pathways that cocaine and pornography watching and masturbating(also real sex) light up, but the chemical differences and chemical addictions that cocaine has is not present equally when watching pornography and real sex because pornography and real sex and masturbation lacks the chemical addictive substances that binds and enforces your brain in seeking out more cocaine. In fact it's far more emotional and psychological than chemical, as you're falsely equating cocaine to pornography here.

Edited by Danioover9000

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