
Porn is wrong

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I had the privilege to meet my favorite pornstar and I came to the conclusion that porn is immoral. All porn stars have a troubled background. Not only financially but emotionally. As a Jungian I could clearly see they are repeating their childhood trauma and  are deeply unhappy although they have a lot of money. Their soul is not the same anymore.

Watching porn is like watching somebody’s arm being sawn off and people watching that and enjoying that. Obviously nothing is being sawn off during porn scenes but mentally and emotionally things are being sawn off. 

Nowadays porn is seen as normal just as cigarettes were seen normal and that changed too. 

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Many psychotherapists have troubled lives as well, not as troubled as a porn star or a prostitute may have.  You can name other professions and look at someone's past that explains why people choose those vocations.  UFC fighters, policemen, people that do dangerous sports, and even chefs.  Chefs like Anthony Bourdain had a history of drug abuse and depression that ended his life.  Many chefs have drug and alcohol problems.  Rich people don't become chefs, the work is way too hard and they can't have a social or family life.  A rich person will go to a nice restaurant, they may even invest in one but they don't usually become chefs and work their way up.    If you ask any of these people if they could grow up in loving homes with financial power and a good education they would say yes but the reality is, not many people are lucky enough to have those things.  

There's research that talks about the dangers of watching porn but the truth of the matter is, most people do not have healthy sex lives in a stable relationship.  Even married couples with happy kids do not have healthy sex lives.  There is an argument in these situations that porn is saving their marriage.  

Not all porn stars have troubled past lives, some of them just love having sex and love knowing people are watching them.  If you get into the heart of the matter and into a woman's heart, most of the time they want love, marriage and kids.  Even the women that get into these fields want that but often feel they are not worthy of that.  


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46 minutes ago, StarStruck said:

I had the privilege to meet my favorite pornstar and I came to the conclusion that porn is immoral. All porn stars have a troubled background. Not only financially but emotionally. As a Jungian I could clearly see they are repeating their childhood trauma and  are deeply unhappy although they have a lot of money. Their soul is not the same anymore.

Watching porn is like watching somebody’s arm being sawn off and people watching that and enjoying that. Obviously nothing is being sawn off during porn scenes but mentally and emotionally things are being sawn off. 

Nowadays porn is seen as normal just as cigarettes were seen normal and that changed too. 

   It's complicated, based on many developmental factors like SD stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types/traits, 9 stages of ego development, states of consciousness, life experiences and other lines of development in life and societal domains, ideological indoctrination via grooming, gaslighting and priming in upbringing and culture, and self biases and preferences especially sexuality, sexual orientation, sex rate, attractions ECT.

   To oversimplify, you cannot virtue signal others to follow your particular sexual tastes about pornography, demand absolute porn prohibition, without consequences from your individual biases over a portion and average of the male and sometimes female population.

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@StarStruck Anecdotal. You met a pornstar with a troubled background so that means all pornstars are like that, right..

Why does having a troubled background and being unhappy mean that a person should be unemployed? I mean, if those unhappy women would be for example dentists instead, wouldn't it be immoral to visit those dentists?

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2 hours ago, StarStruck said:

I had the privilege to meet my favorite pornstar and I came to the conclusion that porn is immoral. All porn stars have a troubled background. Not only financially but emotionally. As a Jungian I could clearly see they are repeating their childhood trauma and  are deeply unhappy although they have a lot of money. Their soul is not the same anymore.

Watching porn is like watching somebody’s arm being sawn off and people watching that and enjoying that. Obviously nothing is being sawn off during porn scenes but mentally and emotionally things are being sawn off. 

Nowadays porn is seen as normal just as cigarettes were seen normal and that changed too. 

Here we go again with the pity party. People are just who they are. You can find all that you described in people in all kinds of professions. "All porn stars have a troubled background" you said... who doesn't...some just worse than some and depends on what you call troubled. You feel guilty for getting off on some woman with a troubled past, so now it's immoral. Porn is more normal than most of the bullshit happening in our society. Porn's been out since I was a kid and it's still here. You're probably right in what you're saying as far as childhood trauma, and how they're not the same anymore etc. But do you understand that the owner of Coco Cola might not be the same anymore either after realizing his billion dollar co has rotted teeth, caused diabetes and weight gain in people from all that sugar, amongst other degenerative diseases, not to mention Mikkie Dees. Lots of rich people are unhappy and were traumatized. This epidemic is not just in the porn industry it's in all walks of life. Porn is serving it's purpose and all the actors weren't traumatized or victims of sexual assault. 

I don't mean to come off strong here, but I get tired of the stigma that's put on certain industries that are considered "immoral" by societal standards while the real culprits are walking loose making billions of dollars off of consumers who think they're contributing to moral, upright, hard working CEOs and companies that are contributing to the detriment of our societies' evolution. Too much of anything can be bad for you and porn is one of them; but before we label the industry into one category of immorality, lets dissect it and point to the different segments of it that are troubling such as child sex trafficking or it being forced unto by unwilling participants etc. Nothing is immoral unless you personally say it is and that is just your truth. 

And why is this post under the politics/government section. Oh, I forgot, cops, judges, politicians, and government officials also watch porn.

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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I'm a truckdriver, I transport food so there's food in grocery stores. I'm deeply unhappy etc. So it's immoral for you to buy food.

Oh yeah I forgot, driving truck is less emotionally loaded than sex, less stigma, taboo and stuff.

@Princess Arabia Well said.

Edited by Blackhawk

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1 hour ago, StarStruck said:

I had the privilege to meet my favorite pornstar and I came to the conclusion that porn is immoral. All porn stars have a troubled background. Not only financially but emotionally. As a Jungian I could clearly see they are repeating their childhood trauma and  are deeply unhappy although they have a lot of money. Their soul is not the same anymore.

Watching porn is like watching somebody’s arm being sawn off and people watching that and enjoying that. Obviously nothing is being sawn off during porn scenes but mentally and emotionally things are being sawn off. 

Nowadays porn is seen as normal just as cigarettes were seen normal and that changed too. 

   So, you do have some privilege? And who is this porn star you encountered? Are ALL porn stars troubled?

   Why did you equate watching pornography to watching someone's arm getting sawn off? Why not something more relatable? Do you have a Ryona fetish or what? Do you mean things are being compartmentalized instead of sawn off?

   Here's an agreeable comparison you did, equating the nowadays porn is seen as normal as cigarettes were seen as normal. Still, there's a false equivalency here between the negative effects of porn to negative effects of cigarettes.

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6 minutes ago, Danioover9000 said:


Had to search this, wish I hadn't.

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1 minute ago, Danioover9000 said:


   So, you do have some privilege? And who is this porn star you encountered? Are ALL porn stars troubled?

   Why did you equate watching pornography to watching someone's arm getting sawn off? Why not something more relatable? Do you have a Ryona fetish or what? Do you mean things are being compartmentalized instead of sawn off?

   Here's an agreeable comparison you did, equating the nowadays porn is seen as normal as cigarettes were seen as normal. Still, there's a false equivalency here between the negative effects of porn to negative effects of cigarettes.

   While I'm ranting, what is the point of your thread OP? Like really that example is a bad example because if you want other users to engage with your topic and post, why use a thought terminating cliche example if you want others to engage with your thread? On average imagining a person's arm getting sawn off is already going to create DISENGAGEMENT with your post, the opposite of what you want right? So why are you shooting yourself in the foot already with such a low conscious and low quality framing?

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16 minutes ago, Israfil said:

Had to search this, wish I hadn't.

I had to myself. Now you're gonna have everybody looking it up. Had to get off quick incase the Feds came knocking at my door. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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24 minutes ago, Danioover9000 said:

   While I'm ranting, what is the point of your thread OP? Like really that example is a bad example because if you want other users to engage with your topic and post, why use a thought terminating cliche example if you want others to engage with your thread? On average imagining a person's arm getting sawn off is already going to create DISENGAGEMENT with your post, the opposite of what you want right? So why are you shooting yourself in the foot already with such a low conscious and low quality framing?

The point of posting it was to let us know he had the privilege of meeting his favorite, rich, traumatized pornstar who had her arm sawn off during sex while having a cigarette, who no longer has a soul and now he can never enjoy porn again. 

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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3 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

The point of posting it was to let us know he had the privilege of meeting his favorite, rich, traumatized pornstar who had her arm sawn off during sex while having a cigarette, who no longer has a soul and now he can never enjoy porn again. 

You must have same crazy fetishes ?

But I don’t get why people get so defensive. Almost like I’m touching a drug addict’s stash…

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2 minutes ago, StarStruck said:

You must have same crazy fetishes ?

But I don’t get why people get so defensive. Almost like I’m touching a drug addict’s stash…

Well, I am in the adult industry. So there's something personal here unfortunately its not about my drug stash.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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@StarStruck Not even to mention the sex trafficking that isn't uncommon in the industry.

I imagine the lives of many porn stars are dark, bleak, and empty.

I'd recommend naysayers go watch some videos about pornstars on the youtube channel: Soft White underbelly.


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By that logic waitressing is wrong too.

But people gotta work and make money.

Of course porn stars are screwed up mentally, but a large percentage of the population fits that bill. And they still gotta make money. The world is filled with dirty jobs.

Edited by Leo Gura

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Just now, Ulax said:

@StarStruck Not even to mention the sex trafficking that isn't uncommon in the industry.

I imagine the lives of many porn stars are dark, bleak, and empty.

I'd recommend naysayers go watch some videos about pornstars on the youtube channel: Soft White underbelly.

I recommend you go watch videos of Jamaica online and see how much of the dark side is shown. Yet millions go there on vacation every year. I grew up seeing great things, rich neighborhoods and people of high intellect there...but all people ask me about when they realize I'm Jamaican you smoke weed...or do you live in huts  They won't show you the good side of things on TV so that's not a good example

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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4 minutes ago, Ulax said:

StarStruck Not even to mention the sex trafficking that isn't uncommon in the industry.

I imagine the lives of many porn stars are dark, bleak, and empty.

I'd recommend naysayers go watch some videos about pornstars on the youtube channel: Soft White underbelly.

What about amateur porn? Do you have the same thoughts about it?

Or what about doing onlyfans?

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@Princess Arabia

32 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

The point of posting it was to let us know he had the privilege of meeting his favorite, rich, traumatized pornstar who had her arm sawn off during sex while having a cigarette, who no longer has a soul and now he can never enjoy porn again. 

   Sounds about right. ?

   My main issue with all pornography topics is 1) Get's emotionally charged quickly, like with politics and religion, and 2) the Genie's out of the bottle, and his posting is complaining and appealing to trying to get it back into the bottle, nope the problems out in the field, so instead of trying to reverse the problem go and address that problem in-field, in context. So much deep assumptions of severe restrictions to absolute prohibition of pornography would be the only absolute solution, by a very biased individual, projecting that solution over a societal complex issue, just like with the alcohol prohibition and how did that went? Splendid? or increased demands of alcohol in the black markets and more criminal interests? This is what will happen if there's too strong a push for prohibition of porn-more increases in pornography and sex work in the black markets instead, that part of the free market less regulated by law, where the actually sex crimes can occur...which is what we don't want right? What a twisted, almost catch 22 of perusing too strongly prohibitions too quickly.

Edited by Danioover9000

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@Israfil @Princess Arabia

1 hour ago, Israfil said:

Had to search this, wish I hadn't.

   Am sorry, didn't mean to shock you both, the OP was using extreme example to falsely equate porn in a strong negative light, it just doesn't compute to me. The more you know right?

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1 minute ago, Danioover9000 said:

@Princess Arabia

   Sounds about right. ?

   My main issue with all pornography topics is 1) Get's emotionally charged quickly, like with politics and religion, and 2) the Genie's out of the bottle, and his posting is complaining and appealing to trying to get it back into the bottle, nope the problems out in the field, so instead of trying to reverse the problem go and address that problem in-field, in context. So much deep assumptions of severe restrictions to absolute prohibition of pornography, just like with the alcohol prohibition and how did that went? Splendid, or increased demands of alcohol in the black markets and more criminal interests? This is what will happen if there's too strong a push for prohibition of porn-more increases in pornography and sex work in the black markets instead, that part of the free market less regulated by law, where the actually sex crimes can occur.

His intentions were probably to show his empathy for porn stars and what they go through but my intention is to show not all porn stars have trauma nor is it immoral to watch or be in porn unless you make that your truth. Now he not only immortalized something, he now has to deal with his own guilt and whatever else he has placed upon himself to uphold some fake morality. These are reasons why we have mental disorders, depression, anxiety and all kinds of mental problems because we have put ourselves in positions that is impossible to uphold because of the egos survival mechanism because of its nature and we have to label things moral or immoral. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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