Mysterious Stranger

The Human Condition

5 posts in this topic

1. How would you define the human condition, and what do you believe are its fundamental characteristics?

2. Are there any specific insights or realizations you've had personally that have deepened your understanding of the human condition?

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1) Human condition is run by concepts and beliefs. Fundamental characteristics include control and manipulation. 

2) Expanding beyond being human. This doesn’t require getting rid of being human, because it’ll be obvious what human actually is. 

I AM Lovin' It

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@Mysterious Stranger I think that the "condition" in "human condition" is vague, do you mean by condition our inherent nature, many would recognise it this way and so would I but it could also mean "the human individual as conditioned under both his nature and his culture".

If this is what is meant by "human condition" I would actually feel permitted to call it a cringe attempt at asking nothing at all yet making it appear as though something is asked.


If one understood the implications of asking the latter version of the question one would not ask it, since its answers would need you to step out of your own existence and then inside it again, but do you then see the "paradox", I wonder?

"how would you define the human condition?" you ask, what are you actually referring to, not just seemingly referring to? If it is human nature you mean then you are asking what is similar between us all independently of culture, but this could not possibly be a definition?

how much can you bend your mind? and how much do you have to do it to see straight?

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To make it concise: there are definitions of words, but phrases are not defined, phrases refer to something above and beyond definitions, unless you mean to speak about language itself by those phrases.

how much can you bend your mind? and how much do you have to do it to see straight?

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1 hour ago, Mysterious Stranger said:

1. How would you define the human condition, and what do you believe are its fundamental characteristics?

  Freefalling...Except... there is nowhere to fall to... HAHAHAHA

1 hour ago, Mysterious Stranger said:

2. Are there any specific insights or realizations you've had personally that have deepened your understanding of the human condition?

1. People believe what is most convenient and block out everything else.

2. People have the ability to block things out like I have never seen! Hahahahaha

What you resist, persists and less of you exists. There is a part of you that never leaves. You are not in; you have never been. You know. You put it there and time stretches. 

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