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Being blissful 24/7

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1 hour ago, Moksha said:


It is impossible for human bliss and love to last forever. Like every duality, they eventually necessitate the opposite.


I mean, at least, personally, when I think about bliss, I´m not talking about psychological happiness or physical pleasure.

But you are right, since bliss or love are just words, for each people have different meanings. 


56 minutes ago, Galyna said:

Not at all. Notice, I’ve asked you a direct question and you avoided the answer. So who is playing games? 
I want to help people. My intention was to help, I don’t care about righteousness. 

In what sense you are trying to help?

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2 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

In what sense you are trying to help?

You still haven’t answered the question lol.

Everyone is playing games!! Especially! Especially, the one who claims one is playing a game! That includes me as well!

“Our most valuable resource is not time, but rather it is consciousness itself. Consciousness is the basis for everything, and without it, there could be no time and no resource possible. It is only through consciousness and its cultivation that one’s passions, one’s focus, one’s curiosity, one’s time, and one’s capacity to love can be actualized and lived to the fullest.” - r0ckyreed

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“You can for sure be blissful 24/7 though I don’t know how to”.


Edited by michaelcycle00

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24/7 bliss stops being bliss. A thing cannot exist without its opposite.

What do you think we're all doing here?

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9 hours ago, r0ckyreed said:

You still haven’t answered the question lol.

Everyone is playing games!! Especially! Especially, the one who claims one is playing a game! That includes me as well!

What question LOL. She asked me several of them. I don't know how to answer them. I don't understand those questions. 

9 minutes ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

24/7 bliss stops being bliss. A thing cannot exist without its opposite.

What do you think we're all doing here?

There is a mistake in your thinking.

24/7 Bliss stops being bliss, when you actually fall down off the bliss to a lower state of consciousness, and ego thoughts start to say "Hey! I´m tired of the bliss! This is getting boring! I want to experience some suffering!"

See? The bliss stops being bliss when you are actually not anymore in the state of Bliss.

If you stay in the state of Bliss, the Bliss always is Bliss ;)  

People say "but you will get tired of always being blissful!!". Of course, you get tired but because you again are in the ego mind, where thoughts of 'boringness' can exist again.

However, I must say, if one could truly have a 'panel of control' to activate or disactivate Bliss at will, yes, I think one would not be in a state of Bliss 24/7. One would explore different states and overall as I have said, if one is doing certain material things in the dream, one can not be in a state of Bliss or one won't do the work right, like Driving, operating machinery, giving talks, writing a book....etc.

But, most of you guys problems is not this, not even close, you should first taste what really is Bliss, and stay there for a long fucking time...then start thinking about being so Cool about letting it go to do higher purpose/help the world...

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What I am saying is that you don't know what bliss is until and unless you experience "not bliss".

Light without darkness stops being light because there is nothing to contrast it with.

That's why form exists. God can only know itself as love and bliss if it gets to experience the opposite.


Edited by Bazooka Jesus

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I wouldn't call it absolute bliss but I am able to generate energizing pleasure mixed with peace and stability at will. It seems the key is to let go of your attachment to the body completely, for the experience of unconditional pleasure. And letting go of your mind, ceasing to control it and identify with it, so completely. This gives rise to joy and happiness. Combined it feels really good and you can generate it in any condition. It's not dependent on your mood.

The only reason that state isn't constant for me is because I haven't practiced it enough. The idea behind letting go is very simple and basic but you have to do it at such a degree where you almost have to grab onto your body through your will to stay in it.

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2 hours ago, Bazooka Jesus said:


What I am saying is that you don't know what bliss is until and unless you experience "not bliss".

Light without darkness stops being light because there is nothing to contrast it with.

That's why form exists. God can only know itself as love and bliss if it gets to experience the opposite.


That's true, without comparison you couldn't call it Bliss.

But I´m saying, once you know the opposite, I think at least for me is enough.

Why keep visiting darkness? @Bazooka Jesus

Like Alan Watts said "once you get the message, hang out the phone".

Once you have seen darkness, why keep going over and over to darkness again ?‍?

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42 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

Once you have seen darkness, why keep going over and over to darkness again ?‍?

Because there is nothing else to do. ;)

You can choose/modify the quality, intensity and duration of the experience of "not bliss", but you cannot completely get rid of it.

Existence is the eternal dance between opposing polarities. From darkness into light... and from light into darkness. Eliminate one of them, and you eliminate the experience of existence itself.


Edited by Bazooka Jesus

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10 minutes ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

Existence is the eternal dance between opposing polarities. From darkness into light... and from light into darkness. Eliminate one of them, and you eliminate the experience of existence itself.


15 hours ago, Benton said:


Good logic-based mental construction. wrong by the way. We call happiness to the default state of being, it is existence. Unhappiness is what we call obstacles that occur, and that have evolution as their purpose. they are a necessary tool. they really are nothing, they are apparent, reality is absolute happiness, that is, it does not need unhappiness as a contrast to be bliss. what we call bliss is simply the normal state of being, but we are involved in an evolutionary work towards more complex forms and we have few free hours, or none in many cases

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35 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

Good logic-based mental construction. wrong by the way.


Just layin' out the basic law of existence... don't shoot the messenger.

Bliss may be the essence of your being, but you can only experience it in contrast with "not bliss". That's why you are here. That's why ANYTHING AT ALL is here. What else would be the purpose of form aka. (apparent) duality?


Edited by Bazooka Jesus

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Oh man you are here for a rude awakening...

UG is the best for this job

God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty. We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes Virtuous and Conscious. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life God is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, ... Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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28 minutes ago, Bazooka Jesus said:


Just layin' out the basic law of existence... don't shoot the messenger.

Bliss may be the essence of your being, but you can only experience it in contrast to "not bliss". That's why you are here. What else would be the purpose of form aka. (apparent) duality?

 it's more to explore yourself from different angles.   Or different perspectives.  It's really not about taking away the bliss.   The bliss only seems to be taken away when one finite angle is explored- because in that moment you cannot be all angles.  All angles is what brings the bliss because it is total Oneness- everything united.  But then, specific aspects of yourself cannot be lived through.   The bliss of Oneness must be sacrificed to experience this.  But it is never gone forever. 

Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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6 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

I it's more to explore yourself from different angles.   Or different perspectives.  It's really not about taking away the bliss.   The bliss only seems to be taken away when one finite angle is explored- because in that moment you cannot be all angles.  All angles is what brings the bliss because it is total Oneness- everything united.  But then, specific aspects of yourself cannot be lived through.   The bliss of Oneness must be sacrificed to experience this.  But it is never gone forever. 

Exactly, that's what I am talking about. The shadow doesn't eliminate the light.... it accentuates it and thus makes it perceivable.

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14 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

I mean, at least, personally, when I think about bliss, I´m not talking about psychological happiness or physical pleasure.

But you are right, since bliss or love are just words, for each people have different meanings. 


In what sense you are trying to help?

In a sense… to make people see and feel the reality the way I do see and feel IT.

It is just a fun game, since there are no other people. :D


"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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I obviously can't reply to all that . But great discussion you are having guys.  Keep it up ?

I will just say When I was a pessimist.. everything would go from bad to worst. It came to the point where I just decided to do a 180 and wouldn’t let anything bad phase me as a test. I kid you not.. the happy go lucky attitude literally just naturally worked things out. My outcome always turned out positive compared to that of when I let negativity impact my emotions. Try it out for yourself. It’s stuck ever since.

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you are 3 things sat chit ananda

these are absolutes

you drop out of them when you enter the you mode

thereby you know the opposite

you dont know an absolute you be an absolute

the three are truth consciousness bliss

(likewise once the you enters there is no truth, what you know and say is the false, namely everything you say is illusion lies ignorance)

Edited by gettoefl

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The boundaries of existence are defined by dualities. Thoughts, emotions, and experiences are bound along an arc between polarities. It's impossible to circumnavigate the dream without experiencing its extremes. If you travel to the north pole, eventually you must also travel to the south pole.

Within each form, awareness oscillates between dualities, like the pendulum of a clock. Some clocks are tall (e.g., humans, aliens, and gods), and the pendulum sweeps across a relatively larger arc. Other clocks are tiny (e.g., pebbles, droplets, and quarks), with a commensurately smaller arc. Regardless of the range, every form necessitates an arc, along which awareness travels.

Awakening is the absolute realizing itself within a form, and frees it from the form's parochial perspective. It pans out, to a vast panoramic view. The pendulum still swings, slowly and from a great distance, but awareness is no longer lost within the formal arc.

This is the pinnacle of the dream experience. You live directly and freely, and within the dream you  fly.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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6 hours ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

Because there is nothing else to do. ;)


Oh, there are things to do.

There are things to do such as Blissing myself out in the pool listening to Wizkid all day... watching the sky, the birds doing 'their thing', and maybe we can some Fine First grade Kombucha from that Flax & Kale you recommended me (which I´m becoming addicted to), and when dawn comes let's throw a good cigar.

Let me tell you, you can not become tired of the good life. No one having the time of their life started praying to God to say 'please god! Let me have some suffering at last!! A bit of anxiety! A bit of boredom at least! Please!!"

That has never happened in existence to this day 

Although...if that is what you like, I won't be there to stop you from dancing that "eternal dance of duality" of course ?‍? 

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God is Bliss, you deny it because you are a devil. 

Bliss is a facet of God/Reality/Awakening.

Only the ego and darkness can deny the right of God to reclaim one of this most fundamental attributes and rights. 

So much darkness in this forum unfortunately. I will be leaving this place soon if people don't start to open their hearts more and actually purify themselves. 

If you are in the path of Awakening, careful with getting poisoned with messages of devils that defend darkness and reject Light and Goodness. 

Edited by Javfly33

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