
What is tiredness?

9 posts in this topic

If god is everything.

and you are god.

what is fatigue?

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Tiredness and fatigue is when you are sick of needing reality to be a particular way. 

This moment is as it needs to be. The love that you’re seeking is within and as everything in your direct experience.

It won’t matter at that point if you’re tired, fatigued, etc. because you fully accept yourself.

I AM reborn

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7 hours ago, PurpleTree said:

If god is everything.

and you are god.

what is fatigue?

fatigue is created by thoughts.


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I had a similar thought not long back when I was tired. I sat there contemplating, it didn’t take long to realise that ‘I’ was not tired. In the main we all still identify as the body. Most of us anyway. Of course the body becomes tired, it needs to sleep and be refuelled etc. But consciousness does not become tired. 
I was aware of the over arching all encompassing consciousness of every feeling, thought, sense, all. That consciousness was exactly the same as it always is, always has been, and always will be. It was completely still, just there. With everything arising within it. Including the feeling of tiredness. So consciousness was not tired, it had just focused on and became aware of a tired body within itself. And then identified the sense of ‘I’ with the body. This is complete delusion and illusion. Because the ‘I’ that you are is the whole consciousness itself, which is unchanging, becoming aware of different things going on within it. If you are not aware of a tired body, you will not be tired. It’s that simple. So all in all what you really are is never tired. That’s why you can dream up whole realities and run around in them whilst you’re asleep but your body is out for the count. The ‘I am’ tired is a misidentification. You are aware of tiredness, and then claim that you are tired

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12 hours ago, PurpleTree said:

If god is everything.

and you are god.

what is fatigue?

Resistence to god?

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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does god never rest?

aren’t there expansions and contractions of the universe, times of nothing?

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Another appearance in consciousness.


Watch it evaporate with Awareness.


Awareness Alone is Curative.

The event horizon of my mind contains the cosmic horizon of my observable Universe. 👁✨️

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The feeling? It’s the body assigning a higher pleasure response from rest than activity. Usually involving tension behind the eyes.

Fatigue itself is simply buildup of recovery need.

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don't drive your car on an empty tank ... to wake up you have to fill up

self love is step one of the path, have to love yourself more than any person or any thing

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