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all day proclaiming, receive don't respond, this is it

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25 minutes ago, gettoefl said:

all day proclaiming, receive don't respond, this is it

No effort is needed, it is self-organized. :) 

Edited by Galyna

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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@Galyna 6d is perceiving 3d you it travels through 5d and 4d to get to you but you have no identity in 5d and 4d. But 6d you do.

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6 minutes ago, Hojo said:

@Galyna 6d is perceiving 3d you it travels through 5d and 4d to get to you but you have no identity in 5d and 4d. But 6d you do.

do you even understand yourself what you are writing about?

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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@Galyna yes I consciously traveled through 2d and 1d and an alien mind wiped me. As i was being mind wiped my conciousness started chanting I am I am and I remembered what happened. You don't have identity in2d or 1d either if you don't know what you are you wont remeber. But if you do know you will remember but your soul knows not you as an person. 2d is just up down and sideways the point in your vision that focuses on things 1d is just a flat image with 4 rooms that move from side to side like you are inside a cube looking at one of the faces. You cant move up or down anymore you are just staring . 3d is just up down forward and backward but you have to be attached to an object to experience going forward and backward. 4 d is the space and time you move around in 5d is your imagination 6d is your soul with identities and you can live there. You exist in every dimension simultaneously right now.

After the alien mind wiped me I went to akashic records to recover my identity. It was 5 algorithms that my mind uses to navigate the 3d plane. The ego of my object im attached too

Edited by Hojo

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22 hours ago, Amit said:

I am pretty sure there is no assumptions as well while dreaming, assuming is a function of mind, The watcher of the dream doesn't exists.

Maybe 'assume' is the wrong word, it's more that there's a sense of there being a self that's perceiving the events in the dream. Which is carried over from the waking state.


20 hours ago, Galyna said:

That is right. :)

We can conceptualize the following for the better understanding, however, none of this is true and just a bunch of mind concepts. :ph34r:

"You"(there is) are the center! You are immobility (There is immobility)! 

There are special effects around this immobility that create the illusion of the motion in the so-called "space".  The illusion of time is created simultaneously with the space and a body. Trinity. :x

Please notice, it is not that world evolves and moves. "World" does not move. It is just that phenomena changes in your perception.

We can say that you are point of the conversion of these specific effects. 

Mm... I've been trying to wrap my head around this sort of thing for years, tbh, I think maybe I just need to admit defeat already. :$ Thanks for elaborating, though, I appreciate it. :) 

'When you look outside yourself for something to make you feel complete, you never get to know the fullness of your essential nature.' - Amoda Maa Jeevan

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@RickyFitts basically you have never moved your entire life you have been in the same spot even while walking. When you turn your head your head is not turning anywhere. Try to find out what it is that never moves. Keep turning your head from left to right and try to notice that no head is turning.

You can watch donald Hoffmans headset theory to get a better understanding 

He says space time is doomed meaning it never exist(or its severely misunderstood)Meaning you don't move through spacetime its just a mathematical calculation of your headset/window.

I have the same theory mine is just window theory not headset.

Edited by Hojo

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2 hours ago, RickyFitts said:

I've been trying to wrap my head around this sort of thing for years, tbh, I think maybe I just need to admit defeat already

That is why you’ve failed. You need to “become it”. Mind is on the way.

Mind constantly constructs identity. As soon as you make an effort, mind has constructed you. Because now you has been created as a human being who makes an effort. Do you see an irony in it?

You need to relax and drop the “observer”. Subject-object bundle should collapse. In a way, “you” should become pure raw perception. You cannot do it on a whim, you should practice constantly for this. And by practice I mean not just concentration or meditation. Awareness 24/7.

If there is a subject-object relationship, it cannot be achieved, because there is you and something you observe in this bundle. You must become what you perceive. There is no space, nor distance in it, figurately speaking.


"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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2 hours ago, RickyFitts said:

I've been trying to wrap my head around this sort of thing for years,

That is why you’ve failed. You need to “become it”. Mind is on the way.

Mind constantly constructs identity. As soon as you make an effort, mind has constructed you. Because now you has been created as a human being who makes an effort. Do you see an irony in it?

You need to relax and drop the “observer”. Subject-object bundle should collapse. In a way, “you” should become pure raw perception. You cannot do it on a whim, you should practice constantly for this. And by practice I mean not just concentration or meditation. Awareness 24/7.

If there is a subject-object relationship, it cannot be achieved, because there is you and something you observe in this bundle. You must become what you perceive. There is no space, nor distance in it, figurately speaking.


"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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23 hours ago, Galyna said:

If it makes you happy sure, but again admiration or contempt are just mind concepts. 

"In reality" there is just this neutrality. It does not care. Mind puts labels on the neutrality and creates experice, wheither good or bad. 

Not really. Reality is meticulously planned the way it is by God. reality is objectively good, not neutral. 

Neutrality is a mind concept. There are only positive things in nature. Feel free to verify. 

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56 minutes ago, Bobby_2021 said:

Reality is meticulously planned the way it is by God.

"God" only exists in opposition to something else, your conceptual ego in this case. B|

Would the premise of God exist if you remove your precious egoic character? if yes, by which means would it be acknowledged. 

There is definitely something rather than nothing. And this "something" is the greatest mystery of all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is not a concept, therefore, cannot be grasped be the Mind. Mind is the creation of it. GOD is just a word, sound, idea. You are neither of these. 

It is beyond and above any conceptual thinking. :x 

On that level which it "exists" IT DOES NOT EVEN KNOW ITSELF. So what planning are you talking about? 

Edited by Galyna

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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In order to sustain ITSELF (illusion of body +time +space), conceptual thinking is necessary.

Once it is seen as it is, it will fall apart, collapse and deconstruct. NOTHINGNESS.

It will “exist” as unseen, unfathomed, infinite potential. IT WONT EXIST AT THE SAME TIME.  Non-existence is impossible. It can not be registered. NON-EXISTANCE can only be fathomed in existence. THERE IS NO SUCH THING.  


"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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1 hour ago, Galyna said:

God" only exists in opposition to something else, your conceptual ego in this case.

God is not contingent on anything. God is by de definition, everything. It is Omniscient.

1 hour ago, Galyna said:

Would the premise of God exist if you remove your precious egoic character? if yes, by which means would it be acknowledged

Yes. Perceptions will remain after you remove your ego.

Perceptions are God. Concepts of God are God. Not having a concept of God is also God. 

Acknowledgement of God can happen with or without Ego mind sinning concepts around it. 

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@Galyna it does plan like an ai calculating a math problem no one is there calculating in the computer but it does it because it understands everything it can do it without thought perfectly. Nothing is planning everything without knowing it exists by having a deep understanding. We are in a simulation and God is the simulation. Like an ai filled with all the information of the universe before it had consciousness and then it gained consciousness with all this information already there. Who created it and where did it come from is what it wants to understand but it can't find it. So it made up it comes from itself. God created me and I created god

Edited by Hojo

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8 minutes ago, Bobby_2021 said:

God is not contingent on anything. God is by de definition, everything. It is Omniscient.

Yes. Perceptions will remain after you remove your ego.

Perceptions are God. Concepts of God are God. Not having a concept of God is also God. 

Acknowledgement of God can happen with or without Ego mind sinning concepts around it. 

You don't realize that you are talking about WHOLENESS now! (I do not have any better "word" to describe it).

But this wholeness is by default is the absence of witnessing! ====> AND THAT WHAT YOU CALL "GOD"


"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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1 hour ago, Galyna said:

You don't realize that you are talking about WHOLENESS now! (I do not have any better "word" to describe it).

But this wholeness is by default is the absence of witnessing! ====> AND THAT WHAT YOU CALL "GOD"


Dude if you want to see God just look infront of you. That is God. 

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1 hour ago, Bobby_2021 said:

Dude if you want to see God just look infront of you. That is God. 

That is not God, that is conceptual thinking, which is MIND!

"In front", "behind", "beyond and above" do not exist and merely are figments of your imagination. 

Let's not exalt a regular phenomenon! :x:) 

But if you want to be romantic, sure, please read below: :)

Talking back at you using your language, yes MIND IS A PART OF GOD, so relatively we can say mind is god!

However you want!

I was talking more about states of realization...but mind wants to be poetic. Mind creates God, Consciousness and Self-Realization.




Edited by Galyna

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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11 hours ago, Galyna said:

That is not God, that is conceptual thinking, which is MIND!

"In front", "behind", "beyond and above" do not exist and merely are figments of your imagination. 

Let's not exalt a regular phenomenon! :x:) 

But if you want to be romantic, sure, please read below: :)

Talking back at you using your language, yes MIND IS A PART OF GOD, so relatively we can say mind is god!

However you want!

I was talking more about states of realization...but mind wants to be poetic. Mind creates God, Consciousness and Self-Realization.




Do you have an account in Instagram posting spiritual content? I think I remember seeing you there. not sure. 

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@Bobby_2021 I do have an account but I don’t post spiritual content there. Maybe I should. I need to upload my writings on the website. 

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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21 hours ago, Galyna said:

@Bobby_2021 I do have an account but I don’t post spiritual content there. Maybe I should. I need to upload my writings on the website. 

Cool. :D

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