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Direct Pointer to Awakening (notice it NOW)

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@Galyna I'm saying you are essentially looking from one dimension into another dimension. You aren't your body you are on an entirely other dimension looking into the 3rd dimension but you don't actually do anything in this physical dimension. You are just reacting to it. you are looking through a window pretending to be in the physical dimension. You exist just not in 3d. When we are awake we receive information from 3d to our soul and when we sleep we upload information from our soul into 3d. And when we die we can actually visit eachother in 6d as seperate entities our infinite souls we already know eachother there. Universe is the biggest mmo created by God. And everyone is your best friend in 6d. We come to 3d to sin against eachother

Edited by Hojo

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Just now, Hojo said:

@Galyna I'm saying you are essentially looking from one dimension into another dimension. You aren't your body you are on an entirely other dimension looking into the 3rd dimension but you don't actually do anything in this physical dimension you are looking through a window pretending to be in the physical dimension.

Mind has a tendency to grade and sort. There are no such things as multiple dimensions. There is ONLY ONE "thing".

You are not your body, correct. Body is being dreamt. 

You are the whole entire EXPERIENCE. THE WHOLE ENTIRE EXPERIENCE! which includes and creates body through five senses. None of these senses are real but rather imaginary. And that thing that is having experience is ultimately NOTHINGNESS.  

In order to see this, you need to go through multiple steps.

You need to train your mind to retain ONLY one thought "I AM".

You need to train your attention. Concentration is a great tool.

Conceptual thinking MUST be disrupted in order to become "IT". Without this, it is impossible. 

however, if you are diligent enough, you can awaken to your true nature withing 3-6 months. 

Atma vichara is a great tool.

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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3 minutes ago, Vibes said:

Can I get involved in this discussion?


3 minutes ago, Vibes said:

I've had moments of being pure consciousness

For the purpose of the deeper understanding, please explain the words "pure consciousness". 

I need to post another topic how human linguistic abilities to interpret information can vary, therefore it is so hard to articulate with language. 

Every single person ascribes unique meaning to words. Therefore, there is no universal language. We cipher words in the same way, but! we decipher it differently. It is the biggest trick of all. 

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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21 minutes ago, Vibes said:

Like, I saw it happening how I trick myself into believing I'm a human. I saw how sensations appear in nowhere, there are thoughts of having a body and I mix thoughts and sensations to trick myself.

Yep, except there is no “I’” who does the mix . 
Nice to know that you can see it clearly. Lucky you….congratulations! 

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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3 hours ago, Galyna said:

NOPE. Do you still exist in your dream? If yes, in which way?

How do you exist when you are dreaming at night? 

Answer this question and I will jump deeper. 

Interesting question. I exist as the one who perceives the events in the dream. I don't actually think about my existence in the dream, I guess it's just assumed - events are being perceived, so there must be someone who's perceiving them.

'When you look outside yourself for something to make you feel complete, you never get to know the fullness of your essential nature.' - Amoda Maa Jeevan

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39 minutes ago, Vibes said:

Are you mocking what I said? xD


The thing is I could but it's not clear now. Psychedelics slowed it down and I saw it being constructed.

Nope, I was not mocking. I was seriously writing it. ? this way readers can understand it better. 
you don’t need psychedelics for this. 

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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@Vibes Its because your soul is doing it I think. Your left brain is where your identity and logic is and your right brain is attach to your soul and you can get information out of it but it uses no logic it uses understanding and picture to communicate. I dont think REM sleep is coming from the brain its the soul downloading information to your brain and you are in an insane trance. When we wake up we can make up some meaning of the dream with our left brain. The right brain is connected to pure consciousness your higher self

I remember dreams more than memories I had as kid. I remember I had a dream of tiny people on the moon playing baseball. Because I had no identity I thought I was the moon and people were tiny on it but the dream was downloading into my brain to tell me that I wasn't the moon anymore and the moon was far away from me. The people werent tiny they were just far way. This was a nightmare to me as it was changing the way I was viewing myself.

my mother was bi polar and I had a reoccurring dream where we would be playing with toys with nursery music playing and everything would be perfect then she would leave the room for one second. Then I hear something smashing and she comes back into my room as a demon screaming at me and hitting me. My soul was trying to tell me she was bipolar before I knew what it even was.

Edited by Hojo

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4 hours ago, Galyna said:

You are the whole entire EXPERIENCE. THE WHOLE ENTIRE EXPERIENCE! which includes and creates body through five senses. None of these senses are real but rather imaginary. And that thing that is having experience is ultimately NOTHINGNESS.  

I already know this im just expanding on it.  You are saying there is nothing and I am saying nothing is happening for a reason its not random. You say im god and god is nothing everyone here knows that. You say when I am looking at something I am not myself looking at something I am the entire thing including trees and people and all of them are imaginary I know that. When you die there is nothing but you, but just cause your machine is broken . And you sit there in a void of nothing which is where your theory stops. I think you sit there in your broken machine until you detach from your machine and then there is more.

Edited by Hojo

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12 hours ago, RickyFitts said:

I don't actually think about my existence in the dream, I guess it's just assumed - events are being perceived, so there must be someone who's perceiving them.

I am pretty sure there is no assumptions as well while dreaming, assuming is a function of mind, The watcher of the dream doesn't exists.

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10 hours ago, Hojo said:

I already know this im just expanding on it.  You are saying there is nothing and I am saying nothing is happening for a reason its not random. You say im god and god is nothing everyone here knows that. You say when I am looking at something I am not myself looking at something I am the entire thing including trees and people and all of them are imaginary I know that. When you die there is nothing but you, but just cause your machine is broken . And you sit there in a void of nothing which is where your theory stops. I think you sit there in your broken machine until you detach from your machine and then there is more.

Nothing implies absolute ceasing of mind, it doesn't happen for a reason, it is the ultimate dissolution. You are too hinged on language, your only chance is to stop intellectualisation to understand what is being said directly. Drop all the concepts, unlearn everything, don't be fixated at the pointer but the direction that is being pointed to, the path has to be walked.

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12 hours ago, Hojo said:

And you sit there in a void of nothing which is where your theory stops.

There is no you, and there is no space. All of these statements are just mind's concepts revolving...over and over again. 

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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14 hours ago, RickyFitts said:

so there must be someone who's perceiving them.

That is right. :)

We can conceptualize the following for the better understanding, however, none of this is true and just a bunch of mind concepts. :ph34r:

"You"(there is) are the center! You are immobility (There is immobility)! 

There are special effects around this immobility that create the illusion of the motion in the so-called "space".  The illusion of time is created simultaneously with the space and a body. Trinity. :x

Please notice, it is not that world evolves and moves. "World" does not move. It is just that phenomena changes in your perception.

We can say that you are point of the conversion of these specific effects. 

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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Yes, I was practicing this lately and been getting some progress.

Another way is to simply admire reality like it's a beautiful painting. 

The ego "you" completely dissolves along with the constant interpretation and computation working in the background which is so tiring.

Stopping it means you have a lot of extra energy to go about life savouring it even more.

Key is to admire more. 

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7 minutes ago, Bobby_2021 said:

Another way is to simply admire reality like it's a beautiful painting. 

If it makes you happy sure, but again admiration or contempt are just mind concepts. 

"In reality" there is just this neutrality. It does not care. Mind puts labels on the neutrality and creates experice, wheither good or bad. 

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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@Vibes a soul can't figure itself out by itself it needs information fed into it so God created bodies for the soul to go into. The bodies aren't real but they feel real because you morph your soul into pretending it's in the body. When you are just your soul its like a lightshow with no senses.

People skip steps and go to the very end and they think be rahman mashi or w/e his name his. Finding out you are nothing isn't the final step you need to figure out what kind of nothing you are. You live your life thinking you are nothing you don't do what you are here for. That is to discover who am I. I am nothing but nothing is something. What is it. 

Edited by Hojo

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@Hojo what is soul and what is God?

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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@Hojo what is 6d and what is 9d?


"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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@Galyna yes. Right now I'm 3d me. You guys skip to 9d forgetting there is another level before that. Or maybe you are talking about 0d you. 

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@Hojo what is the direct experience of 3D?

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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