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This one!?  Awesome.

I actually had a lot of trouble with finding adequate mentorship and support when I was in school for Engineering fo Community Development (potable water supply)  I was kinda in the far outreaches of the field and found myself getting really needy and noone knew how to help me or encourage me when I was struggling the most, probably because they had never had a similar experience.  I think I learned from that that if I am not getting good response to the questions I'm asking, it's probably because they are indeed overwhelming questions, and might have been a burden to others (no guilt trip here, just a recognition of limitations.)  I also noticed at this time that even in the very thick of not knowing what to do, I could always think of something worth trying the next day.  I wish I hadn't psyched myself out so much, because I think these baby steps could have eventually become very fruitful.


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Thats not the one.   Yeah I kinda just got really lucky and one of his first words to me was "when the student is ready the teacher appears" and idk things are just falling into place and I feel myself changing real quick! I'm currently on step 3...i have to pass each one to get to the next and at 6 I either earn a mentor or not..

theres a lot of homework involved..

The first step was to write 30 things or more I'd do with 5 years to live and $300 million

The second step was to listen to an audio from rich dad poor dad and take extensive notes and also to read a certain chapter in "the 15 invaluable laws of growth"

The third step (which is due tomorrow)  is to listen to an audio of go giver and take notes...

I got invited to a John Maxwell 3 day seminar i'm so excited!! :)

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Oh cool!  That sounds like really good homework.  I hope you get it!

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