
Truth or wisdom

6 posts in this topic

What matters the most is not whether what you said is true of anything, but whether you actually live according to what you said, for much like how Jordan Peterson says that you do not choose what to believe in, neither do you choose what is true.

If you live honestly truth will multiply on itself through you, so truth is mostly a becoming, not a being.

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More fundamental than all that is simply knowing what's true and what isn't. You can't live honestly if your mind is full of self-deceived and false notions. Nor can you speak anything of value if you first don't understand truth.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Truth is some conscious agent efforting to verify what it perceives as real for justification....wisdom is that conscious agent realizing it doesn't require justifying effort to be at peace with what is so is in liberation.

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@Leo Gura

On 27/06/2023 at 9:33 PM, Leo Gura said:

More fundamental than all that is simply knowing what's true and what isn't. You can't live honestly if your mind is full of self-deceived and false notions. Nor can you speak anything of value if you first don't understand truth.

There is no you to choose what is true, it simply is what it is and then the "you" is formed after the fact. This is the reason I said what matters is that you are honest with yourself more so than anything, for if knowledge of the truth is possible then this honesty is the necessary condition.

So when you say that it is more fundamental to "know" what is true and what is not this actually assumes the duality between already given truths and already given falsities, thus negating your own theory that everything is truth.

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Knowledge of truth must be a dialectical method, for the immediacy of truth to be something different than that immediacy.

There are no true narrative of the truth, this is the whole non-dual point, every conceivable essence you wish to "abstract" out of the immediacy is made from the ideas and logic you superimpose on it, and the truth is beyond logic.

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To summarise, new truths are created all the time, because our perspectives creates our ability to act in the world, the outcome of our acts are new truths.

The perspectives themselves are not true OF anything, but the condition under which we can discover new truths.

The absolute truth however, it is always, and it is immediate in all those "new truths".


And this is not much of a theory either, the problem is that it is weird-sounding until it becomes obvious, @Leo Gura when you reference an understanding of truth what else than what I just stated would you mean by "understanding"?

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