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It is what it is

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 My claim is simple..whatever exists..exists and full stop.  We can't move past that in our ontological investigating.  Things are.  And that's it.

In this" theory" there is no reality nor infinite or finite.physical nor mental. Etc Such things are all approximations. We know that something exists and we don't know any further. I know I'm being a broken record with this "we can't know anything " stuff. 

 But it's not something that I come up with in a day or two.  I spend hours everyday investigating Epistemology and how we know anything at all.  And I always come to the Same conclusion. No matter how much we break things down.. we cannot find what  existence IS. We just keep looking and finding things which we think substantiate our beliefs (which also do not exists) then the whole thing moves around the circle  and we end up describing something else. Reality is a bunch of objects occurring in consciousness. Thats all. The object can be many things: a horse..a chair..a human..a dog..a snowflake.. an atom..a photon. or anything else in the universe. 


my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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1 hour ago, Someone here said:

 In this" theory" there is no reality nor infinite or finite.physical nor mental. Etc Such things are all approximations. We know that something exists and we don't know any further. I know I'm being a broken record with this "we can't know anything " stuff.

Lol wut? For someone who is convinced that we can't know anything, you seem to be pretty adamant about the validity of your conceptual "knowledge".

Anyway... it is true that you can never (conceptually) know what existence itself is. You can only become directly conscious of it.

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4 hours ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

Anyway... it is true that you can never (conceptually) know what existence itself is. You can only become directly conscious of it.

What's the difference?  Can you illustrate using an example?

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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22 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

@Bazooka Jesus It’s nice to know humans can still hold grudges :P

Not holding any grudges, just pointing out inconsistencies.

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6 hours ago, Someone here said:

we cannot find what  existence IS.

We can, that is the spiritual work. It is not about stories for hippies, it is to open up to the last what is existence and what is reality. you can do it since reality is you, obviously you can understand what you are. 

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5 minutes ago, Someone here said:

What's the difference?  Can you illustrate using an example?

You trying to grasp existence conceptually is like an eye that tries to look at itself. Becoming directly conscious of consciousness/existence, on the other hand, is like waking up from a dream. While you're dreaming, you can rack your brain and philosophize about the nature of the dream, discuss, speculate, theorize, join an online forum and debate with others if you're dreaming or not... but that's all still dream stuff. But the moment you wake up, you go "Holy shit! I was dreaming!", and theorizing is no longer necessary. In that instant, you recognize all of your dreamt up concepts and theories about the dream as the complete rubbish that they were all along.

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Sometimes, the right thing at the time is a stronger identity. In fact, until you “know you’re on the right track” it’s the right thing. So ask yourself if you’re on your definite path yet. If there is any doubt, you haven’t found it, and you might want to favor a growth stimulus or strength building mindset over an acquisition mindset. Dead giveaway for needing a stronger identity to progress further, is para-social relationships, of any kind.

Edited by The0Self

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10 hours ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

Not holding any grudges, just pointing out inconsistencies.

I feel you on that. Inconsistencies are not a fun experience, but facing them without getting entrapped and lost in confusion is key. 

I say this because I’m dealing with this in one of my relationships right this second, no joke. 

I AM Lovin' It

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